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How to Install VMware VCSA 6.

VMware VCSA (vCenter Server appliance) is more robust and more scalable. Details
in my post which has the details of vCenter server 6.0 (Windows and Linux versi
ons). While deployment of Windows based vCenter server is probbably more usuall
in the enterprise, the VCSA isn t that popular just yet. The reason is certainly t
he previous limitations of VCSA, but which now dissapeared (almost).
Previously VCSA could manage 100 hosts, now maximum is 1000 . Also the maximum of
VMs managed by VCSA based vCenter has evolved. Now it s 10,000 VMw where previousl
y it was only 3000 VMs.
Note that the minimum RAM is 8Gb and in this configuration you can run up to 20
hosts with total 400 VMs. Here is a table showing different sizes of the applian
ce. The size can easily be adjusted during the deployment process.

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