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‘MARRIAGE & MARRIED LIFE smiyity growth aod expansion. 4th house:Domesti happiness, comforts Miocene airs, ir wouse: Husband/wife; marriage, married hie Ae eee Sonmmangalae (Tenale horoscope). 12th house: Bed comforts Veuus Karaka ot wile, martiays, sex, governs eraism Jupiter: Karaka of husband. Mars, Karla of husbarul, marital knot, sex Effects of planet Venus on martied 5 Venus in Various signs: ‘aries; Andent affectionate lover, hason with many women, Te Miia lise, eutiland dui wif, happy marrage, stead! nove 5 Caen, Quer esexe Hidinous, double alin, learned wie, if aMicted-2nd artase e ee esate. aver indulgence in Sex, ialited-wo wives, eietiona wie | Cane tf or aristocratic aly deep sincere afetions, es lity Vigor ‘Move mental satsietion through ve than sex, Fond of Tow caste woe, svile patty mnie, Libre Swazi prosperous rings with mooes in love afi, geneous, ent eau Ta Wil Seorpb:txto- anita tars bast uron dc to lack of sf cote, anomie Seria ost ie sexs mariage, a few figs guts Capris Fe love afta, ditonout in Tove, ly in marcia, boastfil wife sae Chasen sex his, dagppointment in Tove, fate mariage, ity an Tuamanitarian wit Pisces. A number of attachments but a happy marriage in the end modest & refined ‘Veuns it conjunction with other planets: ven vere sexuay active. wife ofa noble birth or has a royg inge inter personality Ven Moos Wife {rom a higher sui status, she may be incousistant Ventas Natives sexy ad wife is haughty and of yout appear ane We uy Wie lien, waste and yu in appearance, eats’ talks al loured with sex, fond of obscene literature, miter. Wife virtus bean chaste and begetting good sons, Native anil Howse 54h hows Hunk ver pil not trespass ayamst moral codes of wedlock VenSatuen- Ass wile onl he nie enjoys a good! conjugal eli. alte, wie is bal teropere Ven Raiit. Unsuccessful secret love affairs Wenkelhse —idypersensitivity n sexual matters { : ate ‘and house: Family-its as, counfors. ‘sth house: Children, married fifo ‘sth house: Sowmnge Nenus. Karke of Jupiter: Karak of Mars: Karaka of bs Eitects of planet Vii A Venus in Varioliagias Aries: Ardent affectionate over THEE ‘with many OME. rd ss, beaiul and til wie EP vnarriage, steadtast in lOve use NO ver-sexeribiivons, doude asi at wife, if Mcsed-20d MARRS ingen eX iach NW comotional wife ‘Reet ie rom ater TY eep sincere afections. Wess wy A ety qa station trou ove than $+ ond of low easte Women, wife pty minded Se Me fit prosperous mariage wih i ortunate and entifol Wi rcmartl afirsaty on cess in love airs, generous, I veto tack of olf control, querrasome wife Happy domestic life, few flings outside a0. Fickle love afr ay in mariage, boast wi Caste in sex habits i arriage, witty and insanitarian wie pene of attacks but 8 HAPPY ‘vith otter planets: Pisc arviage inte endodest & efined wie ‘Venus in conjunc Fear Nave sexu ache Ya noble birth or has a royal MBE inher personality Ver: Moon- Wife ro a higher soci Sm she may be inconsist, VereMars- Nativeis sexy and wie Faughy and of youril apearanes Wen Mercury Wife ineignt le a Yo Frappearance, naive’ tas a8 cg eared wits, ond oF cs iterate, Ven-Jupiter- Wile virtuous Death sorte and begerting good sons: Native Ww aresapassagaint mora CUES Of wedlock, VereSaturn- Aster wife andthe mative 098 2 good conjugal