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Drawing on the right side of the brain

Portrait drawing is a challenging endevor that many artist have

sucseeded in, and although its never been my favorite task especialy if
its a self portrait but its sort of fun to try and capture the individual
personalities and emotions in the picture. Drawing faces helps me
figure out correct porpotions and shapes and the more i practice at it
the more the faces look correct. The choped off face affect is a
common mistake that happens when students use porportion the
wrong way also when you miss use the space on your paper, i know ive
made this mistake and knowing why it happens helps me not do it so
much and when it does happen i know how to fix it. Adding Values to
the portraits will make it more relistic, it helps me map out the
drawings. Cross hatching helps with a more precice and blended
shadow. Light and shadows also help me make drawing look more 3D
Instead of 2D. Ive also stuggled with drawing hair in the past because
of the fact if you arent careful it can look cartoonish rather easly.
Reading this book and taking this class has helped me figure out the
issues with my drawings and how to solve those problems such as
using a ruler to map out porportions and checking the negitive spaces
of a picture.

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