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Greetings Commander

You are being sent to the Imperial Forge World of Argentum V.

The planet is a key location for supplying the Death Watch with
arms and is located on the very fringe of the Jericho Sector,
now known as the Jericho Reach. The planet has been besieged
by numerous forces of renegade Astartes chapters and must
receive salvation from the enemy.
Your task will differ from the main force, you have been
selected to lead an elite force to take back Aesir forge, the main
manufacturing facility on Argentum .It has fallen under enemy
control and must be recovered if we are to be able to win this
war.Your mission will be crucial in the capture of the planet, it
will be a hard fight but one the Sons of the Lion excel at. They
will not halt our relentless advance, we will give them no
quarter, our bolters will sing in defiance of the treachery.
I will assign secondary objectives on your flight to the forge,
there are a number of key locations that need to be secured
and the elimination of the Force Commanders from the enemy
deployment will not only hamper their efforts at Aesir Forge but
will affect their ability to function over all. That is all for now
Commander your mission will begin at the break of dawn,
observe your battle-rites and sanctify your weapons. Quarter
for this expedition so you will need all of the Emperors fury to
hold out against an overwhelming enemy force. The Chronometer starts now Commander.
The Lion will hear your roar. Repent Traitor! For tomorrow you
Captain Aphael, Master of the Watch, Captain of Blood Angels
3rd Battle Company

The year is .952 in the 41 Millennium
of the Imperium of Man. The grim

dark of the far future is cold and desolate and in this time there is only
war. Imperial Citizens are conscripted into manufactorums or into the
millions of regiments of Imperial Guard that span the galaxy. Those who
show signs of being exceptional at a young age are whisked away and put
through training that is closer to torture and if they pass are turned into
the most advance and terrifying fighting force the galaxy has ever seen The Adeptus Astartes.
One of the darkest sectors of the Imperium is the Jericho Reach, the home
of vile xenos, corrupted traitors of the Imperium and the warp spawned
Daemons of Chaos. It is also home to the noble order of Astartes called
the Deathwatch, the chamber militant of the Ordo Xenos. It is here that is
the focus of events which are unfolding, and it is these events that could
shape the course of the galaxy, wreathing the Imperium in flames or
defending it from one of the greatest tragedies to befall it.
On a small planet on the fringe of the reach, armies from many races have made
planetfall. Each though drawn for a different reason is guided by the hand of fate
towards Argentum V. The forces of the Imperium have been dispatched at the
request of the Watch Commander of the Deathwatch, sent in reply to the call for
aid. The Dark Angels and Space Wolves, long standing rivals each answered the
call to defend Argentum V, though there are ancient grudges borne by the two
chapters and the age old rivalry may well ignite into conflict between these
forces. It is hoped that the Salamander contingent deployed to the region will be
able to hold the inevitable conflict at bay for as long as possible. The stoic
defenders of the Imperial Populace are a welcome sight to the beleaguered folk
of Argentum V.
The Imperial Guard battalions of Argentum have been fighting the xenos
invaders for many weeks and the grizzled veterans that have been left by the
conflict have all but lost their sanity, the lines between friend and foe are beyond
blurred and they fight now simply for survival. Any who walk into the cross hairs
of their las-rifles are worthy of the Emperors retribution.

Of all the xenos races involved the Dark Eldar were the first to make planetfall,
hungry for bloodshed and slaves they have waged a campaign of terror amongst
the populace and the planetary guard. The Hive Cities have suffered greatly as
the reavers have left a trail of bloodshed and fear in their wake. Their purpose on
the planet is to cause suffering to all the human left, pain and suffering. The Dark
Eldar were however not alone for long, a huge Ork Warhost has fallen upon the
planet and has waged war against any all in their path. The Humans and Dark
Eldar have suffered in equal measure from the wrath of the Orks.
In their far reaching vision they have seen Empryean boil and churn with the
coming of Chaos, traitorous humans are the first to spew from the Hellgate that
will open over Argentum, the roar of chainaxes and the warped song of corrupted
Boltguns sound through the passages of time. The treacherous kin of the metal
bound Astartes apes are a vicious foe and these are no exception, worshippers of
the blood hungry Chaos god Khorne, but they will not come alone. Daemons, the
creatures of the Empryean itself will belch forth into the material realm, reapers
of the Dark Gods will spill the blood of Men, Eldar and Orks across the surface of
Yet this threat will not go unchecked, with the emperors life blood pumping
through their veins The Grey Knights have come to end the threat of the nether
that has cast itself upon Argentum V. Though the witnesses of this great calamity
are not assured safety and sanctuary for the Inquisition is ruthless when it comes
to protecting the secret of the Arch Enemy. The Knights orders are to protect
the Imperium as a whole not just one planet. So battle will be joined, the earth
stained with blood and fire, black smoke belching into the sky, this is a time for
cowards, a time for heroes and in the 41st Millennium there is only war.

