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Positive and neutral messages convey to the receiver the information that is pleasant, favorable,
or neutral.Be optimistic, provide coherence, use emphasis techniques and stress receiver interests
and benefits.
1. When planning a Positive Message:

analyze the situation, making sure that your purpose is clear and you know enough about.
your audience to craft a successful message.
gather the information that your audience needs to know.
select the right medium for the message.
organize your information effectively.

2. When writing a Positive Message

Best conveyed using the you attitude , be polite, emphasize the positive and use bias
free language.
To strengthen your relationship with your audience, establish your credibility and project.
your companys image.
Use the direct plan
3. Direct plan for Positive and Neutral Messages
1. The Opening
Give positive or neutral information
Be optimistic
Provide coherence
Use emphasis techniques
Stress receiver interests and benefits
2. The explanation
Present related information
Be objective
Be concise
Be positive
3. The Sales Appeal (optional) (To persuade the reader to take a specific action. Can be
effective in many messages , but it is not appropriate in all of them).
Personalize the message
Suggest alternatives if possible
Aim for quick action

4. The friendly close

Build goodwill
Be concise
Be positive
Express appreciation
Making Requests
Making requests - for information, action, products, claims, adjustments or other matters is
routine part of business. In most cases your audience will be prepared to comply, as long as
youre not being unreasonable or asking people to do something they would expect you to do
yourself. By applying a clear strategy and tailoring your approach to each situation youll be able
to generate effective requests quickly.
A. State your request upfront.
Write in a polite, undemanding, personal tone.
Use direct approach because you audience will respond favorably to your request.
Be specific and precise in your request.
B. Explain and justify your request
Justify your request or explain its importance.
Explain any potential benefits of responding.
Ask the most important questions first.
Break complex requests into individual questions that are limited to only on topic each.
C. Request specific action in courteous close
Make it easy to comply by including appropriate contact information.
Express your gratitude.
Clearly state any important deadline for your request.
Dear Customer Service Representative:
A comparison of our utility bills with those of our neighbouring businesses suggests that the
utility meter inn our store may not be accurate. Please send our technician to check it Opens
clearly and calmly by stating the problem
The European connecton has been in our current location since 2nd December, almost three
months. Our monthly bill is nearly double those of our neighbouring businesses in this building,
yet we all have similar storefronts and equipment. We pais $816.00 in December and $819.00 in

January. In contrast, the highest bills that neighbouring businesses paid were $543.50 and
$546.87 for those two months.
(Provides details in the body so that the reader can understand why Covington thinks a problem
If your representative would visit our store, he or she could do an analysis of how much energy
we are using. We understand that you regularly provide this helpful service to customers. We
would appreciate hearing from you this week. You can reach me by calling (805) 979-7727
during business hours. I look forward to hearing from you. ( requests specific action in the
closing and provides contact information to make responding easy)
Laura Covington

2. Writing Routine Replies and Positive Messages answers to requests for

information and action, grant of claims and requests for adjustment, recommendations,
informative messages, goodnews announcements and goodwill messages.
Start with the main idea.
Be clear and concise.
Identify the single most important message before you start writing.
Provide necessary details and explanations
Explain your point completely to elimiante any confusion or lingering doubts
Maintain a supportive tone throughout.
Embed negative statements in positive contexts or balance them with positive alternatives
Talk favorably about choices the customers has made.
End with a courteous close
Let your readers know that you have their personal well-being in mind
If further action is required, tell readers how to proceed and encourage them to act

Example: Personalized Reply to a Request for Information

To: Julian Zamakis<

From: Haley Middleton<
Subject: Employment Information
Dear Mr. Zamakis
Thank you for your interest in Herman Miller. Inc. Although we currently have no openings
matching your qualifications, our needs are continually changing, and we would like to retain a
copy of your resume for one year. ( States the purpose of the email immediately but places the
bad news midparagraph and balances it with a positve idea).
As a leading global manufacturer and marketer of quality furniture system, products and services
we are often in need of qualified candidates. When an opening does occur, we review our files to
match our needs with candidates qualifications. (Validates the statement about keeping resume
on file by explaining that resumes are reviewed when openings occur).
At Herman Miller, we cultivate a working environment that is conducive to the creative process.
Our corporate culture develops and rewards those who acquire new skills and take charge of their
careers. Be sure to keep you posted with updates on your progress as you gain experience and
skills. (Gives the reader a glimpse into the corporate culture and enmcourages continous
Please feel free to check back with us. Our website is continually updated with the most recent
employment information. Just follow the links to investigate career opportunities, the variety of
benefits we extend to our employees, the corporate culture at Herman Miller, and the quality of
life at West Michigan. ( Closes on a warm positive note)
Human Resources
Herman Miller
Herman Miller Inc
885 East Main Street
PO Box
Zeeland, Michigan 48257
Granting Claims and Requests for Adjustments

(Includes plenty of contact information,

in keeping with the friendly audience focus)

Even the best run companies make mistakes from shipping the wrong order to billing the
customerss credit card inaccurately. Your response to a customer complaint depends on your
companies policies for resolving such issues and and your assessment of whether the company,
the customer, or some third party is at fault.
A. Repsonding when your company is at fault.
Be aware of your companys policies before your respond.
For serious situations, refer to the companys crisis management plan.
Start by acknowledging the receipt of the claim or complaint.
Take or assign personal responsibility for resolving the situation.
Sympathisize with the customers frustration.
Explain how you have resolved the situation (or plan to).
Take steps to repair the customer relationship.
Verify your response with the customer and keep the lines of communication open.
B. Reponding when the customer is at fault
Weigh the cost of complying with or requesting the request.
If you choose to comply, open with the good news.
Use the body of the message to respectfully educate the customer about steps needed to
avoid a similar outcome in the future.
Close with an appreciation for the customers business.
C. Responding when a third party is at fault
Evaluate the situation and review your companys policies before responding.
Avoid placing blame; focus on the solution.
Regardless of who is responsible for resolving the situation, let the customer know who
will resolve the problem.

3. Sending Goodwill Messages - Congratulations, Condolence, Invitation,

Appreciation, A Holiday Greeting festive season

Be sincere and honest

Dont exaggerate or use vague; grandiose language; support positive statements with
specific evidence
Use congratulatory messages to build goodwill with clients and colleagues
Send messages of appreciation to emphasize how much you value the work of others
When sending condolence message, open with a brief statement of sympathy followed by
an expression of how much the deceased person meant to you or your firm (as
appropriate); close by offering your best wishes for the future


Dear Sherman,
This years ASIP international conference was an overwhelming success and you are the one
who deserves the credit. (Expresses appreciation)
You selected high-quality speakers who addressed topics that are tiemly and of interest to our
members. Adding pre-conference workshops drew even more people to the event and
contributed to this years record-breaking attendance. By allowing 30 minutes between sessions,
you enabled members to enjoy refreshments while networking with speakers or other attendees.
(Give necessary information)
Our local chapter has always recognized and valued your energy, ability to organize and
sensitivity to others needs. You have our respect, admiration and gratitude for serving as
program chair for the conference. (Uses a friendly close and is personal and sincere).
Jayne Carroll
Jayne Carroll

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