felic Aavcted, wife isbad tempered VenRahu- Unsuccessfil secret ove afi Wer eth Hypersensitivity sen matter. iy tt i { mariage & Maries Life 1st gs females, Towes wife, Hen-peckeds Fein vig, unsisfstOry wie, Her ay with 8 "vie, enjoys Wome Happy domestic Tie ged in ition Perrantc, has ve aM passat, ronal i atth of wil Seep happy domeste vote A goods marin He gx enjoyment gn FO wie tte, sin OM ME 1 nf set ETT . ed, wie sickly orth aspect By JUN! ay ied in ines oF anes 4 Genetics in 20d, 7 ad vet um the plane ONIN 1h Lords of sthand inpowetul 7 a en th a ET 6 Mapes and 7H Tod SOE 7 Rat of ord of thor HOP Venus Forpspect oftords of 0 simoro istond Hh on YO {1 Association of 8 Sea Teh wih 2 PHN possesing reat steengih. net onsen mid in alent SN i Sesh oar 10 1 Od Vata ox Venwss cone with py Jupiter aN got 2 ant AE SOME sh respentvey je Sun or Moon in raced by a bene we ator of 2nd or 1 re Sane and 1810 ol tion i ava NATE ‘Combinations for e=71Y smarriag Cert tord an beset SEN paves in owe HOUSE OT exaltation ¥ Soin Tas and 78 Hod rah Venus, 3: VOUS ang and Teh Yor in LCD “4 upier and 2 ya §. Lard of 1 2d Foges lace i IAB 4 tp iv oF Vemss MeL Mlaes or occapyine here 6 Hpi oral of Eb COUT ‘st & Stone VON ssocited with lgnes 7 srs oF fa 28 2 Minty 2a 7 SOBRE Fo pest Hh aed 7 Tienda, 11 Exe of and and Vth ods. 10s ee atu end 6 even a atc eT ey mage eS Merong and unatticte vated Vero Vente aah 5. SNE Seadhin abenetc ist 16, Tae ord aepecea by a BENE 158 Practal Vasie Astrotogy Combinations for more than one marriage/affairs: ome pr i hac sis ane 7 Tox debilitated, or im enemy's hows or combs i aspeted by a mall + Zad ion in 8th an! maletis in 2nd, al od in 61h ith oF #8 tay Rah & Lagoesh in 8th and aes 7h Eth tee combust or debilitated ane Venus is weak a anas of 2 anal (2th in fxd aspected! by Jupiter 9 lord, 9 10 u 12. “4 5 6 7 is 0 0 2 2 24 26. 28 0 32 M 36 37 8 40, 4 ‘Combinations for delayed marriage/denial of marriags 1 2 3 4 6 cana besvcen Senso Tae alt in fenarasrikonea Fs fol at tpn ss Otc amas i ual sighs. sve alto planes 11 “eats desprsitor ara 7th ord stone, 12th from Ves ‘Venus associated with malefics An ailictet 7 ‘ers in dal Sie Malcfics in 4 $0 Th lord we Fee hone and is rd ae associated wih or aspected By oF occupied petwriat maleics or the lord weecha or combust. re nd ina sign f Saturn ot Venus ad aspected by a beneic: Fah irik devoid oF strength in Gt, 8th or 12th caesar Satuen as 7h ord mecha or ina malic sign with a sale ees Sth accupied by Mars Rah Saturn respectively ‘ay tre in 6 and a maleic in 7th Many planes in 7th witha aspect or conjuction of lord of aoa rien to boi 2nd aed 7 houses end ther fords acted or weak Suan Mow iv Thin a dual sign, 23. Strong Moon in 9th aon eamrAdaon in ene sign 25. TUshouse aspect by strong Von se ea Dad in 7th with a papa, 27. Teh rd, if Saturn, conjoins Papas roe Asn ane re 719 it Gua igo; 29 Satur in 2d or Raith Seen pes tr of 7 and 11th, 31, Lords of 2,7 and 19 inh ae al 1h strong in ikon, 3. Ves eee ot Ny ae Jens Satin 2.478,13th, 35. Bi ford i tate Teh A 6th denne Tea Satan ina donble bodied sign (Gemini, Sugitarus, Pisces) yirvcaa in sh canjunct or aspected by maleies with fgnes in 124h, Beene Hoth or th. 39. Venus in moveable sige with maleic aspect ‘Moon, Mars in 7th and deggnes in 8th Vauns debilitated, with weak Tord