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5 Winning Proposals

This is a list of 5 proposals Ive submitted and landed

massive jobs from. Regardless of your niche, these
proposals can be an example that you model off and use
with your own add-ons, ideas, etc.

Proposal #1

This ended up being a job working with a fantastic social
media management & PPC company that spent $135,000+
on Elance in the last 12 months.
The owner has been on Goodmorning America, CNN, ABD
Family, CBS, Larry King LIVE, and about a dozen other
notable networks.

Proposal #2

This was one of my first big proposals I landed. To this day, I
have earned upwards of $15,000 over the last 9 months of
working with this client.
In fact, weve actually become good friends and mastermind
products together. Plus, I quickly increased the amount I
charged hourly and he was happy to do so.

Proposal #3

This was a milestone for me. It marked one of the first
$100/hour consulting sessions I ever had.
It was for a company that has converted more then 10,000
sails into over 100,000 elegant fashionable handbags.

Proposal #4

I related quickly with this client and setup a Facebook ad
campaign to average about $100 per hour.
Since then, he has become a returning customer for Facebook
advertising management!

Proposal #5

This was a video proposal, where I recorded directly to Youtube
from my computer webcam.
It was during my testing phase of video proposals vs plain-text.
I landed them as a client and they paid monthly for us to
manage & grow all their social networks, as well as run
Facebook ads for them for 4 months!

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