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Assignment 2:

1. You are to solve a heat conduction problem using ANSYS or ABAQUS.

2. The assignment problem is:
In between two parts of a system, heat conduction or heat management is of
concern. How to reduce the temperature between these two parts, or in other
words, how to make heat loss such that the temperature at the other end is 1/3
of the initial.

{part with initial temperature TC} { your design } { part with final
temperature, ~1/3 of the initial temperature}
{ part A } { part B } { part C }
4. The part where heat loss occurred(part B, your design) can be
1)compose of one, two or more materials. For example, the model structure can
be composed of Aluminum, Steel and Lead.
2)can be made of liquid also.
3) of any design. Part A and C also can be any design and size. To make things
easier, let say the whole system can be fit into a car, such that your design is use
to dissipate heat from a heat reservoir(part A).
4. Lets say your initial and end parts are made of metal. In your report, we want
to see the temperature distribution of heat conduction in your design structure.
At the end of the modelling, you are to compare your result with EXCEL

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