They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to
me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them.
They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad
them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be
untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will
have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in
battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of
Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.
The Emperor of Mankind
After choosing your Kill Team, you must determine which non-vehicle
model will be your Leader. The Leader is automatically the character
model with the highest Leadership value on its profile. If your Kill Team
has no character models, then the Leader is automatically the model with
the highest Leadership value on its profile. In either case, if several
eligible models are tied for the highest Leadership value, you must
nominate one of them to be your Leader. However, a model with the Beast
unit type or Swarm special rule cannot be nominated as your Kill Team

Leader. If your Leader is not already a Character or Independent

Character, he gains the Character unit type.
Your Leader is a skilled veteran of many military campaigns. At the start of
every game, roll on the Leader Traits table below before you deploy your
Kill Team to discover what signature tactics your Leader has planned to
help complete his mission.
D6 - Result
1 - A Cunning Ruse: D3+2 non-vehicle models of your choice have the
Outflank special rule.
2 - Quick Thinker: Your Kill Team successfully Seizes the Initiative on the
dice roll of a 4+ instead of a 6.
3 - Chasing Promotion: You gain 1 additional Victory Point if your Leader
slays the enemy Leader in a challenge.
4 - Iron Resolve: Your Leaders Command Range is increased to 12" (see
Break Tests and Command Range, below).
5 - Been there, Seen it, Done it: Your Leader can select a special rule from
one of the Specialist Categories (see below), though this cannot be from
the same category as any of your other Specialists.
6 - Unshakeable Dedication to Duty: Your Leader has the Zealot special

We own this night, just as we own the fear that runs in your veins. You
may think your numbers protect you, but we shall feast upon your souls
before the dawn!
Kilarq Tongueblade of the Lacerated Eye

Whether they are grizzled and steadfast sergeants who have survived
more than their fair share of wars, or perhaps even a squads latest recruit
who shows a remarkable talent for marksmanship, these individuals are
referred to as Specialists. After choosing your Kill Team and establishing
who will be your Leader, you must nominate three non-vehicle models to
be Specialists. You cannot nominate your Leader, nor can you choose a
model with the Beast unit type or Swarm special rule to be a Specialist.
Each Specialist must be assigned a single special rule chosen from one of
the Specialist Categories shown below. No two Specialists in the same Kill
Team can choose their special rules from the same Specialist Category.
The five Specialist Categories and the special rules which can be chosen
from within each category are as follows:
A highly aggressive warrior who is a deadly exponent of the art of close
Counter-attack, Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath, Hatred, Instant
Death**, Rage, Rampage.
A deadeye shot and something of a technological genius at customising
Haywire, Ignores Cover, Master-crafted***, Pinning, Rending*, Sniper, Split
Fire, Tank Hunter*
(No Leadership test is required to use this ability. However, the controlling player must clearly state
how many shots he intends to fire at each target before rolling To Hit.)


No low blow or dirty trick is beyond this brutal and savage fighter.
Blind**,Concussive**, Fear, Fleshbane**, Monster Hunter, Poisoned (4+)*,
Rending**, Shred**, Soul Blaze
A stoic and tenacious warrior who will not be cowed by anyone or
Adamantium Will, Crusader, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Feel No Pain,
Relentless, Strikedown**, Stubborn
Naturally gifted in the art of guile and stealth, this warrior is the eyes and
ears of the Kill Team.

Fleet, Hit & Run, Infiltrate, Outflank, Move Through Cover, Night Vision,
Preferred Enemy, Scout, Outflank, Stealth.
*Ranged Attacks ** Melee Attack ***Model has one MC Weapon
must marked on your list.
There are six available missions to try out in your games of
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team. Each mission has its own special
rules, objectives and challenges. Regardless of the mission, they all
share a few variations to the normal Warhammer 40,000 rules which
you must adhere to in order to play Kill Team, all of which are
presented below:
Skirmish Battlefield
All Kill Team missions are designed to be played on a 4'x4'
Every Man for Himself: Most models in a Kill Team are selected as
part of one or more squads. However, when deploying your Kill Team
and throughout the course of the game, each model is treated as a
separate unit. This even includes models that are selected as
wargear options for a unit, such as Tau Empire Drones or Space
Wolves Fenrisian Wolves. If a model has the Independent Character
unit type, it cannot join another model to form a unit of two.
Transport Vehicles
Transport vehicles can carry a number of models equal to their
Transport Capacity (but following all of the normal restrictions),
regardless of which unit they were selected from during Kill Team
selection. However, only models that were selected as part of the
same unit during Kill Team selection, and were assigned a Dedicated
Transport, can begin the game embarked upon their Dedicated
Youre on Your Own
Extra models cannot be generated during the course of the game by
any means. Furthermore, the Reserves rule is not used unless as a
result of the Outflank special rule. Models cannot enter Ongoing
Reserve by any means. If any models in your Kill Team can normally
only be deployed via Deep Strike, simply deploy them along with the
rest of your army.
Scoring Units
Unless specifically stated otherwise in their rules (e.g. Blood Angels
Death Company), all models are scoring units, including vehicles.

