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Forat Saleh

What is CALL?

Levy (1997:1 ) defines CALL as The search and

study of applications of the computer in language
teaching and learning.
(Egbert,2005, as cited in Shafaei,2012) noted that
CALL means students learn language in any
context with, through, and around computer

History of CALL

Behavioristic CALL (19960s )

Affected by Audio-lingual teaching method

Focused on drill and practice courseware.
The computer played the role of tutor that provide learners
with individualized feedback. Learners did the task at their
own speed
PLATO tutoring system was the most advanced at that
time which was used for vocabulary and grammar drills as
well as for translation.

History of CALL

Communicative CALL (19970s-1980s )

Linked to the cognitive theories

Stressed on using forms rather than the forms themselves
Emphasized on what learners do while using the computer.
During this phase, text reconstruction program and
simulations software were developed
The computer was used as a tutor, stimulus for discussion,
writing or critical thinking and as a tool.
Learner choice and self management of activity are driven
by task based approaches to syllabus design


History of CALL

Integrative CALL( 1990s to present )

Corresponds with social or socio-cognitive view

Stresses on language use in authentic social environment
allows the integration of the language skills.
Technology is greatly integrated in the language learning
It is centered on the development of multimedia and the
Learning occurs through accidents generated by projects


Multimedia CALL characteristics :

Provide a more realistic learning context by means of

various media
Multimedia permits easy integration of language
Offer student-centered learning
Concentrate on the content and takes into
language form as well.
Source (ICT4LT Module 1.4)

Web-Based CALL: a) Computer-mediated

characteristics :

It provides direct, economical, and convenient

communication network through which learners
communicate with native speakers of the target
language and other learners wherever and wherever
they want.
CMC can be done in a number of forms such as :
one-to-one, one-to-many ,or many-to-one
Source (ICT4LT Module 1.4)

b) The web:

Students can search limitless number of files around

the globe rapidly To find and access authentic
materials precisely designed to their individual

They can also publish their own texts or multimedia

to share with other users.
Source (ICT4LT Module 1.4)

CALL Programs

CALL specific software : The applications that advance

and aid language learning such as CD-ROMs, web- based
collaborative language learning exercises ,quizzes
Generic Software: applications used for general purposes
such as :word processors, Presentation software ( power
point ), Spreadsheet(excel)
Web-based learning programs : Such as Online
dictionaries & encyclopedias ,E-texts ,Web publishing
,Blogs ,Wiki
Computermediated communication(CMC)Programs
such as : Online chat , Message board , Discussion forum

Benefits of CALL

Authentic materials for study : Students have access to

endless number of resources of authentic materials
whenever and wherever they like.

Interest & Motivation: Students motivation is promoted

because of the various offered activities such as fun games,
animated graphics, problem-solving technique ,
communicative activities, repeated lessons).
Enhance student achievement: Students language skills can
be reinforced by network- based teaching which
undoubtedly affects their learning attitude positively and
enables them to build self-instruction strategies and boost
( Ozturk,2013)
their confidence.

Benefits of CALL

Individualization : CALL provides learners with

individualized materials that match their needs and
learning style. They can improve the skill they want
and study the course they want whenever and
wherever they like at their own speed.
( Ozturk,2013)

Enhance student achievement: Students language

skills can be reinforced by network- based teaching
which undoubtedly affects their learning attitude
positively and enables them to build self-instruction
strategies and boost their confidence.

Benefits of CALL

Experiential learning : The World Wide Web gives

students the chance to be the creators of knowledge who
can learn by doing as well as explore freely an immense
amount of human experience which results in the
improvement of their thinking skills.

Greater interaction: The linear of instruction is broken by

unsystematic access to the web pages. EFL students
interact with people whom they never met globally via
email and newsgroups. They can also communicate with
their own classmates. Furthermore, they can get positive
and negative feedback by automatically correcting their online exercises.


Drawbacks of CALL

Financial barriers : Not all students or schools can

afford to buy computers and the attached language

learning program. This results in unjust educational
conditions for unfortunate schools and students.

Lack of well-trained teachers: Teachers who dont

possess the fundamental computer knowledge are
unable to lead their students in exploring computer
and its aided language learning programs.

( Lal. Cheng,&Kritsonis,W.2006)

Drawbacks of CALL

Imperfect current CALL programs: The available

software of Call chiefly deals with reading ,listening and
writing skills. A few has been developed for speaking but
with restricted functions.
Inability to handle unexpected situations : language
learners encounter different learning situations.
Computers are not intelligent enough to deal with the
learners unpredicted learning problems or respond to
learners questions directly as teachers do.
( Lal. Cheng,&Kritsonis,W.2006)


Gndz,N. (2005).Computer assisted language learning. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies,1(2),193-214.
Warschauer M. (1996) "Computer Assisted Language Learning: an Introduction". In Fotos S. (ed.) Multimedia language
teaching, Tokyo: Logos International: 3-20
Ozturk, n. (2013). Using CALL in language teaching and learning, in consideration of its strengths
and limitations. Journal of European Education,3( 1) 2013. 36-41. Retrieved on December ,15,2016 from
Chen, C.F.E.(n.d). Computer assisted language learning and teaching. Department of English
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. Retrieved December, 11 ,2016
(Ravichandran, ( 2000) Computer assisted language learning (call) in the perspective of interactive approach: advantages
and apprehension.
Retreived on Decemberv10,2016 from

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