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Journaling Writing Prompts

1. Finish the sentence

Today I feel
Im so happy I have
I fear
I feel challenged by
A wonderful thing that happened today
If I had the courage, I would
Often times I wonder
My mother
I showed a lot of strength when
Sometimes I imagine
Im embarrassed that
My greatest achievement in life is
2. Write about a difficultly time in your life when you showed strength.
3. People often have scripts, or sayings, that they repeat over and over again
in their mind. Identify 2-3 common scripts you find yourself saying.
4. Describe how you want your life to look in 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years.
5. List your top three
Wisest people in your life.
People you trust.
Joyful memories.
Songs that make you happy.
Lifelong challenges.
Current challenges.

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