of 10th in 6, 8 oF 12th ‘Jena rh ith inflacace of Mevonry or Saturn eee ju nl of mene ego ord of sign ecu by Mown Taence of malties on 7 ts bord and Venus deen ior sth wi! bsnefc influence, | 5. Mercury in Sagitarius ascendant Hane nut bite! and sands between males : ariage & Maio’ iE 159 om and Veous Tit YS and MS Moon nd Mars 7 10 and Went Sates in 7H aspete PY foetct (Meraury of SAW) planets Wenn Tah asec OY 8 Eu ge watout net nes Ra in tat ah ae 12 vem wring Moon i” 5 vr, Tava ssc BE Mined sn and M0001 moveable sist Legacy ant 208 TT fas sign eoceiw paverse aspect apse we annene® ve gavurn, Being iis ue aac a me tation o& SLM men rewga aN ead or Mor tha rds PF cowneshiP. Menupancy oF ape 4 Aiatono 2a oF ANNO at paves posite 8 Fe 2 Connon or ul rat tee Saturn Venus-Moon, Verus'Sum anesanaen provided he payer oF the TAN HONS there Ag avian betwen vc ven is 437205 Verse goittted and ; wr psaed by sae eT is delayed 4 merKattn in 285 oF STE a eco an aon Fae Marvied fife ~ how FS is: Bans varxota wives cealturel vie, «ere Salted im seen gre ignited wife a Th oe in 68 BNE tekerings wath wile ten send 122 ps disiking For WHE ee 20 700 srs cans wena wife. » pteridine wo is wie and iJevoted 10 Hi. 2 mpeg Te NLS mt vo bis wie an A devoted to itn sme by whens a sty ond in beneic SN BS ‘beautiful wie ring Wess as fer OTT vie by a bene meas ie is devoned nH + in pte Wy Sener SN vie is wntuoUS: to nd in aes wes oY) S 1rd ascite w tanding a we raved we «arr ase on NT 1 Vein Mia's Sat = ve ard of A ony seed i 15 aoe af arse SO Tah and its bord 2 16 Caples Cane HEE To fags combinations “Nafe becaaes Wido™ gots separated gen nets Sat nae ie uo Ts aM sribulations. WS enn sarge apt by ie oF tooo points oUt € ae veracy wk wives oF peor 2 Suns im ones ese na Pago of spouse's at BS happiness 160 Practical Vedie Astrology 22, Sun in one’s horoscope in rine oF sextle with the Moon of spouse, or interchange fof Sun Moon gives happy union, 23, Sign position of Mars in one chart ifcoineides wit sign of Venus of oter (It becomes a case of love at first sight.) 24, Malefics in Sch shows amorous nature with sordid tendencies 25, Lord of 7th, friend (even temporary) of lagnesh gives a loyal wie 36. Th house sat ts lord, both Hing benefice gives a loyal and chaste wife alle his mariage. Hen-pecked husband if: I Mercury isi Leo, 2 Jupiterisin3rd; 3. Marsisin 4th house, 4, Moon is in Aquarius navemse, 5, Teh lord is in 2nd, Combinations which mar matrimodial happiness: {Mars ina ppitarian sign nspected by Jupiter; 2, Veins surounded by Sun and Moon in reference to 7th house; 4 Exchange oflards of th and. 9M; 4. Lords of both 4th and 914 debilitated; ‘6, Matetics in 2d and 7h (im female chart 7h and 8th); 7. Venus eonjoitss a pmper oF Venus hemmed between papas, 8. Papas in aub oe 8th from Vesa 9. Lord of Mh in 8th or off in 7th; Toad af Tian oth of oF 6th in Til. Malefies in 1, 4, 7, 8 and 12th; 12. Lord of hia sth or sthvin 7h, 15 Sun in Ist, Satuin in 7th; 14,Venus-Mown in opposition to Mers-Saturn combination, 12 rivtord combust, neecha, benamed between of conjoined with maletics, 16 Sun Rabin 7th 17 Venus it Scorpio in 7th 120 Saturn of Mats in Pisces in 7th Time of wite’s death: ot at iessand’s nativity, 7 house lord, Venus and their dispositors are strong, wife has poornayir thir strength is ordinary - mada; if weak -alpay. Effect of navamsa on marriage: (1) Novennser ex rising ithe sign oF a matefic is not weleome, en 2 TOE 35, Venus in 2.36.7 ot | th, and lagesh with a benef means huck shines after marriage 4 28 Tih lord inate andl Venn in 2nd or 10th indicates much rise after mariage, d 9, Tih tord in 2.9 or 1th with a malefic indicates rise after marriage. 