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- Body language

- avoids other people space

- constant, sustained eye contact
- he uses his BL to display dominance
- able to read when other people are challenging him
- who can invade whose space?
- who looks away?
- who feels more uncomfortable?
- dealing with this, by calling it out?
- making the rules clear
- clearity of what gets punished and what gets rewarded
- punishment, and(or) reward
- punishment can only go as far for a leader, it must exist soem kind of a posit
ive reinforcment(reward)
- setting up reward systems for those loyal to him
- benefits of working for him, opposite to punishemnts for disobaying
- you need to have clear consequences
- you can't just punish, you must reward too
- altering someones identity is the way of strongest ways to alter someones beha
- Charels Manson
- identity is made of the choices
- "if I choose to work for Negan, then I become the Negan"
- "feeling of when you are doing something outside of your identity" (?)
- get the key supporters on your side by controling and distributing the treasur
- notice who people literally follow when that person walks in a certain directi
- *** notice who people ask questions of when they need to make a decision ***
- who do people listen to when there are disagreements
- **** if Negan can control the group then the whole group is controlled, follow
- ** minimize key supporters **
- freedom of association
- reducing the communiaction, connections, speach between people reduces their p

- be aware the generals refuse your treasure

- they don't want what you give
- they want something else
- they will be unsatisfied
- they will be less loyal
- until they get what they are seeking

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