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OGRE Scenario with new units ——~ by Craig York and Steve Jackson. : a SCEPICK — A yA Crt Actually, t's much more than an adver: tures fs whole series of advon- {ures making up an integrated car. paign. t's 6. 160-page, Bi xi Beak tiled with enough edvencure to last for months of play. ital starts whon the adventurers mest Gvoudzon, @Vargr wh hes Stolen treasure: jeweled brooch with o sooret message hidden within te. Gvoudzon doesnt Know what the message s, but soon the adventurers find tht great many Dove rut people ore ling to Kite got ie Soon the party find thomsolvs in Solved in museum burglary, an attack by \ Vargr "sommandos \) lenthenum smuggler Y bureaucratic etgues L Kidnapping. and a ful- scale" megacorporate proj He UT When a game takes In the entire universe, it's easy to forget how large and complex even 2 single world can be. ‘Traveller boxed modules, of which Tarsus ig the first, ae intended as demonstrations fof how much scope for adventure one planet, described in detail, can provide. ‘The 24-page world data book covers the world’s history, geography, climate, flora {and fauna, and the myriad other detalis that ‘make this world unigue in the universe. Five scenario folders deal with a few of the possible adverture situations, including the maneuvers of various political factions land the megacorporation SuSAG, rumors Of strange events deep in the tengleweld, {and trouble on the family ranch, Also in- ‘eluded are 3 maps and 12 character cards. BU (ers aac hen llic E22 Algo inchided ls a comoh The Expanding Universe of Traveller Why do more people play Traveller than any other science fiction role-playing gam Because GDW knows that you can't fit the whole universe into one box. See eer sue sat hoose just the ones you want—the Traveller universe is as large as you want to make it. Deeg tradewar. Meanwhile, they must try to make profit as the crow of a subsidized ‘merchant, seeking cargo and patrons ‘among the strange worlds and ‘stranger Inhabitants of the Ara- ‘mis subsector: the under- ‘ground city of Leedor, the ature-worshipping dicta ‘orship of Pysadi, the eugenic elitists cof Paya, the alien matriarchy of Yebab, Pe Junidy with its co: Zz dominim of humans “and native “Dandelions”, ‘and many others. ‘haracter generetion system for the alien Vargr, plus 8 wealth of Background in- formation ‘on the Imperium, the. Spinward Marches, and the Aramis subsector. The Traveller Adventure is the largest Traveller ject ever undertaken; the equivalent of 6 to 8 of our other books, it's an amazing bargain at $12, Neely Traveller Book 6 offers expanded treatment of the Scout Service similar to ‘Mercenary’s and High Guard's expansion of the Army and Navy. It describes the tion and history of the service, in- ing all its various component offices and branches. A detailed character genera tion system offers new skills and makes proviston for service in all branches of the Scout Service, In addition, the book contains new rules for generating complete planetary systems umber, spectral ype, and temperature of stars, habitable zones, and the number and Orbits of all the system's planets and their ‘moons. Rules for generating factors effec {ing 2 world’s climate 272 also Included: albedo, orbital eccentricity, average surface ‘temperature, sxial tlt, and the greenhouse ct are ail taken into account, The new rules are fully compatible with ‘he original Travellar world creation rules, and systems already generated under the original rules may be expanded easily. ‘As an example, two complete stellar systems are included: Regina and Sol. Price: $6 A Cee eee eee ee Murde; CARS Le) A corporate executive has been murdered on Station Three of Arcturus Bolt. It’s up to the referee to decide which of the nine suspects is guilty. Was tthe ex- scutive's estranged wife? His mistress? ‘The Solomani rebel? The Aslan noble? The adventure tells how to construct each of ‘the possible crimes: motives, clues, albis, ‘even misleading clues pointing to the wrong suspect. ‘Then it’s up to the adventurers to solve the mystary By questioning the suspects, discovering clues, and using thelr powers fof deduction. But watch our: the murderer may strike agi ‘Murder on Arcturus Station is e classical mystery in tha tradition of Agathe Christie ‘and Dorothy Sayers— except that it takes place In an asteroid belt, one of the Suspects isn’t human, and several of the ‘others are possessed of odd cultural quirks. ‘At 56 pages, Murder on Arcturus Station Is longer than most Travellor adventures, ut is stil only $5. Aer This supplement is a handy ald for the referee using Book 4, Mercenary. It con- tains over 200 pre-generated Mercenary ‘characters from ail branches of the Army ‘and Marines, ranks from private to colonel, and tech levele from 7 to 16, Veterans is especially useful when players are recrulting a mercenary unit Each characteris given a full resumé forthe players to see; information reserved for the referee is in a separate section. Price: $5. The Journal REE ema tne ‘avoir meter Each ise contains two. Yoady to pIay Scenarios description ofan ‘tien rece and muh mora It ‘you're serous about Ravel, the Journal i for you. Issa enon ovata Sige EER Soraustoronene paryoarin a US and Conads Tis Vices stro seen 7 - Gzme Designers’ Workshop Is Fe a Ur we aes la eae RE Editor: Christopher rink Amistant Editor: Richord Stinbarg Allen Varney News Editor: Score Hering Contributing Editors: W.G. Armintrout William A. Baron Matthew J, Contello onal Pehr steve sackeon Warren Spector Pat Mueller Amistnt Art Director: Richard Seinborg Produetion Manager: Monies Staphene Production Artists: C. Mara Leo Kim Strombo Business Menaper: Pat Conteen Advertsing Manager: Gerald D. Sek Advertsing Awistant: Caroline Chase Circulation Manager: Creede Lambard [ART IN THIS ISSUE Cover: Jim Holloway, Line An: Graham Chaffee: 39, Stave Crampton: 82. Lie Danforth: 18, 18, 20, 28 NNequiDharsee: 36. K.C. Ellis: '37.°C. Mara Lee: 27. Danis Loubst: 5. kim strombo: 19, 22, 28, 27, 81. 4.D. Webster: mallr car Photographs and Game Art: Siede/Fiying Butfolo: 11,40, FASA: 42,43. Game Designers! Workshop: 40,41, Steve Jackson Games: 8,38, ‘Synapee Software: 45, West End Goran: 2 Mort came namet Space Gamer trademarks of the comps Number 68 Ee at ti ADVENTURE SUPPLEMENT Island of Entellope * W.G. Armintrout After the End, a new world began around the Sea of Deseret — a world of violence, adventure, ambiguous morality, and sudden death .......-.-.seeeere+ ARTICLES Icepick * Craig York and Steve Jackson Cybertanks and marine battlesuits. An amphibious 14 Ogre scenario 3 : 5 Underhanded illuminati * Steve LaPrade Hackers, Plumbers, and Moles for really nasty players 13 | /Sreviews Bug-Eyed Monsters * Matthew J. Costello ‘And well-developed women 2 Nuclear Escalation * Scott Haring More bombs from Blade . " Capsule Reviews . 39 ‘SUPPLEMENTS: Muminai! Expansion Sets ? and 2, Tarsus, Stormhaven, Murder (On Arcturus Station, Veterans. PLAY AIDS: Unitays, StarTrek Reference Screen, USS. Enterprise Deck Plans, Star Trek Recognition Manuals. COMPUTER GAMES: Suspended, Shamus. PLAY-BY-MAIL: Strategic Confit. |_YScotumns \ Space Gamer Reader Survey ........ 32 Where We're Going * Steve Jackson 34 Counter Intelligence * Christopher Frink . 36 Letters : 37 Murphy's Rules * Ben Sargent .. 38 Keeping Posted * W.G. Armintrout ‘Secrets of an experienced Star Venture player . 2B PBM Update | 3 51 SCANNER News Briefs ....... 3 a eaves MB Convention Calendar ........206060ee0e - 46 New & Upcoming Releases . mer ci Advertisers’ Index . 52 ies publishing those comes, tn paricular: Boot Hill, The Creature That Ate Sheboysen, Dungeons & Dragons, and Gamma Word are wadamarks of TSR, Inc: Star Vonezre, of Sehubel & Son; Bus-Eyed Monsters, of West End Games ‘Nuclear War and Nuclear Eresiaion, of Blade (a division of Flying Bul ‘Fantasy Games Unlimited: Aunagvert, of Chaosiory snd Traveller, of Gat parine anould not be construed as implying the sponsorship a the tadomark holder. All rams of games published by Steve Sactson Games are trademarts of Stave Jacison Gar 1 The Morrow Preise, ot Timeline Aftermath! and Wild Wet, of tigress Workshop, Use ofa trademark o dant a product om used unc leans Dy Stave daekson Games. Use of tha name for any product without ‘anton of tracomark status should Not be construed asa challangs to such stats. dt austin Fu POSTWAGTER ere astm Change oS) Garon PO, Box WH, Aust. TH TERDOEST tebe) Sie liso Gaus, Mh oan ‘rg seta eet cr 758 td Se - rn pv ray eee 2:2 zur spn 2b vy CRO saStiettige Featured Review by Matt Costello hh, the haleyon days of the Fifties, ‘when television was growing ke an out-of-control fungus and America was King, For ten years, an innocent Americe slept the deep sleep of power and contentment, It would take later decades to show us that life is not alwaysso peace- ful and quiet, Many of us “Fifties kids,” at any rate, Were too busy to Wonder where the wars were ...and the tension ... and ‘the crises. We were at the movies, and some of ug never eally came out. ‘A flick cost 25 cents atthe Marine The- ater, just off Flatbush Avenue in Brook- Iya. Then, outrage! The price jumped to 50 cents, Two quarters! Right out of your popcorn raoney! Stil, the theater contin- ued to supply something guaranteed to provide an afternoon's fun ~ the matron, ‘Tho matron was a standard isee white: haired lady who, armed only with a flash- light and a starched white outfit, sought to keep the running, sereaming, and pop- corn throwing to ¢ minimum, Many a boring western must have had her on the Drink of madness. Matrons come and go, but the Fifties flicks, the sebfi and horror films, will be with us forever, The horror films were un+ bloody but, to our young sensibilities, terrifying. Even in the hottest summer weather, you always brought # coat so that at the crucial moment when the monster's horribly disfigured face finally appeared, you could cover your head! “What's happening?” you'd ask your companions eagerly, But all too often, they were also playing ostrich under their shiny pseudo-satin flight jackets, And the science-fiction . . . This was before SF became “respectable,” when we knew that most aliens (with the excep- tion of Michael Rennie in The Day The Earth Stood Still) were out to conquer our planet. This wasa time when America was king of countries; it stood to reason that the Barth was the king of planets For years, people have tried to read social “messages” into these fms. Fifties horror and SF falms have been described as parables of the “Commie menace” ot the loss of individuality that went along a swith grey flannel suits. Maybe so. T just foel that the filmmakers were out to scare the beegeez out of the post-Hlowdy Doody set, But time moves on, The big-headed, multiclawed creatures gave way to Stan ley Kubrick's HAL, Seience fietion became either serious or swashbuckling. It wasleft for late night TV to remind us of those wonderful days of terrible movies... TV, and Greg Costikyan. Greg Costikyan, designer of The Crea- ture That Ate Sheboygan (TSR trade mark, folks!), has created Bug-Eyed Mon- ters ‘and. released it through West End Games, The game isan amalgamation of a number of SF film themes, with the great- est debt owed to They Came Prom Outer ‘Space. The box cover lets you know what to expect: Thue well-developed women, dressed in pedal-pushers, pumps, and the Tow-cut blouses that passed for style in the Fifties, are being clutched by tenta- ‘led creattres with large, yes, Bug eyes and crunching mouthparts, On the bot- tom of the cover, in large letters, the Inthe VICTORY GAMES world of JAMES BOND 0077" Role Playing InHer Majestys Secret Service THE EXGITEMENTIS JUST BEGINNING! FORYOURINFORMATION $8.95 $7.95 Gamesmaster Supplement New rules and special festures DR.NO ‘Adventure Module Unravel the mystery of Ot No, with ‘characters and locations from the enhance the play of he James Bond ce film, Comes: 48-page Gamesmaster 097 game. Comps: 72pag0 Gamesmaster rules booklet, M6 Dossier form pag, NPC card pad, DDeeumentation form pas Mission Sheets, screan with maps. ‘Coming this Summer... | LIVEAND LETDIE ae A Me YOU ONLY LIVE t ‘ KB) Plus an All New rE AS | Gamesmaster Supplement! WG Shock Preview! SEN arou From RussiaWith Love * Moonraker The Man with the Golden Gun VICTORY GAMES, ING. °*verssretorie Foryourevesony 43 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001 Ps A Want So pirtst New Von OnHer Majesty's Secret Service 8 Eanrodlona intone PuicallonLintc 989 ‘words scream: They Want Our Women! Tes lurid and altogether wonderful. Bug-Eyed Monsters is set in 1951, be- fore Dwight D, Eisenhower's election as president. Two scenarios are included with the game, In the first, the BEM player lands his ship outside the town of Free- dom, New Hampshire and sends out his monsters on aravleds to kidnap women, (We're not told why, unless its the same reason used in the ‘movie Plan 9 From (Outer Space ~ fertility problems back on ‘the home planet.) The town is eharming- ly depicted on a map which includes a firehouse, church, restaurant, school, and several homes, The residents of Freedom include John and Bess Budge, and their lovely daughter, Madge. We ‘also meet Junie and Janet Jane and their little buck- ‘roo of a son, Junicr. There are even dogs and (god help us!) Democrats scattered about the town, There are also counters for fire trucks, pick-up trucks, guns, pitch forks, chainsaws, axes, snowmobiles, and lusers, Everything, in short, that you could possibly want 19 fight an invasion of ‘womensstealing aliens ‘The BEMs job isto destroy Freedom's males while knocking out the females. Combat is resolved using a simple system involving characters’ Combat Strength, Weapons, and, in the case of ranged fire, ‘Aim ability, AIl necessary information 4s right on the counters, A table is used 10 determine the outcome of battles, with ATARI Eel timecn $e Se BRiewero” $2 Ba lo) i ta, c's) Genes ee i ihn ct ies cecaaerco” fa mt stenren td) ae er) Be) | ‘COMMODORE Ea eae Ze foe e ie feo cue Spas bem =| 1B ae ees MODEMS: Bt an Hl Rt tice) RE eB results ranging from no effect to wound- od or killed Each woman has a pulehitude value from 1 to 6, The higher the value (the prettier she is), the more she is valued by the BEMs, Unfortunately, in the presence of a knockout like Jil Fredricks (a 61), the monsters can become “Lust Crazed, Which means they cannot move or attack any males. Ah, romance. ‘Once # house is attacked, everyone in- side becomes “active” and the human player can either attack or move any sur- vivors to alert sleeping townsfolk. lot of nifty rules make this part of the game especially fun. Any Church Officer, for example, can ring the church bell to alert other church members. A fireman can race to the firehouse and summon all the vole unteer firemen, Dogs can only bark — they activate humans only on a roll of I on 16, And nobody listens to the Fredericks because they're Democrats and drunkards, The tenstum game becomes a race to alert the town; in force, the townsfolk ean stop the aliens, The aliens, meanwhile, must try to capture the most pulehritud= nous women in order to gain victory with: in the tum limit, Going only for the real beauties can make that easier. The BEMs must try to cut off key houses while stop- ‘ping_anyone from alerting the townspeo- ple, The human player has to decide when to attack, when to alert, and must always secondaguess the BEMs’ next attack, ‘APPLE HARDWARE SS emsor a8 dap snere, © fe See Mae i ee og ‘DISK DRIVES ee .noeay - a a 5.1/4” DISKETTES ee kmnay ste MOT SS/003010 ge Bp og Sirs w PRINTERS Fog Bg BLUE SKIES INC. P.O. BOX 7375 BIRMINGHAM, AL 35253 enpermanearmnss iam eee eee Gctarar tt panes reat Sbeitedagewten tain ‘The second scenario, “Aliens Kidnap Presidential Hopeful,” gives you a chance to play out tho little-known story of Tke’s encounter with our BEM friends. The counters for Eisenhower, state troopers, and secret agents, are hidden on the map. Their locations are noted on sheet of paper. The BEMs have to find Ike (all the While dodging agents, teoopers, and towns- people), and carry him to their ship. Just ‘what the BEMs plan on doing with ike is never explained, (Maybe they need 8 cou- ple of quiet years...) ‘The overall quality of the rules, coun- ters, and the attractive, helpful mapboard is fistrate, The scenarios play marvelous- ly, Bug-Eyed Monsters oven proves to be an excellent solitaire game, Playing solo, it took many games for me to figure out just how the BEMs should organize their attack on the town. Then, the challenge shifted to the humans and how they could ba rallied in the most effective way to stop the horrible invaders. ‘And they have to be stopped, don’t they? ‘They want our women! 2 eegereee coeee: z gaa q eee.. ag ERlie SEASEa mous isa | In the near-freezing water at the bot- tom of the Arctic Ocean, three great shapes churned up clouds of silt as they neared the Siberian coast. They spoke to fone another in numbers, their whole con- ‘versation lasting milliseconds, “Tespick Leader, this is Icepick Two. We are within projected range of enemy ‘motion sensors.” “Contact definite, Icepiek Two. I just rolled over one, Wo can expect underwat- er antkeommando squads at any time “Teepick Leader, this is Ieepick Three. [have multiple contacts to the east at 2 range of 6000 meters, Readings consis: tent with marine battesuits.” “teepiek Two, do you have any com- tacts yet?” “Negative, Ioepick Leader.” “Nor do I. Icepick Three, break off and proceed east. Stay under the ice as long as possible, Go for the eastern shore battery, Ieepick Two, take the lead and proceed north.” The grade grow steeper as they neared the shore, and the meager sun of early May filtered weakly through the breaking ““fcepick Two, we have incoming fire.” Nuclear explosions wiped away the covering ice and sought the machines beneath, Through flanie and steam, 1 Ogres rolled on “Report status, Teepick Two." “Undamaged.” BY CRAIG YORK AND STEVE JACKSGN ‘The major’s afternoon walk was inter supted by the signal buzz of his radio. He pressed the respond button and spoke into the mike. “Makharov here. Go ahead, station.” “Major, this is Colonel Androvitch, What is your location?” The colonel sounded worried “Dm six kilometers north of the sta- ton, just west of the road on the south bank of the festa, What's going on?” “You will proceed back to the sta tion immediately, Andzoviteh out.” “aut Pm on foot..." Makharov responded, even as contact’ was broken. His consternation eased somewhat as he heard the familiar whine of a ground effect vehicle approach. Then the hairs on ‘the back of his neck stood straight up as hhe recognized an equally familiar, but totally unexpected, sound. The shore bat- teres were firing ‘The major studied the young hover- craft pilot who had picked him up. He hhadn't seen her before. From a German unit, by her shoulder patch, And the name badge over the breast: Zahn. “Liew tenant Ulrike Zahn? “Tam she, Comzade Major.” Formal, thought Makharov. Definitely, very Ger ‘You must, have just gotten off the plane. I wasn't expecting you for two more days.” “Comrade Major, have you not been informed? We are under attack.” “By whom?” “By what, Major. Cybertanks.” “More than one?” “Two, according to the port.” “And their type?” he almost whisper ed. infantry ree ither Mark IL or a modified Mark TL. The observers were uncertain “Meroiful God. We can’t handle two Mark Us." “But we have a very good chance if they are Mark {I units. Especially since the addition of Battery Rudolf. The Mark Tis underarmored.” “You are sucprisingly well-informed for a lieutenant. You are a Party member, Tassume?” ‘omrade Major, 1 did not mean to “Answer the question.” es, Comrade Major. I am a Party member.” “Good. 1 would not want to die under fan Ogre's guns without the blessing of St. Lenin, Now tum this machine around. ‘And acknowledge no further transmis: sions ffom Station Anéropoy until T tell you otherwise. I haven't time to waste ‘debating strategy with the Colonel,” ‘That ought to put a boil on her party hhlde, Makharov thought, Instead, she grinned like oat and throw the hover- craft into a tighter turn than any Mak- hharov had seen in some time, I's @ good thing J skipped hunch, he reflected. “You're a pretty good pilot, Lieuten- ant — for a party member. Tell me, have you ever faced eybertanks before?” “J was at Gibraltar, Comrade Major.” She said nothing else, and Makharov ‘began to check the guns, “Ieepick Leader, this is Ioepick Three. 1 eliminated the gun, but lost treads and a secondary. How shall I proceed?” “Toepick Three, are you still capable of rated speed?” “Affirmative, Leepick Leader.” “Proceed due south. The briefing show- ed a bridge about six kilometers down the road. Cross it and hold station among the ‘nuildings if attacked; otherwise proceed isectly against the installation.” “oepick Leader, this is Icepick Two. Have broken surface. Brieling wasn error, [am taking fire from at least one shore battery other than the one on the pies. Minor tread damage. Instructions?" “Attack the pier, leepick Two.” “BIE as it came out of the surf! Major, the pier is completely gone.” “What about the infantry?” “Third and fourth squads are right behind them, sir, Sixth was on the pier with Battery Nadia. Others are making best speed this way. Sir, we are getting a Finieous Fingers Returns!* Hide the singing swords. Lock up the jewels. The greatest thief in gaming is coming to Fantasy Gamer Magazine starting with our next issue. Finieous will appear in full color in every issue of Fantasy Gamer along with all his friends and fiends: Charly, Fred, Mergatroid, Bored-Flak the Bolt Lobber, Skraig, and all the rest. Game reviews, fiction, generic supplements, playing tips, and Finieous Fingers — only in Fantasy Gamer. Subscribe before June 30, 1984 and save — just say “Finieous sent me” when you send in your subscription for one year, two years, or a lifetime. 6 months (3 issues) $8.00 12 months (6 issues) $13.00 ($12.00 Finieous special) 24 months (12 issues) $23.00 ($21.00 Finieous special) Lifetime '5200.00 ($190.00 Finieous special) Socal atcrions to Famany Comer, PD. Box 18957, Astin TX 78760, 10 Canada, add S06 persue; Cor add ¢ US teu $100 per sve fo surface mall International ates sublet to change as posal rates change, Note: All payments must bein US. tallars, made by Intemational Maney Order, or checks drawn on a U's. of Canadian bank *Hobbits, get out of town by sundown, call from Group Lansky; they're coming im off the ice, about two klicks out.” “Group Lansky, this is Major Mak- harov. Do yau read?” “Group Captain Bledenev, Major. We have targets in sight. One is definitely a Mark I, but the other one is bigger. Shall we proceed?” “Do what you can in one pass, Cap- tain, then proceed east at speed. There's another one on Gorky Road; it took out (lga and is heading for the station, Cateh it on the bridge and drop it into the swamp sf you can, Makharoy out.” With the perfect vision of hindsight, Makharov regretted bis failure to insist that the bridges be mined, “Major, we are in position, awaiting onders,” Ii was the Frenchman, Captain Blanchard, He had arrived the week before with a dozen factory-fresh light tanks, Staff had ordered a field test in Arctic conditions. They'd get it, He only hoped Blanchard lived to meke the report. “Captain, you are to encircle the enemy, Under no circumstances attempt to close with them; leave that to the hov- fers, Get between them and the sea, Order your men to concentrate fire on the lead ehicle's weapons, I will lead Group Testa sad on its companion.” “Understood, Blanchard out.” At least his Russian was good, thought the major. “Major, the station reports taking severe damage.” “Where, Lieutenant?” “Admin building. No damage to the lasers or the reactor. Sir... the colonel was there.” “So it goes ... There's Group Lansky. ‘Take us in on the big one, Lieutenant.” Battery Rudolf, the surviving howit- zer, Ginally ranged the tralling Ogre. direct hit shattered the right rear tread housing. The Ogre paused, then lurched Forward again, trailing pieces of its sus- pension. The’ Ogre’s remaining missle swiveled to the rear, but oven as it lifted From the monster's back, tracer fire danc- ed over the missile, deflecting it to the ground well short of its intended target Itdid not explode, Amid the smoke and ash, Group Lan sky roared by the leading attacker, right under its guns, Three of the group's aum- ber sped past it and away; the fourth was caught beneath the treads as the Ogre suddenly veored to the right. “The trailing Ogro filled the windsereen ahead, and Makharov concentrated his fire fon the main gun, even as Battery Rudolf scored again, smashing more treads, Be- hind him, Group lestagrad came in, while Lieutenant Zahn threw the G.E.V. around like a sport-hover as they circled for an- ther pass, They sped back at the Ogre, passing Shermayey coming out of his run. Kropotkin hadn't made it, nor did Sher- mayev get much further. Makharov’s eyes widened, Blanchard was ignoring orders; his light tanks were chargina like cossacks. Three of the small tanks were hit, and the rest broke in every direction! Well, zhat’s one way 10 encircle if, thought Makharov. Then he noticed that the Mark IITs main gun was érooping brokenly. One of Blanchard’s ‘men had gotten it, but three of the secon- aries were still spitting fire ‘Suddenly, the leading eybertank — the Mark I — was silhouetted in 2 fireball. Battery Rudolf had changed targets and scored again. They were earming their rations today, “Battery Rudolf, this is Makharov, Go back to your original tar- set. The leading one is scrap.” ““Ieepick Leader, this is leepick Three. My treads have been disabled by laser fie, | am immobile, 1700 meters from the target installation.” “Toepick Three, what is your weapon status?” “Teepick Leader, I have a secondary ‘battery and three AP guns. Wait. Correc- tion: T no longer have secondary bat oa ‘eepick Three, what is installation status?” “Teepick Leader, the laser tower is oeated 0403.1 fired on it but did no eve dent damage. A complex of office build ings at 0404 has been eliminated. Two hovercraft from the force that engaged me are proceeding in your dizection.” “Toepick Leader, this is Icepick Two. 1 4am now itumobile, If you survive to return to Base itis suggested that you point out ‘that Toepick Three and I were needlessly expended due to faulty intelligence work Forces here were fifty percent greater ‘than anticipated. It would have been...” ‘The smaller Opre's analysis ended in « crackle of static. Teepick Leader would have to complete the mission alone, “Major, Battery Rudolf reports that the big cyber has moved out of range.” We're on our own, thought Makharov. ‘The station was barely seven klicks ahea and the surviving Osre was making excel” Tent time down the road, even with its damaged treads. Fifteen minutes, and it ‘would be in range of the tower. Twenty ‘minutes, and it wouldn't even need guns. It could walk sight over the base, Just Uke Gibraltar, ho thought. He had no time to dwell on this, however, as Zahn spin them and headed in again. Like @ ballerina, thought Makharov, as he began firing, eepick Leader counted the meters to the laser tower, Its gun barrels were tilted at a perfect 45udegree angle, ensuring the reatest possible trajectory, The instant hit bocame possible, the Ogre’s targeting laser painted a spot at the base of the mushroomshaped tower. The main bat= tery fired; the tower quivered. The bis ‘gun spoke again and again, the Ogre ignor- ing the tiny enemies swarming about its treads, Then, as the range closed, the Ogre’s surviving secondary’ joined in. Abruptly, the tower's hundred-meter bbulk dissolved into shards of steel and concrete, The Ogre scanned for the reac tor building just before it died in a bail of twe-nukes and bomb drones, The infantry had arrived, but it was a litle late, Makharov surveyed the remains of the big Ogre and of the installation beyond. The Combine would probably be launch- ing a test missile at them any time, to chock their robots’ handiwork, He thought ‘of the flask in his pocket, forgotten since the interruption of his stroll. Only the bbarest trace of the day remained, and he considered taking 2 last walk on the tun: ‘ta before the missle came in. Why not have a quiet drink with the lieutenant and wait for the end? He put that thought away in dispust, Robots throw sheir lives away, and 0 do men, he reflected. But not without purpose. “Lieutenant! Order all units to regroup and rendezvous out Side lestagrad, We have an evacuation to ‘organize, and not enough time.” Pocket- ing hs sk, he climbed into he ge alreadyomoving hovers. Put some action into your next Battlesuit game Now Battlesuit figures, only from Masterpiece Miniatures. For catalogue and price infor- mation, write: Masterpiece Miniatures P.O. Box 8986-S Salt Lake City, UT 84108 Lo a A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO MAP-BASHING hE: In the ongoing conflict between Pan- worlds (or at least counties) to conquer, europe and the Combine, the real loser Blank hex paper is fine, but an office cop- seems to be that thirty-kilometer strip of ier and some highlighters can give you a land, located out there... somewhere, new map while retaining some of the look Ales you've fought over the Ogre and of the originals. GEV. maps enough times to reduc ‘The fitst step is (0 run off a copy of every square inch to radioactive rabble, the original G.B,. map; it is larger than you'll no doubt start looking for new the Ogre map and has more Interesting terzain, An office copier will do it in two legal-size sheets; adjust the copy darkness until you ave clear, black hexlines and rmurbers. Most terrain wil turn to a fea- turcless gray, except for roads, which stand out boldly. Close examination will Jet you distinguish between land and sea hexes ~ but you can hide this distinction in the next step if you like. Now you color the mip. The key to is the use of “highlighters,” the trans- parent felt-tip pens that we’ all used in high school and college. These tint the map without obscuring the hexlines and ‘numbers, and come In a variety of useful colors. Green gives you fields, green with a little blue makes forest, blue ives ocean, yellow provides desert, yellow plus pink ‘will produce a good orange for craters. A regular black fell-tip can then be used, if necessizy, 10 add roads, bridges, etc, To indicate 4 town, leave the hex uncolored (or partially s0) to simulate the black- andavhite effect of the towns on the orig- inal map. For a specific example, here's how to create the map for “Tcepick.” Start with the G.