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Doodles & Dragons A Player Supplement for Hunting Monsters in D&D ‘Made for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition A Homebrew Supplement By comm_nagrom Version 1.1 Credits Contact Details ‘Based on the Original D&D game Created by mal: E.Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson Reddit: /ascomm_nagrom ‘Supplement Designer: comm_nagrom you see anything tha you think needs Art Allartwork taken from the oflal Monster fing ‘Hunter Wikia cor if you just want (0 chat, fee ree to soot me an email Reddit PM, or comment on any ‘Special Thanks To: The Red usr Smyris for ‘of my Doodies and Dragons posts and be Ins tutorial and resources on how to make oficial ‘Sure to et back (you! ooking MM pages as well as Reddit user Iratemolusk Ir giving mea template to copy to make this page look good and Redalt user DeusExMundus for helping ‘come up with stats forthe Shagaru Magalal Thanks to all ‘ny weekly players, Nick, David, Muten, oho, Wendy and ‘Tons, for being unwilling est subjects 10 make sure everything ia working propery ‘Anda extra thanks fo Reddit wser CALMAR for helping ime work ont some ofthe kinks in the mechanics. Contents Hunter's Path 8 Path of the Blademaster, Path of the Gunner. 10 Part 2. Monster Hunter Equipment: Monster Parts. Monster Properties Monster Armor. Monster Weapons 15 Upgrading Equipment New Weapon Types F 15 New Weapon Properties. Monster Hunter Items... Restoration & Enhancements, Hunting Tools. Part Monster Manual. ‘Small Monsters, Large Monsters 20 Part 1 New character options Monster Hunter Races: ‘There are many races specific to the monster hunter universe, here are two specific ones for player characters, the Lynian and the Wyverian. Lynian a a Physiology Lynians are a race of sapient creatures who are native to, the land. There are currently only three known Lynian species: the catlike species which harbor the Melynx. and Felyne, the humanoid Shakalaka and the Uruki. ‘They are intelligent, have complex societies, and use a language, although the Shakalaka are more primitive and barbaric, while the felid species tend to live peacefully in democratic societies. Before building more intensive relations with humans, they seem to already have their own civilizations, They can help human hunters during combat. Hard Workers Lynians perform a small variety of jobs in villages, from shopkeeping to farm maintenance, but most notably they may work under a hunter as Chefs or Comrades. i Lynian Traits Your Iynian character has a variety of natural abilities, honed during their younger years. Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Age. It is currently unknown exactly how old the Lynian people live to be, but they seem to have the average lifespan of most feline species Alignment. Almost all Lynians are neutral, believing that they should forge their own path in the world and leave the good and evil to someone else. Size. Most Lynians are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh under 100 pounds. Your size is Small ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision. Accustomed to nocturnal life, you have ‘superior vision in dark and dim conditions, You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Keen Senses. Your senses have been honed throughout your life. You have proficiency in the Perception skill, Naturally Stealthy. Being so small, its hard for others to keep track of exactly where you are. You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Lynian, and one other language of their ch ‘Subrace. Two main subraces of Lynian exist: Felynes and Shakalakas. Choose one of these subraces. Felyne Felynes are recognized by their white fur and have the ability to talk in human language, and can be found both in human villages and in the wild. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1. Well Mannered. You know how to hold yourself when interacting with other people and races. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill. ‘Nimble Escape. Your small, lithe form can easily slip underfoot. You can use Disengage as a bonus action, Shakalaka ‘Shakalaka are small, humanoid creatures with green’ skin. They wear a mask over their heads at all times, $0 their true faces are unknown, Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases byl Brave. You are a natural leader in the face of danger. