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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.
A. taking off
B. setting up
C. growing well
D. closing down
Question 2: The dog saw his reflection in the pool of water.
A. imagination
B. bone
C. leash
D. image
Question 3: At times, I look at him and wonder what is going on in his mind.
A. sometimes
B. always
C. hardly
D. never
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined part in each of the followings.
Question 4: We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being.
A. revealed
B. frequented
C. accessible
D. lively
Question 5: They protested about the inhumane treatment of the prisoners.
A. vicious
B. warmhearted
C. callous
D. coldblooded
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 6: The Boeing 747 is twice ________________the Boeing 707.
A. bigger than
B. more bigger than C. as big as
D. as bigger as
Question 7: I will stand here and wait for you _________you come back.
A. because
B. though
C. so
D. until
Question 8: __________poor always need the help from all people in the society.
A. An
C. The
D. A
Question 9: Lets begin our discussion now, ________?
A. shall we
B. will we
C. dont we
D. wont we
Question 10: Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one ____the most.
A. that influences farmers
B. farmers that is influences
C. why farmers influence it
D. it influences farmers
Question 11: It gets __________to understand what the professor has explained.
A. the more difficult
B. difficult more and more
C. more difficult than
D. more and more difficult
Question 12: I was doing my homework _______________the light went out.
A. after
B. before
C. while
D. when
Question 13: My student practises __________English with her friends every day.
A. speaking
B. to speak
C. spoke
D. speak
Question 14: John: Ive passed my final exam. Tom: ______________
A. Thats a good idea.
B. Good luck.
C. Its nice of you to say so.
D. Congratulations!
Question 15: Theres somebody walking behind us. I think we are _________.
A. followed
B. being followed
C. following
D. being following
Question 16: _________, we tried our best to complete it.
A. Thanks to the difficult homework
B. Despite the homework was difficult
C. Difficult as the homework was
D. As though the homework was difficult
Question17: It is necessary that children ______________ of their old parents.
A. takes care
B. to take care
C. take care
D. took care
Question 18: _________________ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better Seat.
A. Had you arrived
B. If you arrived
C. Were you arrived
D. If you hadnt arrived
Question 19: The song has __________been selected for the 22 nd Sea Games, Vietnam.
A. officially
B. office
C. official
D. officer
Question 20: Edith Harlow has kindly agreed ___________.You should ask him.
A. to helping
B. to help
C. help
D. helping
Question 21: People usually can get sufficient___of the calcium their bodies need from the food they consume.
A. variety
B. source
C. amount
D. number
Question 22: It is possible may assist some trees in saving water in the winter.
A. to lose leaves
B. that the loss of leaves

C. the leaves are lost

D. when leaves have lost
Question 23: The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my ___________.
A. body
B. legs
C. skin
D. bones
Question 24: In the preparation of fibrous material for production uses, stiff woody fibers from plants_______
fibers from animal sources.
A. the most heat the
B. need, the more heat than
C. than more heat the
D. need more heat than
Question 25: A partnership is an association of two or more individuals who___together to develop a business
A. work
B. working
C. worked
D. they work
Question 26: Chosen as the nations capital at the end of the American Civil War, ______the city of over a
million people.
A. Washington, DC is now
B. for Washington, DC,
C. Washington, DC,
D. now in Washington, DC,
Question 27: It is a top secret. You _________tell anyone about it.
A. wont
B. neednt
C. mustnt
D. mightnt
Question 28: The cosmopolitan flavor of San Francisco is enhanced by _______shops and restaurants.
A. ethnicity
B. its ethnicity
C. its many ethnic
D. an ethnic
Question 29: Studies indicate _________collecting art today than ever before.
A. more people that are
B. there are that more people
C. that there are more people
D. people there are more
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums devoted to the decorative
arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is a great collection displayed in a great country
house. Passing through successive generations of a single family, Winterthur has been a private estate for more
than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the house remained a
family residence. This fact is of importance to the atmosphere and effect of the museum. The impression of a
lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as if they were vacated only a short while ago whether
by the original owners of the furniture or the most recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal
interpretation. Winterthur remains, then, a house in which a collection of furniture and architectural elements
has been assembled. Like an English country house, it is an organic structure; the house, as well as the
collection and manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed over the years. The changes have coincided
with developing concepts of the American arts, increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and
a progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur
have followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house.
The concept of a period room as a display technique has developed gradually over the years in an effort to
present works of art in a context that would show them to greater effect and would give them more meaning for
the viewer. Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the period room represents the
decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an opportunity to assemble objects related by
style, date, or place of manufacture.
Question 30: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur
B. How Winterthur compares to English country houses
C. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum
D. The reason that Winterthur was redesigned
Question 31: The phrase devoted to in line 1 is closest in meaning to
A. specializing in
B. sentimental about
C. surrounded by
D. successful in
Question 32: What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931?
A. The old furniture was replaced
B. The estate became a museum
C. The owners moved out
D. The house was repaired
Question 33: What does the author mean by stating the impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the
A. Few people visit Winterthur
B. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable
C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum D. Winterthur is very old
Question 34: The word assembled in line 9 is closest in meaning to
A. summoned
B. appreciated
C. fundamentally changed D. brought together