£.¥, map. After taping the two copied sections together, run a blue line ‘of the swamp (2306) along the edge of the lake down to the large ver bridge in hex 2013, Go around the i.e, leave t white) to produce the pier of the story, which projects into the cea, Continue the blue line down the ‘west edge of the river to the point at which it-meets the southern stream (1616) and follow the line of the stream to the west ‘edge of the map, Everything south of this blue line is now colored totally blue, becoming the Arctic Ocean. Roads in the ‘ocean, of course, ave not usable! Now re-colot the two other streams in thei otiginal Jocation, and create ‘ywamp" in the line of hexes south and east of the southern stream (Le., hexes (0108 to 1013) by stippling these exes green and blue. Hexes 0913, 1013, 1113, 1114, and 1214 are also swamp, All roads remain the same, All other hexes are cok red light green except the town hexes; thus, there is no forest on the new map, and no swamp except that which you just added, If you wish, you can add local names; the large town to the NE is lesta- grad, the two-hex town at the junction is Testagrad Base, and the three-hex town to the NW is Station Andropov, the laser defense installation that the Ogres in “Lee- pick” are trying to take out. The small village just south of the swamp is Gorky. Obviously, this is just one example, Other “map-bashing possibilities include tuming all but the forest hexes blue to get a group of islands; coloring the clear hhexes dark green and treating the forest as clear terrain; cros-hatching the forests to get a large urban area ,., whatever you like Thanks go to Rickie Lattie of San Mar: on, TX, whose eratered xeroxes led to the original idea for map-bashing. iCEPitA"™™™ SCENARIO SETUP AND RULES BY CRAIG YGRK AND STEVE JACKSON ‘After making the map (see “A Begin- ner's Guide to Map-Bashing"), the defend~ ing player (White)Paneuropean) gets the following forces: ‘Three howitzers: one (Battery Nadia) within two hexes of the pier at 2013, one (Battery Olga) within to hexes of the point at 1616, and one (Battery Rudolt) anywhere on the board. Thess may be regular howitzer units, mobile howitzers, or any combination. Nine GEV: four (Group Lansky) set up anywhere in the blue ice/ocean area, four (Group lestagrad) in the town hexes at 1408 andfor 1409, and one at 0708. ‘Twelve light tanks, set up in four stacks of three, anywhere south of the road con- necting hexes 0104 and 2304. ‘Twelve strength points of infantry, a5 follows: Four marine squads anywhere in ‘the blue area, two single or one double squad stacked’ with any one or two of the howitzers, and one triple squad each at 1408 and 1508 (which, incidentally, is the base area for Groups lestagrad and Lansky), The Paneuropean installation (Station Andropoy) is represented by three coun- ters in the town hexes at 0304/0403/ 0404; One represents the reactor; one represents the laboratories and adminis- trative offices; one represents the laser tower, The installation is protected by electronic and optical jamming; the Ogres cannot tell which unit represents which part of the complex until they come close. (The Ogre player does not know which is which when play begins — see Special Rules ) ‘The Combine player gets three Ogres lcepick Leader is a standard Ogre Mark Ml; Ioepick Two and Three are obsolete (out still dangerous) Mark II units, with characteristics as follows: one main bat- tery (4/3; D4); two secondaries (3/2; D2) six AP (1/1; D1); and thirty tread nits (starting speed of 3, reduced by 1 foreach ten tread units lost), (The D2 defense for Mark II secondaries is nor a typo. Matk ls were underarmored.) The Ogres may set up to the south (anywhere within five hhexes of the edge of the map); to the east (any hex on the east edge of the map, but not north of 2308), or both, The Ogres may not be stacked, The Ogre player moves first, Note that, until the Ogres leave the water, they tavel at the stane dard underwater movement rate of one hex per turn, but may not be attacked except by HWZ and MHWZ fire (at half strength) and by marine battlesuits, SETUP SEQUENCE 1. The defending player sets up Bat- teries Olga and Nadia, G.E.V. Group les. tagrad, and all the “regular” infantry. 2. The Ogre player studies the ‘map and thon wrizes down where he wants his, units to enter. He does not show this to the defender yet, 3. The defending player sets up the rest of his units within the limitations shove, A howitzer may go anywhere but ‘swamp; mobile howitzers and ether units may even set up in swamp, 4. The Opie player puts his units on the map and makes his first move. VICTORY CONDITIGNS Ogre total victory: Destroy all tree units of Station Andropoy and get at least ‘one Ogre back off the south edge of the map, oF destroy all three units of the st- tion’ and the town hexes at 1408 and 1508. Ogre major victory: Destroy all three units of Station Andsopor, or destroy the laser tower and one other unit and get at least one Ogre back off the south eda: Ogre marginal vietory: Destroy the laser tower, Defender marginal victory: Preserve the laser tower. Defender major victory: Preserve the laser tower and the reactor, or preserve the laser tower and eliminate all three Ontes. Defender total vietory: Preserve all three units of the station, or preserve the laser tower and the reactor while elimin- ating all three Ogres, SPECIAL RULES Dereetion: ‘The defending player does not find out which type (Mark If or 111) fan Ogre is until st comes on land or a ‘marine infantry unit enters its hex at sea, Bridges: The pier (hex 2013) and the long bridge over the swamp (0409) are both treated like the river bridge at 2013, fon the original G.e,¥, map; each has a defense of 8 against distance attacks. The pier is destroyed automatically by any attack from 1913 or 2013; the swamp bridge Js destroyed automatically by any attack from 0408, 0409, or 0410, When cither bridge is destroyed, any non-Ogre tunits on if are also destroyed. Any Ogre oon the pier when itis destroyed is drop- ped into the ocean, and suffers as per Sec- tion 8.041 of GE, Any Oste on the swamp bridge when it is destroyed suffers those same ill effects, and is automatical- ly stuck, Marine battlesuits: The four infantry units that begin the game in the ocean are equipped with marine battlesuts. Marine squads may attack Ogres while the Ogres are underwater, provided they sre in the same hex, Treat this a5 2 normal attack, not an overrun, Marine battlesuits move fand defend, both on and under water, as though they were on land, and function normally on land, Ogre AP weapons are useless underwater, so the Ogre may not counterattack the marines while it is underwater. Counters are provided for the marine battlesuts Tee: The blue map hexes (ice in the story) are treated like water for all pur- poses, The ice is not thick enough to bear any vehicle except a GELV., and melts whenever combat occurs — s0 itis water, for all practical puzposes. ‘Station A: The defending player puts the reactor, lasex, and admin counters in hhexes 0304, 0403, and 0405 — one per hex, in any combination, with the “Sta- tion A” side up. The Ogre player learns which hex holds the laser tower after the tower fires on the Ogre once; other sta- tion counters are fumed over when an (Ogre approaches within six hexes. ‘The Laser Tower: This isa superheavy laser, designed to knock down incoming missles. Tt palses several times a minute. For game purposes, the tower has two attacks per tum, each of strength 2, which can not be combined with each other or with any other attacks. The tows fer can attack any hex on the map, but cannot hurt an Ogre underwater. The laser also has a hance of knock- ing down an Ogre missile in flight during the Ogre's attack phase, When an Ogre missile Is fired, the tower may attack it with one or both pulses; a roll of “6” will Kall the missile. These attempts come off the laser's attacks next turn; for instance, if it fired once against an Ogre missle, it ‘would have only one attack on its next turn, If the laser is reduced to 30 structural points (see Building Damage, below), it will not be able to fire for the rest of the gome, Building Damage: The “command posts” in Ogre and G.E.V, are relatively small buildings or trailers. Even those a defense strength of D2 or D3 dopond mostly on ECM and a few feet fof earth for what defense they have. A “real building, built of stecl and con- crete and sheathed in its own BPC armor, ig much sturdier, On the other hand, it's also a bigger target. Each building las a set number of “structure points”: 60 for the reactor building, 40 for the laser tow- er, 20 for the admin building, These can bbe reduced either by gunfire ot by ram- ming, When 2 building's structure points CLUSTER * Cluster is a P.B.M. game of command management ‘writ against the stellar vastness, Players assume the role ‘of a “world leader” of a planet of one of the seven primary, - or starfaring races. You have control of the economics, diplomacy, exploration, colonization, and military affairs of their world. Each race has its ow strengths and weaknesses, Races have different weapons, propulsion, social order and technology. Planning and realistic, logical, decision making are the tools of success — and survival. Each turn are reduced to 0, it is destroyed. (A spe~ cial note: When the laser is down to 30 SP, it will not function for the rest of the game.) AP weapons have no effect on large ‘buildings, All other weapons automatica ly hit if fired at a building within range, doing twice their rated damage in normal attacks, or four times rated damage in overruns. Thus, a main battery, with an attack strength of 4, would do 8 SPs of damage in a normal attack, or 16 SPs in fan overrun attack, Should a scenario call for infantry or armor units to overran buildings, those weapons also have dou bled effect Structure points can also be eliminated by ramming, if an Ogre or other unit overruns the building hex. An Ogre rams 4 Dullding as though it were ramming 3 ““arger” Ogre (see Ogre, Section 5,034) ‘Thus, any Ogre loses five tread units each time it sams a building, The damage an Osre or other unit does to a building is governed by its own size, as follows Mark VI: seven dice Mark V, IV, Fencer: five dice Mark Ii: three dice Mark I] or G.E,V.: two dice Mark Lor Heavy Tank: one die Infantry or other units: no dice Note that in each case Ogres do one more die of damage against a building than ‘they do when ramming other Ogres. A Heavy Tank, like a Mark I, has 15 tread \2 units; it can ram a large building three times before ruining itself. A G.E,V, can only damage a building by ramming it at full speed — which, of course, destroys the G.E.V, as well, Other units cannot do significant damage to a “real” building by ramming i. ‘Notes on overruns: It costs an Ogre fone movement point to make an overran attack, Therefore, an Ogre with one MP ‘ean make one overrun in the hex itenters, for tho hex it starts in, An Ogre with three MPs left, that started in the same hex with the target building, could make three overrun attacks (not four ~ the oad does not matter). Fach overrun attack may Include two fire rounds sgainst the target building and (if desired) one ram. Thus, an Ogre with even one functional weapon gets into a hex with a building, that builé- ing is probably lost. Even if the Ogre has no weapons, it may grind the building to gravel Variant Scenario. Eliminate Icepick Three from the sce- nario, leaving one Mark [II and one Mark I. However, both these Ogres now have ‘elfdestruct” capacity as per the Ogre rulebook (Section 8,05), A building in the same hex with a self-destructing Ogre is destroyed; one in an adjacent hex takes six dice of damage, and one two hexes away takes two dice of damage SG costs $1.50 and there are no deadlines to meet; moves are resolved as they come in. Cost for rules, game materials and initial set-up is $10.00, and the first three ‘turns are free, For more information write OTTO SCHMIDT II RD 4 Box 381 Newton, New Jersey 07860 PRODUCED BY THE GAME ANVIL —gp More Bombs from . T have a friend who has a friend who's active in the nuclear freeze movement, Well, to say active would be understating it She chains herself to the gates of mili- tary installations to protest the prolifera tion of muciear arms, Anyway, this wom an is simply aghast that my fiend would dare play a game like Nuclear War or its new sequel, Nuclear Escalation. Despite increased nuclear anxiety, despite The Day After, despite friends who say, “How dare you?" Nuclear War remains a popular game, Why? I’m no ‘psychologist, but it’s fairly common 10 make light of things over which people feel they have no control. OF course, it helps that Nuelear War is 2 good game easy to Tearn, quick to play, and a good deal of fun, The technology of the arms race has conte a long way since Doug Malewicki first introduced Nuclear War in 1965. The classic old game (now published by Blade/Flying Buffalo), with its Polatis, Alas, and Saturn missiles, as grown out of date Te Enter Nuclear Escalation, a 1983 Blade release. It’s an updated Nuclear War, sing hardware from today's head- lines and some special rules and options that will Keep the game fresh play after play. In some ways, Nuefear Escalation is just like Nuclear War. Play is the same, with each player placing two cards face down but only revealing one per turn — locking the player into a strateay that may tum out to be useless, Propaganda works the same way as in the old game, ‘and the warheads come in the same varie cties (in fact, the propaganda and war- head cards afe identical to those in the first et), ‘The first big difference in Nuclear Escalation is the updated delivery sys- tems, Now you can blow your opponent ‘off the map with a Minuteman, Titan, Bel Bomber, of the dreaded MX Missle, And instead of the beloved spinner, Nuclear Escalation features 4 glow-in-the dark six- sided die with a lite mushroom cloud in place of the “1” After each attack, the “Radioactive Fallout” die is rolled, On a two through x, that many millions of people are kll- fed in addition to the basic number annihi- lated by the various warheads available On a one, the attacker must roll again and consult the “Misfunction Chart.” Results range from accidentally hiting one of your own cities to hitting an enemy's nuclear power plant (double damage and Jose a turn). Nuclear Esealation also features anun ber of special cards that add some com plexity and a lot of variety. A Space Plat orm, for example, ean give 2 player an extra attack. The attacker turns over the Space Platform, places up to 100 mes tons of warheads face down behind it, and then attempts to launch it. Any roll ‘other than one on the Radioactive Fall font die means a sucvessful laurich, If the launch fails, all the warheads go away with the lost platform (and the player rst commit the warheads before rolling the die), Once up in orbit, however, the attacker may tum over one wathesd per tur and drop it on any addi- ton to 2 regular attack. ‘Once up, the only thing that can stop the Space Platform is the Killer Satelite. Once in orbit, the Killer Satellite will knock out a Space Platform on any roll other than a one. Another new feature, the Cruise Mis: sile, moves around the table until the player who launched it decides to drop it fon whoever is under it at the time. If it makes it all the way around the table fand the owner fails to drop it (through threat, neglect, or stupidity), it lands on the owner, Even the Secret cards are updated, “Your Secretary of Culture declares punk rock illegal,” one says. “Angry rockers surround your capitol and close off the government, You lose one tum.” Other cards deal with zadiation poisoning from television sets, food poisoning after eating too much fast food, and radiation Venus teanimating dead population, Spy Cards One of the best twists in Nuclear Escalation is the new “Spy” cards. Spies cean do a number of useful things, like let you see all the down cards of one oppo- nent (though not the ones in the oppo- nent's hand), foil a saboteur (a special card that automatically rains a missile launch attempt), or steal opponents’ secrets, Instead of turning over a Secret or Top Secret eard as soon as itis drawn, a player ‘must instead announce, “I've got a secret If any other players are so inclined, they may then play a Spy card and steal the secret, The first player draws another card to replace the stolen one and con- tinues with the turn, The second player immediately draws to replace the spy and at the start of his or her tum announces, "T've got a secret,” just as if the stolen secret was drawn at that moment. It may then be stolen again, Since most secrets are damaging (0 other players, stealing seerets sounds like a good ides ~ but the secrets that do affect the owner are nas It's a calculated risk, HERO GAMES PRESENTS DVENTURERS THE HERO GAMES QUARTERLY MAGAZIN' CLUB iE — AND NOW A CLUB, TOO! Do vou play ‘champions? Espionage? Jastce, Ine? Well, were got just the thing for vou. the. Adventurers Chub maga ain Is 4 house organ dedicated to Hero Games and Herowelated products — including Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes, Autoduei ‘Champions, and the soon-to-be Feleaied SuperWorld adventure svt: Champions stats. Each issue of Adventurers Club contains 3 complete adventure as Nall a artles covering rules expansions and cli tions. The Adventurers Club magazine s quarterly now — anda subserption Is only $10.00, ‘True Hero Games fanatics who sub- scribe to the Adventurers Glob magazine Sl ako. wane to join the Adventorers Membership inthe cub is an adaltional $10,00~ and includes: A personalized membership cord 008 for dicounts on Hero Games products purchased at conventions! = A mewalettr of direct interest 10 the Hero. System, Keeping” you in Formed of events and gaming soups! ~ Free products as special itt from us! Wonder Bucks, coupons 4006 for cash off ted Hero games products and services when blsined from Hero Games! Subeerite andjoin tooay! HEROGAMES 92-4 21st Avenue San Mateo, CA 94402 Blade did a good job making the famous “Supergerm” 2 sort of mascot for ‘the original Nuefear War, and they're try- ing again with Nuclear Fscalation’s Super- Virus, named “Skippy” in the company’s ads. The Supervirus kills only one to six million people per tum, but it sticks around, moving from player to player cach turn! There's only two ways to get 1d of it ~ either play the “Superserum” special card, or nuke a player out of the game while the Supervirus is in that country. This makes weak players who hold the Supervirus tempting targets €ombination Muclear Escalation is a perfectly good zame all by itself, though obviously very Similar to the original. The real fun, though, comes when the two games are combined, Blade intends for the two ‘games to be played together ~ the Nuele- ar Escalation cards are the same size as the Nucfear War cards, and even have the same design (and the words, “Nuclear War") on the back. The combined game is easy to set up, {A few propaganda eards should be remov- ed for play balance (this is all explained in the rules sheet), and the rest of the cards shuffled togetiier. Players use the Nuclear War spinner after each attack, and can then risk using the Radioactive Fallout die as well, If a good result is obtained on the spinner, many players wll skip the extra risk, but taking silly ‘chances is part of the fun of the game "The components of the game ~ pop lation cards, missle and warhead cards, strategy mals and the die — are of the same high quality asin the original Nucle- dar War set, The rules are concise and well ‘written, There are some good, solid ideas here; ['m sorry that no designer is eredit- ced — Blade says it was 4 group effort, ‘There ave a number of neat optional rules, too, My favorite is the “IFT Can't Win, Everybody Dies” rule. If a player ‘making fnal retaKation after being elieai- nated has the 100 megaton warhead but nno launcher to carry it, that player can set off the warhead at home, hoping to get “Triple Yield" on the spinner and thus destroy the entire solar system. So if you can laugh in the face of potential nuclear conflagration, Nuefear Escalation is not only 4 cute little game in its own sight, but it combines with Nuclear War to produce a killer (pardon the expression) game that is a definite improvement on the eriainal NUCLEAR ESCALATION (Pade/Fly~ ‘ing Buffaio): $12.95. No designer listed, Components include a rules sheet, 108 playing cards, 40 population cards, four strategy’ mats, a six-sided glow-In-ahe-dark die; Boxed. Two to ste players: playing time one hour. SG Published 1983. UNDERHANDED ILUMINEN\ The World of Hackers, Plumbers, and Moles by Steve LaPrade “I's @ game of world conquest ~ not by: guuns or missiles, but by stealth and guile." — Comments on Illuminati in the ‘Summer 1983 SJ Games Catalog. Muoninati won the award for Best Sci ence Fiction Game at Oriains, 1983. I's a ‘zood game, and a sneaky one. But, sneaky as itis, it can be made oven sneskier by incorporating some elements of real-world intrigue, Here are three additions you might want to try, either separately or, if you'ze feeling really nasty, all together. Hackers ‘These are characters with computers who uy to tap into other computers. (Think of the kids in the movie War Games, ot the television program Whiz Kids.) Wo Mwminati, Hackers are used by Illuminati groups to tap into their oppo- nents’ banking computers. Having tapped fn, a player can “transfer” all that group's, fulnds to one of his own, Here’s how Hack= fers work — at the end of his or her turn, a player announces a “Hackerattempt,” and ‘rites down whieh opponent and group will be the target of the attempt, The hacking” player then rolls 2d6, On a roll of 6 of less, the Hacker attempt succeeds, Ie fails on a rall of 7 or more. If the attempt fails, that’s the end of it If it succeeds, the Hacker reveals the identity of the opponent and group at- tacked (by showing opponents the paper fon which the target's name and group ‘were written) during the Hacker's turn ~ two rounds later! In other words, the hacking player announces which of his or her groups tapped into which opponent's ‘banking computer. After this announces ‘ment, all of the money in the target group's bank is shifted to the attacking group, as the funds are electronically siphoned from one bank to another. Hackers add tension to the game, par- tieularly in the two rounds between the successful Hacker roll and the revelation of the target group. Would-be victims (and with more than two players, no one can know for sure who the intended tar- set is) may try to shift funds out of sus- ected target groups. In other words, they can try to empty the treasury of a group they rink is the intended target of a Hacker attempt, Hacking players, of course, may take this into account when planning their attack, picking 2 money- oor group on the assumption that mon- ey will be shifted from a rich group to @ oor one as opposing players desperately try to second-guess the Hacker As far as strategy goes, itusually makes more sense to try a Hacker roll late in the ‘ame when a target has several groups and can’t shift all of his or her money to an Hluminati group in time to avoid the Hacker attack Notes. {uminati groups cannor be attacked by Hackers. No more than three Hacker attempts can be tried per player in a two-player Muminati game, and experience indicates a Limit of two per player may be best for multi-player games, Plumbers ‘You remember Richard Nixon's old cohorts, his not-so-sneaky surveillance team? Well, these guys are like Tricky Dick's bunch only more professional Where Hackers deprive a group of funds, the Plumbers drain a group’s power. Plombers infiltrate opponents’ groups and ‘prevent them from attacking ‘As with Hackers, Plamber target groups fare waitten down — but with Plumbers, they are written down any time after the targeted group first comes into play. You can keep trying until you succeed. Again, 13 Mluminati groups are immune, The same die roll procedure is used — secretly note the target and make a public roll (success on 6 of les, failure on 7 or more) Resolving Plumber attacks differs in cone important aspect from Hacker at- tacks, Hackers reveal themselves after two. turns, Plumbers stay out of sight until called upon, When an opponent attempts a takeover, destruction, or new tralization with a Plumber-infiltated sroup, the Plumber's owner reveals the ‘infiltration. This blocks ai! participation by the target group — in the form of power or money ~ inamy attack, for one ‘whole turn, Then, having served their pur- pose, the Plumbers silently slink away Example: An Illuminatus announces it will use its Mafia to control another sroup. An opponent flashes the paper re- vealing. that hs plumbers infiltrated the Mafia, For that tom, the Mafia — with all its money, power, and point bonuses — cannot participate oF aid in any attack. Notes: A limit of one Plumber unit per player is suggested (even Nixon had only fone). If a player's first Plumber roll fails, he or she may try again on the next tun, and the one after that, at the same or a different group, until the Plumbers suc- ‘ceed in infiltrating an opponent's group. Moles Moles are spies, hidden away in a group for years before they are called upon, ready to strike for their true mas- ters at any time. Before the cards are dealt st the beginning of the game, each player draws three group cards and writes each group's name on a piece of paper. These represent groups in which each player has moles. This having been done, the group cards are returned to the deck; ‘the deck is shuffled; regular play begins. ‘A player who wants to take over an opponent's group (er an uncontrolled ‘foup) can pick one in which he