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Shakalaka Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the Battleaxe, Longsword, Warhammer, and Morningstar. ‘Shakalaka Armor Training. You have proficiency with Medium armor. Aégressive. You pursue foes relentlessly, even at great risk to yourself. As a bonus action, you may move up to your speed towards a Hostile creature you can see. Prepped for Battle. You know the Blade Ward cantrip, Wyverians An Ancient People Wyverians, also known as the Dragon Tribe commonly walk on their talondike toes and have pointed ears, (which is the trademark of their kind). The elder ones are extremely short and wise, which may suggest that ‘Wyverians have been around longer than humans have. Wyverians are descended from the Dragon Tribe, and ‘now supposedly live in the Wyverian Hub. Wyverian Traits Your wyverian character has a number of common racial traits. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1. ‘Age. Its said that wyverians are the oldest race in , and many of them can live to be over 1000 years old. Alignment. Most wyverians are lawful, believing in the fundamental laws of the world and that they should be preserved. Size. Wyverians are roughly human sized but begin to shrink once they reach around 600 years old until ultimately having a massive growth spurt around 4000 years putting them the size of giants. Your size is Medium, ‘Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Master Tradesmanship. You are adept at the tradeskills of your people, whom have a long standing tradition of craftsmanship. You gain proficiency with one type of Artisan’s tools and one other type of tool of your choice. In addition to start with any one toolkit with which you have proficiency. Wyverian Resistance. You may negate one non- magical source of damage or gain Resistance to any one source of magical damage before the damage roll is resolved. You can’t use the feature again until you complete a long rest. Wisciom Beyond Imagine. You are descendant from a race that came thousands, if not millions, of years before the humans, as such you have a great understand of the ways of the world, You gain proficiency in the Nature, History, and Survival skills Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, ‘Wyverian, and one other language of their choice. existen« Monster Hunter Classe: Hunter etn ke 1 42 ‘Trap Maker 2 42 Weakness Exploit (+1) 3 42 Hunter's Path 4 42 Ability Score Improvement 5 +3. Extra Attack 6 +3. Hunter's Path Feature 7 +3. Weakness Exploit (+2) 8 43. Ability Score Improvement 9 4 Hunter's Cunning 10 +4 Hunter's Path Feature u 4 Weakness Exploit (+3) 12 4 Ability Score Improvement 13 45 Extra Attack (2) 14 45 Hunter's Path Feature 15 45 Master Trapper 16 45. Ability Score Improvement 17 46 Weakness Exploit (+4) 18 46 Unshakable 19 46 Ability Score Improvement 20 46 Latent Power Class Features ‘As a Hunter, you gain the following class features. HIT POINTS Hit Dice: 1410 per hunter level Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per hunter level after Ist PROFICIENCIES Armor: All armor, shields ‘Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Tools: Trap tool Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity Skills: Choose two skills from Athletis Stealth, Nature, Perception, Survival Acrobati EQUIPMENT You start with the following equipment, in addition to the ‘equipment granted by your background ‘Trap Maker ‘Asa hunter of lage monsters, you have learned how to create traps capable of ensnaring them cither for capture or to aid in defeating them. At Ist level, you can use trap tools to create pitfall traps and shock traps on the go, to create these traps you need materials to craft them equal to half the cost of the trap you are creating. In addition, you can make improvised traps from the environment in much the same way. To create an improvised trap, you must have access to trap tools and succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival skill check, ifyou do you create an improvised pitfall trap, this trap acts the same as a regular pitfall trap. Weakness Exploit Starting at 2nd level, as a bonus action you may make a Wisdom (Perception) skill check on a larger or larger creature to determine its weakness. