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Determination of Band Gap in a

(Initial Preparation)

To determine the band gap in a semiconductor using a junction diode

OMEGA type ETB 58 experimental training board, thermometer (0 110o C)
The board consists of the following built in parts:
1. 3V D.C. at 15 mA, regulated power supply
2. D.C. micro ammeter, 65 mm rectangular dial to read 0 50 mA
3. Semiconductor diode
4. Oven, electrically heated to heat the semiconductor diode
5. Main ON/OFF switch, fuse and jewel light

Main Formula (along with suitable units):

E =

Slope of the line represented by the equation (1)

= electron volt


1 A

= Constant 5.036 E

10 3

-------------------- (1)

Description of the formula (along with suitable units):

Is The reverse saturation current in micro ampere (A)
E The energy difference between conduction band and valance band (i.e., band gap) in
electron volt (eV)
T Absolute temperature of the junction in kelvin (K)

Band gap in a semiconductor Initial Preparation

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Reverse saturation
current (Is) in A

t in C

T = (t + 273) in K

10 3


loge 1 A

Circuit diagram:

Model Graph:

Band gap in a semiconductor Initial Preparation

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1. The maximum temperature should not exceed 95o C
2. Bulb of the thermometer and the diode should be inserted well in the oven
3. Silicon diodes should not be used with the set up as in that case the temperature needed is
125o C and the oven thermometer provided will not stand to this temperature

Model Result:
The band gap in a given semiconductor has been determined as ____ eV using a junction
diode. The standard value of the band gap is _________ eV. Thus, the error is ________ %

Band gap in a semiconductor Initial Preparation

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