or she has planted a Mole, Moles are more deep- ly rooted than Hackers or Plumbers and are therefore more powerful ~ they suc- c2ed on a roll of 9 or less. Mole procedure is slightly different too; infiltration is revealed, then the dice are rolled. A suc cessful Mole — having become a vital part ff the omganization — undereuis the tar set's resistance, giving the attacker a pins five (+5) bonus, Example: The Discordians announce their attempt to take over the Phone Company and reveal that they have a Mole there. They roll an “8"; the Mole’s efforts to disrupt resistance succeed and the Discordians get an extra five points of attack strength, Note: Fach Mole can be used only fonce per game, You can also use your Moles to help out an ally, “ry one oral ofthese variants in your cxtthron lumina gates, Be sure to watch your back! SG UU) O UU Island of NTCLLOP 1. PLAYER INFORMATION After ‘‘The End of The World’ Deep in the bowels of the earth, beneath thousands of feet of dirt and reinforced Pore ern ete eats Ca See Saar ‘The base had seen some changes in the century since the End of the World. The echnielans who tended the consoles wore jerkins of animal skins, but a patch of blue and white still adorned their shoulders, The tel-tales and indicators blinked as brightly as they ever had, but the viewplates were fogged with age: wooden, hand. carved knobs and switches substituted for many of the original dullaluminum ‘controls. There were still sentries at each entranceway, resting in the torchlight with cocked crossbows at hand, buta few peculiarities ~ yellow fangs, a forked tongue — peg eee ect Senresnes still musty, and massive concrete bulklteads and heavy buttresses made it impossible ‘0 forget the unimaginable weight of rock between the manmade cavern and the A diode flashed orange and a technician leaned into his headphones. His Indian- brown hands held the headset tight against his ears His bared chest swelled as he sucked in and held his breath, “Omanri, Thave a signal.” Nature?” demanded Omani, an amazon with a steelgray mohawk, She was the com center duty office “Not sure.” The technician’s fingers adjusted one control, then jumped 10 Dec ee rere se a Corrente Peter eta tes ser er “Tracking,” said the young technician, shifting her hands along the keyboard to eer ‘draw on the meager power of Seeker Base Serereean net hse The main viewplate danced with gray motes, then steadied. A stunningly beautiful Perey een eng een etc meer ene Automated status diodes and digital displays flashed in the background. The git] ‘wore a black halter top decorated with military-style insignia, Her ips were moving. T want sound!” Omani barked. “Tersal! Si ‘A pendulous fat man nodded ata display s cnr ero eet eo Sree ee eer ~ held prisoners. There are several hundred of us — male and female — in good Peek etna cate ere te Sera See Ccy vo ORACLE ra sale Ata) ca lg PYOM GENO OL mag Tis Playtestes: David Chadvick, Rich Davis, Valerie Di Micheet Shane Dustin, Tracy Dustin, Pl E ea en aca a TA ea new eT rn a enorme nn erei ined tg : pos pee eae eee eon serene Tre ence Meno oe otc “Give me two-way communication,” Peace steers ‘The unknown girl continued to speak. eM mae nn! Omanri glared at the fat man. He shru Pree TL Taness shook her head. “No response to our transmission. “Damn!” said Omani Terme eae aan er nea a weapons, but we've willing to fight —” Her voice was drowned out by the sound o splintering, and a man appeared in the room with the strange girl. He had ee cate eae era ease ead Pee ee ee ete es kas Pees “Terminate!” he roared at the viewplate. “Terminate!” The viewplate flickered, and then filled with gray snow. Omanr’s eyes remained the screen, “Fiend, Selling young men and women — children, really — for Serra See ae ee Tee es See aa ‘where she is, but Lean tell you what direction th Pros eae ere PRO ace Onn PS erro aed You were in Seeker Base Laura's communteation center when the mysterious transmission was received. You volunteered to join the rescue expedition. Your Pea eens ne ena (b) the equipment you already own (you may bargain with the GM on Cras Pe pra ae a ee er ac coor) ‘THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL IS FOR THE GAMEMASTER’S USE ONLY. PU een RC eg em ORO ay ete a a NL aaa 15 Island of EnreLtort CONTENTS “Player Information: After “The End of The Worle 1. Gite State |A, Spocial Rules 1, Equiomans Provided by Sosker Base Lauea . Persval Equipment Ditters |B. The Siena Tracer I. the Word of Lntelope ‘A Seater Bae aura 5 The sex of Deter C.Catng Tas Background Player Caseeters Special Weapons - Anil ang Random Encounters WW. The Encounters © A Encounter 1: Death Canyon 1h Foounter 2: Nisht Camp C. Ensounter 3: Romani and the Boys DD. Eneounter 4: The Keaser LV. The land of Entelpe AC General Doserpsion 1 Suckers’ Cove ad. shy Chadel The Foundation Base 1. Background 2. Physical Layout 3 overiew. 4, Bickstound: The Renewades 5, Background: The Captives 6, Background: Goodfellow ‘VL The End: Only che Beginning. . ‘THE FOLLOWING MATERIAL 1S FOR THE GAMEMASTER'S USE ONLY. IT WOULD BE THE HALLMARK OF HYPOCRISY TO READ FURTHER AND THEN PLAY ISLAND OF ENTELLOPE, GETTING STARTED Special Rules “This adventure was desgned with the Aftermath? rales in sind. If you play with thee rales, pay particular attention to the sections on ‘medicine, black powder rears, riding horses, and ring leyeles. Even Hyow don't play Aftermath. you may want to pick up the ule justas {sourcebook far adventure information “vt wnat sf you play one. of the other roleplaying games in this some ~ Gamma World from TSR, The Morrow Project fom Tineline, fr any other game? We've teed to describe things in tems so generic you «ean make conversions to your own game system. For those without the ‘Aftermath! roles, the only stickier might be RoW to handle the back powder frearms uiod by many characters in Island of Eazefope, We have provided ¢ quick run-down of gach fieaems in genede texms below. Equipment Provided by Seeker Base Laura Roll 246 once per player. The Base has only one of each of the following items unless Ochorwise spectied, Tf « player rolls an fem the Bago no longer has “instock,” allow that plaer t0 zl asin 2-no equipment 3 aenal at (autographed by plier of GM's choice) ‘4 rocharsouble battery cll (Base has four) So medica kit {= cletri whip ~ does danble normal damage (Bate has to) 7 infrared binoeulars — no minuses on spoting vols in dark (Base has 2) 8 conventional grenade Ssalarpowered psychedelic shit — cequizes a fasly substantial minus on reaction rolls (Uhe shirt ugly) but offsets this with a Slightly’ ess substantial defensive bonus (the wearer becomes hatder to ity 10—eneray knife — does double normal damage (Base has 10) 11 plastic axplosves Ei 12- fol we mow on this chart Personal Equipment Best Weapon Available ‘Chances aze very aim that anyone living in this post‘tolocaust would would have superhigh tech weaponry. Each payer should rol 346 twice to. determine his or her best avaiable weapons. Fee! free to negotiate ‘with your players on cis sore, If you realy want them to have tat laser pistol, 20 ahead und lot them have it. Dagger ate always foe 3.22 cal embuutomatie pistol 11 short swor 4 tvoshmded sword 12 “half-moon” polearn Shand axe 1B-etub 6 ans 4 Tonsbow 7 spear 15 ong sword So war hammer 16- shovel 5 mace 17 ance 10 battle axe 18-357 magnum revolver ‘Note: Players with the 22 or 257 should note that these aze very old weapons, Thee ia 50% chance thatthe gun wil fall to fire on each shot Note also that ammunition is imited vo six shots for the 387 and ton for the 22, Again, fel fee 10 negotiate on this score, [Best Armor Owned "As with weaponty, little high-tech armor remains, Unies you want to haggle with players, roll 246. onea per player on the chart below to determine the best armor eack payer has available. $56—animal fors and skins “T= animal furs ad skins, and hick 8 armor woven from tough, mutated plans 9 places of eel from a Lage mutated animal 10—armor woven from tough, mutated plants, and a shield 11 “eed hige armor anda sic 12- primluve metal amor (platemall, chain, singmail) Horses “Any player who desis a hone will be provided one by Secker Base Lora, Whether they need one is ontely a function of their starting Jocation as determined by the pumemaster. Thelr journey may involve crossing « continent, in which case 2 hosse would be most desirable, ‘On the other hand, theit journey may be a short one. In any event, fe playerr wil have no iden how far they wil have to tavel betore e16s ‘they reach the source of the mysterious transmission. This being the cae, players shoulda’ be fold whether or not they" really need a horse. Let them guess “The horses provided by Sesker Base Laura are mutated, having thes vunuuual features “T™sutlegs ~ de to side, This makes them extremely sure-ooted but slower than nozmal horses when running. They cannot rear back and attack with theisferehoaves. The only form of attack these horses have ie their bite which they wil use against anyone attacking ther or thelr niders = sn unerring sense of drection. ‘These horses cannot get lost. This of course, asshines they know where they'e going in the frst place ot if you simply want to headin one direction (north, fr instance) and one dizeetion only ‘Extremely porent sense of mall. They wil become uneasy when ‘hoy smell something untimi The Signal Tracer (One ofthe player etiaracters willbe given custody of the Sigal Trace, ‘This deve ~ an aluminum box the so of a clgreto carton, with a telescoping antenna and red indicator lght — responds to signal broade ast from Seeker Buse Lars in the ditetion from sich the mysterious transmission came. As long as the characters tavel in that doeton, the ‘ight will blink (assuming dhe traces i on and the antenna extended) ‘Otherwise, the ipht wil not blink. The trace will keep the party within five les of the eomect path ‘Reniemer” Ve signa tracer keops tack of the lathe position of the party from Sooke? Base Laura It does not give them any ies how near (or fs) the captives re. IIL. THE WORLD OF ENTELLOPE: Seeker Base Laura ‘Secker Bayes wore established all round the United States only afew yeas before the End of The World, Men and women from al fields ana Sthnic groups banded together and created hugs undereround facts, ‘vith tne express purpose of susiving He devastation they saws inevitable, ‘Thove men and women were concerned with preserving the best mankind had to offer in fields us averse ax technology, art, and goverament Ate the war, the Seeker Bases eaemed their names by seeking out other survivors. They were swom to prevent mankind from slipping back into ‘barbarism. The idea was a good one, but the execution lft someting to be desized, The Seeker Bases were desaned for survival ~ not heavy cor- struction and repair work, H was realized too late that upkeep on the Sesker Bases would be a continial and ererinereasing problom, BY the time ths adventure takes place, much of the Bases equipment has fallen inte disrepair, This explant the lack of high-tech weapomty a the Das “The mision ofthe Seekers continues Unabated despite the equipment problems, The Seekers monitor the airvaves constantly for radio and {Television signals: they pride themes on tholr roeord of freeing the downtrodden from davery or barbarism. Many survivors of what eame to be called the “End of the Woild” were brought to Seeker Bases and joined the Seekers in the furtheranee of thelr cause. The players, Cor Teasons of thei own (eatons the) should have worked out before ‘pinning this advent) are among those who have joined the Seekets stiiaee Lats The Sea of Deseret ‘The End of the World was not kind to Utah, Repesitory of «newe sas asenal, home of the Air Force and Army tet rangs and a missle Imanifacturing center, st Was Tit bard. Ceilzation collapsed. In the Dust century, he old Salt Lake has grown into the angry gray Sea of Deseret, And, a rain fll inthe desir, Forest ew. The Sea of Desert and the area around It is about to be the ste of rajor battle. From te north, inthe vciity of presenteday Pocatello and Idaho Falls the strange descendants of the modermday Mormon Church “now the barbirovs Mormen Empire — ate preparing to march south, ‘hey resand the “sacred sex” and the Lost Cty of Sale as their home: land; they may have sufficient technological might to take Ht, Tic base bf operations is Port Srigham, on the Malad River Theze they have baile 4 slgekado red with cannon and are completing 3 war feet "Their primary ally isthe Warony of Logon, a feudal lordship inthe mountains, Hot the Baron of Logun is in te alliance only for self protection, o keep the Soldiers of Brigham from occupying his own Fiefdom. Tho Baron's sttength lcs in hs one local resoure, the Library Of Login (the remains of Utah State University) CCartenly ruling the Sea of Deseret, witha tny-buterficient eet of alleys and sailing ships, are the Jeckers — « cutttoat band of gangsters tnd outlaws. They control what litle ade remains on the waterways they exact tases on coastal communis: they indulge in occasional rds, In general, the Jockors act ike the pirates they are. “Aled with the Jackors are the Ornlonders, « league of farming witness contered about Lake Orm, southeast of the Sea, The Ormanders hive a good siltia but are hecimed in by the depredatons of the Wazit mountain tubes; they get along well enh with the pirates. Fearing the Mormen might, they oppo the expansion of the Empire to the Great Salt Sea. “To the sonth is tho Land of Surah a loose corel of four communities ted by an evangelical prophetess ~ The Sarah, Her followers belive in prosperity throug Wealth and greed, and cheating the outside world £0 ot alead, They are the Key ling between the Ormlunder/Jaekeralisnce land the fore ands of Khali? Oni tothe southwest, Thus, the Sarahites 2 alled with whoever wil Keop trade Mowing onthe Sea = for now, at Teast that means the Jackers, The followers of The Sarah distrust the Mormen, bu ifs deal ean be arranged... There ate islated communities in the Deer Mountains, the Valley of 1000 Springs and off the Weeb River. The Land ofthe Skull ithe home ‘of the Stell Indians abo sldom seen and greatly feared, No trespasser beyond the Mounting of the Skull has ever seturned ~ not » Sarahite trade carvan, not 1 Jacker rang foray, not a sear from Lopun. Geographically, the region is divided into the mounisineys east and the forested west The east holds the hish, impassble Warit Mountain Range, a fozbidding snow-eapped barier of cack, home of fetes, no: madic tribesmen who prey on the Ormlanders andthe Barony of Login “The west is more peaceful, but les settled; it abounds in rounded mountains that are large and mighty but Tally easy to cross, The major Jandetask in the west is towering Pilot Peak, 9 mountain tat rise a the ‘cde of the Sea asa beacon forall ravelers inthe are. ‘To the north i the Black Forest, a besutiful land where forests of blacebark pines Hl the valleys and vals of black la from ancient ows careen Unpredietably along the hillsides. This, too, is unsettled lan, tHoush the Mozmen occasionally patol i "The Wendy Islands, inthe Sea of Deseret, deserve brief mention, They fare marshy, gray, and quite desolate. If anyone Ives theze, n0 one from the “elviized™ parts of he area knows about it About the Map a ‘A dotted line on the Sea of Desert map on page 19 marks © prstenteday shorelines of the Grest Sat Lake: a line of dashes indleates mmodersday state boundaries; solid Unes indiate major trade routes (highways, monorail, or whatever you use In Your campaign) at the time of the World's End, The rowte throvgh the Land of Saran i stl tised for trade, though how and why ths might Besos up to You. “Technologial tes are coded By letter, in ease You Wh io dea up something special for your playes: "A. Tooele Army Depot, South Aves, Repository of Americ’s nee as asenal, housed in aboveground bonkers, Conventional ammunition tras alo sfored here, 9 well as military trucks und al transport Inthe Final days, troops must have beon quartered here, Just north ita great censter~ an abandoned open-pit copper mine. 'B, Dugway Proving Grounds, The proving grounds was testbed for the country's newest Weapons: cruise missiles, Taser defense systems, all Kinds of artillery and explosives. Gas Weapons were tested hee a5 wel, The military used te site fr desert war gumes, (CHill ir Force Base. Home of a crack fighter wing, the Air Force base was doubtless plastered in the Wars. SU, it cmersed relatively un- seathed — it was bullt to be plastered. It was ot built to be submenzed tthe bottom of s reagent Lake of Salt, Neuf Island was used as H's bombing rane. 'D. Fort Douglas and Envivons, At the edge of the Sea of Deseret are the farmer foothills, where the only unsubmerged ruins of Sale Lake City fond, Located hero Were Foy? Douglas (an administrative army base Converted to guzizon satus and populace control sherly before the End) tnd the Univenity of Utah, home of an experimental modicine depar- ‘ment (losing, transplants, Gansmigration of the ming). 'E. Morton ThokotHercules. Manufacturer of solid fuel boosters for nity age nd forthe orbital shuttle, their experimental bunkers Would be just leas ofthe seawaters Another ste ies submerged nearby. -17- Desert Tet Center, The lower arm of the Sea of Deseret was once a ‘test site for miitary devices too powerful or sensitive to be tested at Dugway, Experimental drones and projecles were not infrequently lost in what was then the desert, and such forptteninstruments of destruction = sdvanced, experimental, perhaps semiinteligent — now lic on the bottom of the Sea G. The Great Ruin. Most of Salt Lake City, once the keading city in the Uuah/ldshoyWyoming/Nevada replon, ies atthe bottom of the $a. ‘Among its lost structures are an operational commercial spaceport, many high-tech industrial complexes, the naval mapping instute, and a host of Mormon shrines. 7H. Sundance. Robert Redford's ski resort was once located hers as wore many othr intresting sitet ~ Timpanoaas Cave, Bridal Vell Falls (oith's tramway which may of may not be in working condition, at the GMs discretion), many pienie grounds, and scores of ski resorts, for example. Condominiums ofthe rch also femain here (uninhabited, ualess the GM decides othervis). The hishest mountain tops in te area held ‘broadcast towers lor holovilon and military communications Using This Background ‘As gamomaster, you may locate your Seeker Base Laura anywitersin ‘the continental United States. You would probably do bast, Rowever, focate it in an area with which you and your player are familiar ~ your local are, for instance. The players will follow thelr signal acer from Seeker Bate Laura (wherever you decide to put it) tothe Sea of Deseret fn Utah, The exact Inestion from which the players approich the See ‘will of eourse, vary from player group to player group. In some cases, players may have to make avery Jong transcontinental trek, “To assist gartemasters, we have provided sores of encounters on the trip from the Sosker Base to the Sea of Deseret, Those are described In the next section of fond of Entellpe, In addition to throwing in te scenarios provided, However, gamemasters are encouraged to develop the ‘areas through ‘which thelr players would likely pass in eaching the Salt Sea, Foal foe to expand upon the descriptions offered above. You may Want to make provision for an expanded encounter in the Land of Samah IF your group approaches from the southoast; you may want to develop the brief description of the Barony of Logun if your players startin the northeast, Iv your players like sen battles, prepare # major sea battle between the Monnen and the Juckers land of Enrellope is an outline fof an entre world, not just a oneshot adventure, The background provided heres just the begining. Use your imagination, Player Characters CCharzcter Generation may be modified as follows: 1. Use the Backatound table provided with this adventre, rather than thesiftermath! Origins Table, of any similar table in your game system. 2, All characters reelve ints seores in Post Ruin Culture, Literacy, and Technology Use (benefits of being involved with Seeker Base Lats), ps one non-itearm combat ski. (Characters may, of eourse, have more {han one combat ski but they must have at least one) 3. Gamemarters shonld limit the skills ind devices available to those deseibed m the text of this adventure. Player characters should have litle oF no expesienee with firearms, robotics, svbmarine technology, of ‘computer prosemming, They could conceivably have some knowledge of folar cals, communications equipment, basic medicine, and fundamental feience, AS fat ab armor and weapons go, use the tables provided with this riventure, They were designed to complement the encounter. ‘4 Mutations ean be figured according to the rules of your game sytom, Use them foal: they ean add alot to an adventure tke sland of Enrallope, IE you want a more systematic way to determine which ‘churetere and NPCs are mutated, roll 145. On a 1 ot 2, the character Shomld be given one palonie ability or mutation (gensrated aevording 10 fhe lor of your game system). on a 3, 4, or 5. ive the character one physical mistations on a6, give the character both a phystal and a Psion mutation Player Character Background. If you wish, you may rol 1410 onee per plaver fo datermine the backaround of each of your players! charac tere: Though this is ot necessary, it docs insure that chasacters wil Ht tly into the me word in which Island of Enetlope takes pace 1-2-Yow lived in the wilds, alone and surviving by Your wits, unt you met and Joined the Sovkers. 3-4—You lived among barbaric nomadic wibesmen before you met and Joined the Seekers. 5~You were part of an outdde village or settlement (feudal ceste, sdvanced Indian tribe, warior bund, stange allan, or other institution before you joined the Seekers, 46-You were an orphan adopted by the Seckers ata very youne age (1a years) 7-10 You sre a descendant of the orginal Seeker Base Laura personnel Special Weapons Flintlock Pistols: These are refered to as “ire and forget” weapons ~ ‘nee youve fied ane, forget about using it agtin in that combst situs tion. A fintlock pistol a muzzleloader, and looks something like litte esnnon barrel meunted on apiece of wood, Using it requies players lot NPCs 10 40 throush « rather invoWod series of eetions 1. Swat the barrel, Ths eliminates sparks and cinders. 2. Load with gunpowder (a process which can be made easier and faster if you use premeasured powder charges) and ram the powder own the barrel 53. Wrap the bullet ina patch and ram it down the barcel, 4 Load and ram another patch on top of the bullet. 5. Remove the runzod. (You could fire the gun with the rod still in ‘the Barel, but the reslts are unpredictable at best) 6, Place loose gunpowder in tho priming. This powder is jnited by ‘the fintloc, hich then ignites de main chap inthe bree 7.Cock and fire, ‘There isa basc 20% chance tht the powder in the priming pan will, 0 off bat the gun stil won't fire. Rain and other moisture rises these Chances dramatically. So does the tine the primer has ain inthe pan ~ iF Icisn't fresh, the gun might “ash” and still not go off. In the case of 2 fumble or ertleal miss, the gun may explode, Flintlock pistols ly down dense smoko when Tied, particlany If many such guns ae used in a loved aes, ‘Cap-and-Bal Pistols: ‘These re sivshot black power revolvers, The “percussion cap" replaces the loose gunpowder in the priming pan of a flintiock pistol. They are zeatively immune to maistre or time, and will mistte 10% of the time. There is a 25% chance that a misfire may cause allunfired eylinders to fire as one Animal and Random Encounters ‘Animal encounter and random NPC encounter charts may be desired by some gamemastes. These we leave to the initative of each GM. ‘Simply make up your own, or Use those provided with your game, We ‘wil provide one mutated animal unique to the Great Salt Sea area ~ the Brine Shrimp. NAME: Brine Shei HABITAT: The Sen of Desert. HABITS: Nocturnal. Aticacied to splashing (as by oar) and some- times even the ripples created by the passage of sling ship. Repel by iat. Tavel in hens, APPEARANCE: Datk green. 15 meters long. Eight eyes Poor vision ‘Two arms and sx legs. Constantly beat the water with thet les. WEAPONS: Surface and instantly atack anything passing by wih both clavs, If a bout parses within reach, dhey wil attack the boat 15% of the time, The other 25%, they will ry to attack any people they can reach. 2attacky/uon (one with each claw). 75% attack agltstany~ thing inthe water, TNoves: The brine shrimp aze the season ships never sail on the Sea of Deseret by night, They aze aso the reason Ott Grlliser equipped the [Eamerelda Hl, and the underground passage by which i reaches the se, with bight electric iphts, 18 IV. THE ENCOUNTERS No matter whore you locate Seeker Base Laura, your player characters must go through four seenaros before reaching. the Island of Enllops. Drop them inio the adventure whe ver vou eed them ~ but chey must be played inthe order even. ‘OF couse, vai are welcome to add more en counters random or otherwise, Ifyou want to simulate’a eros-eountry tek in loving detail, ‘who are we to azued ENCOUNTER 1 Death Canyon ‘LOCATION: In mountains. SET-UP: As the players cioss a. sdge of mountains, they discover that the only posable path leads ther along an old tral through wcon- Stantly narrowing eanyon, Theze is no other Way to get through thee mountains other than to follow the trail As the eanyon nario, the players horses bepin to fidget SITUATION: The Gray Sun people, a ban basic mountain tebe, hae formmany renerations preyed on tavelles in this area, The narowing path followed by the players opens onto a eit: ‘ular meadow cinged by steep walls The players enter the meadow through a small sap in the wall. The nly exit isa similar gap a the far cond of the meadow, When the players ae hall. ‘way aefos the meadow, hidden tribesmen wil {row a torch into concealed trench aeross the & Tr oN RO exit ffom the meadow — foaming «flaming | SSeS=25= soa Dbanier that will ast for 1410 tums, 1 the players are on thei toes, they may catch a Riv Blimpse of two Gray Sun warriors leaving the Jeadow with torches in thelr hands alter the For Fie starts, At the same time, a wall” of spear ¢ ray. Sun tribesmen sel Fill the exp ets entered, blocking that exit (Tho"*wall” &madeup of seven wariorsand thelr Chieftain.) Siccen ibe Tok with javelin (eis on each sde of the meadow) line the cliff heights. ‘They will pel the players with avelins atthe first sign of hostile actions. ‘BACKGROUND: The Gray San People have a simple form of govern- mont — rule by the toughest. Any player character who kil the Chie tain wl be proclaimed the tribe's new Chieftain. The player character ‘will main the tebe’ leader unt challenged to ritual duel ‘A-cental feature of this tribe is their religion. In a nearby caves thelr Holy of Holis, contsining the holographic equivalent of 1 VCR. They havo only one move cartridge ~ a holographic adgpiztion of the 1964 fim, Mary Poppins. They gather monthy to view this “vision,” and have ‘atiorned their eulture afer ‘Cotes wom by Members of this tribe are patterned after 19th century England — hide thongs ("ties") around the necks of the men, and hide-and-noen skiets ("Roop skirts") on the women, The Chieftain is Known as the “Banker,” and is allowed to weat the ragged remains of a sultcoat and fabric te; he also wears avery weathered bowler hat. 1 the Banker is Killed by a player characte, the tribe wll prostrate themselves before thor new leader, A particulaly brave member of the tribe wil remove the sted suteost, hat, and tie from the dead Banker ‘nd offer them tothe payer characte. ‘A player Banker may command th wre in ll waysbut two: The tribe will not leave the mountains em masse, and they wil not peemit inter ference with their holopprojector. Though the tbe wil be patient with any new Banker, if things pet bad enough (GMs use yout disretion) they wil show thelr dipleesore with raged spears and muttering. Ifthe ‘new Banker persis in Volating tribe customs, they wal attack. "The Gray Sun people are aceustomted to crualty and vilence, snd to The Sea of Deseret unded § —— Rorway a State tine shoreline orlake Major er H Sisnal = ‘community si © vane the notion of being “owned” by their Banker. They spcak Kins English, wvth a fondness for phrases lke "On sehed-yule,” "Step im time,” and “Life is e rum go, guv'nah.” A favorite chant on ritual occasions is ‘Super! Cail Frau Lisc! Expil AU! Docious!