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‘wa2017 Economies Paper 2—Reluctant Econemis Reluctant Economist UPSC CSE preparation guide Economics Paper 2 Economics Paper 2 is entirely about the Indian economy. Given past trends, I thought that if I prepare Eco 2 really, really well, I could score 160-170 marks here, because people have got very high marks in the past. Consequently, I spent way too much time preparing for this, especially given the fact that it’s a relatively easy to prepare paper. I thought I wrote good answers in the exam, and was hoping that this will be the paper that gets me the IFS job. As things turn out, I did get a good rank, but no thanks to Eco paper 2. The highest mark I’ve seen in this paper in 2015 is 120; I got 119. So, relatively my marks are still okay, but given that some of the other toppers have 140+ in both their optional papers, it was very surprising to see Eco 02 suddenly butchered this year like this. Usually, Uma Kapila is a good place to start, but by no stretch of imagination does it cover the syllabus. You need to actively and wisely use the internet. I took an EPW online subscription, and used the search function extensively. For WTO, TRIPS, TRIMS etc., and for a lot of other topics, this was really useful. Basically, I would search for key words from the syllabus and read whatever relevant articles came up on EPW. (Note: much to my horror, I discovered quite late that there is no need to read the Uma Kapila book I’d been reading, which was monstrously fat. After I’d already read and made notes from this fat book, I discovered that there is a much smaller, concise edition also available (this one). I’d recommend only buying the concise edition- the fat book is an anthology, where several writers have contributed. In the second one, Uma Kapila summarises all their arguments under relevant themes. Whatever you'll get out of the fat book, you can also get out of the thin book). ipssireluctartocenamisiblog werdpress.comiocon-p2! wie

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