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Toksinat n zorr jan shkaku i

t gjitha smundjeve: Pastroni

trsisht trupin!
Kombinimi i duhur i prbrsve jep nj rezultat fantastik
M shum se 50 milion njerz n bot kan probleme t zorrve n lidhje me shndetin e zorrs s
Prderisa disa nga problemet jan relativisht t vogla, t tilla si purra n fytyr, prgjumje apo dhimbje
koke, shum smundje tjera mund t jen serioze, gj q prfshijn colitis, smundjen Crohn,
sindromin e zorrs nevrike
Por, ekziston preparat natyral pr pastrimin e zorrve, q mund t ju ndihmoj n detoksifikimin e
zorrs s trash si dhe t prmirsoj shndetin e prgjithshm.
1 moll,
1 lug fara liri,
nj lug gjelle fara chia,
1 lug mjalt dhe
1 got uj.

Przieni t gjith prbrsit dhe prisni deri sa t gufojn apo bymehen farat chia. Pini kt lng natyral
do dit pr pastrim, mundsisht n stomak t zbrazt dhe s shpejti do t shptoni nga mbeturinat

I thoni lamtumir syzeve, ja receta me aloe vera pr syt

Tani mund ti thoni lamtumir syzeve dhe t prmirsoni shikimin me kt recet t prkryer. Kjo
mnyr vjen nga nj kirurge e njohur ruse dhe nj bashkpuntor i saj, t cilt preferojn q para
secils seanc mjeksore tju ofrojn pacientve kt recet q prmirson shikimin. Sipas tyre kjo
recet prmirson shikimin dhe parandalon humbjen e shikimit. Ja cila sht receta q nuk sht
shum e kushtueshme.
Prbrsit q ju duhen jan:
100gr aloe vera
500gr arra t grimcuara
300gr mjalt
3-4 cop lng limoni
Mnyra se si prgatitet:
Gjethet e aloe vera, e cila cilsohet si nj bim udibrse i vendosni n nj en me uj q ka
temperaturn e dhoms dhe m pas shtoni prbrsit tjer. Kjo prbrje duhet t qndroj n
frigorifer nga 10 deri n 12 dit. Kt kur duhet ta konsumoni 30 minuta para secilit vakt, 3 her
n dit dhe kura duhet t prdoret deri n momentin kur e kuptoni q shikimi juaj sht shum i

Cancer Cells Die In Just 42 Days: This Famous

Austrians Juice Cured Over 45k People From Cancer!
Have you ever heard of Rudolf Bruess? He is an Austrian man who dedicated his whole life to finding a natural cure for cancer!
Rudolf came up with a juice that has shown a great positive outcome helping people who were and are dealing with cancer and
several other incurable illnesses.
According to Rudolf one must undergo a strict diet that lasts 42 days. During these 42 days ones health will be dramatically
increased.He designed a strict regimen that consists of drinking tea and a special juice with beetroot as the main ingredient. In order
to make his special juice you will need all organic veggies.

Beet root - Cveklla 55%

Carrots Karrota 20%

Celery root Rrenja e selinos 20%

Potatoes Patate 3%

Radishes Rrepke 2%

**Breuss juice vegetable juice that consists of 55% red beet root, 20% carrots, 20% celery root, 3% raw potato, 2% radishes.
This juice is called Breuss juice. The drink is to be fasted on for 40+ days under the instructions outlined in the therapy for the
desired therapy results to be tangible. **

Put all of these things in your blender, remember half of the smoothie should be beetroot, then carrots, and little bits of the rest.
Drink as much as you feel your body needs of this mixture but more is key. All of these veggies are important because theyre
overflowing with anti-oxidants, vitamins, and detox reps. Why not give it a try?

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