™ (A ching tefiain From savage thats) 1 the players attempt to surrender to the tibe, the tibe folk wall take. their possersons and thon roleao them on the far sie of the mountains, The tribe would just ss soon avoid combat, if they ean stil profi. TREASURE: in bogey portions about the edges of the meadow, players may find a chest of amdque coins, rusted cans containing stil edible food, and 4 medical kit, Inthe tribe's eave are the holomax 3D ‘movie projector, the fm cartridge, solar batteries anda charger, a rusted ‘out motoreyele a spent miale (warhead intact, but no detonator), anda ‘wosking cigarette ghee. "REPERCUSSIONS: Ifthe players kill the Barker and then leave the tribe, the tibefoll wil be outzaeed. The player Briker must be killed to provide a new louder for tho tribe. Therefore, for the duration ofthis Adventure, the player Banker wil be atacked (wien he or she last ‘expects it by 1=3 Gray Sun warriors. Tf the players do not kil the Banker, Bus-Moe, « tibeswomsn, will follow the players unt an opportunity to confront the players camp resents tel Death Canyon: Now Payer Character [——] NAME: BeMoe DESCRIPTION: Devoid of sich human emotions as love and Kind ness, BugMoe Is a smoldering, ambitious young tibeswoman: She will =19- counterfeit any relationship — ftiendship, love, whatever — most con incngly, but nothing touches her heart. Bup-Moe i ar too cunning and twist in the ways of the forest to be caught by the players should she not Wish to be caught. ACTIONS: BlgMoo, alone among her fellow Gray Sun people, will follow the players if they Lal to Kl the Banker. She has gone as far as She van in her Lribe, and now Ropes for greater power and fame through Joining the player. ie she ix ected she wil wera tothe camp at a later date, loot the camp, and setermpt tit the throat of the player she feels febuffed her. the plats accept her, she will play alone with them Until the Fit sign of toouble, At that point she will instantly and vicious: [y turn against them ENCOUNTER 2: Night Camp LOCATION: Forest or foothills ‘SEF-UP: Is the ist nightfall after the players have spotted the Sea fof Deseret. Ax darkness ll, they notice a campfire just slighily dove fom them SSTUATION: A cavalry command of the Costck Women's Socialist Republic, bared in Colorado, intercepted the same signal as Seeker Hase Lanta, and is attempting to Joeate the captives. The Cossacks have just ‘ought a battle with Slaves, ond have bech scattered, One eluster of si Female Cosseks with horse and weapons has made camp and is question ‘ngs male prisoner (3 Slave, though the player characters have no way of knowing Ott, This is dhe eamp spotted by the players. ‘SOLUTIONS: The players say bafticnd, tight, or avoid the Cosacks, ‘or may’ sip tse tis encounter to gather Infomation, BACKGROUND: In tho last days of the werld, an elite Soviet pars drop command landed jn the Denver are. In the lst century, dese ‘dant of this aroup have developed 9 millaritc matriarchy dedicated to soctaliss and women's hs “This group's founding beliof Jp that the old world was destroyed because ft was rum by men, Men azescen as having two inherent faults: stupidity and cowardice, Women from this culture meastse their great nes by mental superiority (as displayed when commanding sldes in Date) and bravery (as evidenced by a wiinaess to die for 2 slorious cause ‘This particular Cossack camp consists of six women: Katrina (a Majoc, Nenla (4 Captain), Ole, Natashs, Alexa, and Irina. AUL have red hatte They may’ each be given some form of muation Ifthe GM wishes Ege i anmed ith ¢ cdvaley save and a pistol (5 plus 104 bullets pee woman) The pistols are 44 caller cap-and-ball revolvers and are reserved Tor uuly desperate situstions. The Major as a loteonteol eas eenade, ‘Their uniforms consist of blace bearfur berets, heavy bve cloth reatenats, red Blouses, blue pants and Jona Teather boots. Each also has 8 Targe, black, fourlegsed horee equipped with afinely-tooked saddle and Secoutcments. The Cossack’ hors are ied amtong the tees at the ed ff the smal clearing. I is possible thatthe players could stampede then, but these horses ave batto-ined and wil attack any players who approach thes, They can attack with their forefoot, and have a sfubby torn on their foreheads which they may ust sa Weapon, The prisoner a small, svarthy an with cusled moustache — is strotlied on the ground between Tour takes. The ropes which bind him Jook painfully tient, Three pokers are hosting in the campfire, Katrine sang over tho isonet, barking questions. Boll 1d6 to deterine what the players hear they eavesdrop. Unless ‘otherwise instructed, roll onee for each fWeminute period the players spend eavesdropping says Katrina, The ‘Tel us about the pl! Tellus about the gi rman says, koi nothing about your si." ‘Who are you? What aro you doing tere?” says Katrina The man answers, “am one af mtn. Weare peaceful way farts inthe ans.” ‘How many of you are there?” agks Katina. The man answers, Doustllly, “We fl the valleys and the plans. My brothers and Ssers wil swarm ove this land and tae lof You away! I spit on you! You are in! 4— The man refuses To answer any more questions. rina approaches with 1 hot poker, bringing it close to his nose, Go immediately 10 #6 on this chart. Do not cl spain 5 "The man refuses to answer any more questions and showers sbuse ‘on the women, He refer to shem as manhater, unnatural mute tions without emotions of passions. Irina, visibly upset, suggests "mutilating “he stupid pig.” but Katina uly vetoes that notion. 6—The man now silent, Katrina nods, and Irina brings the tp of hot poker down fon his haved chest. There & a sizzling Sound, steam rises, and with a super human effort dh prisoner pulls the ake free of the ground and tres to escape. If the players intervono, play dhis out: the players choose not to itervene, the man ‘rll be knocked conscious forthe rot (Of the aight, Only medical atention wll ‘ring him around before morning. “The Cosecks ate intent on theieprsoner, will not netie the players unless they are ust ally noisy or stupid. (Of course, Ifthe players } incorvone on sho captives Beha, they will be noticed immediately) IP the players attract the "ttention of the Cossiks, cll for ee Cossack to find her rention Instant distust and dilike, Roll again, Ona rll af "07 "2." the Cossack rol ta for dzws hor bre and charses the players, She wil fight unl (and i she is fidered to stop by a superior afices, 2-Exteemely wary, but in to negotiate, 3— uncertain, bus pessimistic. 4 Uncertain, but optimistic ‘—Frendy, bat with Weapons draw any 6-Folendly, instinctively willing to work wth he players. TREASURE: ‘The weapons and clothes already mentioned, plus a sketehy map of the Cosacke"tavels from Colorado, marked with Russian lettering, Some travel ations wil be found as wel, REPERCUSSIONS: The best rosult of this encounter would be an alliance between the Cossacks and the player character, The Cossacks Will be litle hard to get along with. They inherently despise men for their cowardice and stupidity, and constantly talk about dying for glory fom their valiant quest. They wil never fully trust male player characters 1 she olayers ty to turn thelr backs nye misston, the Cossacks wil ty to force them to keep going — at gunpoint if necessary. Players who prove themselves in the Coskicks' eyes will be invited to retuen to the Motherland with them, Ifthe Cossacks are jnored, they will continue to seach forthe cap tives (yes, the same captives the players seek to rescue), searching the fentie atea, They have no sianal tacer, howevel, and have only the ‘vaguest idea where (6 look. They ~ or atother band of Cossacks ~ will surely run into the players again Ifa Tih breaks out between the Cossacks and the players, the nose will atact the attention of another Comack woman, lost inthe woods, This Ite arrival is unarmed and will watch the Batle from the sidelines {aiseretion eing the Dotir park of valor) unloss sho feos her actos Would rn the tide in favor of her sisters. If the players Kil the sik ‘rzinal Cossacks or otterwis free the male captive, the late arial il fetum to the forest, rin her comades in arms, and report that the player characters aren cahoots with the Slvers, I the players reseve the Cossack’ captive, he wil tell them how the (Cossacks ~ a savage band of milltant mar-haters ~ attacked his peaceful Garavan and took him prioner. He says tbat Cestck prisoners never lve; they are skinned alve and boiled jn pot and eaten. IF the players leave him unguarded, even fer a moment, fe wil attempt to sip avay and ‘join his Slver caravan Night Camp: Non-Player Character NAME: Major Katrina Deborovna DESCRIPTION: Aloof, disciplined, and self-confident, Katrina is perfect cavalry officer, Her goal i ie sto lead the thundesing charge of hundreds of eavalryvomen into bate. Stes indifferent to her own suering and, though she finds emotions tard to handle, she cares for the women inher charge. She is used to giving orders and not having (0 discus them), and Knows beyond a doubt that women are natal fuperior to men. I's so obvious it doesn't need mentioning... I just shows when se say thus lke "Fight Tike a woman!” "ACTIONS: Katrina is as wrapped up In the quest to rescue the cap~ tives aa the playors ao. Tt has become an overwhelming obsession ~ all those purebred women have to be saved, even i some male captives are helped as well, She will demand action, and may do something on er own ive that might not be prudent or sie in the players’ estimation. ENCOUNTER 3:: Romanov and the Boys LOCATION: Ona tail through a hewily wooded valley SET-UP: On a moran after the last encounter, the players ae travel ling along 2 trail towards the Sea, Their horses begin to act uneasy. IF they continue along the tral, nets wil fll from the crees and a heavy accented voice wil shout, "Youare our prisoners! Surzenderor be killed!" SITUATION: In addition to the Cossack who observed the last encounter, Slaver spies witnessed the events in the forest, They reported ta the Sliver leader, Romanor. (Note: Far te sake of simpli. If the prisoner esapod, Let hin he the ane 10 report to Romanov.) Romanov Seeided it would be best to attack the layers, tke them prisoner, and ‘all hem af galley saves to the Jacker eet. Attractive females, if any say be held forthe wifefeoneubine tra "re Slavere are well organized, There ar cightslavers in the net ceam and another eight Gncliding Romanov and ¢ Jacket nazned Groxsins) on the ground, SOLUTIONS: The players can excaps, ich, or surrender, Escape will ‘be dificlt and wil almost certainly rest im injuries or deh, Fighting is sviical (ad mas requite a saing roll ouinstintelizence). Suetender is the sanest course of action BACKGROUND: Romanov is in command of an advance party of Siwere wha have penetsited 10 the western mountains in hopes of ‘expanding thei dave trade to the Mormen Empire. They are als allied ~ trough the Jacker, Groggins ~ with the Renepades holding the capsives tino signalled Seeker Nase Laura. The Savers ze nogotlating 10 buy those {apties in ordr 0 dal them to the Mormen and others. ‘The Slavers foo vast Uading network along the Missisippi and Missutt river systems. Their orignal ode of operation Was to come to 4 remote town to sll normal trade goods, Then, on the night they Ieft town, they would Kidnap local children who would be raed and then sold on te slave market. As elviization has developed since the End of | the World, she Slavers have Found that they cin offen puschase children cheaply (and mtoreordess legally) from their parents. Nowadays, they Conduct their dave fade openly “The Slavers, led by Romanov, live according fo “The Ce” and con- sider themes honorable businessnen. Remanor isa reasonable man, and will break off any attack if lases become unaceeptable. If the payers ‘come out ahead in a confrontation with the Renegades, he will switch fides and deal with them, In this specie instance, the Renegades (operating through theit agent, Grogsins, s0 as 10 preserve dheir ano aytmiis) have promised to dvlver young, attcuctive, genetically pure Inumnans — one of the world's rarest commodities ~ into the hands ofthe Slaves. The Slavers will deal with anyone who can deliver such goods, ‘That jacludes the players, should they choose to Involve dhemselves in the save trade, Slaver chatacters may be armod using the same tables as the player characte, but they have no high-tech devices. Groggins is armed with two lindock pistols, A mutated and quite inelizent parrot rides om his Shoulder, This “pet” has no great love for Groggins, and will actin a friendly manner foward anyone whe act in eta manor ward hin, 1 (oy some miracl) the players rarago fo kill Groggins and escape from the Slevers, te parrot will follow them, spouting lines from pirate stores ("Aasahn Matcy,” "Blow the man down,” "Make him the plank, ete), The perrot wal sprinkle hs spasch with Gdbits of {information about the Island of Entellope, the captives, and the Jackers™ ‘bee of operations even the Renepades and their Das. Gamemasters, se ‘rate judgement, giving the players neither too much, nor too litte hel.) TREASURE’ The Slave ctravan includes two wagons, each harnessed to. pair of dappleszay oxen. These Wagons conta sik clothes, leather ods, crude jewelry wellmade knives and short swords, cooking utensils, land other trade goods. There are two teenage guards In the wagon (whe Wall Noe ac the fist siz ofa Mahi). Grogains parrot certainly qualifies as trousite, All he Sliver have perial possessions and low-tech weaponry. Gamemasters can determine this according to the cules of the on ame syste TREPERCUSSIONS: IE the players surrender tothe Slavers they will ‘be bound very efficiently with chains and taken to Encounter 4, where thoy will be sold to the Jockers as galley slaves, Should they choose, the players can fake this opportunity (such as ti) 10 aequalnt chemsehves teith the Jackers? other prisoners — Lord Hink of Two-Falls and Lorie MoeHeron Ifthe players defeat the Slavers in battle and manage to escape, Romaioy (or one of his Lieutenants, if Romanov i dead) will follow them from a distance, watching thei every move. He wll be reluctant to fale with them again and wil wait to se how the players fare in heir next encounters, In short, tho Slavers will become interested neutrals Until i is time to decide the fute of the Renegades captives; they want those captives and don’t care who they have to deal with in order to set them Romanov and the Boys: Now-Player Characiers NAME: Romanov Zingast DESCRIPTION" Suave and enchanting, the chief ofthese lave is himblewitted and sick ot a sal, Romanov is proud of his knowledge of the ways of the world, bur this knowledge has left him eyricl. He is gentleran (according to his own peculiar code) and will not go back on Ins word or betray hs people. ACTIONS: Romanov, having learned of the captives of Entellope from Grogging, has made up his mind to acquire thet, s0 Long s de cost Gn currency and lives) fe toa grea. He disikes thé Jackers in general, fnd Blake Spike's Renegades in parties, considering therm uncouth, Isalways sadly to nepotat, snd prepares far all contingencies, ‘NAMIE? Grogsins DESCRIPTION: Groggins would sell his grandmother fora handful of coins. He is selsindulgent, lzy, greedy, and cowardly. He wil do any: ‘hing, etry anyone, gravel on his kaees, to preserve his ie... but hel lavas tay fo have a ace in the Role. He is diy, deceitfol, and ‘this or morals. TACTIONS: Ie he must, Groygins wil serender to stay alive. He'll even ‘betray some of what he mows about Black Spike (and he Knows quite a bi, Grogkine Is introduced to the players ag the Jackets representative mong the Slives In eeliy, this jot a cove, Even Romanoy Zingari ‘docan’s know that Groggins is Black Spike's spy in the Jacker eamp. Evetything that happene smone the Jackets on the sueface of te Island ‘of Entollope, on the high seas, or on the mainland among te Slaves is ‘arsed along to Black Spike's Renepades through Grogsins, aai= Grogains is currently arranging final dots forthe slave deal without letting Romanov know who he really Wosks for. Grogsinls path olezically raid of being gored by Black Spike NAME: Lord ink of TworFalls DESCRIPTION: Arrogant, lood, and demanding, Lord Hink Is & typical Mormen role, He feass on entire lps of mutton, cequizes others to tend to his needs, tonds to bo srurapy, and has no manne. Women ate nothing more to hin than potential wives. Unattrative or assertive ‘women make him nervous and isrtabie, ACTIONS: Lord Hink is obested with what he eas the Beast of the Sei ~ a monstrous “sea sezpent” that destroys searing sls with bolts Of fre He insists chat the creature lurks at the bottom of the Sea of Deseret. (The “seu serpent” is actually the Epmerelda 1, Black Spike's submeribe, whic eam ship on which Lord Hink once sailed.) "The Slaverscaptized Hink in the wilderness as he varehed for elves about the monster, Grogglns 1ocommendation to the Slaversis hat they fell him to the Jackers a galley slave, Dut Rink speaks to freely about his sempent and Black Spike is concerned that others might become interested as well and find o0¢ about his submersible, about him, bout his reneeade pluie and about the captives he holdsin a fortress Beneath the [sland of Enteliope, For this reason, Groszins will attempt 10 kill, Hink shortly after everyone aves on the Island. The players wll have the chance to interene, and perhope cara the friondahip of Lond Hink (for wha liste that Is worth inthis particular adventure) NAME: Lode MacHeron DESCRIPTION: Precocious, dogged, and quite attractive to most men’s eyes, Lonel is one of the foremost scholars of the Barony of ogun, Sho is parculaly fascinated by ancient technological devccs, and she knows sr muck aboot ancient slenee as anyone the players have ‘ves encountered. She also has penchant for getting into trouble ‘ACTIONS: Under presure from the Mormen, the Baron of Logun condered Lerlel to cooperate With Lord Hink and assist him in his invest- ftion of the Beast of ie Sea. At last, that’s the way things appear on fhe surface, In truth, Loslel an agout of the Bazon. Mink and the Moxmen made eheir pitch to Lorie! and the Baron and convinced them that something funny was going on in the Soa of Deseret. They didn't believe the sea serpent story, suspecting instead that Hink's monster was 8 roe of ancient times, Lori will cooperate with the players as rch as she dares, but is worded about the balance of power on the Sea. She Gisikes and mistusts bodh main powers in the area ~ the Moomen and the Jackers, Should she discover the twth about the Exmerelda If, she ‘would ike to see tin the hands of the Baron of Logun. ENCOUNTER 4: LOCATION: On the sea shot. SET-UP: As the players move through tho woods, approaching the shores of the great Set (but before they can actually see If) they hear the Sound of men snsing a seafaring pratetype song. SITUATION: A lacker exew has sed e Regeer co the mainland to toad up om fresh water. (There is no.known source of fresh water om the Island of Entellopo.) I che players have been captured, there ia second vessel heze at well, sent co cary them fo the and, ‘SOLUTIONS: The players have betn following the sina traces for sore time now and hate found nothing, Now their course plainly leads to the sea, The sours of the slanal received by Seeker Base Laura is out there someyhare, They must havea boat. Ths is their chance. BACKGROUND: After the End of the Word, the survivors of the shattered Mormon Church migrated to Idaho. The rest of dhe area's Population was Te behind, Those who romained but a citadel on the ldland of Envelope, put together a let of war galleys and merchantmen, ad ruled the Sea of Deseret, Animal life ~ much of ft mutated lke the Brine Shrimp, bur stil edible — thrived inthe spreading Sat Se, and life along its cousline Was 200d, if not easy. Most ofthe snvivors adopted « lifestyle centered around fishing. Others, like the Jacker, chose a ie of piracy, preying on those who depended upon the Sea for sustenance and trade, The Jackers came to rule the Sea of Deseret. Part of the Jaekers” strength les In thelr mastery of technology. ‘Thouah Tess ascomplished in thi respect than the Cossacks (who have relatively modern suns, hand grenades, and other 20thcentiry standard ‘weapons, the Jackars ate the Terror of te high ses, They have Mintock Firearms and naval cannon. Thlt stout warcraft ean maneuver without ‘wind and are armied with cams that can spit an enemy’ ship wide open. Once they" had 4 submersible, » primitive wood-and-steel vessel armed vith toxpedo-tame: ie vent down in a stonm eighteem years ago aa i beloved fox ‘The Jackers are ruled by a Council of Ceptsins, one from every wat ship, Some vestiges of democracy remain inthe Jacker eortmunity — sip captains are elected by a vote of the crew members, but by tradition the Selection of a captain is often accompanied by duels (both pistols and ‘hlasses) and by bales among the factions supporting various cand dates The members of the Council of Captains in tum, elect a leades, called the Captain of Captains. Many of the Jackers are mutants. Ofutatlons should be consistent with the roles of the game system you us.) Thei base community unit ie the ship (even when they're ashore), Each ship Issued by its oMces the Capttin, the Mate (of which there can be at many as three on a big ship), the Quaztermacter (in charge of keeping f a course), the Coxstain (owho actully steers the shi), the Surgeon, and the Barbecue (or ship's oak), Not officly an offices, the Barbecue is sil one whose advice is faken seriously. He 4 often a votoran seaman forced into ight duty by injury. ‘To join thege pizates, a candidate must find a sponsor among the Jackers who Wil sate, upon threat of death, thatthe resrul is ue aud ‘square. The initiate then goes on probation for a year, watched by 4 rewmate of the Captaia's choosing. If, in the end, the probationer proves worthy, the matter is put to a vole of the aip's officer. One no” vate and the man is put ashore “rhe piretes Hve off sea commerce and by raiding the coastal towns, Lishter pirate vests roam far up the main divers from time to time. The Jackets rarely embark upon fons land expeditions, though such exped tions are not completely unkaown. In these more-onies settled times, the Jackets also have regular revemes from ships and towns that pay & ‘duty-lax; wen the tax goes unpatd, tho plates vst the offending town land make off with its ods and many of it citizens, "The pirates consider themselves "gentlemen of forrane,” but in ruth they can never trast aach othe. On the whole they are sreedy and quick to act. They don't always think matt through, and wil not hesitate to Killa man (or wornaa) it hey Tgure ie neds doing. They, like pirates of Al eras love to drink wien ajo inished “These pirates are not fools ~ the Jackers are always well armed and reasonably alert, especially wlth the constant threat of war with the Mormen hanging overhead, The Jackers are ferocious, savage, blood thicsty, and incredibly brave, but they also act» lat ikea mab: they need {strong leader to coordinate their actites. “They have no Uniforms as such. Their shirts tend fo be brightly colored; they wear kaselenath pants and leather moccasins. An officer ‘might haves cloth coat, a seabbard for his sword, anda fur esp ‘Keggcrs are boats (30% ships) bolt to camry a large cask of water fom shore to shore, They have a small crow consisting of two seshands and Ship's boy, lod by 2 Quartermaster. Keyger crews are generally armed ‘vith cutasees and Minddock pistols, except for the boy who has dagaet. “The Keuger crew is charred With goazding the men who do the real work —Nbieht slaves, bare 1o the wait, who hmul buckets fom a freshwater stream and pass them beck to their ompanions to pour nto the Kesge's large cask "The Facker’ power is based on slave labor — slaves propel thei galleys and perform all heavy labor. Some slaves come under the Jackersptere Of inience as e kind of fax — the best “goods” avallable from shove drs Whose wares come their way; others are taken in Tak on coastal towne The Jackor" slaves live for lite besides (reedom, Some escape covery year, while many others de trying. ‘TREASURE: The Keager itself, the Jecker crew's weapons, and bag containing a dozen gold pees Nanging from the Quartecmaster's belt, "REPERCUSSIONS: If the plavets take the eases, they can sil wwherover they wish on the Sea of Deseret. Gamemasters should, however, bear in mind that this {¢ ¢ all Boat and won't fare too wel on open svater A Jacket lookout om Spyplass Point on the Island of Entelope will, begin to wonder whats going on ifthe Kear takes to strange a course He may even go s0Saras to sound an alarm, 7° I the players are captured by the Jackers (or were captured By the Slaves inthe lst see. rari) they wil join the galley slaves on the second Jacker boat described in che Encounter ‘Situation section above and be akon in cbalns to the Island of Entelope Es ‘Anyone pursuing the players, must strike ° before the players leave the'mainland, oF walt until they ean find some way To sot 10 the Island chemscves, ‘The Kegger: Non-Player Character NAMB: Spooney DESCRIPTION: Nov aserious person (though, ‘qulto clever), Spooney takes ie a8 2 joke anda {Laume, He i acnuinely friendly, anaturaleome- tian, 2 prankster, and a bara, He alvays caries ‘concertina, He tes not to hurt his friends. “ACTIONS: Spooney is a scahand on the ‘Kegger, ands also the go-between for Grogsins and Black Spike, Ho's one of the few people ‘who kaow about the back entrance 10 Grol ters old sorkshop ina Wwalled-ff parion ofthe Jackers’ Citadel. Spooney meets ihe Renszades ‘by descending fo Black Spike's underground fo ‘eas through the fase well n the workshop. He ‘makes this trip andzeporis tothe Renezade ce fuck might, 1 the players manage (0 reach the Island and happen to be out at night, they should be given faily good ehance of spotting ‘Spoorey skulking xoUnd the rocks at the base of the Citadet they will see Spooney disappeat into the cliff base, Careful examination of the foe where he was las sen will toveal a hiddan Afoor inthe rook face (1 om the map): luckily for the pliers, onthenight hey spothim, Spooney dns left the door ajar. Ifthe players choose to return some ather time, the door wil be Locked, and they will have 10 force it open (a faily Simple matter once one knows Weere the doot 4s). Tho door opens into a dark passage leading to Grolistrs olf workshop. (A more detaled Aisoussion of Ort Grose, the Cade, and the ‘ld workshop wil be found in the section ‘which follows) ‘Note: Having gotten this fr, the players now rave coneiderible freedom of action, $o does the gamemaste, Ifthe players are not prisoners, they are. probably. being purwed by on of amore groups, Will thse groupseros the waters {in pursuit? If the players are prisoners, then someone else ust have the signal tracer ~ can they figure it out? Will they use ie Can the players recapture the device? These are but a fe of ‘many easly overlooked quostions which may come up at this point. Bear them tn ind, 1 square = 2 V. THE ISLAND OF ENTELLOPE: General Description The island is heavy wooded and the terain ie rough. Mountains run lengthwise acrove the island, the highest peaks being Spyelas Point at the northeyn end and Freedom Peak (souree ofthe radio ttasalssion). There te ravines, cliffs, and small protected glades and valleys, The sand is tized by aock shores and cliff, with beaches wt only two points: lacker Cove (the iland’s ony harbor), and che southern point. “Thesland wat namod for the herds of antelope that once inhabited it. Sackers drove the heads to extinction TNo nitives other than the Jackors live here, though some esped slaves man wild on the southern paris of Entellope. (One of the island’ mysteries is where thoy find water.) There are tals on the island, left by Anas, which eros the mountains at the lower elevations, “The Isind of