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + Half The Creature’s CR(rounded up). Ifyou pass this skill check you gain a +1 to attack rolls against that creature for 1 hour. This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level, +3 at 11th level, and -+4 at 17th level Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of ‘once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. ‘The number of attacks increases to three then you reach 13th level in this class. Hunter's Cunning Beginning at 9th level, when you use a bomb or coating, the DC of the attack becomes 8 + your proficiency bonus +your Wisdom modifier instead of the bomb's normal De. Master Trapper Beginning at 15th level, when a lange or langer creature becomes snared in your trap, you may add your Wisdom modifier to the number of rounds that the creature is incapacitated Unshakable Starting at 18th level, you cannot be Frightened or ‘Stunned, and if you are knocked prone, you may use a reaction to make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw to not bbe knocked prone. Bye Latent Power At 20th level, you can unlock your latent potential and tap into a power few others could imagine. Using your action you break through the mental locks holding your physical abilities back. For 1 minute, you gain a bonus to, your attack and damage rolls, and to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier. Once you use this feature, you can't us you finish a long rest. it again until Hunter's Path ‘Through your training you have managed to become adept with one particular style of hunting. The Hunter Path you choose reflects your prowess with your hunting style. Path of the Blademaster ‘Through tireless effort, you have learns the ways of melee combat and favor it over all others. Whether it be hammer or blade, lance or dagger, you know the ins and ‘outs of how to go toe to toe with anything right in front of you. Melee Specialization ‘When you take this path at 3rd level, you may select one melee specialization from the list below. + Dual Blade Specialization. While wielding a short sword or dagger in each hand, whenever you make a second attack with your ofthand ‘weapon, you can add you ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. + Greatsword Specialization. While wielding a ‘greatsword, you may spend your move action to deal an additional 144 damage when you hit with an attack. ‘+ Sword and Shield Specialization, While wielding a ‘sword and a shield, you may use your shield arm to {interact with tems and objects as though it was an ‘open hand. In addition, while wielding a sword and a shield, after you make a successful attack, you may ‘use a bonus action to make the disengage action and ‘then move half your speed. ‘+ Longsword Specialization, While wielding a ongsword in 2 hands, you may spend a bonus action after making a successful attack to make a second attack with the longsword. This second attack does ‘not gain your Strength modifier to the damage rll ‘+ Hammer Specialization. While wielding a warhammer in 2 hands, you may spend a bonus action after making a successful attack to ‘attempt to KO the monster. Make another attack roll if this attack hits the monster must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. If they fail they are stunned for 1 turn. + Lance Specialization. You may wield a lance in ‘one hand and a shield in the other, even while not mounted. In addition, you no longer have disadvantage to attack targets within 5 feet of you. + Gunlance Specialization, When you use the shelling property of the gunlance, creatures that ‘succeed on their Dexterity saving throw still take half damage. ‘+ Switch Axe Specialization. While wielding a switch axe, ifyou make a bonus action to use the explosive burst property other creatures around your target must pass a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or take half the damage of the explosive burst. + Charge Blade Specialization. While wielding a charge blade, if you make a bonus action to use the explosive burst property other creatures around your target must pass a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier, or take half the damage of the explosive burst. + Insect Glaive Specialization, Insect Gaives count as having the Finess property while you ‘are wielding them. In addition you may add your Dexterity modifier to the damage dealt by your insect attacks Master of Sharpening Starting at 6th level, you may use a whetstone to give any melee weapon the Honed property. In addition, the effects of the whetstone last for 1 hour instead of 1 minute, a Mastery of the specialization that you chose when you first chose this path. The list below ‘shows the benefits of each mastery. + Dual Blade Mastery. During your turn, you may spend an action to enter Demon Mode for 1 ‘minute, While in Demon Mode, you do not have to spend a bonus action to make a second attack