Question 35: The word it in line 10 refers to

A. collection
B. English country house
C. visitor
D. Winterthur
Question 36: The word developing in line 11 is closest in meaning to
A. evolving
B. exhibiting
C. informative
D. traditional
Question 37: According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all of the following EXCEPT
A. place of manufacture
B. date
C. past ownership
D. style
Question 38: What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in the passage?
A. Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy of art appreciation that contrasts with that explained in Paragraph 1.
B. Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph 1.
C. Each paragraph describes a different historical period
D. Each paragraph describes a different approach to the display of objects in a museum.
Question 39: Where in the passage does the author explain why displays at Winterthur have changed?
A. lines 6-8
B. lines4-5
C. lines 1 -2
D. lines 10-12
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
Dinosaurs were reptiles that lived during a period of earths history called the Mesozoic Era, which is
known as the Age of Reptiles. The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago. For many millions
of years, they dominated the land with their huge size and strength. Then about 65 million years ago, they died
out rather suddenly, never to reemerge.
The word dinosaur comes from two Greek words meaning terrible lizard. Dinosaurs were not lizards,
but their appearance could be truly terrifying. The biggest ones weighed more than ten times as much as a
mature elephant and nearly equaled the size of most modernday whales. The famous kinds of dinosaurs,
including the brontosaur and tyrannosaurus rex, reached 80 to 90 feet in length. Not all dinosaurs were giants,
however, some were actually no larger than a chicken.
Scientists still do not know what caused dinosaur to disappear. One theory involves a change in the
earths climate. It is believed that temperature dropped significantly towards the end of the Cretaceous Period.
Too large to hibernate and not having fur or feathers for protection, it is possible that the climate became too
chilly for dinosaurs. In contrast, other species having protection, such as the mammals and birds, were able to
Question 40: What is the best title for this passage?
A. The Domination of the Land
B. The Metabolism of Dinosaurs
C. Earths Largest Reptiles
D. The History of Earth
Question 41: It can be inferred from the passage that the Age of Reptiles lasted about
A. 200 million years B. 135 million years
C. 80millionyears
D. 65 million years
Question 42: The author uses the phrase never to reemerge to indicate that the dinosaurs
A. became extinct
B. went into hiding
C. never died out
D. lost their way
Question 43: According to the passage, what is true about the size of dinosaurs?
A. It made them the largest creatures ever on earth. B. It varied quite greatly.
C. It guaranteed their survival.
D. It was rather uniform.
Question 44: Which of the following can be interred about mammals and birds?
A. Most have either fur or feathers over their bodies. B. They preceded the dinosaurs.
C. They were too large to hibernate.
D. They could not survive the chilly temperatures.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the
position of the main stress.
Question 45: A. measurement
B. information C. economic
D. engineer
Question 46: A. achievement
B. argument
C. confinement
D. involvement
Question 47: A. teacher
B. prefer
C. offer
D. flower
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underline is pronounced
differently from the rest.
Question 48: A. loved
B. appeared
C. agreed
D. coughed
Question 49: A. thereupon
B. thrill
C. threesome
D. throne.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 50: Several (A) people have apparent (B) tried to change the mans mind(C), but he refuses to
Question 51: Not until (A) I was on my way (B) to the airport that I realized (C) I had left my passport at

Question 52: Students suppose (A) to read all the questions (B) carefully and find out(C) the answers to
Question 53: The disposable(A) camera, a single- use camera (B) preloaded with print film(C) has appeared(D)
in the late 1980s and has become very popular.
Question 54: Public health(A) experts say that the money one spends avoiding illness(B) is less than the cost(C)
of to treat sickness(D).
Read the following passage taken from Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th edition, and mark
the letter A, B, c, or on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1917-1963) the 35th us President (1961-1963). He was the countrys
youngest president and the first Roman Catholic ever ____(55)____, He was___(56)____ known informally as
Jack Kennedy and JFK. His wife was Jackie Kennedy. He won a medal for____(57)____during World War II,
and was elected to the us House of Representatives (1947-1953) and then___(58)___ the us Senate (19521960). Kennedys greatest success___(59)___President was in___(60)___the Cuban missile crisis and his worst
failure was over the Bay of Pigs incident. He worked ____(61)____his brother, US Attorney General Robert
Kennedy, to support the civil rights___(62)___. He was murdered in Dallas, probably by Lee Harvey Oswald,
in one of the most shocking events in us history. Some people believe that others were responsible for his
murder, but___(63)___has ever been___(64)___proved. Kennedys book, Profiles in Courage (1956), won a
Pulitzer Prize. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you
can do for your country.
John F Kennedy
Question 55: A. to be electing
B. elected
C. electing
D. to be elected
Question 56: A. either
B. too
C. also
D. as well
Question 57: A. nerve
B. audacity
C. resolution
D. courage
Question 58: A. for
B. to
C. about
D. on
Question 59: A. the same
B. like
C. alike
D. as
Question 60: A. work on
B. dealing with
C. get over
D. face with
Question 61: A. beside
B. upper
C. with
D. for
Question 62: A. moving
B. moved
C. movement
D. move
Question 63: A. nothing
B. something
C. anything
D. everything
Question 64: A. deniably
B. definitely
C. positively
D. categorically
PART II. WRITING (2.0 points)
1. Mary is pretty but Camry is prettier.
Camry is the ..
2. This is the best film Ive ever seen.
3. My school has over 2,000 students.
There are ...
4. People say that the plane of Germanwings crashed into the mountains.
It is .. .
5. He tries to learn English well so as to find a good job.
He tries to learn English well with


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Question 1: Gii:
- flourish (v): ~ grow well (v): pht trin mnh

E.g: These plants flourish in a damp climate.

- take off (v): ct cnh (my bay), ci (qun o),...
E.g: The plane took off an hour late.
- set up (v): thnh lp
E.g: When was the organization set up?
- close down (v): ngng hot dng (vn phng, nh my)
E.g: High levels of taxation have caused many firms to close down.
p n C (Rt t doanh nghip ang pht trin mnh trong mi trng kinh t hin nay.)
Question 2: Gii:
reflection (n) ~ image (n ): hnh nh (trong gng, trong nc,...)
E.g: He admired his reflection in the mirror
- imagination (n) : tr tng tng, kh nng sng to
E.g: Nobody hates youIts all in your imagination.
- bone /boon/ (n): xng
E.g: This fish has a lot of bones in it.
- leash : dy xch ch
E.g: All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places.
p n D (Ch ch thy hnh nh ca mnh trong vng nc.)
Question 3: Gii:
At times ~ sometimes (adv): thnh thong
E.g: He sometimes writes to me.
- always (adv): lun lun
E.g: She always arrives at 7.30.
- hardly (adv): him khi, hu nh khng
E.g: She hardly ever calls me.
- never (adv): khng bao gi
E.g: You never help me.
p n A (Thnh thong ti nhn anh y v t hi iu g ang din ra trong tm
tr anh y.)
Question 4: Gii:
- secret (adj): b mt >< reveal (adj): tit l
- frequent (adj): thng xuyn, hay xy ra
E.g: He is a frequent visitor to this country.
- accessible (adj): c th ti c, vo c, s dng c,...
E.g: These documents are not accessible to the public.
- lively (adj): sng ng, sinh ng.
E.g: Her eyes were bright and lively.
p n A
Question 5: Gii:
- inhumane (adj): v nhn o >< warmhearted (adj): tt bng
- vicious (adj): xu xa, y c
E.g: She wrote me a vicious letter.
- callous (adj): nhn tm
E.g: I still cant believe they were so callous.
- cold-blooded : tn nhn, mu lnh
E.g: Youre totally cold-blooded and unfeeling.
p n B
Question 6: Gii:
Cu trc so snh bi s;
S + V + half/twice/3,4,5...times/phn s/phn trm+ as + much/many/adj/adv
+ (N) + as + N/pronoun.
- She types twice as fast as I. (C y nh my nhanh gp hai ln ti nh my.)
- In many countries in the world with the same job, women only get 40 percent -50
percent as much as salary as men.( nhiu quc gia, ph n ch nhn c lng bng
vi 40-50% lng ca ngi n ng khi h c cng mt cng vic.)