Entelope fas fo major snictures: che Citadel at Jackers! Cove, and the submerged base ofthe Foundation of Free Men. Jackers’ Cove! Jackers’ Cove and the Citadel The cove conta six structures, most of which house Taekers. Should you need more lockers than are’ provided In tls and the following feclion, there are a doven seamen and an officer atthe semaphore tower tn Spuelas Point the Flint andthe Enrallope (vith 3 exew of ten pirates land twenty slave oursmen each) are on sea patrol; two larger ships, the ‘Sweet Barbara andthe Tent Ho (each with a crew of twenty and forty slave oarsmen) are on shore leave in Ormland “The Punkiuse (2) isa ample timer stueture containing bunks and personal belongings in soabgus, Two fralooking, elderly pirates (armed {ith flintioe pistols and short swords) who act as earetakers will be Found tere Finally, the players wil find an odd energy mace here, The Ice as stud on ifs handle, When this sad fy pushed, the mace wil ‘hock anyone i tees 1 Will do tice the damage of an ordinary mace frsmall lub, "The Palade (3) i 2 mossWo timber barricade enclosing the Cite (On the insie of the wal sa Walkway, so putes can stand behind the ‘wall ang fire of dtaokers on the ground The gate is kept open during te day. Two pirates amed with fintlock pistols and short swords stand ‘watch, The ge is coved at night, Betwoen the Palisade and dhe Citadel is {he “compound,” This contains a flagpole flying the Jacker fag, and a -23- sard shack in which will be found a table and four chairs. Thre are only eight praes (armed only sith swords) om gusrd nee. The Citadel self (4) Is he remains of & reinforced concrete Hoek: hw End of the World left ony oor and part ofa frat Wal The original Jckers patched the walls with stone and morta, and bull then back mest the elif fae, ‘Whoever happens to be the Captain of Captains at any given time aust lve inthe Citadel, In ote eves of most af the Jackers, this some- ‘what lee than desirable, an ongoine test of the Captain's courage, Mast ‘fthe Jackors believe the Building was cursed by the long believed dead Saventor, O1 Grolier. As Ic tums out, this superstitious bait hasbeen Cultivated by Black Spike throush his agents above ground, This eaeeTuly Wwarked cut scheme involved rimors of horrible sounds heard at night Tals of foolish Jockers who entoted Grolier’ workshop and were Neve fen agin, and stories of the myiad horeble, dedk-douling techne-ap fwaldne thore foolish enough to open the cobwebied door connect ‘he Citic proper to the workshop an thc other Hide This schenie was concocted by Black Spike 10 prevent the Jackers om the arfase from dRcovering the vast underground camplex — to 37 nothing of the technologial marvels and priceless eaprires within At present, to people ve in the Ciadel ~ John-ack, the eurent Captain of Captains and Ais womanfserant, Patzeahia, These (wo are Wwellanned at al times (lindock pistols for cach, a short sword for Patreshia, and a cules for JohnJack). Both Patreshia and Joha-Jack wil be found hove, engaged in whatever actnity seam appropriate for cho Time of day the players aerve (leeping at nishs,eatingst mealtimes, etc). Inthe event of a batile, any pirates who cannot teach their ships will ~ schictamtly ~ take shelter hve or bshind the Palisa, ‘The Citadel appears to consist of 2 sings, very lng, oddly shen ‘Cctually, one corner has boon walled off ro form a second, oon) The Jacke’ Weapons Locker (5) isin cle in the back wall of the Citadel; iti never locked. The weapons locker contains a Aloven fintlock pistols, plenty of bullet, and four small kegs of Black powder "The Citadel’ roof is supported by several stone pillars, and doesnot extend over the entre building ~ the ce Thus 8 bonfire can be built (nthe The socond, smaller, Walled-of room (6) i of great importanee ro the players, For one thn, Its one of Ore Grolister's Warksiops. Players ‘Adventure Gaming Specialists GAMEMASTERS HOBBIES, INC. 4627 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 415 { 387-4118: Catalog aullable for $2.00 — Phone orders accepted with Vita or MasterCard THE FLOPPY Disk DISCOUNT SOFTWARE For Wargamers and Fantasy Gamers Free catalog — Specify computer type P.O. Box 5392S 5416 Vantage Ave. #2 No, Hollywood, CA No, Holywood, CA 91616-5302 (213)762-3123, Ohio's most complete adventure game headquarters THE LITTLE SI Akron, OH 44503, Catalogue $1.50 ‘will find it remarkably undisturbed: romember, the superstitious Jackers exhibit an lost unnatural fer of whatever les beyond the walleofT Section ofthe Citadel. Te doot tothe workshop is locked and covered with cobwebs. The lock is quite simple (an old-fashioned skeleton kes Tock) and players sold be able to opon ft in a matter of minutes As an alternative, wo players should te able to put their shoulders to it and haveit open in no time, superstition, not strength, har provented this door from being apened ever the yeas ‘One inside Grolister's workshop, tho players will find a Ret ‘guard armed with two cutlasres ad a dagger, He wil leap instantly to the tack as soon a anyaneetefootin the workshop, Hsattack wl be sit, fore, and sent; he sll protect the secret base to the death. Should the players defeat his in combat, they wil find al sort of valuable goodies. f powersd-dowin household robot sits agus one wall: the players must have a storage battery or other power rource (with lots of charge Teft) in onder to pawer it wp. Should they manage to accomplish this, svill possess one of the mechanical marvels af the ae, It can perfor Siny household task requzed (cookine,sleaning, royponding to knocks 2t door, for instance), Its quite trang and durable but, unfortunately, ‘a stituette in Grolister's shop conceals alse pata with ‘ishatever that stay be in Your game sytem), Players wil ize ovt how tose it (saving roll gaint Intelligenee) and even if they do figare it owt, they may he unl wth s A surprisingly small suit of solurpowered baitle amor (doubles strenath, endurance, and daxtety — of snlarcharactersties) lies in hes ioar of the workshop. Only a character berween 5° 3 and S76" tall ean sea ais amon ‘Hidden (though not very well) beneath a ple of unidentifiable tech nological junk, the players may find act of fosr robot tentacle-azms built into a vestlike device. (Any one of average size would be able 0 treat it) The arms respond to the weirs thoughts; all of the ams be controled sitntancovsl each has svensth 1 uvalent to the ‘wearers mitral arms, They aze made of metal, and are guite damage Fesistant. The arms require « portable botters pack of a sort the players have novor seen. Make a saving roll against Incligence to spot he plug fata which such a batery peck would ft "Finally, hidden quite well (players wil have to rll to find i), the eee CRU CTs ten The King’s Crown €860 West 105th Steet Overland Pay Kans 66212 (913) 341-6619 o tyes Finest Sten of jltary and Fantasy Games Books, Figures, and Accewoties GAMES OF J BERKELEY Pree Catalog and Discounts Available THE TIN SOLDIER aattl 9 Court House Place, Dept F anaes Springfield, Mass, 01103 (413) 737-8843 tata sail for 51.00 ‘rtunded on rst ore) ‘hone arders accepted with ‘Ish or MeterCard| OP OF WAR 24 roam conceals a tiny batery pack of amazing power. Thisis the battery heeded 0 make the robot ame function, The charge will probably last longer than the players will ned, This i quite a prize and, with some txceptional die alle (ttt the divretion of the gamemasty), the players should beable o adapt this lite power pack 10 al sors of purposes. Grolier’ Workshop hs one othe? important feature ~ the false well, Te topped by a zemqvable wooden plug. The shaft functions sa entrance fo the Renesades wnderground bss, “The Coobhouse (7) contains the Renegades” f00d and rum, poss, skewers, spikes, miter, ands forth, Iadde the Cookhowse are three Wislous‘Renesade cooks, armed with meat cleaves, carving knives, ‘nd boitng o “The Bonfire (8) is always it. Three pzates will be found here, stirring kettles of hot water (ased for lating). ‘The other Bunkhouse (8) contains a permanent card game with six parteipans (all azmed with daggers snd fintlock pistols). If the players Aeteat these card players in batile, they will find a box of synthetic clothing ~ si one-sizefitrall jumpsuits ~ slong witha box of electronic tlrculdboards and a rechargeable Monage battery with very Title charge rete. ‘The Harbor ‘The harbor contane seven ships, Unless something unusual happens, all of the folowing ships will be in port when the players arive.on the Island of Entellope. Crews listed do not reflect the number of erew- mambets needed when the ships are out 10 sta, but rather the numbers Iikely to be encountered by the players while the ships ae in por. Slaves vl nver hinder the players in ang ay Cues the payers try to Keep them from escaping). In bat, players wll have co deal only with eres Imombers and with saves who’ want to escape so badly they dow’ care how much commotion they make "The Bornle Merle (A), once a meschantman from Logun. Armament ‘Bow balsa (avery heavy erossbow), Crew while in port 3, "The Luetieert (B), slley of wai. Armament: 9 smal lista, Cow while in por: 3 plus the Captain; 20 save oarenen. Should the players deat tho stew of the Luckheart, they will ind a portable telescopelrungefinder in the cxow's nest, and an zrear contol panel inthe hold, The latter wil do the players no food unless they find ln atee. The Captain isarmed with an energy knife (does double standard kee dana) “The Hass (C), an Arab sloop captured dusing battles with another pirate bund ~ the Berberls pirates of Khalf Orn Recently Tost ts mas {na freak storm, No armament, No ctev. ‘The Lisabet (D), merchantnan captured many yeas ago, Is origin is unknown. No armament. Crew while in por: 3 “The Tenn (E), pride ofthe Jacker navy. Hl by’ dhe gonkus delanor Ott Grobister. who disappeared elghteen years ago, The Tanisa isthe Dest ship on the Sea Anmament: 8 light ballita and ono shelMfiing, fulbmounted cannon, Crew while in port: 6, phis 16 dave oarsmen. We they defeat the erew, players wl find a powder magazine with sb bartels of black powder and 20 explosive shells. "The Larife of Loguny (€), another Tormer merchantman of Legun, Anmument’ | small alita, Crew whe in port: 2 “The Golden inde! (G), merchant flagship of the previously mentloned Amb pirates Finely carved, falded figurehead and tings. Beau ‘workmanship. tipped of rmament, Crew while in pot: 4 ‘ore the players wil find a stun whip (double normal damage). SOLUTIONS: The plavers have two ways to uegoiae this portion of the adventure succesfully. They can investigate the false well (GMs should ea fos to drop hins inthis aivection, oF they can attempt to penetrate the Renegades" underground camp by way of the submerged entrance ‘eseriped in tho section dealing With the Foundation Base, immediately Following che NPC descriptions for this eneounte Jaoker's Cove: NomPlayer Characters NAME: Joh-Fack, the worheaded Jacker DESCRIPTION: Captain of Captains among the Jackers,Johrack is actualy to personalities in one body. One personality, he dominant fon, is dashing and heroie and utterly ruthless (and a deadove with 2 pistol), He is srealy feared. Paradoxically, the other personality, who {ake charge in moments of great stress isan inseeure, immature coward, He is, pechaps, even more greatly feared in this persons and is stil a eadeye shot. VACTIONS: Joha-Jack is obsesed with the Mommen threat. At the sime this adventure takes place, he i primarily concerned with whipping Iniemen toa frenzy in propatation for a major sea bate. The players com cern him only a lone as rif he conneets them with the Mommen. NAME: Patresia DESCRIPTION: Sexy and seductive, Putreshia belongs to John-ack. She was captured by him ithe bavle wlth, Arab pats yeas agos she is from the Arab Khalifate in what was once California. She has come tose- tard John-Jack with something more than mere affection, and will act to protect him, but cannot resist the idea of saving al saves everywhere “ACTIONS: Patresia is extremely ‘intuitive, If the players act it a friendly, convincing manner (and if they promise not 0 arm JohJaek) she may be incined to help them se tly quest through tos succestut completion, A particularly perwasve player can enlist her aid in the Struagle to see the captives. She wil, however, have tobe convinced that ‘ey exist. (Remember, the Renegades underground complex isunkcnown to the Jackers on the surface) If the players kill Johm-Tack, and Patreshia ‘witnesios the act of lems about it she wil turn her weapons against them, She's 4 good fahter, andthe party Wil almost certainly have to Kill, eras wel THE FOUNDATION BASE: Background Ta the days before the End, a peitical/nilitary group known asthe Foundation of Free Men came into being. With the aid of a sympathotie ‘Acny general, they seeetly baile base in the Uiah desert where they could fide out the coming Wa ‘To naure ther dover, tic installation had these Fearares (1A exyouenie Tacity where 300 indwviduals, selected for their ionetic purity and proven success in business athletics, or combat, could be stored in suspended animation. (2) An advanced, mechanized, medical facility for “creating” hmm beings, drawing on reservoirs of spom and eggs from selected donors One thousand ehildren could be produced under computer direction {G) A computer system named "Goodfellow," endowed with artifical intelligence, Goodellow is charsed with creating ciddren, nurturing fem, and traning them in the ways of the word, Goodfellow was de- signed with secondary function in mind ~ to develop its own theores fon polls and survival in the world after the End. The childcen Good- fellow ereated would then bo tained in the ways ofthe wedd as Goes fellow aaw fit. (And Goodfellow has some unique views on the subject of| the world’s fuiare =.) ‘The Foundetion of Free Men (ot sure that these measures would Anau the survival of mankind. Unfortunately, the End was even worse than they expected. The Foundation Base took a direct hit. The block house wis destroyed, and the main shaft and upper eaverns collapsed under the shock. Only Goodfellow (continually refining and redefining ite thoughts on human polities) and the baby-making Laclites (which ‘ould only e tigzered by human command) remained opecational "Almost a century passed, Then, eighteen years ago, the Jacksr let sailed to ight the Arab "Berbere” Pnaes. A tom struck. The fabulous Submersible Enmerelda was lost a sea, just off the harbor approsches to the Citadel, Black Spike and her enfie ew went doin with her along ‘wit hee inventor, Ot Grolier. But, unknown to the rest of the Jackers, the submersible was sll intact |. on the sea bottom. Grolier, searching desperatly for 2 \Way to survive, combed the seafloor in diving suit of his own design. ‘Amazingly, he found a submerged eatance to the Foundation Base Following his discovery, the Exmereda’s Jacker crew took over the Aevastateg base, (The onginl Exmeroida crew of 20 has since boen abs mented with racruits, Block Spike's Ronezades now nomber 40.) The Tokers on the surface of Enteiope Isand sil blleve Black Spike and his ‘ommados to be dead. (Ott Groblster managed to make contct with Goodfellow. With the computers aid, Black Spike sad Grollster rebuilt the old Eamerelda. ‘hoy would have preferred to start from serach, but the base was oaly quipped for light fabreason, "The new svbmtenible is powered by electric cells (72hour charge) and is propelled by smal, efficient tzbines sucking in water from forward fnake valves and. sfcting # Irom propulsion nozzlss at the tal. Is formal crow is fve (Navigator, two Plane operators Engineman, and 3 “SRendy Mat by the conning tower), bat i can accommodate 20 passer 818 (not ory comfortably) or an equivalent amount of eargo, A rowboat fan be atiached, kool up, tothe exterior of the sub When surfaced, a eapidfire,selPloadingbalista inthe conning tower can be used, The Eemerelda 1 also equipped with primitive torpedoes SMesplosves mounted at tho ond of a 20-foot spar. These explosive: tipped spars ean be extended through the nose of the ship and will explode When they contact a solid object (like the fll of an enemy ship) ae ‘Shorty after the Jackezs took contzl of the Base, Ott Grolister was able to command Goodfellow to bepin making beatiful, peneveally-pure babies. After a period of years, these babies were to be sold 10 save traders at exorbitant prices. CThe captives who signalled Secker Dase Lau, seeking a, wor the Zesult ofthis horeble plan.) Goodfellow had its oD plans, however, and it realized that the pirates could help carty owt those plans. After a century of contempls- tion, the computer had came to the conclusion that the only way 10 insive humanity's sirival afer the End was to establish 4 worldwide mine that would unite mankind ‘Goodfalow didn't want is children sold inthe dave markets, so Let Eva ~ oldest and brightest of the factory-riade humans ~ put out acall {or help to the outside worl. THE FOUNDATION BASE: Physical Layout THE CITADEL, The Jacker® Cliadal wos the oriainal surtace exit for the Foundation Base, Hore te players wil find an old well, boarded wp. This i tually the top of shaft leading down to the base proper. (As far as hose on the surface know, theres na fresh water onthe Islnd.) ‘THE SHAFT. Tho shaft Is actually a twisting passiseway through th ‘rushed remains of the orinal base's concrete elevator shafts, [thas the chars of acoal mine. The walls ofthe sha are vitally unelimbables black Spike's Renegades use rope ladders (0 climb from die base to the surfge. Lanterns vot nto the Wall ef the shaft provide nial lumina ton when it (Eventually, the shaft opens onto a small chamber containing a bettered wonden des, ¢ lantem, «camera emplacement, and a pisate guard (armed Wich a pair of capand-tll revolvers and # class), The ‘ak is flanked by three ents arranged ina triangular pattem, These exis Ste set into the Floor of the chamber. Two of the ets ae boarded up ‘ut the players can pry the boards Loose if they want to take the time, ‘ne leads t0 Chamber If; the olher leads 10 Chamber I! (se below Note that shege exists open onto the clings of their respoctive chambers, ‘The third exit i not boarded up, and leads to the celing of Chamber 1. Payers chaosing this exit will enter Olamber Jat the * on the map provided CHAMBER 1, THe Gooatettow Chamber, Six levels housing the Goode fellow computer and the Babsmaker complex. For moxe specifi, see the level by-level maps. CHAMBER H, Conta Power Chamber. Thisisa massive power station services by engineering robots, The only area accessible te hunvans is the ‘central inspection room, Tis coor contain struments which eveal the Condition ofthe power statioa, and how wellitscomponentsar function- Ing at any given tine, ‘The inspection 20m is surrounded by a chamber fled with fresh ‘water and stocked with fish, The walls of this outer chamber ate covered With screens, used to grow yeast for food. This chamber is served by aurerobos (CHAMBER HI Formerly the main chamber, wih all the facilis of ‘small elty and army base, This portion of the base was all but destroyed ft the End, A crack connects it to the Sex, and its flooded with salt ‘Water, Mutated ea life theives in the water here. Goodfellow las com ‘iructod fenmland and orehards alone the shore. Heze, the players will find a Renegade dock, Ort Groller's equipment and labezatery, and the Esmerela I submersible, (See the maps and sketches or more details) ’S junior work battalion of captives farms the land here aided by foue ‘excavation rabats, The Esmeralda IF boi readied for 8 Guty, and has 4 fill crow sboard, The ctew Is preparing to take aboard a load of cap= tives, tobe sold to the Slvers on the mainland Note: The thee chambers decribed above are connected by tunnels, {8 subway line oqulpped wih three-seat cas suns directly to the Power Station through thee tunnel. There’ 2 Goodfellow tereninal wherever the funnels meet. Here the players may contact Goodfellow and seek to ‘enlist Rise Al the robots have Goodfellow teminals, too, THE PASSAGE. This is the main passage from the base to the sea and vee vera). The Eonerelde If enters and Teves the base vis this pussage:Grolister ha installed ocks whieh prevent the sea from flooding ‘he bare, The locks are automatically avtvared by the passage of any object of human sie or larger through an elcttiveye beam, The passage fe always Tit (preventing Brine Shuamp from entecing). There ste sir ‘pockets slong the root Players using the passage wil se (ond heat) a huge metal iris open loot halfway sion is length after they pass dous it wil elos: asain, tnd ¢ similar mecha 100 feet further along the passage will open. “The following seetion describes the levels of Goodtellow's Chamber (Gee the individual level maps on page 27). LEVEL ONE. 4A) Spiral ramps. These connect each level to the next. The ramps are dedgned for bicycle tafe, A bike rack stands next to each ramp. (3) The High Senoo}. Noone sin clas. (©) Tho Library (D) A sae oF female sede holding a machine gun [Noter” This lee, like most of the eters, i designed to look lke the coutot doors, The ceiling is printed sky blue with clouds; lights set in the felling Blink like stare in the night sky, Most of Level One i parkland, risgcrossed with ttenches and dotted with pillboxes, This is used as 8 militerytuinine ground, A senior work battalion (20 boys or gi) will be found conductine miitary exerises heve at any tine of day or night None af the weapons ued in these exercises ste real, But all Took rel. ‘The Mother Generali here. “The senior work battalion found here is one of four such batalons being held captive, There ate several junior work battalions as well ‘binging the fatal number of captives fo several hundeed. The junior work ‘battalions wil be doseined in later seetions of his adventure, LEVEL Two. (E) Golda Meie Hall, A dommlcory/barracks. One wing houses a sonlor work Battalion (20 gis, age Mf to 17) and a junior work battalion {0 gles, aze 10 £0 13). () Queen Vieteria Hall, A donmitory/boreacks housing. another Junior work bation XG) Pesonal Hygiene center, Barber shops, showers, washbasins, snd the like ‘dl) Boxing arena, (0) Long Jump and High Tur facies. U) Fencing Tac. Players wall encounter a senior work battak fon, ated wit wooden swords, bre i) Mail Arts training foity (Senior work battalion). (1) Gymnastics ara (senoe work battalion). (04) Trampoline are Gunior werk botalion). {N) Tennis cours, (0) Cafeteria and pienie are, (Track, (Q) Franklin Delano Roosevelt Hall. A dormitory/baracks housing boys junior work battalions (R) Ronald Reagan Hal bataons ‘Nate: Payers will encounter no Renegades on Level TWo. [A domitory housing boys? senior work LEVEL THREE, {S) Elementary schoo! playground. Side, weetertottr, sing set, and 30 on, (1) Elementary school. Four "quads," each containing four class room/bankhovses, organized around a central blackiop. Two hundzed toys and girls (age atx months to ne years) are ltoused here. They a however, kept seprebted [ato groupe no lager than twenty. There a to Teacher robot in eact classroom. The 1ype of robot varies depend- ing upon the aye of children inthe clase, The youngest children are supet- vised by. Romper Pale (sft foam, cannot tip over). Older chiken are yupenised by Blackboardettes (robots built as part of a blackboard). All fobots are doll-ike; they are not ata elke. (U) Welding shop (senior work bataion), (8), Communications shop, where the hase broadcast fucilities are tochtez Hore: the playere wii encounter a senior Work battalion and a pair of Renegade guards. Each guard is armed with acutlass and a par of apeandhball revolvers. {W) Woodworking shop (sunlor work batalion). () Metalworking shop (nice work batalion). (9) Circuits shop (eentor work batlion). {(Z)Print shop (unior work butalion) TAA) General Serico Bullding, Handles laundry, stores, sanitation, clothing fabrication, The inser court contains trees and’a pond. A ‘Senior work balaion wil be encountered here. ie +) © gs02 | asc | 503 €0_2@u}€0 au] eo 2h] lee Fa Fu a : bd Zip Code STEVE JACKSON GAMES BOX 18957 - T AUSTIN, TEXAS 78760 Tee u soxauy 9 IIA. Lael 128 a: uv ways 2990 BumplTNg soup ayP puE “Samy IF MOY 1240 rosounss| cums | cose JomO1 165] 94 WIN “FUMoyS opIs ,AodospUY OREIS,, olf Kuo lke am ‘yes awe ayy Rag “yoNq auD WOK] SF LEY oY WED HOA eH Wom (0 40 480] 5198 200 ose9 ut ‘poplaosd arr Stas OM], ¥D 240 Ind 02x “opuO OuOW 1042049 49 Smad ate od ff 8M Pe pads) Wo duns v rd 30NE "9.4 40 PiRDADIsOH OF woMUasgns ano HURLEY? 