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Reading comprehension

Right now, it is Monday morning. Mike and Tina are at home. They are sitting at a table. They
are eating breakfast.
At this moment, Tina is drinking coffee. She is eating a pastry. She is sitting across the table
from Mike. She is talking to Mike.
Mike is Tinas husband. He is sitting at the table with Tina. He is also drinking coffee. Mike is
listening to Tina.
After breakfast, Mike and Tina are living for work. They work in the city. They are riding the
bus to work.
1. What

is Tina eating?
They are sitting at the table
She is drinking coffee
She is eating a pastry
She works in the city

2. Where are Mike and Tina on Monday morning?

a. Mike and Tina are at the station
b. Mike and Tina are at home
c. Mike and Tina are at a party
d. Mike and Tina are in the supermarket
3. What are they doing?
a. They are drinking coffee
b. They are eating breakfast
c. They are reading a book
d. They are listening to music
4. What

is Mike drinking?
Mike is drinking orange juice
Mike is drinking milk
Mike is drinking coffee
Mike is drinking tea

5. Where are Mike and Tina going after breakfast?

a. Mike and Tina are taking a car to work
b. Mike and Tina are riding the bus to work
c. Mike and Tina are working in a cafetera
d. Mike and Tina are listening rock music
6. Who is Mike?
a. Mike is Tinas husband
b. Mike is Tinas father
c. Mike is Tinas boyfriend
d. Mike is Tinas brother

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