while twoweapon fighting. This means you may make a second attack after each attack triggered by the Extra Attack feature. Greatsword Mastery. While wielding a greatsword, you may use an action to make a charged attack. This charged attack doubles the amount of damage dice you roll and adds twice your Strength modifier to the damage instead. You may only use this attack once per round and as soon as you make this attack your turn ends, ‘Sword and Shield Mastery. While wielding a sword and a shield, as a reaction you may reduce the damage of an attack by half after the damage has been rolled. In addition, after using a bonus action 10 disengage, you may make another attack against another target with a bonus to the damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. Longsword Mastery. When you spend a bonus action to make a second attack with your longsword, you may add your Strength modifier to the damage roll Hammer Mastery. When you attempt to KO a monster with a warhammer, you may impose disadvantage on the creature's Constitution saving throw. Lance Mastery. If you move yourentire speed directly towards a creature and then make an attack against that same creature you gain +2 to the attack roll and deal an additional 148 damage. Gunlance Mastery. After you make a successful melee attack with a gunlance, you may spend a bonus action to use the shelling property of the gunlance. the creature you hit with the melee attack must be included in the shelling attack’s, ‘Switch Axe Mastery. When you make an Explosive Burst attack with the switch axe, you deal 108 fire damage per charge expended instead of 146 fire damage. Charge Blade Mastery. After you make an Explosive Burst attack with the charge blade, you may attempt to KO the monster. Make another attack roll, if this attack hits, the ‘monster must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. If they fail they are stunned for 1 turn, alance, ‘+ Insect Glaive Mastery, You may spend a bonus action to make a Kinsect attack. In addition you kinsect now deals 2d6 slashingdamage. ‘Second Melee Specialization At 14th level, you select a second melee specialization and gain its benefits as well. You may not select the ‘same specialization more than once. Path of the Gunner You have realized the benefits of staying back from the ‘main combat. You prefer to stay at range, rai attacks on your foes from a safe distance. While some might call you a coward, you prefer tactics to brute force, and are rewarded in a different way for such thought. down Ranged Specialization ‘When youtake this path at 3rd level, you may select one ranged specialization from the list below. You lose these benefits if you are wearing heavy armor. ‘+ Light Bowgunner. You ignore the loading property when making attacks with a Light Crossbow. In addition when you make a successful attack with a light crossbow, you may spend a bonus action to make a second attack against the same target. ‘+ Heavy Bowgunner. You ignore the loading property when making attacks with a Heavy Crossbow. In addition while wielding a heavy crossbow, you gain +1 AC. ‘+ Archer. When you make a successful attack with a longbow, you may spend a bonus action to make a second attack against another creature within 5ft of that target. Quick Coating Starting at 6th level, on your turn you may spend a bonus action to apply any coating to 5 arrows or bolts. This still consumes the whole coating. Precision Starting at 10th level, when you make an attack against a creature you hit in the previous turn, you gain +1 to your attack roll. In addition, the first attack you make against acreature that you used the Weakness Exploit feature ‘on becomes a critical fit hits. ee 10 Ranged Mastery ‘At 14th level you gain a Mastery of the specialization that you chose when you first chose this path. The list below shows the benefitof each mastery. ‘+ Master Light Bowgunner. When you spend a bonus action to make a second attack, you may make that second attack against all creatures within 5 feet for your original target at disadvantage. ‘+ Master Heavy Bowgunner, While wielding a heavy crossbow, if you are hit by an attack, after the damage has been rolled you may use a reaction to make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to half of the damage taken (rounded up). If you succeed on this save you take no damage and may immediately move up to half your speed, ‘+ Master Archer. When you spend a bonus action to make a second attack, you may make that second attack against all