20 NOK Jt SuVTIOG 'S'n NIT LSAW INIWAVE aunseuaig sane 210 ———— snquna runoaoy (s19p20 19259) — sp09 diz soraiarnis, - ana ssaup py em pesopus MOL RIA] PIBONOIEWE] Japy0 Kouou] —yoaHaT] —:Aq st youAey, ‘yeu sonjmns yas are sadoa MY “epeuRD pur “s"7 AMT apisino sessoxppE 10) onsst JOU QO" TS puo “sassauppe woypeus 40} ansst od sluao Qs pps aseaiq ‘PaysHand ansst xau ay. YH HENS SuOHPALISSQS [IY yumauaz wonduosans w st sry 31 as04 99249 oars oes. ozs ee ols ny Squasiong fanpomy oss es oye e1s eu 8s suaaoy 2224 02s ees oa els oy 3 anny AsO 0s cs ou £18 or 3s dang 22005 aumafry —sonssncr——sonseg = sant) sons p sams (ouyeedow puv yas ygzondde s19n2) 10} Aaron Janpomy s0/puR ‘TuswadoWy P sul “JoUIND LemIung “LoUND 290dg ou PLAS esEOIg CI scree meee maitre ie Dalia tee) ——— 18) —_—_— fae} (sz) wat (ez) ero zo (11) Wyo ovo se— se— ve— fee) 680 8801 ZED 860 (on) seo zea te0 (iz) wo ep © a seo zen (8) 620 #20 420 920 (oz) 460 060 6zu Bae Ie) $20 20 £20 220 (61) 420 920 $201 (9) 140 001 690 890 (es) yea eza zon 990 s90 ven (41) 720 120 201 610 (a) sia Seo ta tooo) ayer 0 ssa sso 480 9s0 (st) _ sso sO (vl) ZO LO «6a Ie) eso zc) eo 4o 180 080 6” vO (et) = 90 so poe Ee Ce) zo to (i) feaung sepeoy a a a Or ‘ Autoduel sey ‘Smace SPACE GAMER —— P.O, Box 18957-T aR Senet Austin, TX 78760 (Fantasy "Gainer The Foundation Base Goodiellow, Goodfellow Level 1 we" = 15 meters Goodietiow, Level 3 Goodfellow, Level 6 (UB) Link to Contil Power Station, (€) Assembly amphitheatre, Junior work battalions attend indoc. tcination holes here. There willbe one such battalion here at anytime of day or night (DD) Link tothe narbor chamber. LEVEL FOUR. (EE) A warehouse avcessibie ony to robots (FF) Heated pool crossed by four arched bridges. There are fire Renegade sentres on each bridge (cach armed with a pair of cap-ané-all revolves and a cutlas). There i a cannon on each bridge as wel, The player wil beable to move this only with great elfort at all). (GG) Formerly the Children’s Center, decorated with teddy bears and other cuddly animals. This building is now used by the Renegades for housing. These are seven Renegade women (armed with dageers) and several childron in the Children's Center, A walkway posses dough the bullding, (HE) Miniature golf course. Note: The Renegades are keeping high profile on this eve because ‘hey expect to have rouble when they begin rounding up the captives for sale tothe Slaves, LEVEL FIVE, ‘This isthe actual automated Babymaker facility. All who enter this level must passthrough sorlty procedures, and wear surgical masks and gowns 1D) Refrigeration Storage Center. Human “vemponents" — aetually sperm and euas~ ate stored here {U3) Genetic Analysis Banks, Sperm and ge cells sre analyzed here, 10 dltermine thei genetic purity. ‘KK) Sean Conte. Xray radiation, and brain scan faites. (LL) Impline contzal, Sperm and eggs are brought together here, betinning the process by which Goodfellow “creates” human beings. (MDD) Surgieal Center, Ineludes microsurgery facies, This i quite sn advanced [elity. Players should be sven the opportunity to find all forts of valuable medical equipment ~ much of it eminently portable, ‘There is, in ll probability, no surpeal feclity more complete than this cone lett on the continent (NK) Embryo Fabrication Central, Zygotes are nurtured and allowed rodovelop here, (00) Steity Contiol {P) Medical Bank, Lab stores, supplies, ee (0Q) Cab World. Frome vo Infants from bith to sk months of ae (RR) Genera Hospital facies, LEVEL SIX, (GS) Visual Control. Largoscreen display, projected. trom three primary-color disks — a visual representation ‘of what Goodfellow is scene” (TD Pyzumid speakers, An aural representation of what Goodfellow ae (UU) A black hemisphere, within which Moats a 3-D image of Good fellow, retining in a chal, reading a book. Goodfellow ean be either sale or female; take your pick. Ir you wish, allow each player to see Goodfellow a4 whichever sx he or she chooses ~ this can lead to some interesting discussions (WV) Voluntary Control Nodes, Thre lags, brihly-t (but Micker ng erysta towers. (QW) Primary’ Memory banks. Fact circuits whieh can be inserted or removed from Goodiellow's memory a wil (O&K) Emotional Control, A‘cnbe blinking in x varity of color. TAs tefleets Goodfellow's “mood.” Red is for anger, blue for reflection, black far militancy, green for worry, and so om (YY) Input Coordination, Here, Goodfellow processes all incoming sionals ZZ) Extension Cubes, Several black cules, each reflecting the shits, sounds, and sensations experienced by ono of the bass robots. All of ‘the robots encountered at the base aze inked ditectly to Goodfellow. Laser beams Mcker from cube to cube, reflecting the intereonnected res of the bare robots What one robot “knows,” all the robots know; ‘what one experiences, ll experience HANA) Goodllows main memory. A girder framework dotted with Inundreds of shiny aluminum "bubbles." If 2 bubble i destroyed, the ata stored there i permanently ost (BBE) Input Nodes. Stations where all signals are gathered, sorted, and beamed fo Input Coordination (COC) Arstonemic Contra. Handles “astomatlo" base functions tke eating, power generation, sir creulation, and so on, Notes: The shafts lading from Level Five 10 Level Six are sealed off = Goodfellow does not ordinary allow access (0 this level because iis ‘most vulnerable here. Each unit here is important to Goodfellow. Any thing damaged or destroyed will prevent or impate the computer's use of ‘whatever the unit controls — Sight (the Viewscreen at $8), hate and love (Emotional Contrel at XX), or subsidiary robots (the Nodes at ZZ), et. THE FOUNDATION BASE: Overview ‘A the players ative on dhe Il of Entelope, the Renegades, led by Black Spike, ate readying the Esmerelda 11 for sea, A party of four tmed guards (two enp-ane-ballyvatrers anda cudas apices wil collect five |7-yearolis from each of the four senior work battalions oad them fn the sub, and shuttle them to Groggineauranged rendezvous with the Slaver earvan on sore There is open hoslliy between the captives and the Renegades ~ that is why the Renegade compound ig guarded and fortified. In addition, the captives are Kept in groups nombering no more than 20 (the sizeof a ‘work bottalion) at all nes. Black Spike's men are so afald of what tight happen sf the captives managed to coordinate their activities and tim themseives, they keep their Weapons — with very rare exceptions — fon thelr persons at all times, All of Black Spike's men are armed with & Pair of expand-hal pistols and a cutlass. or ter part, tho capris ae quite miltan, and quite welhrsined Inthe ways of was. If they fake any action against the pirates they will flo so in onganized battalions. The fears of tho Ronepades are more ‘han josie, “Three factors have Kept the exptives from escaping. Fist, the Rene- aades have superior firepower, Second, te captives have been cased from ‘birth in the underground base and have no seat conception of the ou side world, Finally, hey are complacent because Goodfellow refuses to Tis ther lives, The computer wants someone from the outside to come dnl get dof the Renegades, thus siving is "chidren” and allowing ‘work to basin on the ditatarial Empire it envisions as humanity’s best ‘hot at suvial. The superior numbers of the eapives might have been tnoush fo overwhelm the Renesades, but oaly atthe cost of mary lives, (Goodteliow would have taken action itself, not fora bullein inhib ‘ion aginst klling,1¢ ca Kil, but i wil avoid i if at all posible.) ‘Goodfellow will cooperate with the players by providing information, lowing them to tp He information network, adjusting she lights and ther Ife support systoms, and using ts robots ina manner which it fecls fo be helpful, Whether the players fee! the computers contributions ae helpful is another story, Supercomputers tcnd tobe logical players tend not to be. Goodfeliow’s actions may be misinterpreted. or example, Goodfellow may attampt 10 sow the progress of the Renegades bY sutting down the ais reclrelation systems. This would ‘certainly stop the Renegades, but it would also wreak havor with the Players, Use your imagination and make Goodfelow an intersting Eheracter, It thinks of Hellas humans allow your payers to see i tha way, to0. "Fhe general ides in this part of the adventure is thatthe players wi 0 down the false wal shat, dpatch the fst sentry, discover the Good fellow Chamber, and encounter Mother Gonoral and the capsves. They should have litle trouble collecting infomation and possibly sid cemem- bet, the captives slenalled for help) They may even be able to capture the Epmerelda 1, Though this wil require a pitched battle with the Renegadse, Tht fall pretty siightforward unless, of eourse, che players ate being followed by other factions coliseted during the earlisr encounters in this adventure. Ii the playars mis the fase wel, or approach the island fom strange direction, there i one othor entrance tothe base, Position iso thatthe players will novee it one way or another. They can enter via the sub- merged pasiageway (visible at night Becalse of the underwater lights), Entering here would be dffleult and risky, but not impossible, One way ta make sure they get into the base would be to have the ship begin to sink nthe vicinity ofthe second entrance. (Remember the Brine Shrimp!) BACKGROUND: The Renegades (Of al the pirates on the Island of Fntelope, only 40 Renegades know fof the undecground base, the captives, the Etmerelda 17, and Black Spike's plans. These 40 are = BLACK SPIKE himself, captain of the Renegades = OTT GROLLISTER, inventor of the Emnerelda nd Eomerlde I. ~ Elghsoon mombers of the oxisinal crew of the Eemerlde = Twenty: younger pirates, between the | ages of 16 end 25, Feeuited from the fans of the Jokers oF rabed by Renee | OH {ales ance the orginal takeover of the base 18 years 30, = = AvTew Renogade women and children hidden im the Children's Contr Black Spike's plan, sil supported by most of the Renegades, fo make 4 fortune sling the captives into slavery. The plan ~ seventeen yeas in the making ~ is (0 sel 20 of the pure- bred humans year, at astronomical prices. ‘Some of the older Renesades ave tied of their underuround life. They favor an open ie ‘of piracy on the Eimerelda Ifo a reunion with the cet of th Jackers ~ mos of whom have no ‘ dea what's going oa beneath their feet. The : younger pirates have even been influenced (to ao Some degree) by Goodfellow ~ a few would like to team up with the captives t0 form an American Empire Everyone's plans depend on Ott Grolister— the oly poxon who undersandshow to operate and repair the submersible, Grollster cares ‘nly for wealth, power, and his experiments. I offered 00d enough proposition, he may seth his allesiane co she players. ‘The Foundation Base: Non-Player Characters NAME: Back Spike Gyoechet DESCRIPTION: Impossible to disk, Black ‘Spike isa zosue and a Scoundrel. He is also in ‘redibly handsome, 2 wonderful swordsman, and hs x magnetic perso Slity — men lice to be with him, end women adore him. He issn oppo tunis, Detayins eomzades when nevesary, prefering to escape so he can Fight another day ACTIONS: He wants to live happily in the Foundation Bas, selling captives, aking a fortune, and using Gollister’s inventions nti he can bullé a submersible feet and prey off the commerce of the seu. He ‘wants fo return to the Jackers in triumph, as their conqueror/hero. ‘Nore: black Spike i the Renegade described inthe player handout at the beginning of thi adventure (with the motal eyepatch and the iron spike where lis right hand used to bo) NAME: Ot Grolier DESCRIPTION: Ott Grobistris the genins who redeveloped much of the old technology ~ shelling cannon, simarines, espandball pistols, to. He is also insine. Sinister, talcum, habitually drowod in black, Guolliser Keeps 10 himsel! aboacd the Eimer 11, He iy tered of women, but at the same tine (end contradictorily) he is madly in love With tne Mather Genera. He doesn’t realize she fs am endo ‘ACTIONS: Groliste wil act to protect himself and his master, Black Spike, If corezed, he will do what the players request only 17 they dave: Mother General te him, handcutTe, Notes. Grolister is the oniy person ut the Base who can operate the Esmerelda H'~ uniess Loses MacHerron can figure Hout. This islef 10 the digeretion ofthe samemaster, BACKGROUND: The Captives The captives have been Held prisoner by the Renegades, but they have been tased by Goodfellow. They have been taught that the world rivet be united under one government, and the most effective way to Sccamplish this is to estabiah a dietatorahip. In addition, they have heen taught that only the strong have the right £0 cule. In Goodfellow view. the most Important fgures In world history have boon leaders Wks Alexander, Cesar, Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hits. ‘The eaptiver upbringing has been heavily accented towards maitary ‘raining, athletes (including the mart ars), and light manufacturing. “The older captives are onpanived into miiary eroups ~ the work batal- jos. Fach battalion of 20 is commanded by 2 captain who is aided by a Sergeant Major. All ofthe batalons are commanded by a Colonel who is in turn assisted by two Lieutenants TY these captives could oblain weapons, they would rank among the finest maitary unis jn the Word, Unforunately, al they have when the players arrive on Entelloe aze forks and spoons simple cubs, anda few ‘woaden sora, ‘The captives represent all ethnic groups, and are all perfect physical spocimens. (They were, alter all, made to be perfect, as Goodfellow Tight point out) Their clothing Consists of black cloth uniform blouses tnd pants, knecJength boots, and black caps (che whole patterned after ‘Nizs Germany's S8 tro099). They also weat various induml, awards, and tormaments for good behavior, graduation from school, multary honors (These ae provided by Goodfellow, of course, not by the Renegades) ‘The captives as group, feel an urgent need to found the empire they havo hoon taushi muse be established, To do this, chy realize they most fee themselves from the Renezades, This is their immediate goal. Other goals Goodiellow has indoctrinated them to pursue are the exploration of the outside world, the acquisition of amns'and equipment (at the ery Teast, the weapons and svtmerdble of Black Spike's men), snd the recruitment of alles, The Captives: Non-Player Character NAME: Colonel Eva Victor DESCRIPTION: Weloved lesder of all the captives on Entelloe, Ev ls the alt! who contacted Seeker Hage Laura, She has been thoroughly Indoetinated by Goodfeiow. Eva js endlesdy energetic and hopeful, ready in a moment to sketch out baile plans orto talk elowingly of the brave now world she hapes to build, She is brave, bright, and says exactly ‘what ison harman. “ACTIONS: Eva wants freadom from Black Spike and selfsoe for the captives. She distrusts Goodfellow (who let allthis happen). She knows nothing of the cate world, however, beyond ‘what Goodfellow hes Taught her and what she has’ been able to plek up from ler eaptors Mother General i with Eva constantly, ready to advise het, though For her part Eva feels no affection for the woman/android 29 BACKGROUND: Goodfellow Goodfellow wanls two things: Fis, to care for is “children,” and second, to rebuild the world by way of a dictatorship. It Was imbued by its erestors with arincial itehigence, a personality, and the advaneed ability to present sie to people with whom Ie comes in contact in the ‘most favorable posible Hight. Thi may even mean presenting ise” as ‘male™ {0 one person in room, and as “female” to another in the same oom, {tis not your ordinary computce fs that it never has to walt for {or folow) snstnetions from a human operator, TERMINALS: Goodfellow can speak and hear through the bose ter sinals ~ nears transparent blk dlsks ~ In sovoralTocatons. There are ‘no contols on these devices they are always activated. When Goodfellow speaks through a terminal, an image of its (male or female) human self appears inthe disk (Soe also the dascription of Robors, below.) CAMERA EMPLACEMENTS: Neary all of the base’ military equip- ment was destroyed daring the End, Goodfellow savazed what It could, seiling Op cameriandiaser emplavertents aout he hase — most heavily fom Level Six and atthe Povar Station infrequently elsewhere. These are hish power lasers, so pick something appropriate fram your game system ‘The lasers may be Drought into pla at the gamentaster’s dserstin. Remember, Goodfellow wants to afdst the players, Remember also, however, that Goodfellow has a moral aversion (or the computer equ ‘alen) to Kiling, and prefers have others dois dirty work Gooilcllow's weapons are not at peak eficioney Rell 1410 whenever ‘oneis brought into play 1-2- Laser selfdestuets, doing minor explosion damage in a6 radius, Laser catches ire, sel-destucting. 4-6 Laser-sming device mslfunetions (neat die modifier to it), 7-8 Laser is underpowered and does ony half nocmal damage, 9710 Laser works pestectly ROBOTS: The base has a number of unarmed bots linked directly to and controlled by Goodfellow. Thore are several of each of the differ ‘nt types af robots; players wil nevor encounter more than feur at any ‘one timo Unless others spoefld, There are Excavator robots, Engin ating robots, Materislehandling robots (Frklfis), Teacher robots, and Medical robots, Some (ike the elementary school robots on Level Three, fand many Medical robots on Level Five) are on extension cords and can fot more outside a certain area. Most ofthe robots ezanot speck inde- endently of Goodfellow (thoush the elementary school robots ean say Droprosrammed statements like “Good, Johnny!” and "Can you make a Sine?) All of the robots have a Goodfellow terminal-dise et into thelr ‘ests, s all can "speak (and be spaken to) as Goodtellow Tn addition so" the robats desribed above, Goodfellow has several military robots, These resemble featureless store mannequins, except that they’ aze painted sloss black. One such robot is assigned fo each of the ‘Work battalions. The military robots are deslned to assist inthe talning ‘of the captives They have 4 measur of Independence from Goodfelo™, nd are the only robots on the base which will generally bey commands ven them by the capes, In adation, they will fight to proteet the faptives if novosary, Othe robots wil fight only if piven dict come mand from Goodfeiow, (These military xobots have maximum human ‘Strength and dexterity, bat just average human hitpoints. They also have fnmored skin equivalent to the maximum armor aailabie Jn your gsme system) ANDROIDS: Goodfellow has three operating androids. Neither the captives nor the Renopades know these are undrolds. Androids are not ‘iret tnked to Goodfullow: dey work for the eompuier, but are not part off, They aze more independent than the military robots In add tion, Goodfellow hae enovgh components to create fo more androkls iy implanting ariel) breine fnto bodies created In the Babymaker faci). This ba tine-consaming operation, and only afer the Renegades have besn defeated wil Goodfellow even think of begisning Work on new landroid. The three androids already functioning boast maximum Ruan Intligene, and are Ia every other way slightly above average Cor their sey and ape, They ae, after all, perfect physical specimens, carefully Selected by Goodllow "Mother General is seikingly bouutful military adlsor to the work bottlions. She sill fits be encountered on the combat range on Level First we brought you over 30,000 turns of BEYOND THE STELLAR EMPIRE and > WARBOID WORLD. Now we intraduce our new Play By Mail game of Xenophobia, Conquest, and Space Warfare called CAPITOL CAPITOL Features — computer moderated = Approximat — Players design thelr race's characteristics and description. —Besign your own starships and build them at your star bases. — Expand your empire and conquer other races, — An “advanced stage” of the game introduces new tech: nologies of stargates and Improved ship movamont ca abilities. —CAPITOL's simplified order formats are easy to re- ‘member. No coding your orders onto computer cards ‘or other gimmicks. fing, using the computer printed = CAPITOL has an easy to understand rule book, complete maps you revelve with your tur re Wwith numerous examales. sults CAPITOL was subjected to the largest playtest of ANY No Gue dates. CAPITOL allows you ‘commercial PEM game. Over 100 players played 1500 month. Most other ‘urns of CAPITOL prior to its release, = Adventures By Mail has been providing continuous 48 hour Turn around time for all our games since July, 1381 ‘Suet agk our players! "Esch" turn ot Capitol costs $2.50 for the first 66°orders, Each additions! 30 orders costs $1.00 “CAPITOL is fast Becoming ine stan- gard agains! which other space Wwarlare games are compared —With each rule book you receive's set Df overlays to use In. mapping the ame and moving your ships, — Mapping CAPITOL fs extremely inter: comput Usual_one turn every three weeks (approximately) —Gapitol 1s 8 balanced game. Each player may buy a maximum of two Setups per game. One, Though not answerable to Goodfellow, the Mother General's ‘motivation is much Bke that of the computer ~ she wants nothing more than to soe her chates site, sre, and busy cresting an empire. She tends ‘to be a bit more militaristic than the computer which ereated her, reo niaing the neod for batle and even fos of life to achieve desired ends ‘MeeGregor is the base maintesancejensinesring supervisor. He will, fist be encountered in Chamber 1 (the Central Power Chamber), and is ely to show up just about Anywhere the gamemaster wishes during the ‘venture, He is concerned with one thing: maintonance of the base's ‘equipment. ‘Marta in erav-hsired matron, principal ofthe wlomentary school, Her Job is co watch over the youngest captive children. Empires and strvgaes for frcdom interest her very litle, She just wants to see her students 10W up strong, healthy, and ready to face the world of the base Bear in mind that the androids are independent entities bless with ‘till Intellvence: players may be able to coavince thom that freeing the captives would be in their best Interests (or simply a good thing Non-Player Character todo). NAME: Goodiellow DESCRIPTION: Goodfellow can’t help thinking of itself as human being young, wie-talkns, smart enobph to he one stp ahead Of ever fone, and cities male or female (depending om the person with whom it is dealing) Is every action is designed to bring “The Plan” to fruition Goodfellow hss set about establishing a new world order, an empire undor is subtle contzol. Goodfellow fet can eule ankiad batior than any mere mortal ever could, Goodfellow is also very “"patentl™ ia Its titude toward the captives of Entellope, It won" allow them to be hanmed, ACTIONS: Goodfellow likes to lecture on the future of the wot, sand likes to watch people take aetion on its sugustions rather than hacoming drsctly involved itself. It wl ald the players in thelr forts 3 rosoue the captives by giving thom Information, and wil yy to rosrult them for its plans for world rule, Only IF i appears the captives Will be haamed, ofits own components ace threatened, wll GoodTellow bring its rather awesome pawers and wesponry o bea? on the situation, Goodfellow: IOURNAL Is your Traveller campaign going down the drain because of a lack of fresh ideas? Get the Journal, and stock up. The Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society is 8 4B-page Science Fiction adventure gaming magazine. Each issue is stuffed full of play-related articles and fea- tures guaranteed to pull your campaign out of the black hole of boredom ‘In addition, each issue includes: ‘Amber Zone: Scenarios for Traveller. ‘The Bestiary: Descriptions of alien animals. Ship's Locker: New items of equipment. PLUS — Irregular features such as game var- iants, reviews, Traveller rules modules, question ‘and answer sections and ref's notes on playing specific situations, The Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society is available at fine hobby shops everywhere or by subseription, $9 per year. Journal of the Travellers’ Aid Society P.0, Box 1646 Bloomington, ilinois 61761 = es Beginning... When he player rescue the capi the advent i ve — teat fox mow You can snae se king af etbatn,hare Goode tmetalyUngprt te ager sarc Sune or any al qu Gnviyon snp te coven, you can pla’ se td on gue east tie Tarte alance of powcr changed on ie Sea? Doss he sliminaton of te Rengiet taser Hace Snfe andy perkapy te facken one taro fonts rom or the Hormen fo move it Wil ihe Olander Shane aleganet the guste Eoneretde IT ~ he payed The captives Dit lak Spike an On Gra eepe a Wa it Ise comand of he Slits cowie i Grolier gt mane Yo sear, who ges cute of hin? What wile Can We payers make iends with he Bony of Loge, ox the Orme! WH hey Be inven fain he nme ano Ml the teed captives found Codes fact mpte) Yeas down te vad wi Sear Beara se nto oer wat nay Yocum fhe capes of Ente? Yate amemaste~you date SG of the Travellers’ Aid Society 3 31- Space Gamer READER Ry) 4 1 FT wo We hore at Space Gamer tty to tain ‘out the best publication we possibly can, but we need to know just what you want. ‘This is your opportunity to tellus. Take a minute to answer the questions below, marking your responses on the bind-in card in the center of the magazine. Mail the card to us and Jet us know how good (or how bad) 4 job you think we're doing, Now, let's talk about what's in it for you. Aside from getting an even better magezine, you could win VALUABLE PRIZES! On June 16, we'll select five cards at random, Bach of the five lucky people whose cards are drawn will receive 4 $15.00 gift cartficate, redeeimable on any direct-mail order. You can cash it in fon any Steve Jackson Games products fumes, game supplements, Cardboard Heroes; you ean even use the certificate to cover the cost of a subscription to Space Gamer, Fantasy Gamer, Autoduel Quarterly, of Fire & Movement! (If you stready subscribe, use it to extend your subscription!) ‘You benefit; we Deneftt; everyone ben ofits, s0 send in Your responses today. 1. Are you: (1) Male (Q) Female 2. Estimate your annual income: (3) Less than $5,000 Mt i) (4) $5,001 to $10,000 (5) $10,001 co $15,000 (6) $15,001 to $20,000 (7) $20,001 t0 $25,000 (8) Over $25,000 3, How many years of formal education have you had? (9)0-8 (10) 9-12 (11) 13-14 (12) 15-16 (13) 17% 4, Which Steve Jackson Games publics tions do you subseribe to? (14) None (15) Space Gamer (16) Fantasy Gamer (17) Autoduel Quarterty (18) Fire & Movement 5. How many people (beside yourself) read your copy of Space Gamer? (19) None (20) One Ql) Two (22) Three ) Four (24) Five or more 6, How do you obtain Space Gamer? (25) Buy itin a store 32 (26) Subseribe Q7) Borrow a friend's copy 7, What do you do with your copy of Space Gamer when you Gnish reading it? (28) Always save it (29) Sometimes save it ) Give it toa friend 31) Throw itaway ¢ 8. Do you own a computer? G2) Yes G3)No 9. IF you answered no to number 8, do you have access to one? (34) Yes G5)No 10, What kind of computer do you own cr have access to? (36) Apple 37) Atari 8) IBM (39) Commodore/Vic (40) 1 (41) Other I. Do you play games on your home computer? (42) Yes (43) No 12, Would you like to see more, fewer, or the same amount of computer-elated reviews and articles in Space Gamer? (24) More (45) Fewer (46) Same amount (47) None at all 13. How many games and gaming prod- ucts (boardgames, role-playing games supplements, sconerios, ply-as, ete.) did you buy last year? (48) 0-2 (49) 3-5 (50) 6-10 (51) 11-15 (52) 16-19 (53) 20 14, Have you ever purchased a product or entered a play-by-mail game because of an ad in Space Gamer? (54) Yes (55) No 15, How many hours do you spend each week playing boardgames, role-playing games, and computer games? ) 0-5 (57) 6-10 (58) 11-19 (59) 20+ 16. How many science fiction or game conventions did you attend last year? (60) (63) 10+ 17. Do you buy miniature figures? (64) Frequently (65) Sometimes (66) Rarely. (67) Never 18, Do you use miniature figures as a roleplaying gamesaid? (68) Frequently (69) Sometimes (70) Rarely (71) Never 19, Would you Tike to see more fetion in Space Gamer, less fiction, the same amount of fiction, or no fiction at al? (72) More (73) Less (74) The same (75) No fiction 20, Should gaming notes accompany the fiction which appears in Space Gamer? (76) Yes, always (77) As often as possible but not abso- utely necessary (78) Only in selected cases (79) No, I just lke the stories €80) [ don't want any fi 21. Do you prefer “generic” scenarios (playable with any role-playing system) br “ystem-specific” scenarios? (81) Generic (82) System-specific (83) No preference Rate the following columns and reg. iar features on a scale of 1 t0 9 (with 8 score of 9 meaning you seally love the columa, and a score of | meaning you wouldn't mind seeing it used as a bird- cage liner). (84) Murphy's Rules (85) Counter Intelligence (86) Keeping Posted (87) PEM Update (88) Scanner (89) Capsule Reviews (90) Letters (01) Where We're Going a3 23. List your favorite role-playing games in order of preference 24, List the best articles you read in Space Gamer duzing the last year in order of preference. 25, List the best games or scenarios you read in Space Gamer during the last year in order of preference 26. What don’t you like about Space Gamer? 27, What is the most enjoyable aspect of Space Gamer? 28. List any games about which you would like to zead articles. 29, If you could change anything about Space Gamer, what would it be? 30, What other gaming magazines do you buy or read regularly? 