p n C
Dch: Boeing 747 to gp 2 ln Boeing 707
Question 7: Gii:
- because : bi v
E.g: Just because / dont complain, people think Im satisfied.
- though : mc d
E.g: Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me.
- so : v th
E,g: I was ill so I could not come
- until: cho n khi
p n D
Dch: Ti s ng y v ch bn cho n khi bn quay li.
Question 8: Gii:
The + adj = N ch nhm ngi, theo sau l ng t chia dng s nhiu.
- The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
Ngi giu cng tr nn giu hn, ngi ngho th cng tr nn ngho hn.
p n C
Dch: Ngi ngho lun cn s gip t nhng ngi khc trong x hi.
Question 9: Gii:
Cu hi ui vi Lets: Lets+V+O, shall we?
p n A
Question 10: Gii:
Mnh quan h vi That:
That l i t quan h dng ch ngi, vt, c th c dng thay cho who,
whom, which trong mnh quan h xc nh.
- That is the book that/ which I like best.
- That is the bicycle that/ which belongs to Tom.
- My father is the person that/ who(m) I admire most.
- The woman that/ who lived here before US is a novelist.
That lun c dng sau cc tin t hn hp (gm c ngi ln vt), sau cc i t
eveything, something, anything, all, little, much, more v sau dng so snh nht.
- I can see a girl and her dog that are running in the park.
- She is the nicest woman that Ive ever met.
p n A
Dch: Trong tt c cc yu t nh hng n sn lng nng nghip, thi tit l ci
nh hng n ngi nng dn nhiu nht.
Question 11: Gii:
So snh kp:
- Vi tnh t/trng t ngn: S + V + adj/adv-er + and + adj/adv-er.
- Vi tnh t/trng t di: S + V + more and more + adj/adv.
- The weather gets colder and colder/Thi tit cng ngy cng lnh.)
- His daughter becomes more and more intelligent. (Con gi anh y ngy cng tr nn
thng minh.)
p n D
Dch: Cng ngy cng kh hiu nhng g gio s gii thch.
Question 12: Gii:
Th qu kh tip din ch mt hnh ng ang xy ra th mt hnh ng khc xen vo.
+ Hnh ng ang xy ra chia dng qu kh tip din: was/were + V-ing.
+ Hnh ng xen vo chia dng qu kh n: Vpast.
E.g: Cch dng when v while.
- I was doing my homework when the light went out. (Khi n tt, ti ang lm bi tp)
- While I was doing my homework, the light went out.(n tt trong khi ti ang lm

bi tp)
p n D
Question 13: Gii:
practise + V-ing: thc hnh, luyn tp lm vic g
p n A
Dch: Hc sinh ca ti luyn tp ni ting Anh vi bn hng ngy.
Question 14: Gii:
John: Ti va mi vt qua k thi cui.
A. l mt tng hay. B. Chc may mn.
C. Bn tht l tt ni nh th. D. Chc mng.
p n A
Question 15: Gii:
Cu b ng vi th hin ti tip din: S + is/are/am + being + Vpp,
p n A
Dch: C ai ang i sau chng ta. Ti ngh chng ta ang b theo di.
Question 16: Gii:
- thanks to sb/sth: Nh vo
E.g: Thanks to Mary; we have tickets to the game. She bought them early before they
were sold out.
- despite + N/ V-ing / (the fact that s+ V): Mc d
E.g: Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didnt manage to pass the exam.
Despite working very hard, he didnt manage to pass the exam.
- Adj/Adv + as + S + V = No matter how adj/adv + S + V
= However + adj/adv + S + V: cho d... n th no di na th...
E.g: Hard as he tried, he failed = No matter how hard he tried, he failed = However
hard he tried, he failed.
- As though/As if: nh th l: thng ch mt iu khng c tht hoc tri vi thc t
(S + V1 + as though/as if + S + V2). Thng th V2 li th so vi V1
E.g: He acts as though he were rich. (But he isnt rich)
Tom said as if/as though he had watched the news on TV last night. (But he didnt
p n C
Dch: Cho d bi tp v nh c kh n th no, th chng ti vn c gng ht sc
hon thnh n.
Question 17: Gii:
- take care of: chm sc
E.g: Whos taking care of the children while youre away?
Cu trc: It is nessary/vital/essential/important/recommended that S + (should)+
Vbare + O.
E.g: It is strongly recommended that the machines be checked every year.
p n C
Question 18: Gii:
Cu trc o ng vi cu iu kin:
- Cu iu kin loi 1: dng Should + S + V thay cho If + S + V
E.g: If he has free time, hell play tennis. Should he have free time, hell play tennis.
- Cu iu kin loi 2: dng Were + S thay cho If + S + Vpast
E.g: If I were a bird, I would fly. Were I a bird, I would fly. (Cu c were)
If I learnt Russian, I would read a Russian book. Were I to learn Russian, / would
read a Russian book. (cu khng were chuyn v o ng dng Were S to V)
- Cu iu kin loi 3: dng Had + S + PP thay cho If + S + had PP.
E.g: If he had trained hard, he would have won the match. Had he trained hard, he
would have won the match.
Had it not been so late, we would have called you. (Dng ph nh not c t sau
ch ng)
p n A

Dch: Nu bn n sm hn 10 pht, bn c mt ch ngi tt hn.