Break Tests
If, at the start of your turn, your opponent has destroyed (or
otherwise caused to be removed from play) more than half the total
number of models in your Kill Team, your force is Broken. From that
point on, each of your models must make a Break test at the
beginning of each of your Movement phases, including the turn on
which your force was Broken. Starting with your Leader (if he is still
alive), each of your models must make a Leadership test. If the test
is passed, all is well and the model bravely fights on as normal; if
the test is failed, your model flees from the battlefield and is
immediately removed as a casualty. Vehicles and models with the
Fearless special rule automatically pass Break tests. Models with the
And They Shall Know No Fear special rule re-roll failed Break tests.
Command Range
Your Leader has a Command Range of 6". If your force is Broken and
your Leader passes his Break test, all friendly models within his
Command Range automatically pass their Break tests.


Codex: Chaos Daemons
The Warp Storm special rule is not used in Kill Team missions.
Codex: Chaos Space Marines
The Champion of Chaos special rule is not used in Kill Team
Codex: Necrons
Whenever a Necron model is removed as a casualty, replace the
model with a Reanimation Protocol marker. Only make Reanimation
Protocol rolls for markers that are within 2" of another friendly
Necron model (other Reanimation Protocol markers do not count);
any markers that are more than 2" away from a friendly Necron
model when Reanimation Protocol rolls are made fail automatically
remove the marker.
Codex: Dark Eldar
All friendly models from a Dark Eldar Kill Team that have the Power
from Pain special rule, immediately count as having earned one Pain
Token for every five enemy non-vehicle models they have killed.
Necron models only count as killed when they have failed their
Reanimation Protocol rolls.

Each Kill Team Mission uses some or all of the following Secondary
Objectives, shared by both players:
Slay the Leader
If, at the end of the game, the enemys Leader has been slain, you
score 1 Victory Point. If the enemy Leader fled the battlefield as a
result of a failed Break test, a Victory Point is not awarded.
If, at the end of the game, you have at least one model in the
enemys deployment zone, you score 1 Victory Point. Models that
are falling back or that have gone to ground do not count.
First Blood
If, at the end of the game, the first model to be removed as a
casualty was part of your opponents Kill Team, you score 1 Victory
Break the Enemy
If, at the end of the game, you have completely destroyed more
than half of your opponents models, you score 1 Victory Point.


There are two ways that you can choose which Kill Team mission to
use. The first is to agree with your opponent which Kill Team mission
to play. The second is to pick randomly by rolling a D6 and
consulting the following chart:
D6 - Result
1 - Forward Push
2 - Alone in the Dark
3 - Head Hunt
4 - Infiltrate the Camp

5 - Secure the High Ground

6 - Supply Drop

The Army Lists

Codex: Grey Knights
Grey Knight Purifiers x 6
Knight of the Flame Justicar Nero - MC Nemesis Force Halberd and Storm
Bolter Leader
Brother Saleos - Nemesis Force Halberd and Storm Bolter Specialist
Brother Eligos - Nemesis Force Halberd and Storm Bolter
Brother Elohim Nemesis Force Halberd and Storm Bolter
Brother Alastor - Incinerator Specialist: Feel No Pain
Brother Grigori - Psycannon Specialist: Split Fire

Codex: Blood Angels
Sanguinary Priest Chainsword and Bolt Pistol

Marines x 5
Marine Sergeant Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
Marine - Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
Marine - Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
Marine - Chainsword and Bolt Pistol
Marine - Flamer

Codex: Dark Angels
Veteran Squad x 8 199 Points
Veteran Sergeant Oria Power Maul and Storm Shield Leader
Veteran Broter Vicconius Chainsword and Combat Shield Preferred
Veteran Brother Gamerin - Chainsword and Combat Shield
Veteran Brother Cambiel Stormbolter
Veteran Savuriel Stormbolter
Veteran Cleander Bolter
Veteran Cerberos Bolter
Veteran Umedai Heavy Bolter - Relentless
Codex: Space Marines
Raven Guard
Tactical Marines x 5
Sergeant Combi-Grav Leader
Missile Launcher
Tactical Marines x 5
Sergeant - Combi-Grav
Missile Launcher

Codex: Space Marines
Codex Space Wolves
Lone Wolf Frost Blade, Bolt Pistol and Melta Bomb Leader
Grey Hunters x 10

Grey Hunter - Fearless

Flamer Rending
Plasma Gun Preferred Enemy

Parade Ground
Best Painted Army
Master of the Librarius
Best presented Army List

Codex Adept
Most well-constructed army list
Covert Operative
Most Special Missions completed
Enemy of my Enemy
Sportsmanship award

Live to Fight Another Day

Third Place Overall

The Warrior Renowned

Second Place Overall

Conqueror of Argentum V
Overall Winner

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