31. How old are you? SG 32, What is your occupation? Where We’re Going by Steve Jackson Notice anything different about this column? No? Of, well... T guess it oesn't show in the magazine. But it's pretty important to me. This column was typed on my new computer. Asa matter (of fact, it’s the very first thing I've ever used the computer for. So welll see how st eomes out For those of you who are interested in such things, I now have an IBM PC, run- hing a Multimate 3.2 word processing program. I suspect I'l find other uses for it in time, but right now the only thing 1 plan to do, other than word processing, is (of course) play games, At the moment, I don't have any games for the PC... but I plan to do something about that pretty soon, And when Origin Software ects their’ IBM versions of Car Wars, Oxre, etc., ready — Pll be ready too. in the meantime, I'm having fun ~ and encountering a certain amount of frustra tion — with my new toy. My previous computer experience has been very lim- fied; [ learned little bit of BASIC in high school, and I know enough about an Apple to boot a game program. In other ‘words, I'm just about as ignorant as i's possible to be in this computerized age. But that’s changing. It has to. This joker cost too much for me not to learn how to use it right. And I’m making notes about the problems I run into, Unless you've tried to learn a new computer and a new software package from scrateh, you have no idea how much can be left cut of even the best instruction manuals. I'm going to write those people a couple of long, long letters... a8 so0n as I learn enough about the system to do it right Enough about the trials of Stevie and iis New Computer. On to other things. (or, Where We've Been) {just got back from a week in England, My first overseas trip, and T enjoyed ita great deal , . . but it wasn't a vacation. In fact, the only chances I got to “see the sighis” came when somebody pointed out landmarks as we drove past. Ab well, ‘maybe another time. "The purpose of the trip was to talk ‘business with Games Workshop. Which 1 aid — they are now SI Games’ exclusive distributors for the United Kingdom and Europe, The theory is thet this will ead to bet- ter overseas sales ~ especially on the mag azines, Games Workshop is bia — it dom nates the U.K. adventure game market “How big?” you ask. Well, by compari son: if you took a very big, reputable game company producing glossy boxed products (say, GDW); added a very large circulation magazine (say, Space Gamer and Fantasy Gamer put together, and then some); threw ina very large game wholesale operation (like the Armory or Hobby Game Distributors) and topped it off with e chain of modem retail stores then you'd have an American com pany with about as much clout as Games Workshop has in the U.K, Like I said, they're big, ‘The trans-Atlantic flow of games and magazines runs both ways, Not only is Games Workshop a big importer, they export to the U.S. aswell, Actually, their games have been available in this country for quite a while, but import costs make them avwfully expensive — so even the ‘best ones don't get played much. But that may change soon, because the Workshop is opening a U.S, branch to let them bring games over here more cheaply. If the prices of their games come down to a competitive level, American gamers will toe the winners, I'd like it if, someday, ‘British”” were no longer a synonym for “overpriced.” And it looks like soon it won't be. The British Scene The British gaming world Isa litte bit different from ours, For one thing, ga fers appear to be more social. Clubs are important, and there are lots of gaming Tanzines, Even the titles are fun: Miser’s Hoard, Dragontords, The Acolyte, Quasits and Quasars, Wereman, Sewars, Vacuous Grimoire, The contents are just a8 good as the names; not professional — they're not trying fo be — just lots of fun, ‘And conventions are very big over there, Just asin the U.S, the biggest ones are company sponsored, There's no equ! alent to GAMA in the U.K, ~ there aren't enough Large companies to justify it. But Games Workshop sponsors two cons a year: Games Day in the fall and Dragon ‘eet in the speing. Both attract over 7,000 people — for one day of gaming! Very interesting, And there are lots of locally- sponsored cons. The big games in the U.K. are D&D and Runequest. Oddly, RQ is much more popular there, comparatively speaking, a ing import game (RQ doesn't count as an is printed in the U.K. under Heense, by — of course — Games Work shop), British gamers also play a lot of Traveller. And they are very big on com> puter games. The U.K, has the highest ercapita number of home computers ‘anywhere, and Britons spend an awful lot of time playing games on them, Game [programs are cheaper over there, too — typically five or six pounds (under ten dollars) for a program on cassette. Fancy packaging, documentation, and whatnot {3 almost unknown in the U.K, ~ it's seen as a way to drive up the price, nothing Odds and Ends Enough of that, Back to the States Tve got a few little items that would 20 into a gossip column if we had one. We don't (Ive never been fond of slander) — Dut this stuff is just plain fan Has everybody read Robert Asprin’s Myzh series? If you haven't, get up right now and go buy them — they're fun. But id you know that your friend and mine, Darwin Bromley of Mayfair Games, isin Hit or Myth? Read carefully There are a few people out there who still think that the Dark Horse Miniatures crow is just kidding . . . that the stuf? they put in their newsletter, These Ave Dark Times, is only a joke, Well, if you're fone of that ever-diminishing few, you really should take a look at the miniature ‘thoy sent out ass "Christmas card,” That Js sick, guys, I love it, Merry Axmess to yOu, t00. Speaking of Christmas cards... if you weren't Iucky enough t0 be on Hero Games’ Christmas list this year, you bet- ter be extra nice to them, and maybe you'll get lucky next time’ around. No tacky pen sets or calendars for these guys; they sent out bottles of wine (one zed and one white) with a private Hero Games Tabel, Now that's clas, "And a late news flash: Allen Varney (GLOBBO, Necromancer, “Pond War, and the IGDRIP stories) will be joining the SJ Games staff in March, Things ought to be getting even stranger 6. S, ¢ around here soon UNIVERSE Ill oo ae a ee ee PRUs me ey Pee oe eat ace colonize and conquer new worlds . . . contending Pe eee UCR enn CnC Pate CRM tam Menta em eee ene eC DCM ene Rn Penne aterm tee Caetge een smc mnt “meet” other players, you can send them messages — to Sa eee Rees ACO ss RC Casa ce Ub etd Aa Cel tp em Ree es eee tell us in plain English what you want to do and we send Rema) NO WAITING TO ENTER ~ Enties are processed on ee ee nn ie Pato NO WAITING TO PLAY - Our tun system lets you ee ee erect between turns. Your resuits will generally bein the mall to Pe er | et EN eet enero Pee a De et cs eee ee Onan ‘colony turn. We don't tack on extra fees for combat, ee i) eee to Rea SERS See eee ete een coe Set CS ea eR me coe eee kare erent: CENTRAL TEXAS COMPUTING 710-S SOUTHWEST TOWER, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Counter Intelligence by Chris Frink computer. Just after he left here, Aaron Allston got a new Texas Instruments pro- essional setup. Warten Spector (our new whipcracker and deadline enforcer) came back from the computer store with a nif ty little Kaypro4, You can read all about Steve's new, mogi-fancy IBM PC in this fssue’s “Where We're Going.” I get to sit hhere and listen to protracted evaluations of word-processing software and discus- it jealous?) of listening to Warren's little portable job going beep-boop while he tup-taps on the detachable keyboard. He loves to tell me about all the word- processing symnastics he can spring through while [listen and bash away on a now-antiquated Selectric, am awed and covetous; I feel like I'm commanding a jet tank in the middle of a High Guard leet action, I'm saving up my pennies COMING ATTRACTIONS <, Space Gamer Infssue 69 (May/lune 1984): bs Computers! A feature review of Wings out DoF Sado, Fred Saberhagen's new Ber ‘serker computer same) “The Fietion They Deserve,” author Charles Plats scathing lok at progsammed adver tures (plus reply of t89): And an overview of computer textaaventues. Also, Junkyard Hogs, Car Wars scenario; and A review ol Forever Wer Fantasy Gamer In sue 5 (Apal/ay 1984) FINIEOUS FINGERS RETURNS! Erehon ~ Steve Jackaon'scompletpane cf warring words on on evershaning naples A festacesovew of KABAL, avery complex roleplaying game (Gare poor aide Tle handy) Itch dnt feviewed ~ want 1 ply a magiate in 1692 Some ang “rie Windia” — new RPG class Autoduel Quarterly Ta eso 6 (Summer 2034: ‘Badlands Run ~ 10g, hot — and very mean — journey from Salt Lake to San Franco, Full ZEale aaventure for tore who Hked Conor. “Dust Maser" — Steve Jackson ‘els how t0 referee a GW game efectNely and effkieny “Amatesr Night Tactics” ADA. News an interview ith autoducl artist Speed Webber ‘and the ual egret ‘This is depressing sions of which are the best games avail j : Seems everybody except me has a ble for which computers, I'm tired (or is nov, and should be able to make a down payment on my owa micro-chip wonder sometime before the tum of the century So, enough of the bellyaching, on with the column, Gearing Up I's February, Spring is in the air and the convention season & warming up. Scott Haring, our Convention Manager Is packing up games and briefing staffers for the coming onslaught. Ital starts with a trip to Wareon in College Station, Texas Scott's going to be busy between now and the end of the summer — J Games (in one form or another) willbe attending con almost every weekend from early February until the last week in August Steve will be attending some by him: self; he's Gaming Guest of Honor at three cons: CoastCoa in Biloxi, MS; San Mateo, CA's Games Caucus; and Eartheon IV in Cleveland, OH. As a! company we will be all over the country all summer, too. (For a list of cons we'll be attending, see the Convention Calendar on pages 46 and 47.) If you're going to be at any of them, come by our table and say hello. Tim going to be at Origins °84 in Dallas (and maybe others, but who knows) Look me up at the $J Games booth if you'd like to talk about the magazines, or anything else, This Issue We've got one of the largest adventures over printed in Space Gamer. The Island of Eniellope is more than just an adven- ttre ~ W.G, Armintrout has sketched out the background for an entire post-holo aust game world of which The Island is just a part, The background is set up so you can use any part of it you want, or use the whole thing to build a campaign around, You may want to run only the scenario, or dump it altogether and use only the background. This supplement was designed to be flexible. Let us know if you found The Island of Entellope usc- ful (or useless) and how you feel about post-holocaust settings SG in general Orbit War Comments 1 really enjoyed your Orbit War game in the Nov./Des, Space Gamer, For once ‘we got a science fiction game based on cur- tent reality sather than the usual fantasies People do not realize how much seality supersedes science fiction. An F-14 fighter is far more complex and advanced than a Colonial Viper or X-wing fighter. I would like to see more on this ~ you could in- clude antisatelite missiles launched from F-15 fighters or the new generation of ai ‘raft that can reach orbit from earth, for example, have a couple of minor complaints. id not like having to cut and paste the unit counters, 1 also thought that the game map was too plain, just black and White with those awful orbit lines; it looked not unlike a cosmic spiderweb, However, the silhouettes on the counters were quite good. 1 enjoyed the variety of weapon sys- tems available, and how you could pick your own weapons, | would like to see ‘more in the future, including various types of countermeasures, The only real problem in the play of the games that it sometimes comes down to a matter of attrition, with your last shuttle going after that space Station, There should be some incentive to preserve one's forces ~ say, if you lose 2 certain number of points, you cannot win, or could get a stalemate at best Why not extend outwards, say to in- clude # revolt on the moon, along the lines of The Moon isa Harsh Mistress? Capt, Joseph Miranda Fort Bragg, NC T have to disagree with you about the ‘map ~ [think it's mighty spiffy. Ido agree about the counters, though ~ they're a Dain, but die-cut, mounted counters would nearly double the magazine's cost, As for countermeasures, T wanted to get an Elec tronic Countermeasure (ECM) Satellite into the Advanced Orbit War rules (see ‘SG 67), but deadlines kept it from getting launched, We thought the idea of preser~ ing forces for victory potnts was a good LETTers ‘one, t00, and we used It ~ see the Trip- Wire seenario’s optional rule (24.32). You ‘could atway's use that optional rule in any scenario you wanted. -cF ‘You're Too Modest 1 just finished reading SG 65. When I saw that teeny tiny little announcement fon the Origins awards (are you guys get= ting modest or something?), my eves ‘bugged out. Muminadi best ScHFI board game? Steve Jackson in the Adventure Gaming Hall of Fame?!! Score two for ‘major weirdness! In all seriousness, con- sgratulations to Steve on both counts (is he the youngest person to be elected to the Hall of Fame?); I hope he's not sus- ceptible to ego inflation (for the rest of your sakes, and mine as a-reader), Con- gratulations to the entire staff of SG, as well, on taking Best Professional Role- Playing Magazine. Don't close down too long for the party. 1 was disappointed to see two more movie reviews in your pages. They really hhave nothing to do with tho rest of the content of SG, and are a waste of space in 1 game magazine, Calling them “Game- able Movies” is a lame and questionable excuse, as 1 can see no reason that 1 would want to use any of the five you've reviewed in any game, | get movie reviews in my local paper; I'want game reviews from SC. ‘The review of the Hlummati expan- sions must have been very short; though it was listed in the table of contents, 1 was unable to find it. Though T am a great fan of /T/SG, 1 found your first two issues since the split rather weak, The feature adventure in SG 64 (and one of the main articles, for that ‘matter) wat for Wild West and Boot Hill, western games. Though the adventure was imaginative, T had no use for it, and 1 don't know how many players of western RPGs read SG. I have also found little of utility in either issue, and noticed (or per- daaps imagined) a certain lack of imagina- tion in many of the articles. (Only one =e article in S@ 65, the supplement, was not either a review or a strategy article. There hhas also been no fiction to speak of re- cently.) I have few doubts that these problems will disappear quickly. ‘Bill Cassel Philadelphia, PA Thanks for all the ego-boosting praise; we did all of our gloating in private As for “Gameable Movies,” they are gone for good. I agree — I get my movie reviews from Tocal publications. You get more game reviews, We overlooked ‘he Muminati Expansion Sets review, £00, We found ‘em and they're in this issue, CF More Aberrations My article “Aberrations in Cosmmie En counter” appesred recently (in SG 66). ‘Thanks. However, somewhere between the fit draft and final copy, 1 lost 2 couple of crucial sentences (my'fault, not yours). would like to give Brent Napierkowski credit for his idea of the Brownian Card. Also, in the way of Z-edicts, one card is missing. Halogens, powerful fog cutters ‘that disperse Stellar Gas. ‘Thank you Bront, and the Islanders, ‘And thanks to those of you at Eon and SJ Games, for continuing to put out excellent work Jeffrey Field ‘Vashon, WA Y MINIATURES: For All ESPIONAGE TYPE Role Playing Games Mt M2 M3. M4 M5, SECRET AGENTS | MOBSTERS: POLICE SECRET AGENTS II MERCENARIES | M6 TERRORISTS M7 PRIVATE EVES $3.00 per set; 3 figures in each set. Otder from: CASTLE CREATIONS 1392 Cranwood Square South Columbus, Ohio 43299 licensed figures for So ll lp 35 ray ete = ——— moe anne — soko (Creede Lambard InSURRWORD (Chase), 2 roel nan ing Stet aes SiN smi Ib-takes more tran tao wiinites aud 2H bolts to kill 2 man at port-blank ade a cronies in TORig GRA WORD CEE Sins) AUTO Pl h SAR COMMANDER (Historical Concepts), 2 tar dep et al eg ot t A FAY WAY oe ee Ce fowale rene Tt Ga liter oF 12) - (- L. Hyes Jr) ‘Space Gamer reviews selenee letion board sams, roleplaying zames, computer games, play-bysmall games, and eaine supplemens. We Will review: any SF game i the publisher sends us a copy. We do not guarantee reviews of s+ torical games The saif will make reasonable efforts £0 check reviews for factual eccuraey, but opinions Expressed by revlewersare not necessarily those ft the magazine Want to write for Space Gamer? Our readers are encouraged to submit capsule reviews of new games, Games and game items for which Space Gayier seeking reviews include Agent Dos: sors (Top Seoret), Batlecrs, Burned Bush Wells, Campalsn Trl, Caverns of Callisto, Coumie Balance I~ The Stravege Game, Dramune Run, Famine in Fargo, Fasolt in Berl, Fexiles, Gamelord, High Ranger Guard, Liphining Bole and Lasers, The Mind Masters, Operation Fesipast, Operation Guartian, Oper. ‘tion Peregrine, Orient Express, Space Coveboy Star Fleet ati Sanna, Star Prontior Charac: ter Record Sheets, tar Sector Ades 2, Starship pian, Sundown on Starmist, unde'rin Gun, nd The Vanishing nveigror, SUPPLEMENTS ILLUMINATI EXPANSION SETS 1 & 2 (steve Jackson Games): $6.00 each, Desimed by Steve Jackson. Set 1: 27 game cards, #14" X14" rules sheet, 224 money chits, ziplock bugs for cards and money, offal Bavarian Ilumingst membership sard, Pocket Bon ‘Set 2:27 game cards, 812" x 14” rules sheet, iplock bags for cards and money, “T've Been Titvminsed” Dutton, Pocket Box. Two to x players, Paying time 1/8 t0 3 hours, Published 1983, Tiuminatt is certainly one of the best mul player strategy games around. But there aren't enough cards and other variables £0 Kaep the ‘game as interesting ater repeat phys. However, These expansion sets aze just What the game needs, Expansion Set 1 has 16 new g20ups, including the Taliberal Commission end. the FiatEarther, along with atypical slection of odd and amusing organizations. Taso Inciudes fone new Muminal, the Society of Assassins, find four special cards sich at Murphy's Law. ‘hore is a sheet explining the new cards and airing some ideas for ply, and also included Isa lage set of adcitional megabucks, Expen- son Set 2 has sll more cards, totalling 22 There is a new Muminati, tho Network, and there ate four more special cads similar i sub- Jeet to those inthe orginal game ‘The expansion sets add much more detail and varity, allow more people to ply, and lake out some of the jabalances from the original game. If you enjoy playing Alumina they are‘a must. One aice aspect about ther i that, unlike many expansions for ther sames, these sets seem to be fully thought-out, and ‘mesh perfect with the original yam ‘Tae only feal gripe which nas to he brought up Is the outtagzous price of the expansions Shx dollars for the original same was high, but reawaable Paying the same price for each of, thse sets, which contain considerably tes han the original same, is rally unseasonable, espec illy when iis cleat that Lange potion of the pce goes to cover the eomtlly unaecesary, Though very Mladiy, Pocket Box. It would be ale if ST Games did ax SPI ued io and offered the option of paying the hisher price for the tox oF paying lee for a ziplock package eee ‘These are excellent but highpriced expan sions to 2 good and popular game. Belore buying thom and sheng out $12, you Will prabebly want to pause 10 consifer how much You wil be using them, and astons as you play fairly froquenty, the price may be worth the suse you'll ge, David Nalle 39 TARSUS (Game Desgness' Workshop) $12.00. Desines by Mare W. Miler and Loren K. Wireman, Boxed set, contains one world booklet, five adventure portfolios, three maps, 12 character cards, Three or more players, in efinice playing tie. Published 1983. Tors isthe Ct ina sels of “boxed mod ‘ules t© be companion t0 GDW's Starter Bate tion Traveller. in Targus, the adventures ‘ake place on the planet Tarsus, and show an ined ‘ble diversity. The designers have spared no trouble in bringing this planet to Ufe. Such fine tal as the sun's spectral type, the orbital eccentiity ff the planet, how and why the planets in thet sola system Ware nid, the length of the day fs well as the your, and colonization hisory treaties lie ialo What ofberwige would have ‘ben a stale string of numbers and letters, ‘The game booklet, "World Data: Tarsus,” takes a sories of dotailed looks at the plant, smevias from an overall view of the Impecum, into District 68, and then into Tarsan ology, geography, ecoleey, history and other planet Teataes, Included ayes tnetine, sn oudine of the major institutions. encounter tables and ‘ziad of interesting fue about the planet and iis peoples. The back page of the booklet cone tains all tho vital statistics, arranged so that eo: ees will have an easy time finding a needed point of data, ‘The basle premise of the module is that sev ral yeare ago a female citizen, Shak Restt? fof Taras, left her planet t0 see more of the Universe, ‘Sho aveled, joined. the Imperial Navy and got cauaht up ja the Fifth Frontier Wat. The war eventually ded down and shorty before Sharik was discharged, she recelved word Hom home ~ things were not going well on her father’s aneh, So, Shark set off for home, with ‘up to 11 companions (there are 12 character cards included in the set). This ods fo adven- furs, a series of five “portfolios,” each of Finally, the set contains three high-quality saps fo felp referce administer the adventures, ‘The fins i of District 268, the seoand of Tate sus and the lst san enlargement ofa particular fection of the planet, The subsector map is {done inthe “new” GDW style, using colors and symbols 40 indicate different trading routs, borders, presence of Bate and fuk glam, ct, the other two maps are similar to the ones in cinded iq the nor-RPG frsaion arth: The Fe hal Basle of the Solomant Rim War and Starter ition Travelter The character cards are nice, foo, because the characters have already been rolled up for you Tareus is of the same high quality that we have all come to expect from CDW. Layout was intelgentiy done, the material was Wel prose read and some thought was put in on how to present the material. The adventure section (Gnd the overall module) can be easy adapted to other situations or could be changed “ide only had minor problems withthe module Unlike’ the Sart Bitton, adventure material was not separated between roferoe's and player's Information, “Therefore, sf refewes want (0 make suze players can't see their infoxmatio they” mast block off that information ot some photocopying, cuiting and pasting. My cond complaint i bout the art ~ there isnot ‘of it! Except for the box itl, the ‘maps anda map inthe world Booklet, the mod nly evox] of GDW's us il But, these axe quibble, Zorsus (and che con cepts ling it) are an exciting new area to be txplored in tho Traveler unwerse. 1 am 1ooking forward 10 more modules suck 35 this ox {GDW has promised them). There's nothing like {injecting new blood into an alsodsWvels Un — Frederick Paul Kiesche IIT STORMHAVEN (Blade); $6.98. by Michael A. Stackpole. Seenario packs Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes, Explonare!, and other sps)modem RPGs, S6-puse BS" x LIP ook of descriptions, eight page 81" x 11" book of mans: 8" 511" outer folder whi maps on the interior sides two Si" x 6%" curd board sheets containing 23 Carfboard Heroes miniatures. Paying time indefinite. Published oe Stormhaven i an estate on Savage Island on Lake Champlain, Vermont: th estate is owned ‘by Kenneth lla, president of Allard Tech> nologies, and is populated and visited by hgh ech security guards, bipwigs in flelds of hi technology, celcbrtes, and eeceniies with is to the Alla clan. I presented as a setting When You Need a Gift Idea Fast No matter where you ae, jst pick up the phone ‘ond you connectod with he loigest SOUCE of ‘caventure gornes anywho. mi For prompt mal crcer sonico colt 800-225-4344 NINE COMPLEAT STRATEGIST LOCATIONS: IN NEW YORK: IN MASSACHUSETTS: IN MARYLAND: IN NEW JERSEY: IN FLORIDA: IN PENNSYLVANIA: IN vinci: Which ean be used mumerous times in modern day RPGs, Character stats are given both for MSPE and the Expionage! system from Horo Games, ue to. the” recent cooperate ddl arranged beveon lad and Hero. ‘Stormharen is replete with injokes for followers of Doe Savagevarity pulpadventars, Htte toaehes any pulplover is sue to appre- ‘ote, (But let the reader of this review bosare < Mike Stackpole and Hero Games’ Stove & Peterson and I have designed a pulpadventures RPG, Justice, Ine, and so you may consider any tommenis by me on the tapi of pulps ‘quite biased.) Even removed from thelr pull Crain, the chazactere ace quite intersting ad Swell leshedonts the estate aot eas thoromghly Selneated 98 any GM i likely to need. Sion haven is an interesting place to conduet an adventure, and Allis penchant for inviting fucits of all varieties alt to the estate pves {he gamemasier a ready rationale for geting cchargeters out. thero in che fst place and bringing them back for future adventures, Tho setting itself has no real problems, und i's Jot of fun just to read theouth, not to mention venture within. “Thats not 10 say the package doesn’t have fis problems, The wobeoklet arrangement makes senge in his package ~ you can have the rape ready and fla while ipping theough the eeriptions Hook — Buti undoubsedly rlsed the cost. The folder iselt is no great shakes, and is more susceptible to wear and damage than a simple rulebook would have been. And Ite Cardboard Heroes by Paul Jaquay’s while 2 ake touch, are nol puriculaly wonderful However, to be fir, they're equivalent at least in quality to the Trmseller Cardboord Heroes done by Joquays, and the massive proto-Fonmor is prety, uh, nice. Also, the adventure seenarios prevented are sparse, wordy adventure ideas masquerading as seenaios In short, though, Ta recommend you bu ‘Sormbaven if yo sin MSPE or Espionage’, and ‘would especially recommend it 10 afilonados Of the hero pulps, Gamemasters of other come Temporary RPGs, such 5 James Bond and Top Secret, should sie it look-tiough. Is fun, “Aaron Allston MURDER ON ARCTURUS STATION, Traveler Adventure 11 (Game Designers Work Shop, 35.00. Designed by I. Andrew Keith developed by John Harshman. One 6” x 9”, ‘Stpage booklet. For referee and four to eight players: playing time indefinite. Published 1983, ‘under an srenurus Station 0 Tudor rsstery; depending om the way the referee has Ut the elas together, any one of mine suspects ‘r player characters could have commited the fuider The law at Aretimis Statlon Thies, Arcuurus AMerol Belt, Arcturus Subsector, Soloman Rim. Sector, limite how players can collect information, A time Limit & imposed, for any damning evidenes must be cllected in several days, befor the artival of dhe weekly ‘aluable playing character, Murder is must The colleetor Wil purchase this Because i's the ‘dh full adventure in GDW's Traveller series. & ‘cam of mercenary adventures Wil ind this adventure a pleasent respite on their next RAR Non Praveller SPROGers Will fing Murder very compatible with other systems, -B.A, Edwards Ua VETERANS (Game Designers’ Workshop): 35,00, Designed by Tim Brown. One Hook, in- \efiite number of players, no playing dine Published 1983, Veterans is 3 compilation of 234 pregener- sted Mercenery (Traveller Book 8) character, ‘uch in che same way that Supplement 1, 1001 Characters, was 3 compilation of characte ere~ ‘ed using the base Traveller characterpeneta~ tion system, “The book is broken into two chapiers — “-Resumea” and “Roferee's Information.” Each chapter is further subdivided into groupings by ‘Teoh Level, This allows arefero to decide what specific Tech Level a skil ison ~ for example, when a character hasbeen trained on a MRL, if ound in the listing of Tech Level 12 characters, this would mean talning on 8 MRL-12. This style of listing alo allows one to aign 2ikele hood of finding a particular character on a spe ie world ~ it would be more likely to finda charsetor taped to uso high tec-vel equip ment on a high fechlevel world than on a low teclvlevel world, "Rewimes” and. “Referes’s Informesion” are further broken Jown in onder ‘of rank, from the lowllost privates to tho highest (Captains, Majors and Colonels, ‘Referee’ Information” lists the date on 2 character thst You (esa player character) ‘vould ot normally know when (fr example) interviewing potential NPC reerits. This infor ‘mation includes specfc skill levels (Le. level (Of 3 on the MRL mentioned above) and listings fof morale ratings for Mercenary” and Striker style lagescle actions Thie supplement ill not appeal t0 every Traveler reise, Ie does not have the general ‘usefulness of the Library Data supplements, for example, It is (obviovsy) most useful 19 ‘those referees who lke to 7m adventures une ‘Mercenary ani (1 4 lesor ase) Striker, ot ‘who allow thelr player characters ¢0 uae the Mercenary. chasactergenczation system. How rer, Lam more than happy to have purchased the supplement. There 1 nothing diller tan sitting around and rolling outa group of char acters for an upcoming encounter in a bar or Strcct or wherever, I found GDW's 1001 Car. acters to be very useful in that respect, and expect to use Feteran in similar situations, ‘rederck Poul Kiesche IIE shuttle from a nearby star Nomsulty suspects ‘ay be helpful inthe search forthe murderer, ‘hut some may mislead the ineesigators. “This an adventure without hack end lash CCamputer enpertie ir required, but sword ‘As with all good things, thers is « minor staw or ove, The brary data ads nosigalfcant data about the Thizd Imperiom. The plans of ‘Aretone Staion These afe not fully detalled, just detailed enough to allow the mystery to be sonred. "For the scence fiction cole-plyers who sak 4 stcring experience with ao danger of losing a 15 SUPERVILLAINS ATTACK A FUSION POWER PLANT IN 4 SEPARATE SCENARIOS, ARE YOU HERO ENOUGH TO STOP THEM? SUPRGN.. COMPLETE RULE BOOK $6.95, REACTOR SUPPLEMENT... .33.95 MAIL ORDERS ADD $1.05 POSTAGE 1810 14th Street + Suite 101 © Santa Monica, CA 90404 Californie orders please ada 64% sales tax DAG DESIGN + ‘SO YA THINK YOU'RE FAST, “Foes? You bot! Your gaming zoftware se shipped within 24 hours. Orders re cewea by 3 pm are shipped same ey ‘Nobody beats KID