Question 19: Gii:
- officer (n): s quan, nhn vin
E.g: staff officer: s quan tham mu
- office (n): vn phng
E.g: The company is moving to new offices on the other side of town..
- official (adj): chnh thc
E.g: The news is not yet official.
- officially (adv): mt cch chnh thc
Trng t b ngha cho ng t.
p n A (Bi ht chnh thc c chn cho Sea Games 22, Vit Nam.)
Question 20: Gii:
- agree + to V: ng lm g
E.g: We agreed to meet on Thursday.
p n B (Edith Harlow ng gip mt cch chn thnh. Bn nn hi anh y.)
Question 21: Gii:
- variety (n): s a dng.
E.g: This tool can be used in a variety of ways. (Cng c ny c th c dng trong
nhiu cch khc nhau)
- source : ngun
E.g: The tiny window was the only source of light. (Ca s nh l ngun nh sng duy
- amount (n): lng
amount of something (c bit thng c dng vi danh t khng m c): lng
E.g: an amount of time/money/information (lng thi gian/tin/thng tin)
- number (n): s lng
the number of + danh t s nhiu 4 ng t s t
E.g: The number of days in a week is 7 (S ngy trong mt tun l by.)
The number of people, who have lost their job, is quite big (S lng ngi mt vic
lm l kh ln)
a number of + danh t s nhiu + ng t s nhiu
E.g: A number of hours have passed. (Mt vi gi ng h tri qua)
A number of students are going to the class. (Mt s sinh vin ang i n lp hc.)
p n C (Con ngi thng c th nhn lng canxi c th cn t nhng thc
phm h tiu th.)
Question 22: Gii:
Cu trc:
Its adj that S + V + O
p n B
Dch: C th l s rng l c th h tr cy gi nc trong ma ng.
Question 23: Gii:
- feel it in ones bone: linh cm, linh tnh
E.g: Im sure youll succeed - I can feel it in my bones.
p n D (Thi tit sp thay i, ti linh cm c iu .)
Question 24: Gii:
So snh ca danh t:
- So snh bng: S + V + as + much/many/little/few + N + as + N/Pronoun
E.g: He has as many friends as I (do). (Anh y c nhiu hn hn ti.)
- So snh hn: S + V + more/ fewer/ less + N + than + N/Pronoun
E.g: February has fewer days than March. (Thng Hai c t ngy hn thng Ba.)
- So snh nht: S + V + the most / the fewest/ the least + N.
E.g: He earns the most money. (Anh y kim c nhiu tin nht)
There are the fewest days in February. (C t ngy nht trong thng 2.)
p n D (Trong vic chun b nguyn liu si s dng cho sn xut, si g cng t
cy cn nhiu nhit hn so vi si ly t ng vt.)

Question 25: Gii:

i t quan h Who ng sau danh t m n b ngha v ng u, lm ch t trong
mnh quan h. Who dng thay th cho danh t ch ngi.
E.g: A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new planet.-> The scientist
who discovered a new planet has won the Nobel Prize.
An architect is someone who designs buildings.
To be pha trc chia th hin ti. Chn A. Loi C. B. vi D. khng ng ng
p n A
Question 26: Gii:
Chosen as the nations capital at the end of the American Civil War l dng rt gn
mnh trng ng.
Cu thiu ch ng.
p n A (c chn l th ca quc gia vo cui cuc ni chin Hoa K,
Washington, DC hin nay l thnh ph ca hn mt triu ngi.)
Question 27: Gii:
Modal verbs + V (bare- inf)
- wont: s khng
E.g: If you dont have a birthday party, you wont get loads of cool presents.
- neednt: khng cn
E.g: You neednt buy so much food.
- mustnt: khng c php lm g (mang tnh bt buc) # dont have to: khng cn
thit phi lm (lm hay khng cng c)
E.g: You mustnt use the car without a driving license. Its against the law. (Bn khng
c s dng xe khi khng c bng li. Phm lut y)
You dont have to drive. I can do it. (Bn khng phi li xe u, ti c th li c).
- mightnt: c th khng
E.g: Dont panic - it mightnt be true (ng hong lon, n c th khng tht u).
p n B ( l mt b mt hng u. Bn khng c ni vi bt c ai v n.)
Question 28: Gii:
- ethnicity (n): dn tc
E.g: Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity.
- ethnic (adj): thuc dn tc
E.g: ethnic minority people (ngi dn tc thiu s.)
- An: Mo t bt nh dng vi danh t m c s t, khi pht m u l nguyn m.
E.g: an egg, an umbrella, half an hour,...
Tnh t ng trc danh t b ngha cho danh t. shops and restaurants l danh t s
nhiu (loi D)
p n C (Hng v quc t ca San Francisco c tng cng bi nhiu ca
hng v nh hng dn tc.)
Question 29: Gii:
Cu trc: S + indicate + that + S + V: ch ra rng
p n C (Cc nghin cu ch ra rng ngy nay c rt nhiu ngi su tp ngh
thut hn trc .)
Question 30: Gii:
on vn ch yu ni v iu g?
A. ni tht lch s cha trong Winterthur
B. Winterthur so snh vi nhng ngi nh nng thn nc Anh nh th no
C. Nhng yu t lm cho Winterthur l mt bo tng him c, khc bit
D. L do Winterthur c thit k li
The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many museums
devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in the United States is
a great collection displayed in a great country house. (Bo tng Winterthur l mt b su
tp v l mt ngi nh. C nhiu bo tng v ngh thut trang tr v nhiu bo tng nh,
nhng him khi Hoa K c mt b su tp tuyt vi hin th trong mt ngi nh nng
thn ln.)

