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Chapter 1 : Introduction to Industrial Engineering


Define IE and state contributions of different scientists in IE.

Define Productivity. Explain Factors Affecting Productivity.
What are the ways to improve productivity?
Problem 1
Problem 2
Problem 3

Chapter 2 : Work Study

1. Define work study and state and explain objectives of Work Study.
2. Explain importance of work study procedure.
3. Explain importance of Work Study Procedure. State relation of work study wih
work simplification and human relation.
Chapter 3: Method Study

Define Method Study and state and explain objectives of Method Study.
What are different symbols and charts used in method study?
Explain with example OPC, FPC, THPC, MAC,SIMO
Explain SIMO charts. Also explain the method for critical examination,
selection and implementation of method study

Chapter 4 : Ergonomics
1. Questions Based on PPT
Chapter 5: Work Measurements
1. Define work measurement. What are the objectives and techniques of work
2. Define Time Study. What are steps in making a time study?
3. Problem1
4. Problem 2
5. Problem 3
6. Explain PMTS /PTS
Chapter 6: Facility Layout
1. What are the factors affecting site location?
2. What are the objectives of plant layout?
3. Explain (1) Product Layout (2) Process layout (3) Fixed Position Layout (4)
Hybrid or Cellular Layout
4. Problem 1
5. Problem 2
Chapter 7: Job Evolution/Job Design
1. Explain the elements of Job Analysis.

2. Explain mechanism of Job Design simplification, enlargement, rotation,

Chapter 8: Product Design Development
1. What do you understand by product design and development?
2. What are the factors affecting product design? Explain.
3. Explain with sketch different phases of product life cycle.
4. Explain the three Ss i.e simplification, standardization and specialization.
5. What is Value Analysis?
6. Explain different phases of job plan in value analysis.
7. Explain FAST diagram with an example.
8. Problems

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