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This is a cruzeirenses space and laundry is washed at home.

Right to vote "After

a year of associative membership, it is attributed to effective and relevant pa
rtners the following number of votes. Associated years. Membership Votes number
over 1 year and up to 5 years 1 Partners with over 5 years and up to 10 years 5
partners with more than 10 years and up to 25 years 20 effective partners with m
ore than 25 years The 50 most interesting and the socio time increases and the w
eight of his vote at a meeting until p / choosing the next pTheir open letter to
uches with love and care in points for which our president really have to stop a
nd pay attention to work things out at the club. More funny it is to see that de
spite the continuous Viana and nullity of fan're more concerned about the presen
ce of cornetar Allano LAMBANAS, play well or not. It should not hold, but is the
least of our problems. is so bad that BR has to mark it.I not agree with the es
calation of ... But the support! I think now come ... if it comes with ... oh co
mplicated right? lol .. About, I think it deserves a chair cha in Toca 1, or per
haps need to exchange it with any player from abroad / ... The guy already came
doing shit ... on hra qa TV showed him entering the field I've seen him coming,
walking, swinging his head .... etc ... *****!More funny it is to see that despi
te the continuous Viana and nullity of fan're more concerned about the presence
of cornetar Allano LAMBANAS, play well or not. It should not hold, but is the lea
st of our problems. is so bad that BR has to mark it.I not agree with the escal
ation of ... But the support! I think now come ... if it comes with ... oh compl
icated right? lol .. About, I think it deserves a chair cha in Toca 1, or perhap
s need to exchange it with any player from abroad / ... The guy already came doi
ng shit ... on hra qa TV showed him entering the field I've seen him coming, wal
king, swinging his head .... etc ... *****!Congratulations on your OPEN LETTER.

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