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English Literature 12

Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Periods

Readings and Assignments
The Anglo-Saxon Period
- handout & readings (/10)

- background information pp. 9 - 10
- The Coming of Grendel, The Coming of Beowulf pp. 11 - 16
- assignment: Beowulf: notes & discussion ( /57)
- The Battle With Grendel, The Burning of Beowulfs Body pp. 17 20 (+
- response question (handout) ( /100)

The Medieval Period p. 31 - 42

handout & readings ( /14)

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales General Prologue (handout & readings pp. 51 - 72) ( /
Canterbury Tales Character Essay (/100)

Early English and Scottish Ballads


Early English and Scottish Ballads p. 43

Checklist for ballads (handout)
Bonnie George Campbell p. 45
Bonny Barbara Allen p. 46 (+ handout)
The Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens p. 44
The Ballad of Birmingham (handout)
Original Ballad Assignment (15 marks)
Rubric for Original Ballads (handout)

The Arthurian Legend

- Part I: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (handout)

- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: The Middle Ages Reflected (/100)
- from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight p. 87 - 94
- Symbolism in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (handout)(/10)
- Sir Thomas Malory p. 81
- Le Morte DArthur (handout)
- Le Morte DArthur: The Middle Ages Reflected (/100)
Final Assignment: handout (/100)

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