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1. open HOIC
2. click the "+" symbol underneath "TARGETS" on the far right side.
3. type in http:// or https:// if site is secured , this is the website you will
4. You may slide the power bar from low, medium or high. (CLICK AND DRAG TO ACH
IEVE MEDIUM, I know it is difficult sometimes but Windows controls are homo)
5. Click on the box underneath booster, and select "GenericBoost.hoic"
**This file boosts the output of your HOIC with attacks at the targeted website.
6. Click add
7. Locate "Threads", click on the left arrow and right arrow to adjust the numb
er of threads.
a thread makes the attack more powerful, but may lag your system. you should on
ly use 1 thread per CPU at most for optimal performance, although a much lower s
etting is recommended, such as 2 or 1.
8. now that you are ready to attack, click FIRE TEH LAZER.
9. Your HOIC is now active.... notice that while it is active, it might appear
to have crashed if you click upon the application. if this occurs, you may rega
in control of the application by clicking on FIRE TEH LAZER!. if this does noth
ing, open task manager, then try again. ultimately, there is nothing wrong with
leaving the process open with the additional dialog that informs you that it ha
s crashed as this is incorrect. the program is working aggressively in the back
ground. if you wish to terminate it and it has deadlocked, use taskmanager (CTR
L+ALT+DEL -> Processes -> Select hoic.exe, and click End Process)

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