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Name : ______________________________ Class : __________

Date : ___________

Reading Response Sheet

Complete these questions as you read the given material. It will guide you in
understanding the material better.
Type of Feature Article
What were these articles about? Check if you can match them to these types of
articles and use evidence from the text to support your choice. You do not need to
complete all the blanks.
How To

Article Example and Reason to support


Profiles (People or Places)

Quiet Charms of Miyajima Island

Use of many adjectives and figurative language,
use of metaphors and descriptive phrases.
Singapores Hawker Food
Provides information on the history, how to order,
what is available at Singapores hawker centres.
Green Pleas for Macritchie
Call to action to protect the nature reserve from the
Cross Island Line construction, quotes, testimonials
and statistics are used.
Tutoring parents in tuition needs
Anecdotes, focuses on an issue that affects lives
Tutoring parents in tuition needs
Provides her opinion about tuition (timely matter)
Not rich in cash, only ear wax
Use of comedic descriptions, use of humor to
ridicule / make fun of the situations

Alarmer-Expos (contains a call to
Human Interest (topics that focus on
issues affecting peoples lives)
Essay, Descriptive, Narrative, or
Humor or Satire

Use of Language
What do you notice about the style of writing in each of the feature articles? Choose
one article to examine further and explain your thoughts about these choices.
Title of Article :
Style of Writing
Why did the writer write in this way?
Use of Language (choice of vocabulary,
type of words used adjectives, adverbs
Choice of components used
anecdotes, statistics, testimonials,
tapping on readers emotions etc
Structure - Arrangement of details and
the paragraphs.
Use of stylistic devices / literary devices
metaphors, similes, ironies,
personifications etc

CGSS English Language Introductory Material 2017

Name : ______________________________ Class : __________

CGSS English Language Introductory Material 2017

Date : ___________

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