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10 minute ab workout

10 leg lift touches (v-sit, touch toes)

20 toe touches (legs at 90 degree, touch toes)
10 twists each side (legs 6in off ground, twist toro, touch ground)
10 single leg crunch each side (lay flat, legs 6in off ground, pull knee to ches
10 double leg crunch (same as above)
10 cross leg lifts each side (cross leg over knee, lift to 90 degrees)
13 siders (both sides=1, legs 6in off ground, sway left/right)
10 pulsators (6-12in lifts, quick)
20 rolls ups (traditional, hands on legs, slide over knees)
20 heel touches each way (knees bent, sway to touch heels)
10 plank crunches (plank, arch back, butt up)
8 plank twists each side (plank, pull knee to chest, twist torso)
10 up & ups (lay flat, knees up to 90, torso lift up)
20 toe touches

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