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Parent Evaluation

Paige has come a long way with her writing in the past several years. I remember
laughing as I edited her writing in elementary school and junior high. She had so many thoughts
to get down on paper that sometimes her three-paragraph essay would turn into three pages. We
spent a lot of time just crossing out sentences that were irrelevant. We talked about making sure
that we didnt have socks in the wrong drawer when writing, or in other words, making sure
that the details in our paragraphs matched our topic sentence.
I have watched Paige come into her own with her writing during high school. The ideas
have always been there, but now she is able to craft her writing in a way that is organized and
thoughtful. We still have our editing sessions, only now I am often amazed at the insights she
has and the way she is able to communicate them. I have to say that reading Paiges creative
writing and short stories is the most fun for me, though she does not often have the occasion or
opportunity for this type of writing. I would love to see Paige do more creative writing in the
future. Overall, I am very proud of Paige, her ability to think things through and her ability to
communicate her thoughts with other through writing in a meaningful way.

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