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Dear recruitment team of ODP Mandiri 2016

I am Rifqi Pratama Nugraha, my background is Fresh graduate of Electrical Engine

ering Brawijaya University. In bank sector, I interested with electronic banking
, so when i know there's recruitment ODP Mandiri 2016 in my thinking, i want jo
in this program for study about electronic banking knowladge, devolop myself wit
h soft skill and built my country on bank sector (if i have potential in electro
nic banking, i more chose that field) so The Bank in Indonesia actually in Elect
ronic System can more excellent than advanced country . Because Bank Mandiri is
one of the best bank in Indonesia and BUMN so i think that's good cycle to make
my dream become true.
I hope you can give me chance to join this recruitment and i will give the best
perform and maximum effort, thankyou.

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