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Working with SPAU and SPDD during SAP Upgrade

Support Packs:
These are the upgrades we get for one release of SAP. For example, for component 4.7 you have
support pack levels too (you can see this in transaction SPAM). SAP releases support packs for standard
corrections which you can also implement separately through OSS notes (if you do not want the import
the support pack). OSS notes might not carry all the changes that the SP might bring.
SAP Note:
When an end user of SAP finds a bug in the SAP product he reports the same to SAP support, SAP
developers check the same and develop a correction for the same. This correction is sent to the customer
in the form of a NOTE.
If the same or similar bug is reported by multiple clients or end users, then SAP recognizes such bug
corrects them and collects all these corrections in one place and adds some enhancements to the earlier
version of SAP and then calls this as a SUPPORT PACK.
Note: In simple words collection of SAP NOTES is a SUPPORT PACK.
Transaction SPAU:
This is for repository objects (programs, screens, functions, classes, etc.). These have to be compared to
the previous versions too and any missing modified code is too re-inserted.
SPAU comes after the downtime phase of upgrade and is carried in normal client.
Transaction SPDD:
This is for data dictionary corrections. If any standard tables have been modified, then that object appears
in the list and you have to adjust it again after comparing the versions.
OSS note adjustment is also a part of SPDD, where we either reset the OSS note (It will come default
with the upgrade version) or apply the OSS note (If OSS note is applicable for our release and if possible
note should be applied using SNOTE.)
Working with SPAU
Enter the transaction code SPAU.

Provide the selection criteria if required and select the necessary check boxes.
Click on Execute (F8).
Following screen will be shown.

Expand the hierarchy and select your component.

Open the hierarchy and click on yellow traffic signal.

Then following popup will be shown.
Just click on tick mark of following pop up.

Working with SPAU and SPDD during SAP Upgrad

Following split screen editor will be shown.

Left hand side code belongs to original version before the upgradation or modifications changes
carried out to the SAP system, example like EHP applying and technical upgradation.
Right hand side code belongs to modified version before the upgradation or modifications carried
out to the SAP system.
Comparing the both versions, left hand side code is the one which is existing current system. Right hand
side code is the one which is in old modified version, now we need to compare LHS with RHS and make
it equal to RHS side.

Use delete button in order to comment any code.

Insert button for inserting new lines of code.
Then click on save, it will raise a popup stating

Click on Yes.
Program copied to the buffer will be shown on status bar as successful message.

Following popup will be shown for general feedback information.

Click on tick mark.

Yellow Traffic signal light will change into Green color automatically.
If not, just click on refresh button on application tool bar, it will change to green.

Once you get it done. Now place the cursor on the object name. click on the Process/status
button on application tool bar.
Following popup will be shown,
Select the complete check box and enter necessary comments then select the row and click on Copy

Working with SPAU and SPDD during SAP Upgrade

You will be getting a status message
And hierarchy will be extended to one more step with date, user, role, transport request details.

Once you done with this, entire modification adjustment completed successfully.
To make sure, just see the hierarchy, if you don't find single object or single hierarchical step as green,
then corresponding adjustment not yet done completely.

ABORT CASE - Corresponding Error handling.

If any of the object having problem, it goes to abort type and an abort symbol will be shown just left to the
object, in this case, refer its upgrade log.
General causes for abort signal.
1. If developed object have syntax error.
2. If package assignment failed.
3. Subroutine calls failure. etc.

Click on Abort symbol

. It will take you to the following screen, where it will illustrate the reason.

Now double click on the object name and do necessary changes and correct the respective problem.
Activate the object and come back to the modification assistant screen by pressing back button. (F3).
Now click on refresh button. The abort symbol will vanish and green color will acquire to the object with a
green color-tick mark.

If observed at main hierarchy level, all are in green color. It means modification adjustment successfully
carried out.

Working with SPDD

Enter the Transaction code: SPDD
Following screen will be displayed.

Expand the hierarchy and follow the same procedure as illustrated in SPAU transaction.

Only difference will be here the objects you find are belongs to data dictionary.

Once done with the adjustments try to complete the process/status addition too. Otherwise the
modification adjustment completion will remain the same as like earlier version.

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