creatures within 5 feet for your original target, or against the ori target, at disadvantage. Part 2 New Equipment Monster Hunter Equipment: There are quite a few weapons and armor specific to the monster hunter universe, below you can find charts and, explanations of how they work. carving knife to carve off 1d4+1 parts from a monster. ‘When you capture a monster you may harvest 1d4 parts from the monster. To determine what parts you harvest, roll a d100 for each carve and consult the table below. If Monster Parts you captured the monster you may add or subtract 10 All monster can be carved for parts, or captured to from each roll, harvest later. When you kill amonster you may use a err Cod Ee eee Great Jags scale Tooth Claw Claw tail tail gem Lagombi hide hide. scale Tooth Tooth Claw Claw Claw gem Selias scale scale plate plate plate Claw Claw Claw gem Great Bagi hide hide scale Tooth Claw Claw tail tail gem Great Wrogsi hide hide scale Tooth Claw Claw tail tail gem Tetsucabra hide scale plate Tooth Tooth Claw Claw tail gem ‘Arzuros hide hide Tooth Tooth Tooth Claw Claw Claw gem Barroth scale scale plate Tooth Tooth Claw tail tail gem Zamisios hide hide Tooth Claw Claw tail tail tail_gem Royal Ludroth hide scale Tooth Tooth Claw Claw tail tail gem NNerscylla scale scale plate plate plate Claw Claw Claw gem Congalala hide hide scale Tooth Tooth Claw Claw Claw gem Rathian scale scale plate Tooth Claw Claw tail gem gem Seltas Queen scale scale plate plate Claw Claw tail tail gem Rathalos scale scale plate Tooth Claw Claw tail gem gem Qurupeco hide scale seale scale scale Claw Claw Claw gem Nargacuga hide seale scale plate Claw Claw tail gem gem Zinogre hide scale scale plate Claw Claw tail gem gem Lagiacrus scale scale plate Tooth Claw Claw tail gem gem Barioth scale scale plate Tooth Tooth Claw tail gem gem Tigres scale scale plate plate Claw Claw tail tail gem Brachytios scale scale scale scale plate plate tail gem gem Devito scale scale plate Tooth Tooth Claw tail gem gem Gore Magala scale scale scale plate plate Claw tail gem gem 12 Monster Properties When you make armor or weapons out of monsters, you gain a benefit based on what kind of monster is being used to cralt the equipment. The following table shows what monster parts can be crafted into gear, the item Steen Great Jas Lagombi Seltas Great Baggi Great Wroggi Tetsucabra Arzuros Barroth Zamtrios Royal Ludroth Nerscylla Congalala Rathian Seltas Queen Rathalos Qurupeco Nargacuga Zinogre Lagiacrus Barioth Tigrex Brachydios Devilfho Gore Magala +1 +1 at 1 at +1 +2 42 42 42 +2 42 42 43 43 +3 +3 43 43 43 +3 43 43 43 ee cold resistance slashing resistance cold immunity poison immunity bludgeoning resistance slashing resistance cold resistance bludgeoning resistance poison resistance poison and fire resistance poison immunity poison and fire immunity +3 to performance checks +3 to stealth checks lightning resistance lightning immunity cold immunity thunder resistance force resistance +3 to all melee damage +43 to Constitution checks bonus (added of AC of armor and attack or damage of weapon), the benefits of turning that monster into armor, the benefits of turning that monster into weapons, and the additional cost of the equipment (added to the base cost of the type of armor{weapon crafted). Cee +1 cold damage +1 slashing damage +1 bludgeoning damage +2 bludgeoning damage +42 cold damage +2 piercing damage +2 poison damage +2 slashing damage +1 poison and +1 fire damage +3 poison damage +1 poison and +2 fire damage +3 to performance checks +2 slashing damage +4 lightning damage +2 lightning damage +43 cold damage +4 thunder damage +3 force damage +5 piercing damage +3 acid damage or +252 4502 4502 4752 4752 +502 4752 +1002 +1002 +1002 +1002 +1002 +1502 +2502 +3002 +2002 +2502 +2502 +3002 +3002 +2502 +3002 +5002 45002 13 Monster Armor ‘monster parts are required to craft each type of armor. Monster armor functions the same as the regular armor of its type except it has the properties listed in the ‘monster propertiestable above and adds the Item Bonus. from the table above to the AC value of the armor. Wyverian Craftsmen are quite well versed in crafting armor from the hides of monsters. In order to craft a set of armor you will need to bring the craftsman suitable ‘monster parts, as well as ample money to grease the craftsman’s gears, The following table shows what Light Armor Padded 2hides Leather Bhides ‘Studded Leather 2 hides and 2 scales Medium Armor Hide hides Chain shirt hide and 3 scales ‘Seale mail hide