p n C
Question 31: Gii:
- devoted to ~ specializing in: chuyn v
E.g: The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates..
- sentimental about: nhiu tnh cm, a cm, y m
E.g: Hes not the sort of man who gets sentimental about old friendships.
- surrounded by: c bao quanh bi
E.g: As a child / was surrounded by love and kindness.
- successful in: thnh cng trong vic g
E.g: They were successful in winning the contract.
p n C
Question 32: Gii:
iu g xy ra ti Winterthur gia nm 1929 v 1931?
A. ni tht c c thay th B. in trang tr thnh mt bo tng
C. Ngi ch dn nh i D. Ngi nh c sa cha
Even after the extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931, the house
remained a family residence. (Ngay c khi ci to trong phm v rng t 1929-1931, ngi
nh tip tc l ni c tr ca c gia nh.)
p n D
Question 33: Gii:
- tc gi l g qua cch ni n tng ca mt ngi nh l rt r rng, d thy vi
khch tham quan?
A. Rt t ngi n thm Winterthur.
B. Ni tht Winterthur trng rt m cng, tin nghi
C. Winterthur khng ging nh mt bo tng in hnh, tiu biu
D. Winterthui: rt c
(The impression of a lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as if they
were vacated only a short while ago whether by the original owners of the furniture or the
most recent residents of the house can be a matter of personal interpretation.: n tng
ca mt ngi nh c s dng lin tc trong thi gian di l rt r rng, d thy vi
khch tham quan: Cc phng trng nh th chng c b trng mt thi gian ngn
trc y, cho d l do ch s hu ban u ca ni tht hay cc c dn gn y nht
ca ngi nh th c th vn l mt vn theo cch hiu c nhn.)
p n D
Question 34: Gii:
- summoned: c gi n, mi n
E.g: She summoned the waiter.
- appreciated: nh gi ng, nh gi cao, hiu r gi tr
E.g: His talents are not fully appreciated in that company..
- fundamentally changed: thay i v c bn
E.g: The country was fundamentally changed after the revolution.
- bring together ~ assemble : t tp, tp hp
E.g: All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall
p n D
Question 35: Gii:
- Like an English country house, it is an organic structure; the house, as well as the
collection and manner of displaying it to the visitor, has changed over the years (L mt
ngi nh nng thn nc Anh, n l mt cu trc hu c; ngi nh, cng nh b su tp
v cch trng by n vi khch tham quan, thay i qua cc nm)
- it = the house = Winterthur
p n D
Question 36: Gii:
- evolve (v) ~ develop (v) : pht trin
E.g: Each school must evolve its own way of working.
- exhibit (v): trin lm
E.g: They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs..

- informative (adj): nhiu thng tin

E.g: The talk was both informative and entertaining.
- traditional (adj): thuc truyn thng, theo truyn thng
E.g: Their marriage is very traditional
p n A
Question 37: Gii:
Theo on vn, cc vt trong phng mang tnh thi i lin quan dn tt c nhng
ci sau dy ngoi tr:
A. Ni sn xut B. Ngy C. Quyn s hu trong qu kh D. Phong cch
Cu cui on vn: Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the
period room represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides
an opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture.
p n C
Question 38: Gii:
- Mi quan h gia 2 on trong bi l g?
A. on 2 gii thch mt trit l ca s nh gi cao ngh thut, khc bit vi iu
c gii thch ti on 1.
B. on 2 gii thch mt thut ng c nhc n trong on 1
C. Mi on m t mt giai on lch s khc nhau
D. Mi on m t s tip cn khc nhau ti cch trng by vt trong bo tng
Cui on 1: The changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American
arts, increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and a progression toward
the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur
have followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house. (Nhng thay
i xy ra ng thi, trng vi vic pht trin cc khi nim ca ngh thut M nng
cao hiu bit trong mt b phn cc nh su tp v sinh vin, v mt s tin trin hng
ti vic t c thnh tch v hiu ng lch s trong vic trng by cc phng mang tnh
thi i. Cc phng ti Winterthur theo hng ny, nhng vn gi li nhng c tnh
ca nh ring.)
u on 2: The concept of a period room as a display technique has developed
gradually over the years in an effort to present works of art in a context that would show
them to greater effect and would give them more meaning for the viewer. ( Khi nim v
cn phng mang tnh thi i nh mt phng thc trng by pht trin dn dn trong
nhng nm qua trong mt n lc nhm mc ch gii thiu tc phm ngh thut trong
mt bi cnh hin th chng bi hiu qu ln v mang li nhiu ngha hn cho ngi
p n B (Gii thch thut ng c cp trong on 1 period-room
Question 39: Gii:
- u trong on vn tc gi gii thch v sao s trng by Winterthur thay i?
Cui on 1: The changes have coincided with developing concepts of the American
arts, increased knowledge on the part of collectors and students, and a progression toward
the achievement of a historical effect in period-room displays. The rooms at Winterthur
have followed this current, yet still retained the character of a private house. (Nhng thay
i xy ra ng thi, trng vi vic pht trin cc khi nim ca ngh thut M, nng
cao hiu bit trong mt b phn cc nh su tp v sinh vin, v mt s tin trin hng
ti vic t c hiu ng lch s trong vic trng by cc phng mang tnh thi i. Cc
phng ti Winterthur theo hng ny, nhng vn gi li nhng c tnh ca nh
p n D
- museum (n): bo tng
- collection (n): b su tp
- decorative (adj): trang tr
- decorate (v), decoration (n)
- rarely (adv): him khi
- display (v): trng by, hin th

- successive (adj): lin tc, k tip

- generation (n): th h
- private (adj): ring t, c nhn
- estate (n):bt ng sn, in trang
- extensive (adj): rng ri, bao qut, c phm vi
- renovation (n): S nng cp, ci tin, i mi
- remain (v): cn li, li; gi nguyn (v tr,
tnh trng)
- residence (n): nh , dinh th, ni c tr
- resident (adj)
- importance / (n): tm quan trng
- atmosphere (n): khng kh
- effect (n): hiu qu, tc ng, nh hng
- impression (n): n tng
- apparent (adj): r rng, hin nhin, d thy
- visitor (n): khch du lch
- vacate (v): b trng, b khng
- original (adj): gc, nguyn bn, ban u
- owner (n) : ngi ch
- furniture (n): ni tht
- recent (adj): gn y
- recently (adv)
- matter (n): cht, ch , vn
- interpretation: s gii thch, s phin dch
- architectural (adj): thuc kin trc
- architec(n) : kin trc s
- architecture: cng trnh kin trc, cu trc
- element (n): yu t
- organic (adj): thuc hu c
- structure (n): kt cu, cu trc
- coincide (v): xy ra ng thi, trng khp
- concept (n): khi nim, quan nim
- progression (n) : s tin trin
- achievement (n) : thnh tch, thnh tu, s t
- achieve (v)
- achievable (adj)
- current (n) : hng, dng, chiu
- current (adj) : hin thi, thnh hnh, hin nay
- retain (v): gi, gi li
- character /kaeraktar/ (n): c im, tnh cch,
c trng
- period /piriad/ (n): thi k, giai on
- period (adj): (thuc) thi k qua; mang tnh
cht thi i, mang mu sc thi i (qua)
- technique (n): k thut, bin php k thut
- gradually (adv) : dn dn, t t
- effort (n): s c gng, s n lc
- make an effort to do sth
- present (n): mn qu
- present (adj): hin nay, hin ti
- present (v): trnh by, trnh din
- context (n): bi cnh
- viewer (n): ngi xem
- habitat (n): mi trng sng

