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Andrea Policastro and Katie Risolo

Professor Chamblin
Course: EDU 574
Grade: 1st Grade
Topic: Digraphs
Unit Objective
Students will engage in interactive activities as they learn to formulate words using the
digraphs ch, sh, th, wh and -ck. The teacher will emphasize that a digraph is two letters that make
one sound. Students will participate in collaborative activities, games, literacy assignments, and
group discussions about each digraph and their significance in words. Digraphs are the central
focus of this unit and through the varying activities featured in each lesson, students will gain
knowledge of what they are and how they are important in sounding out letters in words.

Universal Design for Learning Guideline Checkpoints:

1.3: Provide Multiple Means of Representation - Provide options for perception:
Offer alternatives for visual information.
Indicator: This is evident and implemented throughout the unit
while using Fundations Sound Cards and Letter Cards to provide visual aids while
presenting the digraphs to the students.
3.3: Provide Multiple Means of Representation - Provide options for
comprehension: Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships.
Indicator: This is evident when the teacher highlights the
digraph(s) being presented in each lesson and emphasizes the critical features of
digraphs, along with the relationship between the two letters in that it makes one
5.2: Provide Multiple Means for Action and Expression - Provide options for
expression and communication: Use multiple tools for construction and composition.

Indicator: This is evident within the unit plan as each lesson plan
activity utilizes different strategies and educational tools to reinforce the specific
digraph being taught. For example, besides Fundations Sound and Word Cards,
the teacher uses the SMART board to present video clips about specific digraphs,
to display the interactive Sorting Activity, Fundations Letter Board and AirDrop
the KidzPhonics App that the students will use on iPads. Also, students are
engaging in mystery bag activities, puzzle sorts and games to reinforce digraphs.

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