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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 03, 2017

At times people get disturbed by the various predictions the year brings. Should we really
worry? What is our recourse? Bhagawan, our Loving God, reminds us today.

Time is an embodiment of God. Hence one of Gods

many names is Samvatsara. Because Time is the
essential spirit of God, God is known as Kalatmaka.
God is also called as the Lord of Aeons (Yugadi-krit)
because He creates and dissolves aeons like Krita,
Dwapara and Kali Yuga. Because He contains
everything within Himself and protects them, God is
also called Kalagarbha (The One who is the womb
of Time). Embodiments of Love! Firm faith in God's
name will ward off the portents indicated by the
planetary conjunctions in the New Year. There may
be indications of various kinds of conflicts, dangers
and disasters during the year, but many joyous
events are also likely. God always protects the wise
and virtuous. I advise the devotees to carry on their
duties in a spirit of dedication, with firm faith in God.
- Divine Discourse, Mar 27, 1990.

Your life must be based on the principle of surrender to the Divine. Baba

03 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: keI bwr lok,ies gl qy bhuq pRySwn ho jWdy hn jd aunHW nUM ieh Biv`K bwxI d`sI jWdI hY ik ies swl quhwnUM
ieh muSklW Awaux vwlIAW hn[kI swnUM,ies bwry s`c-muc icMqw krnI cwhIdI hY? swfy ipAwry Bgvwn,A`j swnUM Xwd
duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: smW,Bgvwn srUp hY[ies leI, Bgvwn dy keI nwmW iv`coN , aunHW dw iek nW,smvqsr vI hY[ikauN jo smW
Bgvwn dI mh`qvpUrx Awqmw hY , Bgvwn nUM kwlwqimk vI ikhw jWdw hY[Bgvwn nUM,Xu`gW dw Bgvwn vI ikhw jWdw hY
ikauN jo auh, sirStI dI auqp`qI vI krdy hn Aqy ikRq X`ug,dvwpr Xu`g Aqy kl Xu`g dI qrHW, aus dw ivnwS vI

krdy hn[ikauN jo Bgvwn,hr cIz nUM Awpxy AMdr r`Ky(smwey) hoey hn Aqy aunHW cIzW dI r`iKAw krdy hn,ies leI
aunHW nUM,kwlgrB( ijhVy kwl dy grB hn) vI ikhw jWdw hY[pRym srUpo! nvyN swl ivc, igRhW dy iek`Ty hox qoN Awaux
vwlI kIqI Biv`K bwxI dw quhwfy au`qy koeI Asr ,qW nhIN hovy gw jy qusIN,Bgvwn au`qy pUrw Brosw r`Ko gy[nvyN swl
ivc keI iksm dy JgVy,Kqry Aqy qbwhI dy sMkyq Awaux gy pr aus dy nwl-nwl, keI KuSI dy mOky vI Awaux
gy[Bgvwn hmySw,bu`DImwn Aqy guxI lokW dI r`iKAw krdy hn[mYN BgqW nUM nsIhq idMdw hW ik auh, AwpxI idaUtI nUM
, Bgvwn au`qy p`kw ivSvwS r`K ky, smrpx dI Bwvnw nwl krn[( 27 mwrc,1990 dy idvX pRvcn)[
quhwfy jIvn dw AwDwr,Bgvwn nUM pUry smrpx dy AsUl au`qy hoxw cwhIdw hY[(bwbw)[

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