- natural (adj): (thuc) t nhin, (thuc) thin

- provide (v): cung cp
- opportunity (n): c hi
- object (n): vt, i tng, mc tiu, mc
- manufacture (n): s sn xut
Question 40: Gii:
Tiu tt nht cho on vn ny l g?
A. S thng tr ca t B. S chuyn ha ca khng long,
C. Loi b st ln nht tri t D. Lch s ca tri t
Thng th ni dung chnh ca on vn s nm on th 1: Dinosaurs were reptiles
that lived during a period of earths history called the Mesozoic Era, which is known as
the Age of Reptiles. The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago. For
many millions of years, they dominated the land with their huge size and strength. Then
about 65 million years ago, they died out rather suddenly, never to reemerge. (Khng
long l loi b st sng trong mt giai on ca lch s tri t c gi l k i Trung
sinh, c bit n l thi i ca loi b st. Nhng con khng long u tin xut hin
cch y hn 200 triu nm. Trong nhiu triu nm, chng thng tr mt t bng kch
thc khng l v sc mnh ca chng. Sau khong 65 triu nm trc, chng cht
mt cch kh t ngt, khng bao gi xut hin tr li)
p n B
Question 41: Gii:
C th suy lun t on vn rng thi i ca loi b st ko di khong:
A. 200 triu nm B. 135 triu nm C. 80 triu nm D. 65 triu nm
The first dinosaurs appeared more than 200 million years ago. (Nhng con khng long
u tin xut hin hn 200 triu nm trc)
Then about 65 million years ago, they died out rather suddenly, never to reemerge.
(Sau khong 65 triu nm trc, chng cht mt cch kh t ngt, khng bao gi
xut hin tr li)
p n B (200-65 =135)
Question 42: Gii:
Tc gi dng cm t khng bao gi xut hin tr li ch ra rng khng long
A. tr nn tuyt chng B. i trn
C. khng bao gi cht ht, mt hn D. lc ng
p n A
Question 43: Gii:
Da vo on vn, iu no l ng v kch thc ca khng long?
A. Kch thc lm cho khng long tr thnh sinh vt ln nht trn tri t
B. Kch thc thay i kh ng k
C. Kch thc m bo s sng cn cho chng
D. Kch thc kh ng nht
T ni dung on 2: The biggest ones weighed more than ten times as much as a
mature elephant and nearly equaled the size of most modernday whales. The famous
kinds of dinosaurs, including the brontosaur and tyrannosaurus rex, reached 80 to 90 feet
in length. Not all dinosaurs were giants, however, some were actually no larger than a
chicken. (Nhng con ln nht nng hn mi ln so vi mt con voi trng thnh v gn
nh ngang bng vi kch thc ca hu ht cc loi c voi ngy nay. Nhng loi ni ting
ca loi khng long, bao gm c khng long to n cy ci v vua khng long chn ngn
ui di, di 80-90 feet. Tuy nhin, khng phi tt c khng long u khng l, mt s
thc s khng ln hn mt con g)
p n B
Question 44: Gii:
iu no sau y c th c suy lun v chim v cc ng vt c v
A. Hu ht chng u c lng trn c th B. Chng c trc khng long

C. Chng qu ln ng ng D. Chng khng th tn ti trong nhit d lnh

T on 3: Too large to hibernate and not having fur or feathers for protection, it is
possible that the climate became too chilly for dinosaurs. In contrast, other species having
protection, such as the mammals and birds, were able to survive.
p n A
- reptile (n): loi b st
- appear ( v): xut hin
- dominate (v): chi phi, thng tr
- huge / (adj): to ln, khng l
- size (n): kch thc
- strength (n): sc mnh
- die out (v): cht sch, mt hn, bin mt
- reemerge (v) : xut hin li
- lizard (n): thn ln
- appearance (n): hnh thc, bngoi
- terrify (v): lm cho s hi
- mature (adj): trng thnh
- equal (adj): ngang, bng
- kind (n): loi, ging, loi
- giant (adj): khng l
- theory (n): hc thuyt, l thuyt
- involve (v): gm, bao hm, lin quan n
significanly (adv): ng k, c ngha
- hibernate (v): ng ng
- fur (n): lng (th)
- feather (n): lng v, lng chim
- protection (n): s bo v
- protect (v)
- chilly (adj): gi lnh
- survive (v): sng st, tip tc sng, tip tc
tn ti
Question 45: Gii:
- measurement /mmnt/ (n) : s o lng, php o
- information /,infmeinn/ (n): thng tin (t tn cng l ui -hon th trng m nhn
vo m tit th 2 t cui ln)
- economic /,i:knmik/ (adj): thuc v kinh t (t tn cng l ui -ic th trng m
nhn vo m tit th 2 t cui ln)
- engineer /,endini/ (n): k s (t tn cng l ui -eer th trng m nhn vo
chnh n)
p n A
Question 46: Gii:
- achievement /ti:vmnt/ (n): thnh tch
- argument /:gjumnt/ (n): l l, s tranh ci
- confinement /knfainmnt/ (n): s hn ch, s giam cm
- involvement /invlvmnt/ (n): s bao hm, s gm
p n B
Question 47: Gii:
a s cc danh t c 2 m tit th trng m nhn vo m tit th nht: mountain
/mauntn/, summer /smr/,...ngoi tr: machine /mi:n/, mistake /misteik/
a s cc ng t c 2 m tit th trng m nhn vo m tit th 2: enjoy /indi/,
collect /klekt/,... ngoi tr mt s ng t c ui ow, er, en: offer /:fr/, follow
/f:lou/ , happen /hpn/ ,...
- teacher /ti:t/ (n ): gio vin
- prefer /prif:/ (v): thch hn
prefer sth to sth, prefer doing sth to doing sth
- offer /:fr/ (v) : mi, ngh

