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Dualisma conception of the universe that postulates two ultimate principles set in opposition to
one another and more or less evenly matched; these principles are usually (though not always)
personified as a good god and an evil devil.
The word dualism was coined in 1700 by an Englishman, Thomas Hyde. He was writing about
Zoroastrianism and used the term to refer to the thought system with an evil being set against a good
being (the source of good). Within 20 years of its coinage, the term was used in other ways, so that
dualism now has a variety of different meanings.
Eschatologythe branch of theology concerned with last or end things such as death,
judgment, heaven and hell, the destiny of human beings, or the end of the world; from the Greek
meaning study of the end.

Quick Overview of Zoroastrianism

Supreme Creator God
Mazda Worshippers of the Good Religion

Sacred Book, the Avesta

Unexclusive monotheism

Angra Mainyu

Ahura Mazda, Wise Lord

Zoroastrianism was a later name given by Greeks
for the traditions priestly and prophetic teacher,
17 psalms or Gathas were written by Zarathustra
There are a host of divine entities who function as
agents and deputies (some say angels) of Ahura
Mazda. Some of these divine entities correspond
to Hindu deities.
Later known as Ahriman, this is the counter to
Ahura Mazda . Ahriman is the one who controls
evil and must be exorcised.

5 Features of Particular Interest in Zoroastrianism



Morality is central to the religion, both as an ideal and as an actual

A world to come is expected both for the individual and for the
world as a whole. At some future time, this life as we know it will
be overhauled and a new utopian world will be ushered in.
Evil is vividly personified as a demonic antagonist who seems
beyond the good deitys control.
The dead are disposed of by exposing them to birds of prey on top
of towers of silence.


This is more a theory than a fact: Zoroastrianism has contributed

to ideas about evil and soul that developed in Judaism, Christianity
and Islam.


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