and 4 scales Breastplate 3 scales and 1 plate Half plate 3 scales and 2 plates Heavy Armor Ring mail 2 scales and 2 plates Chain mail 3 scales and 2 plates Splint 2 scales and 3 plates Plate 3 plates and 1 gem Shield Shield 2 hides, scales, or plates 14 Monster Weapons Wyverian Craftsmen are equally well versed in crafting ‘weapons from the teeth, claws and tails of monsters. In ‘order to craft a weapon you will need to bring the craftsman suitable monster parts, as well as ample money to grease the craftsman’s gears, The following table shows what monster parts are required to craft ‘each type of weapon. Monster Weapons function just like Derr Melee Weapons 1 handed bludgeoning 2 handed bludgeoning 1 handed piercing 2 handed piercing ‘handed slashing 2 handed slashing Ranged Weapons 1 handed ranged weapons 2 handed ranged weapons Upgrading Equipment In addition to crafting new pieces of armor or weapons, the wyverian craftsman can also use Armor Spheres to upgrade your armor or Monster Gems to upgrade your weapons, In order to upgrade a piece of armor, you must bring the Wyverian Craftsman an Armor Sphere and a suitable piece of nonmagical armor. The cost to upgrade a piece ‘of armor is 200z and when upgraded the armor gets a permanent +1 to AC. You can only upgrade a piece of armor once. the regular version of the weapon except they gain the properties listed in the monster properties table above. In addition, when you craft a Monster Weapon you can choose whether it is aMastererafted weapon or a Honed weapon. Master-crafted Weapons add the item ‘bonus to the attack rolls when using the weapon, wh Honed Weapons add the item bonus to damage rolls when using the weapon, 1 tooth and I law 1 tooth, 1 claw, and 1 ai 2eeth 2teeth and 1 ta laws 2 claws and 1 tail 1 tooth or claw and 1 hide 2 teeth or claws and 1 hide In order to upgrade a weapon, you must bring a gem from a monster that the weaponis crafted from and a corresponding monster weapon. The cost to upgrade a ‘weapon is equal to the additional cost to craft the ‘weapon located in the monster properties table and ‘when upgraded the weapon becomes either Master- erafted or Honed. A weapon upgraded in this way cannot be double Mastererafted or double Honed. New Weapon Types ‘There are several weapons in the monster hunter series that do not already exist in Dungeons and Dragons, below you will find atable detailing how they work. 15 Ni er Martial Melee Weapons Gunlance 11521410 Piercing Charge Blade 1402 1d8(Sword)/1412(axe) Slashing Hunting 15z 1d 10 Bludgeoning Horn Switch Axe 902 2d6(Great Sword) 1d12(axe). Slashing Insect Glaive 402 1410 Slashing New Weapon Properties ‘Shelling. This weapon can be used to discharge explosive shells on enemies. On your turn, instead of ‘making a melee attack, you can use the shelling ability instead. Each creature in a 10 ft. cone in front of you must make a DC 15 Dexterity save, taking 1d12 fire damage on a failed save. Reload. This weapon has ammunition that must be reloaded once itis all expended. You must use an action during your turn to manually reload all of the spent ammunition and allow it to be usable again. ‘Switching. As a bonus action on your turn, this weapon. ‘can switch between weapon types, changing its damage type and die, See the table for the two damage types and dice. Charging. This weapon can be charged up by hitting ‘enemies with it. After making a successful Melee attack with this weapon, you may use a bonus action to store I charge. The number after this feature in the weapon table is how many charges this weapon can hold Explosive burst. This weapon can use store charges to create an explosive burst. After making a successful melee attack with this weapon, you may use a bonus action to expend as many charges on the weapon as. you like, for each charge expended in this way the ‘weapon deals an additional 1d6 fire damage to your target Charge Shield. Exclusive to the charge blade, the Charge Shield functions as a normal shield while in blade mode but becomes the axe head in axe mode. 16 ib. 8ib. ab. Reach, Shelling, Reload (5 Shots) ‘TwoHanded, Switching, Charging (5), Explosive Burst, Charge Shield ‘Twoltanded, Bardic Focus ‘Twolianded, Switching, Charging (2), Explosive Burst .. TwoHanded, Reach, Kinsect ‘When this weapon changes damage type using the ‘Switching property it loses the benefit of the shield until it switches back, Bardic Focus. This weapon can also double asa Focus ‘when casting spells from the Bard class. Kinsect. Exclusive to the