530. Tth lord stronger than Jergnes shows that wife from a high fail 31 Fapite in 7th makes native enjoy the company of « virtuous wife, wealth and respect Luck after marriage: 3 Tie Venus oveapies ypachaye (ihe 3rd, the 6th the 11th) house, the native wil be fucky only afler marriage. 2. I Tih lord vxeupies either the 3rd, 6, 7th or 11th, the native will become lucky 5 Moon in 7th ta Jord in 12th and Venus bereft of strength; 18, Mercury "Taurus in 7th 19, Jupiter in Capricor in 7h, a Life 161 Marriage & Marsied fr Sun does not conduce to happy ellie “hsamser lagna lord in conjunction sith Mars, Saturn and Sun i bad Saturn and Mars fouether asp navamsa fan or are posited therein or 7th lord ssaiser lagna is aspected by Saturn and Mars, then, rouble is indicated. avant lagna lord is with Mars, divotee is indicated sbinations for love marriage: JBNovd has an intimate ration by association, mutual exchange or aspect ete with Prouse and its ford, {et Satum or Rah in Sth al fap, heavily aflcted and 7th ford stronger than fagnesh; oF Moon covjoins 7h Jo in 2 kendra, 4, Moon Venus in 7th, tus in Tn aspected by Mars; 6, Mars Venus Rabu in 7th, 100 eonjoins 7 lord snd Venus axpected by Saturn or Mars, combinations for intercaste marriages: conus Rau in 6th 1th: 2. Rahu's aspect on 7th or its lord; ‘oon-Mars in 6/8 postion, 4. Both Mars-Venus in angle or in} 2th cpite. in 7¢in Libs or Aquarias, 6. MkTord conjins Mars and Rah; ‘ale planets in 7 and 12th and x weak Moon in Sth; @ lord with Satur i 12H 9. Sub lord of 7th cusp is Rah Foun conjoins Tas ford and Venus aspected by a node or Saturn; {combinations for fondness for wife/devoted to husband: ‘anus eonjoins 7h ord in Avies/Seorpio; 2. Venus conjoins 10th lord in Aties/Scorpio; a pit i Tt 4, Jupiter-Moon in 7th; ‘emus in exaltation, 6. Venus or 7th lord conjoins or is aspected by Jupiter, \benefie aspects Lo being the 7th house, ‘emus as lord of 7th with or aspoeted by a bene ord a 7th in a herade ith s henelic, 10. 7h house aspected by Jupiter; ie ~“oon-sign and lagna of the prospective life-partner: Tie sigh oF navamsa aexupied by the lord othe agua or the Tth lord ean be the ign or the Moow-sign of the » The ascendant of the native ean be the ascendant of the spouse. ‘he sign on the 7h honise may be tie ascendant of the spouse. ie strength of the 70h lord and Venus, the sign occupied by the stronger { ve may become the kayo or Moon-sign of the spouse. The trianyuar or the"7th sin fiom the sign oF navamsa occupied by the lord of the Jago oF 7h house ‘he sign where the maximum favourable points fallin chandrastakvarga or survastakvearga way become the lagna or Moon-sign ofthe spouse. Ad the longitudes of the faguasi & Venus (of male chart), the resultant can be the Moon sign ofthe wite Mayriage & Mactied fe 168 sujindes of brs of lagu and Tih kad, Ween up transits he esata itor 7h from pats minus longitudinal distance from lagna to Super elock wise siete resuttant dex is