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Relative velocity is a key factor when launching spaceships into orbit and the direction in which

they are launched is just as important. The earth orbits the sun in a counterclockwise direction from
the position of the north pole. This means that it will rise in the east and sets in the west. The
velocity of the earth's rotation around the sun is 107,000 kilometers per hour this, however, doesnt
mean that if a rocket is launched from earth that it will be taking advantage of an additional
107,000 kilometers per hour. For example, at the equator, the velocity of rotation along the earth's
axis is 1675 kilometers per hour. If the rocket is launched into the east (from the northern
hemisphere) while the earth is rising towards the east the rocket's velocity relative to the earth will
be the velocity of the launch of the rocket plus the velocity of the earth's orbit rising to the east. By
taking advantage of the earth's natural orbit and launching the rocket into the east while the earth
is rising towards the east its velocity relative to the earth is greatly increased and less fuel is
needed in order to propel the rocket into orbit. The launch needs to occur at a certain type of day to
fully take advantage of the earth's natural rotation. This is important because it makes the launch
of rockets more fuel efficient which is beneficial for everyone. From an economic perspective, it is
cheaper for NASA to launch the rocket since fewer fuels are needed to propel the rocket into orbit
or out of the orbit than if they didnt take advantage of the natural orbit of the earth around its axis
at the certain time of the day. However, this is also beneficial for all of our sakes. Large amounts of
fuels are already needed to launch a rocket from the earth and the less that need to be consumed
the better. This is because the burning of fossil fuels release a lot of greenhouse gasses into our
atmosphere so the less consumed the healthier. Greenhouse gasses are already having an
adverse effect on our planet including species extinction, lower levels of water pH due to acid rain
and the overall death of plants and animals. This is why it is so vital that we reduce our
consumption of crude oil sources when possible.

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