- flower /flaur/ (n): hoa

p n B
Question 48: Gii:
Quy tc pht m ng t c ui ed:
- C 3 cch pht m chnh /t/: nhng t c tn cng: -ch,- p,-f,- s,-k,- th,-shchnh- phpht-schkhng-thm- share(chia s), -X, v nhng ng t c t pht m cui l s
E.g: liked, stopped, coughed (cough c pht m /k :f/tn cnglf)...
/id/: Nhng t c tn cng l : t, d
E.g: needed, wanted....
/d/: nhng trng hp cn li
E.g: lived, studied, loved, appeared, agreed,.,
p n D
Question 49: Gii:
- thereupon /erpn/ (adv): ngay sau
E.g: The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.
- thrill /ril/ (n): cm gic hi hp
E.g: It gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.
- threesome /ri:sm/ (n): nhm 3 ngi, b ba
E.g: They became an inseparable threesome.
- throne /roun/ (n): ngai vng, ngi vua
E.g: Queen Elizabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952.
p n A
Question 50: Gii:
V tr ca trng t:
- Trc ng t thng (nht l cc trng t ch tn sut: often, always, usually,
E.g: They often get up at 6am.
Gia tr ng t v ng t thng
E.g: I have recently finished my homework .
- Sau ng t to be/seem/look...v trc tnh t: tobe/leel/look... + adv + adj
E.g: She is very nice.
- Sau too: V(thng) + too + adv
E.g: The teacher speaks too quickly.
- Trc enough : V + adv + enough
E.g: The teacher speaks slowly enough for us to understand.
Trong cu trc so....that: s+ V + so + adv + that
E.g: Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.
- ng cui cu
E.g: The doctor told me to breathe in slowly.
- Trng t cng thng ng mt mnh u cu,hoc gia cu v cch cc thnh
phn khc ca cu bng du phy (,)
E.g: Luckily, I passed the exam.
- Thng th trng t b ngha cho t loi no th ng gn t loi y.
E.g: She often says she visits her grandmother. (Often b ngha cho says). She says
he often visits her grandmother. (Often b ngha cho visits)
p n B (apparent -> apparently)
- refuse+ to V: t chi lm vic g
E.g: He flatly refused to discuss the matter.
Question 51: Gii:
- Cu trc It is/ was not until... that... + S + V c dng nhn mnh khong thi
gian hoc thi dim m mt s vic xy ra. Khong thi gian hoc thi im c th din
t bng mt t, mt cm t hoc mt mnh .
Dng o ng : Not until time/clause + tr ng t + S + Vbare-inf+ ...
E.g: She didnt get home until 11 p.m
It was not until 11 p.m that she got home.

Not until 11 p.m did she get home. (Mi n 11 gi c y mi v nh)

We didnt know the truth until the book was published.
It was not until the book was published that we knew the truth.
Not until the book was published did we know the truth. (Mi n khi cun sch
c xut bn chng ti mi bit s tht.)
p n C (that I realized did I realized)
Question 52: Gii:
- Cu trc b ng vi th qu kh n: S + was/were+ Vpp + O
- be supposed to: c nhim v, bn phn phi lm g
p n A (supposed were supposed)
- find out: tm ra
E.g: I havent found anything out about him yet.
Question 53: Gii:
- in the late 1980s: cui nhng nm 1980 (mc thi gian trong qu kh)
Th qu kh n dng ch hnh ng xy ra v chm dt hon ton trong qu kh;
hnh ng xy ra ti mt mc thi gian thuc v qu kh (yesterday last week/last year/
in 1993...)
E.g: I was born in 1994.
p n D (has appeared appeared)
Question 54: Gii:
- Dng V-ing sau gii t
p n D (to treat sickness treating sickness)
Question 55: Gii:
Gin lc mnh quan h:
Nu pha trc danh t c the first, the second, the only... th chng ta dng to V
(mang ch ng); to be PP (mang b ng) gin lc mnh quan h
E.g1: He was the first person who came here.
=> He was the first person to come here. (ch ng)
E.g2: I was the last person who was interviewed this morning.
=> I was the last person to be interviewed this morning. (b ng)
p n D
Question 56: Gii:
- either
E.g: You can park on either side of the street (Bn c th xe mt trong 2 hn
ng ph)
either come in or go out (hoc vo hoc ra)
- too
E.g: The car is too expensive for me to buy (Chic xe qu t cho ti mua)
S + V + too + adj/adv + for Sb + to do sth
When Ive finished painting the bathroom, Im going to do the kitchen too (Khi ti sn
xong phng tm, ti d nh cng s sn phng bp)
- also (adv); cng (thng ng gia ch ng v ng t thng, sa tobe)
- as well (adv): cng (ng cui cu.)
- as well as: cng nh
E.g: If you go, Ill go as well (Nu bn i, ti cng s i.)
Question 57: Gii:
- nerve / (n): kh phch, can m
- audacity (n): s to bo
- resolution (n): quyt tm, s cng quyt
- courage: s can m, dng cm
p n D (medal for courage: huy chng cho lng dng cm)
Question 58: Gii:
- Cu trc song song trong cu ngha l nhng thng tin lit k trong cng mt cu
phi ging nhau v t loi hoc th khi thi gian trong cc mnh ca cu l nh nhau
(N-N; adj- adj; verb- verb;...)
E.g1: She is a teacher, a politician, and an engineer. (N, N and N)

