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Image result for inputs Definition An entry is in the field of information technology, a set
of data that is received by a system for further processing. This concept always
appears linked to the output, which is the presentation of information for the user to use
it as neede
. Each of the meanings or semantic variations of the definition of a lexical dictionary

Articulate sounds and words [a person] to express or communicate. "Speak up, speak
softly, yakking, the child is learning to speak" 2. Having a conversation [a person] with
another or others about an issue. "Yesterday I spoke at length with my father"
adjective From the sounds of human language or related to them. "Phonetic
transcription, phonetic code, phonetic change"

female name 1. Action to translate. "It raises all translation problems, but Rimbaud is
especially difficult because it is not just translate, but to interpret" 2. Work or speech
translated. "Publish a translation"
Bar [/], also called slash, slash, diagonal, vertical bar (not to be confused with "") is a
punctuation mark consisting of a diagonal line drawn from top to bottom and from left to

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