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Due date: September 5,2016


Tung 30/8/16

Magazine article about Monty

The school trip to see Monty Roberts was not only highly entertaining
but caused us to reflect on the way students are treated in school.
On the trip to see the Monty Roberts demonstration of his
method of taming horses, we experienced and made us comprehend
about how could we apply this to students in school and how are they
tin school and how his method can help the school and what
advantages and disadvantages it will bring.
What is the Montys method you might ask? The horses are
usually not trained and sometimes are even wild. First horses he
usually tries to calm down the horse by trying to do actions that a
predator wouldnt do, so the horse knows that it is not in danger and
its not going to get hurt. Then he tries to walk to it side ways to avoid
eye contact to not disturb the horse, until he can put the saddle on its
This method can be applied to students by doing the same for
what he does to horses, gives them safety, love and gives them trust
and ability to trust. His method is simple he does good actions and he
will get positive response. Monty says that there is not a bad child or a
horse born, its just how you teach them and the teaching matters
because the education will decide what will they become in the future.
He wants parents and children to make contracts so the children get
the feeling of responsibility. The contract should have the reward for
accomplishing something or a task for breaking the contract. However
in schools it should be a little different. The teachers should teach one
class and if the students behave and study well they would get a fiveminute free for free time at the end of the period once a week. And if
they dont they would have to do a task like write a magazine article
about Monty Roberts, and with this method both the students feel
great about the contract and the teachers would also be pleased cause
the students will strive to study and get the five-minute break.
I think this would be a great way to help the relationship between
the teachers and the students, by letting the student get the reward
for striving hard and the teachers also can also stop worrying about
many students failing their classes.

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