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2004, 12:37 *
Przeszedem ju 98,5% i nie mam 6 dusz bo nie wiem gdzie szuka tych potworkw!!! I jesz
cze, jak przej t czarn odpychajc chmur????

Ego13 musisz podczas pokonywania wampira mie uaktywnione 3 soule:succubus,giant b

at i flame demon .Staniesz si potem zy okarze si e ty to dracula i bdziesz g tam wej
Forbiden area jest na lewo od takiego mechanicznego rycerza (boss)ale nie od are
ny ja k z nim walczyles tylko wczesniej kiedy widzisz na jednym poziomie skielet
on archera i jakas czarodziejke to idziesz w dl i tam widzisz za takim cienkim pr
zesmykiem ksizke przez ten przesmyk przechodzisz dzieki skieleton blaze (d+b) i dal
ej za 4glowami smokow masz to miejsce.
Przez wodospad nastepujaco: Wlaczyc chodzenie po wodzie, ustawic sie na maxa po
lewej stronie ekranu, wlaczyc soula DEVILa (ten co sie zamienia w metalowego dia
bla) lub CURLY i jazda przez wodospad. Jest tam zbroja, miecz i troche grosza.
PS. popatrzcie na rysunki na skalach przy wodospadzie tam jest wszystko :)

Game Name : Castlevania : Harmony of Dissonance

Encyclopedia mode
Get the Monster Tome relic during game play to unlock the "Encyclopedia" option
at the "Secret Info" menu, which details all monsters that you have defeated.
Summoning Tome
Go to Castle B's Skeleton Cave. First, have the Griffin's Wing and go into the d
ouble exit save room near the entrance area with the big pillar. While in the sa
ve room, save the game then use the Griffin's Wing and go through the roof. You
will get Wizard's Urn and Summoning Tome.
Gradius reference
When you combine the Bolt Spellbook with the Bible secondary weapon, your charac
ter will have a double orb shield in front of him. This shield is one of the shi
elds from Konami's classic Gradius series, with similar sound effects when it co
llides with enemies.
Glitch: Keep relics
Get all of the Dracula relics and go to Castle B. Equip both the JB and MK Brace
lets. Go down into the room and you will start fighting Maxim after talking to h
im. Defeat Maxim and all the Dracula relics will start flying around and Dracula
Wraith will appear. When the battle starts, enter the pause menu and go to "Rel
ics". You will see that you still have all of the Dracula relics, even though th
ey flew away and made Dracula.
Maxim Spells
The same spell that will call duplicate Maxims to fight enemies will summon a he
aling when all alone. Just face right, & in one continuous motion, push LEFT,DOW
N, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT + B. Thanks to NeT1Bler for the summoning directions. This
spell will enable you, as Maxim, to travel further and not to have to worry so m
uch about getting to a Save Point.
Play as Maxim Kischine
Enter MAXIM as a name after completing the game at least once. He is faster and
jumps higher than Belmont.
No magic
Enter NO MAGIC as a name after completing the game at least once.

Hard mode
Enter HARDGAME as a name after completing the game at least once. A voice can be
heard at the start of the introduction to confirm correct code entry.
Boss Rush mode
Successfully complete the game to unlock the Boss Rush option. There are three l
evels (easy, normal, and hard) that must be unlocked by playing each in successi
on, starting with easy.
Classic Simon
Unlock Boss Rush mode, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
, Select at the Konami logo. Select Boss Rush mode to play as the NES version of
Sound test mode
Successfully complete the game with the good ending (where you rescue Maxim and

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