marriage point No Vn) a1 90° mariage point No.2 o> Grou — mariage point Nod re «takes place when any of the nodes sychronises with any of te above tes Spins either hier or Kal iin 4th house inna ear, ws coreston of ceeenane points, (either of trem isin Hts house devel 3 tevwd and sub peti of fst and Th lors ited of lords of cnstelltions of Moon and 7 ford when pte ons rae resultant dg, However, dasbhukt should cate co 7 ord lag transits 7h house. sud that of Vers For ate turd, i their period andl sub period ata chart by lord cf hupiver fo Fen 1 fou iF Son 1 trait aspects or oeepes rust ecupied 0 sat sig of rg ov fed echt Jupiter tists any angle of is matal Venus oF ‘em transits any angle of er natal Marso" caion of Ma Papter's ewnsit overt house 1 the same fine Sats i tart cr Vees, and a “ruence on Stl or 7th bounes pyre ca (sb a or » povind) lord should, in transit, influence as ious in eens chat aarti te sn of sub-subperiod- ford brings marriage asi perist pesonl oF 2d to. By amet cory oF aspents SU fuse from aa vr whee he th word oF native chat is posited tv house, the native gets married while YOU house, the mative gets married while YOUN, gonesh wear 10 Sr Cronalic near ascent a ihe 1 Svemperanvent and character of marriage partner ved from tye prsence oF varius planets in 7h geneva, proud independent a of royal sature Fagor sinus tae Hetcves in igh soil status, Hera and web, vi elish and dominating, matimonial differences will be well ‘each other with formal eourtesy +. Emotional and domesticated 1yPe partner who lly A partner from atliewe “ar FEE conceaed and comple in public wil teat ht ts vondy partner That yin fore Fail, an exacting A kind heated, sve with str _ Se — ot Practical Veoic AsttolOsy fe nad theories of tered and fast estan ean be NOON SH of wife, By be exaltation rToals of Ist and 718 7 ee cerns poston of Moon toe rt ean be the Moon sm of ON 1 erect retin aco te y's ford and me girl's 7 ery concn ne P= he par gets married wife from which direct te ihe fron he dein dicated bY Mr pane tn sth Figo HG Venus, oF 1 ho sto of A from ta OF 5 ae planets asecting 7h Howse j for divorce/separacios: Trae combinations i ema seal eo ead 0 ua MANTIS ae ri x searatinn al oO! tpt e Mos tn those se Hh, ts Ford Tasers pssitas 0 pers the ms Gatos ‘or separations fj romd at Atuan tee Foe ES sian aver though Cee + ah ve coins hee and on in Gath, Bah oF 12 rate oF parative Haets SA Seta on 7H, ts Tord an Venus.e8 I tg vated Sumi ot ge Satur si ath oF WED influence Fa Me un, Satur, al) re peat on 7 a6 BUH HOUSES, canadian FTI 1s, Set ry tonts asocated AN and Rab, 7 Agrexshange oF Ws 17 289 tah with Ras 8 a ods £10 0 of nodes ing es NS vena Sar aid 7HH ROUSE afticted by Sum, é 4 saturn oF Rat uy, pas ens canes ssafvence of Sum, Saturn OF RA 1 ein dag wm 0 feria San ae 1240 FOP ahs 12 nan Ars, Mow, A sys asa 1 sn Sat geo 7S tah is acted Dad 1 Mtfes in 6,29 1 Al YT and Ai fous icles V6 Pn gation ae eS Fer eyaative eects in 2, 47 OF rah Wee Hn NO "22 position: 1 ea et in 12/0 a8 8 0 ttn E01 arrage when? cose 0 or dering mingle AE) rang eso pane (18 Msp sacting A; () ONDINE TE If these dass do raring, masse ae + ane oF (a) Bspositor of “a lod; (0) Lord oF mr cxied wT FOULED na eg) Mon (2) DIsPOSTOX OF 2d tor sa Ca) 40 (6) 808 TN he sto

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