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The Effects of Juvenile Delinquency

By Lesley Barker

1. The effects of juvenile delinquency on the victims

A. The victim always suffer loss.
B. The victim may incur to lost wages, health care, or psychological
2. The effects on the juvenile delinquent

He or she is probably unable to predict.

He or she may lose his or her freedom.
The juvenile may lose ground academically.
Juvenile older than 14 becomes a repeat offender, he or she can be
tried and sentenced as an adult.
E. The delinquency may have even have future consequences on the
adolescents college and career choice.
3. The effects on the juvenile delinquency on the community
A. Juvenile delinquency have great affect on the communities by
making neighborhoods unsafe and costing large amounts of public
money to be spent on law enforcement and school safety.
4. The effects on the juvenile delinquency on Society
A. Juvenile delinquency affect too many American individuals, families,
and communities.
B. It is a serious problem that challenges the efforts of government
agencies, politicians, educators, fait communities, and nonprofit
organization alike.

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