Insect Glaive, the Kinsect is a ‘small Insect companion that boosts your physical abilities while harassing your enemies. During your turn, you may use your action to send out your kinsect to attack one enemy within 30ft. The enemy must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier, taking 1d6 slashing damage on a failed save. Once this attack has finished, whether or not the enemy took damage, you gain a boost depending on the highest stat of the monster you targeted that lasts for 3 tur Strength: +1 damage on melee attacks; Dexterity: +10ft of movement; Constitution: +1 AC; Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma: You gain 5 temporary HP. Charge Blade. The Charge Blade is a marvel of modern engineering, allowing a hunter to charge up a powerful explosive attack and switch between a Sword and Shield fighting style and an Axe fighting style. While in ‘Sword Mode the Weapon has the Charging property. While in Axe Mode the weapon has the Explosive Burst property. All other Properties are shared. between both forms. ‘Switch Axe. The Switch is a marvel of modern ‘engineering, allowing a hunter to charge up a powerful explosive attack and switch between a Great Sword fighting style and an Axe fighting style, While is Axe Mode the Weapon has the Charging property. While in Great Sword Mode the weapon has the Explosive Burstproperty. All other Properties are shared Monster Hunter Items Not everything in the monster hunter universe is designed to kill, some items help hunters survive on a ‘quest, and some others still help hunters trap Monsters ery Crear ag Restoration & Enhancement Item between both forms, for various purposes. Below you will find a table of Monster Hunter themed items and rules for how to use them. Cost Weight Bombs, Ammo, and Coating Dash Juice 402 = Sonic Bomb 1002 IIb. Demondrug 1002 - Trang Bomb 202 IIb. Armorskin 1002 = Smoke Bomb 502 Ib. Lifepowder 3002 = PoisonSmoke Bomb 120z IIb. Mega Nutrients 5002 - Flash Bomb 1002 IIb. Hunting tools Gunlance Shells 52. - Whetstone 2002 1b. __ Poison Coating 1002 E Carvy»Carving Knife 50z 1b. Para Coating 1502 > Armor Sphere = 5Ib. Sleep Coating 1202 3 Pitfall Trap 1002 15Ib. Power Coating 2002 : Shock Trap 2002 —101b. Restoration & Enhancements Dash Juice. A powerful potion that allows superhuman feats of stamina. After drinking a Dash Juiceyou can use the Dash action as a bonus action for 1 minute. Demondrug. A powerful potion that allows superhuman feats of strength. After drinking a Demondrug you gain +1 toall weapon attack damage rolls that use your strength for 1 minute. Armorskin. A powerful potion that allows superhuman feats of defense. After drinking an Armorskinyou gain +1 AC for 1 minute. Lifepowder. A strange mystical powder that not only. heals you but also those around you. After using a Lifepowder, you and all allies within 30 ft. regain 244 hit points, ‘Mega Nutrients. A potion that gives you the constitution, of 2 men (or women)! After drinking a Mega Nutrients, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Constitution modifier + your level. Hunting Tools Whetstone. \ strong stone used to hone the edges of bladed weapons, you may spend an action to give one “bladed weapon you have the Honed property (Honed ‘weapons deal +1 damage) for 1 minute. 17 Carvy™ Carving Knife. A hunter's best friend, the Carvy" Carving Knife is what a hunter must use to carve off the most useful pieces of a monster. Armor Sphere. A strong stone used to amplify the defensive properties of armor. If brought to the Wyverian Blacksmith with a nonmagical set of armor the Blacksmith can improve the AC value of the armor by +1. Pitfall Trap. A delayed setup trap for capturing ‘monsters, During your turn you can use an action to set this trap anywhere within 5 ft, after the start of your next turn, any Large or larger creature that begins ‘or ends its turn in, or uses its movement to move through, the space where the trap was set is Incapacitated for 1d6 turns. If no monster has triggered the trap in 1 minute the trap is destroyed, ‘Shock Trap. A quick setup trap for capturing monsters. During your turn you can use an action to set this trap anywhere within 5 ft, after the end of your turn, any Large or larger creature that begins or ends its turn in, ‘or uses its movement to move through, the space tated for 1d4 turns. If no monster has triggered the trap in 1 minute the trap is destroyed. where the trap was set is Ineapa Bombs, Ammo, and Coating Sonic Bomb. \ bomb used to stun monsters. On