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Act 1

Once upon a time there was a pretty little boy called Little red riding hood,
because he always used a red hoodle.
One day his mom said:
Mom: little red riding hood! Come her quickly!
LRRH: okay mom, here I go .. What mom?
Mom: do you have free time? I need a favor
LRRH: Mmm no, Im with laziness
Mom: No no, you must do me a favor
LRRH: oh damn! Okay okay tell me
Mom: you must some cookies to your grandma, she is sick, then you must go to
her house to visit her.
LRRH: I only do that for my grandma
Mom: thats my cub! Im so proud
LRRH: Moooom!!! I dont know how to prepare cookies, can you help me?
Mom: Damn! I dont know; check it in the book of recipes
LRRH: we dont have any recipes book
Mom: so lets check a recipe on internet
LRRH: Moom, the cookies are burned
Mom: You are an idiot
LRRH: like you mom
Mom: hey, hey, hey, more respect to your mom
LRRH: better give me money
Mom: okay, go to the minimarket. Here you are ten bugs
LRRH: ButIf you go?
Mom: I count to three. One, Two
LRRH: Oh, you are so bossy, okey
The little red riding hood went to the minimarket and when she returned she

LRRH: Mon I borrow you, 5 dollars, the cookies cost, 15 dollars

Mom: what? It is so expensive
LRRH: But I bought Oreo cookies!!
Mom: are you crazy? Your grandma is alergic to the chocolate
LRRH: thencan I eat the oreo cookies?
Mom: you are so idiot! Go to the minimarket
LRRH: again?
Mom: yes, again go fast. Its too late!
LRRH: Mmm I will run to the minimarket
Mom: you bet it
The LRRH go again to the minimarket and when she was there she called her
LRRH: Mom can grandma eat vanilla cookies
Mom: yes, she loves that cookies
LRRH: It costs 5 dollars. Is it ok?
Mom: yes, come on quickly
LRRH returns to his house very late
Mom: its half day, quickly, your grandma doesnt have lunch
LRRH: she will lunch cookies? Thats so strange
Mom: dont judge me, and she is sick. She only needs food
LRRH: but this kind of food no
Mom: shut up! Get dressed fast
LRRH: Damn, better hit me!
Mom: Do you want a punch?
LRRH: no no, I must be hurry
Three hours later
LRRH: Mmm mom? Sorry I fell a slept
Mom: you are so irresponsible?
LRRH: sorry?
Mom: okay, but you are punished
LRRH: but but mom
Mom: we will talk about this later
MOM: Go with your grandma right now!

Act 2
Then little red riding hood went out from his house all the things to her grandma
LRRH: now, I will go to collect flowers to my grandma
Hunter: hey dude where are you going?
LRRH: Im going to pick flowers for my grandmother
Hunter: Go carefully. This way is dangerous
LRRH: Why should I be careful?
Hunter: because in the jungle is a hungry wolf
LRRH: Thanks. I will take care
Hunter: Your welcome just be careful
Little Red riding hood goes singing and jumping so happy. Because she will see
her grandmother suddenly the wolf appeared and said.
Wolf: Where are you going LRRH?
LRRH: How do you know my name?
Wolf: mmm I guessed that?
LRRH: How?
Wolf: You looks like LRRH and I supused that
LRRH: mmm It sounds convincing
Wolf: I repeat where are you going?
LRRH: I am going to the house of my grandmother
Wolf: Thats Why you are picking flowers?
LRRH: Yes, she loves the flowers.
Wolf: Are you just taking her flowers?
LRRH: No. Iam taking her vanilla cookies too
Wolf: Vanilla cookies? ..I love them
LRRH: Yes, me too. Everyone loves vanilla cookies.
Wolf: Do you invited me?
LRRH: No. I have few cookies.
Wolf: dam! Im so hungry
LRRH: no, no, bye I will go for the other way
Wolf: uhmmm better go along this way

LRRH: Why? This way makes me scare

Wolf: but is very short and in this way are beautiful flowers more beautiful than
LRRH: mmm I dont. What time is it ?
Wolf: Its thirty past eight
LRRH: Oh! Its too late
Wolf: If you go along this way you will arrive faster
LRRH: Thanks wolf. You are so good
Wolf: youre welcome. Bye
The little red riding hood continued his travel to grandmothers house.
Meanwhile the wolf arrived to the house of the GrandMa
Wolf: I hope that the grandma of the little red riding hood is in her house.
Toc** Toc**
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf (into himself): I will say that Im little red riding hood.
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf: Im little red riding hood, grandma
GrandMa: little red riding hood? You dont sound like she
Wolf: Why? Im your Grandson
Grandma: You voice sounds so estrange
Wolf: I have a cold
Grandma: do you have sore throat?
Wolf: Cof Cof Yes
GrandMa: And do you have cought to?
Wolf: yes. Grandma cof cof.. Im so sick
Grandma: Pass grandson
The wolf ate the grandma meanwhile the hunter said.
Hunter: I hope the little red riding hood go along. The safe way just for instance
I will caught my weapon.

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