E.g2: He entered the room, sat down, and opened the window. (V, V and V)
Chng ta nhn thy trong cu He (...) was elected to the US House of Representatives
(1947-53) and then (elected) to the US Senate.
p n B
Question 59: Gii:
- the same:
S + V + (not) the same + (N) + as + N/pronoun
E.g: My house is not the same as your house/yours (Nh ca ti khng ging nh nh
ca bn)
Those two dresses are the same (2 ci vy kia l ging nhau)
Monday was pretty hot, and Tuesday was the same.(Th 2 th kh nng, th 3 cng
- lke + N: nh, ging nh ~ such as
E.g: I want to visit the countries like the US to explore the culture.
- alike (adj/ adv): ging nhau
Nu l mt adj [not before noun] th tng ng vi: very similar (rt l ging
E.g: My sister and I look alike. (Ti v ch ti trng ging nhau.)
Nu l mt adv th tng ng vi: in a very similar way (cch thc ging nhau)
E.g: My father treated us all alike. (B ti i x vi tt c chng ti ging nhau.)
- as: nh
+ as dng ni v cng vic hoc chc nng
E.g: I worked as a shop assistant for 2 years when I was a student (Ti lm vic
nh mt nhn vin bn hng c 2 nm khi cn l sinh vin.)
He used his shoe as a hammer to hang the picture up (Anh y dngchic giy nh mt
ci ba ng inh treo tranh.)
+ theo sau as l mnh
E.g: Shes a talented writer, as most of her family are. (C y l mt nh vn ti nng
nh hu ht thnh vin trong gia nh c y.)
p n D
Question 60: Gii:
- work on : c gng thuyt phc ai lm g, c gng ci thin iu g
E.g: You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more.
- deal with: gii quyt
E.g: Hes good at dealing with pressure.
- get over: wt qua, khc phc
E.g: I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.
- face with: i mt vi
E.g: The country was faced with the possibility of an earth quake.
p n B (ng t theo sau gii t thng l V-ing)
Question 61: Gii:
- beside: bn, bn cnh, so vi
E.g: He sat beside her all night.
My painting looks childish beside yours.
- upper: cao hn (v v tr, a l, cp bc,...)
E.g: the upper jaw (hm trn)
- for: cho
E.g: to buy something for somebody (mua ci g cho ai)
p n C (work with: lm vic vi).
Question 62: Gii:
- Ch trng ny cn mt danh t
V tr ca danh t:
Danh t thng c t nhng v tr sau
+ Ch ng ca cu (thng ng u cu hoc sau trng ng ch thi gian)
E.g: Maths is the subject I like best.
Yesterday Lan went home at midnight.

+ Sau tnh t: my, your, our, their, his, her, its, good, beautiful....
E.g: She is a good teacher.
His father works in hospital.
+ Lm tn ng, sau ng t
E.g: I like English.
We are students.
+ Sau enough
E.g: He didnt have enough money to buy that car.
+ Sau cc mo t a, an, the hoc cc t this, that, these, those, each, every, both, no,
some, any, few, a few, little, a little,... Lu cu trc a/an/the + adj + noun)
E.g: This book is an interesting book.
+ Sau gii t: in, on, of, with, under, about, at
Ex: Thanh is good at literature.
p n C (movement (n): phong tro, cuc vn ng)
Question 63: Gii:
- nothing: khng c g, khng c ci g
Chng ta thng dng nothing trc hoc sau ng t th khng nh (V c
chia s t).
E.g: Nothing makes Lan happy.
- something: (mt) iu g , vic g , ci g
Chng ta thng dng something trong cu khng nh
E.g: Im going to have something to drink.
i khi l trong li mi lch s:
E.g: Would you like something to drink ?
- anything: bt c ci g, bt c vic g, bt c iu g
Ta thng dng anything trong cu ph nh v nghi vn
E.g: Would you like anything else?
She doesnt like anything.
- everything: tt c mi th
Ta dng everything trc hoc sau ng t th khng nh.
E.g: Ive done everything I can.
p n B (Nothing has ever been definitely proved: Khng c g c chng thc
mt cch rch ri
Question 64: Gii:
- deniably (adv): c th t chi, c th khc t
- definitely (adv): mt cch rch ri, chc chn
- positively (adv): mt cch qu quyt
- categorically (adv): thng thng, dt khot
p n B (to be defiinitely proved: c chng minh r rng)
p n:
1. Camry is the prettier of the two girls.
So snh hn km khng dng than gia 2 i tng
S + tobe + the + adj-er (vi tnh t ngn)/more adj (vi tnh t di) + of the two +
plural nouns
E.g: Nam is the more intelligent of the two boys.
Of the two books, this one is the more interesting.
2. Ive never seen a better film than this (film/ one).
Ive never seen such a good film.
Cu trc: This/that/It + is + so snh nht ca tnh t + N + (that) s + have/has + ever
= S have/has never PP + a + so snh hn ca tnh t + N + than this/that N
= S have/has never PP such + a/an + adj + N
3. There are over 2,000 students in my school

Cu trc:.
S + have/has + t ch s lng + plural nouns = There + is/ are + t ch s lng + N +
...(chuyn t S)
E.g: My family has 4 people. = There are 4 people in my family.
4. It is said that the plane of Germanwings crashed into the mountains
cu trc b ng vi cc ng t nh: say; think;...
C: S1 + say (s) + that + S2 + V...
Cch 1: It is said that + S2 + V... Cch 2: S2 + to be + said 4- to V/ to have PP... (to have PP nu ng t
mnh sau
trc th so vi mnh trc)
5. He tries to learn English well with a view to finding a good job.
With a view to V-ing = to-V = so as to V = in order to V: dng ch mc ch
- Keep us healthy: gi cho chng ta khe mnh
- Improve our self-confidence: ci thin s t tin
- Relieve tension: lm gim tnh trng cng thng
- Have positive outlooks on life: c ci nhn tch cc trong cuc sng
- Fun: vui v
- Reduce stress: gim stress
Health has been considered to be the most valuable thing one possesses. The simplest,
cheapest, but the most effective way to have good health is doing regular exercise. In
other words, taking exercise gives us several benefits. Firstly, doing exercise can keep US
healthy. A variety of health problems such as heart disease, obesity can easily prevented
by exercising. Secondly, it improves our self-confidence. Doing exercise provides us with
more energy which helps us relieve tension, reduce stress and have positive outlooks on
life. Last but not least, its really fun when taking more exercise. When we really spend
our free time doing exercise, we realize that its an enjoyable experience. There is no
greater feeling than achieving a weight - losing goal and being able to feel better. In
conclusion, doing exercise is the key to make our lives healthier and happier.
(143 words)
Cu trc so snh bi ca tnh t
Cu hi ui vi Lets
Cm The+adj
Practise + V-ing, agree + to-V, V-ing
theo saugii t
So snh kp
Th qu kh tip din
Danh ng t sau practise
Cu b ng th hin ti tip din
V tr trng t
o ng cu iu kin
i t quan h
So snh hn ca danh t
Cu trc o ng vi Not until
Cch pht m ui -ed
Th qu kh n
Rt gn mnh quan h
S khc bit gia alike, likely, the
same, as
Cch dng either, too, also, as well
Cu trc b

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