your turn you may use an action to throw a sonic bomb. All hostile creatures within 30 ft of you must pass a DC. 15 Constitution saving throw or become Stunned for 104 turns. The creature gets a cumulative +3 bonus to the saving throw ea Trang Bomb. A bomb used to capture incapacitated time it fails its Constitution save, monsters. On your turn you may use an action to throw a trang bomb at a target creature. Ifthe target is. Incapacitated it is captured. ‘Smoke Bomb. A bomb used to help hide from monsters. On your turn you may use an action to throw a smoke bomb. For 1d4 rounds, you and all allies within 10 ft. may Hide as though in cover. Poison Smoke Bomb. A bomb used to poison monsters, (On your turn you may use an action to throw a poison ‘smoke bomb. All hostile creatures within 5 ft. of you must pass a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for 1d4 turns. The creature gets. cumulative +3 bonus to the saving throw each time it fail Constitution save, 18 Flash Bomb. A bomb used to blind monsters. On your turn you may use an action to throw a flash bomb. All| hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you must pass a DC. 15 tion saving throw or become Blinded for 104 turns, The creature gets a cumulative +3 bonus to Cons the saving throw each time it fails its Constitution save. Gunlance Shells. Shells used to load a gunlance. A gunlance must be loaded with Gunlance Shells in order to useits Shelling property. Poison Coating. A coating for arrows to poison your ‘enemies. On your turn you may use a bonus action to apply Poison Coatingto 10 arrows or bolts. When you hit a creature with one of these arrows or bolts, they must pass a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for 1d4 turns. The creature gets a ‘cumulative +3 bonus to the saving throw each time it fails its Constitution save. Para Coating. \ coating for arrows to paralyze your ‘enemies. On your turn you may use a bonus action to apply Para Coating'o 10 arrows or bolts. When you hit a creature with one of these arrows or bolts, they must pass a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Paralyzed for 1d2 turns. The creature gets a cumulative +3 bonus to the saving throw each time it fail ‘Sleep Coating. A coating for arrows to put your enemies to sleep. On your turn you may use a bonus action to apply Sleep Coating to 10 arrows or bolts. When you hit a creature with one of these arrows or bolts, they must pass a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Incapacitated for 1d4 turns or until the creature takes damage again. The creature gets a cumulative +3 bonus to the saving throw each time it fails its Constitution save. Power Coating. A coating for arrows to make them ‘more powerful. On your turn you may use a bonus action to apply Power Coatingto 10 arrows or bolts. ‘When you hit a creature with one of these arrows or bolts, they take an additional 1d4 damage. Constitution save, Part 3 Monster Manual Monster Manual While several of the monsters in the regular Dungeons & Dragons setting can be easily used in a Monster Hunter themed setting, there are also several monsters from the Monster Hunter universe that are crucial to making the setting feel authentic. The next few pages have stat blocks and blurbs about each monster, from the Monster Hunter universe, that have been included in the supplement. They are all ready to use (at the appropriate GR of course) and can be used as standalone encounters ‘orcombined into groups. There are two primary classifications of monster in the Monster Hunter universe Small Monsters and Large Monsters. Small Monsters ‘Small Monsters are any monster from the MH universe that can be fought in small groups without much trouble. Most of these monsters are size Medium or smaller, and are suitable as group encounters. Hunters will have a rather easy time dealing with small monsters and as such it is a good idea to include at least one large monster with a pack of small monsters. Large Monsters Large monsters are monsters from the MH universe that, are usually fought as single monsters or with a group of ‘small monsters. All of these monsters are size Large or larger and are suitable as solo encounters. Hunters will have a somewhat difficult time dealing with Large monsters so it is advised to not include more than two at a time. Be wary of the CR of large monsters, as well as the size of your hunting party, when including multiple large monsters in an encounter! 20

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