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OUGH What a Story!

By Glenn Gipson

Once upon a time there was an English student who thought that he could find
enough tough dough to fill his borough. He sought for it everywhere. When he
went to the store he bought as much as he could. While on vacation he brought
back some from the neighboring cities. Things were getting rough, and although
he had a cold and a bad cough, he still managed to plough through the winter as
though he were well. He continued his search. He fought long and hard. He
wrought night and day in his endeavor for enough tough dough. Finally, after
many months he thought that his thorough search ought to come to an end. And
one day it did, when by chance he came upon a very old tree. Next to the tree
was an old horse trough. And on the boughs of the tree he saw enough tough
dough to fill his borough. The end!

thought, bought, fought, brought,
ought, sought, wrought


enough, rough, tough

uff as in STUFF

though, although, dough, thorough,


o as in NO or GO

cough, trough


bough, plough

ow as in COW or NOW


u as in THREW or SHOE

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