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Stem Cell Research

Grace Lindmark
There is an increasing amount of research and innovation surrounding stem cells. They could be
revolutionary in medicine, with more experimentation. Everyone should care about this new
technology, but it is especially important to teens because it could change the future of health.
Stem cells have the potential to help with diseases that were previously thought of as incurable
such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons and spinal cord injuries (Joseph 1). Embryonic stem cells have
the ability to become any type of specialized cell in the body, meaning it can be used for organ
replacement and the rebuilding of tissue ( Stem Cell Research Facts). Although we dont know
everything, with more research stem cells could change the way we treat many illnesses. Teens
should care about this issue because it will greatly affect healthcare in the future.

Works Cited
Joseph, Laran. "Med Health Daily." Med Health Daily.12 Jan. 2016. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.
"Stem Cell Research Facts." National

Stem Cell Foundation. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

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