LIGHTNING!” uist_ oun APPLE IW/Ibt Disk PRICE PRICE BRODERBUND SRoneTe MS aaee a SEER BIH! ce Sait [Siawome aE eae sei He aranost aes ae RHE Hue Ghon = BREE aE nH me anne Rellire Warrior 9.85 29.86 ieee | REE : Bee ee ce lanegormane Svea ot raion Boe Bae sienna ouune eet aa ie ie eae ue, 28 snreen a nas BEE somes S055 SS ATARI 400/800 Disk MICROCOMPUTER GAMES Empie-et the Overmine 38.00 26.25, pecicay aeeo aea8 Soace ration Zulu 28.09 18.73 ‘etenaara 38.00 300 STRATEGIC SIMULATIO! Ms Gori Selonce 3505 2006, Serron 3898 2908 eee Riveruree Bas 4486 Shettred Alfnce’ 3898 2098 ree for 9 comolete intng of software. Specity machine and si or ceseatea, ‘add 8.00 for postage ang nendling MicroGai “tent om KIDLIGHTNING. Dept: § P.O. Box PLAY AIDS LUNITRAYS (Close Sievalations; three for $6.65, Designed by Wayne Close. Thres 814" x 11” plastic tays, with clear, snap-on ids, Re Teased January, 1983, Unity aie comparimented plastic trays usable for counter and miniatures storage. Esch tay contains 20 small," deep compart: ments for stowing gaming counters, and one laige section for dice and pencils. The lids are made of clear plastic and. snugly snap on 10 Keep gaming materials in order. Unitays aro great ald in organizing coun ters, help reduce starting time and facilitate quicker play. The walliting Ins wilt stay on, ven if the ay is dropped, The trays fit easily into the malosity of boxed and hooks games, fand can be sored on thor sides without having things opll out of them, "A big problem with Cnr i the thinness of the plastic used for the tray. Its very fine ‘nd can easy be punctured. thicker grade of platic, Ike the type used forthe lids, should have been used forthe tay. ‘Overall, Untaye are 4 suporb gaming aid and avast improvement in organization, The price is fay rossonable and J faithfully recom tnd this produto lessen your gaming asses. = Ghrstopher R. Ceara STAR TREK: THE ROLEPLAYING CAME GAMEMASTER'S SCREEN (FASA): $6.00. Designers not listod. One thrcepanet same: master's sereen and one I6page, 81" S11 booklet of forms and charts Indefinite mumbor of players; no playing tine. Published 1983, "The Gamemasters Sereen from FASA is 2 mostly handy publication for ase by. both Star Trek: The Rote Playing Game players nd raferes, No longer will yeu have top chroush ‘yee books (Basle Rules, Trader/Merehant ‘expansion and Alfugon expansion) in order 10 find vitally needed. information. FASA has compiled all of this information into one handy booklet and one threepanel screen Inchided on the sereen are most ofthe tales ‘one nceds in onder to nin S7“TRPG — weapons fand damage, saving tolls for ansparter oper ton, action points table, et All of this is placed’ on the interior side of the screen; the ‘xteror side Is decorated with seancs from the two Star Trek movies, depicting the Enterprise in diydock, the Encerrise approaching Regula Gne, and the Enterprise and the Reliant locked in mortal combat. ‘Also incuded i asixteenpage booklet, con- taining al of che charts on the screen (and vera that azen'ton the seven), arid for use Jn laying out deck plans or buidings, a non player character secotd, payer-character record Sheets for the UEP, merchani/tader and Klingon Empite player characte, amd vera ther em of interest Tayout of the charts on the screen coud have teen done with a ite more thought 38 t0 the oneanizaion of the mates involved. For example, although weapons charts (fr archaic nd modean weapons) are sted on panels one fnd two, they are not side-by-side Fst aid and ‘naling charts azo on pansls one and three, and damage (for weapons, bare hands, and the op tional Klingon damage adjustments) is listed fn all three panels in different places on each panel THese charts could all potently be bod fogether in different situations; having them separated Would tone 19 confieeehings, Aso. numberof charts are not included on the serean 42- ~ a ist of sil, trvel times, ship combat sav= ing rolls ~ but ore included in the axtoenpage Iooklot Now, s s\teempaze booklet Is esisr ‘0 seach chrough than dos lrgor books ~ but Think that if FASA had been able to expand the size of the sereen to five panels and. had Included all of the nocosary chats, the pur chaser would have gotten a better deal in he fend, Pethaps a more exteasive playtesting period wou! have zevealed these problems. As teith GDW's Troveller supplement, Forms and Charis, permission is given to photocopy all of the material for personal use, Ineluding ast fof WondMeation cards, world and cilization fogs, and a star vesel data zecord, TPASA isto be thanked for taking the time land trouble to make sich « product available to us — any compilation such ap this makes 3 referee's life ease. 1 wish that they could lave taken a lide more tine and thought, though, to make it pecfect, Complains aside, 1 vould recommend this product 10 those who play or referee ST:TRPG. Any problems that you may find could be fixed with a ite effort on your own par, Frederick Pout Kiesche HI USS, ENTERPRISE DECK PLANS (FASS); 15.60, Handbook designed by Guy W. MeLi= moze, Is, Gog K. Pochein, and David. F ‘Tepoot; deck plans by Ross Babcock, Dane Knutson, Miteh O'Connell, and Jordan Wei man. Nine 22” \ 34", doubleslded sheets of ‘eck plans, one 8" x 11", 12-page handbook, boxed, Poblshed 1983, Tror those players and GMs of Star Trek: ‘The Rote Paying Game who enjoy wslas 150. Figures in shipboard actions, FASA offers a ‘boxed get of ISmm-cale U..3. Enterprise Deck Plons. ‘These plans are exentilly the same in design and layout a6 those included with the ‘original game, only expanded in sze so that {Seam miniatores (or the counters from the game wil fit on the hallinch square grid super Smposed on the plans fos cat in movement and Placement. The’ nine baek-prnted sheets of plone are beautify drawn, with tho excellent fetal ‘of the Yaslows consoles, chais, cquip- Iment, ec, more evident in the larger siz. The deckeplan sheets sf accompanied by 2 12page handbook dering the various areas of the Enterprise (and, 89 extension, all Constittione ‘lass hesry erisers), and providing bits of tech- nice data and invormation on emergoney full Separation and dhe Hull numbers and names of the 13 shi of the cas, The handbook, #00, 5 Dusially the same_as that included with the hale sume, wih tho addition of some lustre tons of consoles, chais, ete, and he curious omission ofthe information on shutleeratt. As with the orignal, smallerscale se, these dock plans are perhaps the best of any of the Stor Trek blueprints — official or otherwise — [ere ver roleaged, The eutaway views of the Enter Drie ar helpful in visalizing the placement of the various decks, And, of course, the expanded scale makes these plans more useful in actual ame play than the smaller set included with the game Most of the problems with these plans are also those shared withthe eatier anet! Sections fof the same deck are separated un more than fone sheet (atbeit by necessity, due tothe ship's se), and the buck-rinted sheets make multi deck actions difficult. Also, the omission of the shutiecraft info. seems inappropriate. And although the $15.00 price & undoubtedly jus- tifed based on the quality ofthese plans, many ‘9f those who have paid $25 forthe complete fame sct with the smallerscae plans might not find. the invesiment quite as. worthwhile, ‘expocaly singe FASA' line of 15mm Star Trek Feuzes hag yet been released, Once FASA’s basic starter st of ST-TRPG is released (containing the rules and omitting the deck plans), the 1Smm U.S.S. Enterprse Deck Plans should prove to be of greater value to more. Trek players and GMs, Unt then, However, if vou can manage the extza price 1 doubt you'l be disappointed if you go ahead and purchase them anyway. Especially you Snjoy shipboard aetions, a Least one mombor of Your ST gaming group should own th set “Willan Barton SUP RECOGNITION MANUALS: THE KLINGON EMPIRE snd THE FEDERATION. (FASA); $6.00 each. Designed by Mitch O'Con nell and. Dave Tepoal. Two 81" x 11” books Indefinite aumnber of players. Both books pub lished in 1985, ‘Ship Recognition Menual» The Kiongon En pire and Ship Recognition Manual: The Federa tion ate handbooks of the 14 mostcommonly sacountored ships in the Fedoration andKiingon Empire, This supplement ie for TASA' im menscly popular Star Trek: The Role-Playing Game, Both books are identical in forma. Each ship is deseribed on two pages, The at rsem- ‘les the console ofa ship, with varius sreens, readouts, buttons and knobs; four views of the hip are shown. One isan angled view that ks Iracketed by a “tamgeting she” (from Sar Trek: The Wrath of Khan, if memory serves me tight), slong with more conventional views of the front, sie and top of the ship. This page also contains a bro? lst of statistics on crew Sze, ship mass, range and other ship features, ‘The second page contains some artwork dept: {ng the ship in ation, the sttisties mentioned previoudy and sevoral charts on Firs Invor- mation, Ship's Systeme snd other information, (OF the ships in the Klingon Empire, the ones worth mentioning ae the D-I8 Destoyer, the 1-7 Light Cruiser (whieh appeared in both the telovslon sero and movies), the K-26 Escort (ue "Edsel" of the Klingon Empise, the W-2 Warp Shuttle (the Klingon version of the warp shutde that appeared in StarTrek: The Motion Piotwe), and tho 1-13 Batleshp (a tly mass- ive device TW hate to encounter it even with the Enterprise, Most ofthe ships in The Federation are asi avjons on the famous "seer and nacll™ design ff the Enterprise, which was expanded on for Franz Joseph's Technical Manual and. Steve Cole's Star. Fleet Battles (alone with various expansions and supplements to tat sume game), Some of these ships appeated in the “Basie” ST-TRPG set. The ones worth mentioning from © Dook are the Bader Class Soou and Brenton Class Cruiser (Hoth of which look Ike variations ofthe Relan?), the Derf Cass Exploration Shi, the Loknar Class Cruse, the Enterprise Class ‘Hayy Crile (the new Entergrire whieh a0- peared in both films), and the Relznt Class Research Cruiser (hich containsa note explain- ing thatthe class ship was los using the infe- mous Wrath of Khan inciden. (OS 22S IEA UES SD) Quest of the Great Jewels tt 8 a The third War of the Great Jewels is over, having ended with the intervention of s the Powers-That-Be, but not before most of Zorplia was laid waste and the greater wi part of its inhabitants destroyed. The Powers-That-Be have sealed the Great Jewels |X) (talismans of immense power) and many of the lesser talismans in the Forbidden \yM) Cities and set enchanted armies to guard them. Only scattered remnants of the four |\\ peoples remain. Dragons and other terrors roam the land. Can you marshall your | forces and come forth to be the sole ruler of Zorplia? Quest of the Gat Jewels is our newest computer moderated play-by-mail fantasy # wargame. You assume the role of one of 4 types of being: the Azoni — builders of great citadels; the Rilris — hoarders of wealth and magical talismans; the Quntag — former emperors of Zorplia’s vast provinces; and the Slenth — destroyers and ravagers of the land. Turn fees are $2.50 initially and increase to a maximum of $3.50 in later turns N (after turn 80). Please send for our rules book ($2.50) before entering. N y % Zorph, Enterprises o 3646 Gibsonia Rd. iy Gibsonia, PA 15044 L = Cae ENE SSN AC BEBE 43 These are andgome volumes, and yell worth it f yom play the Star Trek game, Star Fleet Bares (although they are not det sup plement, one. could adapt she design), or if {ou [ust tke Star Trek in general. The artwork fs beautiful — the "plan views" aze nicely exe- the other artwork B quite cited, and all of txeiting, The data given on each ship is useful ‘both a backaround and from the viewpoint of the ume, Purtheanore each book has a char for determining damave 10 various ships when Using the combit stem designed forte pare, Complaints? Ihave none. Well, rue, LWoukt have Hed to have seen more ships fr the pa but the artwork made up for that am Bappy torce the people at Fantasimulations Ascites find FASA expanding the Star Trek universe, Frederick: Paul Kiesohe It COMPUTER GAMES SUSPENDED ‘Infocom; 89:95. Desisned by Michael Beriyn. For Apple Il, Atsri400/800, inl, Commodore, TREAD, TH Profesional, DEC Rainbow, Osborne, NEC APC, CP/M, PDPL11, 32K dik for most systems. Game disk, folding 9° x 24” bourd, six sticky tokens, cg page rulebook, One player: plying time sx Frou to st months, maybe longo. ‘Michaot Berlyn had previously CGrborg for Sentient Software, and it was one of the better text adventures of its day, But is already outdated. ‘Suspended, on the other PVoraeel sig UCM ZANZZEn 3 ‘A Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector Poe From the navigational computer files of the Imperium comes Perel ee Ru ececage ieee Erotic tea LC Crocus Pa) Bee aR oe a Ld Pere eae eee cries eu eed ee CeCe rune tcnet eas Pe eee cole urea a ac ence mnt tgs Cece ge eT cla Re i ae Su erie eee ener aetas eu sree ca Ue Ry Peete rec i mae unas adventures in the back alleys and hot spots of “a wretched Pee See Ce a Sec acc eens tie cre) ‘hand, may be the best text adventure written to date Is certainly one of the hardest 9 win, Tnfocomn ts fantoos fr thir packaging. and Suspended i ho linet ofthe offor's. Ths box features an iee-white, mol with two tered eyes (thera ering mt, Even if you don’t ike the game this ee bit of advertising art makes a good convertion piece and could serve to frien avay pew and nal eildzen ‘Also like ether ig all tect and see the sa Aeveloped for Zork. In this robots, extensions of your eharacter, 10 com mands They'e. your maintenance crew. See, your body's eryogenicaly frozen Mn a Nig tech caacet You've been awakened BY impené ing disaster, The fate of your planet, Contr, flepends on how well you understand. your robots" abies and on how well you can Coordinate ther ations in your efforts to ave the world Frery S00 ysazs the people dazct's Totty and the “wine fof the bick-ep and repair system fort Computer that controls trast, weather, and Food on the planet's surface, Tho last fellow ‘who had 2he Job came unglued and caused mass disaster, othe piy's who put you here ae a Title nervous and they're prepared to terminate land replace you. Your predesessor broke a fw ‘hings here too, imehuding a sovendh robot, so not everthing works lke i should, But don't wor), they said, you and the computer are buried so_far beneath the surface what could possibly happen? ‘Now there's been a planetquake and you're awake and communicating wit your sx Fach of the sx has 2 name, a fimted persona ity, anda specialty, Ie syourseeingeye robo. 1c adventures this one copniticatd parser you have sie Contra con- ‘becomes Pl but there's something waong wi her visual heuite Another robot, Wi, can plug in to the data banks of the computer 10 give you {echnical historical, or advisory information hints Avda is 1 listening robot, Waldo has many hands. Sens # good at detecting energy Sources and Poet, & kind of robeatik, is good Mt analyzing things. Each robot peceaives the world ofthe underground complex ina vay. Its up to you to pit the sx perceptions together, and try to d0 better than the blind men di with thei elephant his is ot a game for everyone. 1f you lon’ generally like text adventures, or if you he sil stick at the soll Zork, don't bother wit this one, While Suspended is eatvely fee Df the annoying limitations of many adventure fumes, the environment and allowable com ‘ands vil stil be too confining for some people, Ifyou do ike text adventures ~ ditfielt et ~ then this game is must. When playing you feel your intligence split among si Personae; when yo are playing well, al six of {your intellectual extensions move’ smoothly ve a team, ‘The board and tokens sre provided to help you keep thins straight. IF you ianage to ave the planet, avid ter rmination by the withoritis, and get the com puter up oné running, you'te sl not theoueh With the game, Mc. Beelyn has provided four increasingly dificult game vsitions by 3 ting the pace of major events. By the use ofa “config” command, he. has also allowed cartain elements of the game to be a the players discretion, The roles feature be vaed to set up problems for other players familar with the robots and their Environment. A gzeat idea, and typical of the ingenuity that went into this program Bill We SHAMUS (Synapse Software); 329.95 Designed by Willam Mataga. 16K for Atari 400/800. Playing time several minutes to halt sn hous, Published 1983, Shamus is fastpaced dungeon-dedving tame set in the future. The player manipulates Shamus, 2 2istcentary detective, throuzh the lair of tho Shadow (whose only ctime seems 10 be leaving, decomposing Suit around). Your goals t0 dostoy him, with four lotek of 32 fuarded zooms in your way "The robots, roids, drones, and snapjumpors tbat Block your way each have their own ide synorasic style but share a camman objective stopping Shamus, The Shamus, ina festpaced attack, can blast his way into the rooms pretty ‘well with his ionshivs. Extea Wes can be ob fained in the rooms containing x mysterious bubbling bottle. Keys that match spocal ey holes must be found in order to descend to Adeper levels and every time yoo reenter a room that was cleared, new, factory-fiesh robots await yest "The sume & a tense shootemup that re: ‘quizes speed and accuracy. And somehow you have to Keep tack of where you ae in the la Mapping. your progress while blasting sway robot hordes i no easy tsk. IF you ever master this one, Synapse recently released @ sequal game for you" Shares 11. "The many” sch Synapse games all dap the same qualities of ‘sciting play and intriguing situations. ‘Shams isnot easy, but the Folks at Syaapse are sling Alar owner their money's worth, “Maithew J Costello PBM GAMES STRATEGIC CONFLICT (Schubel & Son 33.50)tum, §3.50/serap, Designed by Georse LV. Schubel. 28-page, 5H" x 83" rule booklet. Compurensoderated, vaxibleending, play-by mal. Ten players per game; turnaround time of feo weeks (sow games can aso be arranged) Tums coded on bubble cards. Begun 1983. ‘Shrotegie Conflict isthe most intricate, subde same yet produced by the play-bysall indus fay. Its the game of modem times, where si perpowors batts for inloonce In obscure re- tone of the world to win supremacy. Schubel {Son's word is divided into 20 regions ~ ten Playercontrolled and ton split Between the Players. Each player may have unis (military — ‘whose value depends on the area's technology; industry technology, and sability) ineach area, but cannot move them from one area to anoth ct. Units are built by spending resource points, ‘but take time to bulld; resource points come rom industy (which take aon time to bull) plus technolegy and stability. The fret player fo have 2000. points worth of unit (with ‘maximum of 250 pointsreson) wins te game. "The game marke a new emphasis on quality st Schubel & San, The rulabook is remarkable for being complet, clear, and for Including @ suide to how the computes processes the tm, ‘Tho same uses bubble cards Whose use was de- slened to be easy on players. The game seems Simple, but it it ~ Fve heard thiee "pertect™ solutions to the game, but U havent wen onc work yet ‘Tho problem may be that Stareie Conflict Is 100 good. The game Is highly abstract, ¥2ry subtle a mix chat can be exciting and exhiarat ing «but not if you lke blowing up things. Comitad is fascinating, but dere is nothing Conquer or possess ~ You merely tear down ame other player's foree, The only flaw ix insu bent polling of interplayer messages ~ players fare sending nowt and slzning other player's Thave not been impressed like this in some time — Siatete Confers x play-b-mall game for players who want a real contest. I only hope there are enough of this type of Flyer ‘out there to keep the game going SY. Armintrout Explore unknown realms with TAKAMO, a new strategic-level play- by-mail game. It's a computer-moderated game with programs supporting player diplomacy. It's exciting. Fast Paced. Galactic civilizations clash for survival. Pick one of nine player types. Build a vast war fleet and conquer the galaxy. Send $10.00 for a planetary set- a free rulebook and two free ten-action turns. up, Additional ten-action turns are $2.00. Extra actions are 20 cents each. Advent Games Post Office Box 816%, Lincoln, NE 68501 SCANNER DR eR le Be eel To) News Briefs Nuclear Escalation Draws British Fire Blade's Nuclear Escalation was the center of controversy recently when two members of Parliament denounced the game on the floor of the House of Com- ‘mons and started action to have it banned asa “war toy.” "The British lawmakers called the game ‘disgusting and offensive” in their speech, ‘The resulting media coverage has extend- ced back to the U.S., with Blade spokes- ‘men Rick Loomis and Mike Stackpole being interviewed for s number of tele vision, radio and newspaper stories, “Near as we can tell, it's somewhat blown over,” Stackpole ‘said, Stackpole denies that’ Blade, a division of Flying Buffalo, has produced anything resembling a “war toy." “(Nuelear] Escalation and Nuclear War are meant to treat 9 very serious subject with humor,” he said “In some ways, they both turn out to be very anti-war games.” ‘The publicity may tum out to be beneficial to Blade, where a third game in the Nuclear War{Nuctear Esealation vein is under consideration, Stackpole says there are @ number of leftover ideas that didn’t got into Nuclear Escalation duc to space Hmitations, enough to produce another game, Tentative titles, Stackpole stid, include Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Retaliation, Greer Made Partner at Hero Games Hero Games has announced that Ray weer has been made a full partner in the company. He joins Georgs MacDonald and Steve Peterson as a co-owner in the company that publishes Champions, Espionage! and the soonto-berteleased ustice, Ine. ee New & Upcoming Releases Stardare Magarine Due Out in March fter a twormonth delay caused by 2 sitet in eitors FASA's Strdate magazines exported to make is debut in March, editor Dale Kemper si. "ihe magszino, a companion to FASA’s Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, was initially ‘Sheduied for a January release with Aaron Allston, fooer editor of Space Gamer ant Fentany Gamer, atthe helm. Allston withdrew, Nowever, citing communications problems fcused by the. stance betwoon FASA. In ‘Chleago and Afiston's ome in Avstin, Texas. ‘Kemper plans 2 magazine that wil be much more than # FASA houte organ. "Wee not ftoing to be totally devoted Yo Just gaming” ‘Kemper sd, Stardate ir als intended to appeal {0 Ster Trek fans ostside of gaming cites, With reviews and articles on the pepular TV series and movies ‘Tetical Templates Plans New Releases “Tactical Templates, publister of Deep Space ‘Navigator, plans send edition ofthe game 38 ‘wll to more veleases based onthe template Tepulated movement system developed in their fist release The second edition of Deep Space Nevigator will include some rules rovisons, as well as Incorporating the changes curently on an rata shoot in the ist eition, Designer Jin Cal's next project tank ‘arte game, using the same complate system to Tegulate movement and laseling. Also in the works iss sea bate game, with the possiblity ‘of adding sobmarine combat to the sutuce sy tem. No simotable has been set fer the release ff either of these games, but either is Tikely efor the second half of 1984 Convention Calendar Lubbock, TX — CAPCON "84, Apri 13 - 15, Guests: Phil Fostio, Andrew J, Offutt, George Proctor and Robert Lynn Asprin. Contact Capoon "4, 302 E, Rirdue #29, LEnbbock, TX 19403. “pilings; MT ~ TREASURE CON If, Apsi 27 = 29. Guests: Katherine Kurtz, Edward intyant and Steve Jackson. Contact Treasure Cont, P.O. Hox 22111, Billings, MT 59108, “Spokane, WA - GAME FAIRE "84, Apel 2g - 29, Gaming con with proceeds going 0 ihe Spokane Gulla School for the hand Speed. Contact Shannon Absa, Book and Gare Gonspany, West 621 Mallon, Spokane, WA99201 ‘Syracuse, NY — ONOCON °4, May 4-6. Gaming 60m, Contact Onocon °34, Box 308, Srgcuse, NY 13208, ‘Bellingham, WA.~ VIKINGCON 5, May 4-6 SP and paming con, Gordon Dickson is Guest of Honor, Contact Science Fiction and Fantasy Club, VU 402, Western Wash ington University, Bellingham, WA 98225. St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada ~ Nia: GARA GAMEFEST, May 4 ~6, Game and computer con. Contact Niggaia Gamers Amociation, P.O, Box 437, St. Catherines, Ontario, Camada L2R BV. Houston, TX — DREAMCON 1984, May 11 - 13. SF, gaming con, Contact Mark Fischer, Dreamcon 1984, P.O. Box 12], Porter, TX 77365, ‘Columbus, OH — MARCON XIX, May 1-20. SE, gaming con, with CJ. Cheayh as Guest of Honor. Contact Marcon XIX, Box 14078, Columbus, OH 43214-0078, ‘Schenectady, NY — CAMEATHON 9, May 25-27, Gaming con, proceeds to bene Tit Hospice of Schenectady. Contact RC. once, SWA Gameathon, 1639 Eastern Park ‘way, Schenectady. NY 12309, "San Mateo, CA ~ GAMES CAUCUS, May 25 = 28, Steve Jackson will be a guest at this piming con, Contact Ganies Caucus, 1550 Benton St, Apt.C., Alameda, CA 94501 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada ~ MIGS V, ES Ares Magazine Ceases Publication TSR, Inc, announced January 16 that ‘Aves magazine would stop publication fand would be incorporated into Dragon ‘magazine as part of TSR’s “redirection of efforts.” ‘Dragon magazine will be expanded from 80 back to 96 pages, with the addi- tional 16 pages devoted to science fiction material, TSR's Director of Public Rele- tions, Dieter Sturm, ssid. Late in 1983, TSR announced that Aves and Dragon would split their coverage, each dealing exclusively with science fiction and fan- tasy gaming, respectively ‘The turnabout on Aves, Sturm explain- ed, happened when TSR Hobbies, Inc. reorganized into four separate companies. TSR, Ine,, the new company responsible for publications, made the decision to incorporate Ares into the Dragon. Stuzm said many of the features of Ares will ive on in Dragon, and he believes 46 readers of both magazines will be pleased. “We're trying to provide the readers the ‘most for their money,” he suid. "The last issue of ares will be umber 17, the March, 1984 issue, The first Drag: fon’ to include’ the Ares material will be ‘number 84, the April, 1984 issue. Sturm seid the bigger Dragon will sell for the same price as before. ‘Ares subscribers are being offered & choice of Strategy & Tactics magazine or Dragon saagazine as a substitute. TSR, Tne, will also honor requests for refunds ‘on the balance of paid subscriptions, May 27. A oncday ftee con, featuring mi fay and. sence. eton/fantasy sustng. Contact MIGS V, 100 Lorraine Dive, Hame ton, Ontario, Canada L8T 383. “Tulsa, OK — CONJURATION 1, June - 3. SP and gaming con, ack Chalkes is Guest af Honors $1 Games will attend. Contact Con uration, Box 690064, Tus, OK 74169, ‘Austin, TX — PSICON “84, June 23 Aan SF and media con with open gaining Contact Psicon "84, GOI River Road #603, San Marcos, TX 78666. Houston, TX ~ HOUSTONCON 4, Sune 7-0, Contes con, Contact HoustonCon ‘84, 11353 Chimney Rock, Houston, TX 77083. Center, TX — GAMEFEST, June 14 16 Gaming con, Cosiact James’ Choron, J&B Hobbies and Crafts, 116 Cora, Center, TX 75935. ‘Denver, CO — GENGHIS CON VI, June 15 + 17. Gaming con with attendance near 1,000, Contact Genghis Con VI, P.O, Box 2945, Litdeton, CO 80161 “Dallas, TX ~ ORIGINS "84, Sune 21-24 “The national gaming convention. SI Games (and practialy everyone clin the industry) . ; SS Cerre a) will attend, Contact Oxeias 84, Box 59899, Dallas, TX 75228. (Chattanooga, TN — DEEPSOUTHCON, June 21-26, The 22nd annual DeepSouth Con, with Joan Vinge as Guest of Honor. Contact Trin Koel, $33 Chattanooga Bk Bld, Chattanoogs, TN 37402 ‘Sin Ltis Obispo, CA ~ POLYCON °84, Jane 22 ~ 24. Gaming con, Coniset SAGA, ok 168, lull A. MePhee University Union, California Plyteshaie State University, San iis Obispo, CA 93407, Porthnd, OR ~ WESTERCON 37, June 29 - ly. 3. SF con: Guest of Honor is Hantan Elson, Contact Westexcon 37, P.O. Hox 16155, Postnnd, OR 97216. “Mobile, AL ~ GULFCON'84, July 6-8, SF con emphasis Dr. Who. Contact Gull on", Box 16366, Mobile, AL 36616. "St, Louis, MO ~ GATEWAY-CON Tl, July 27-25, S1Gameswillatiand this amingcon. Contact Gateway Conventions, 305 Glyn (Cazny, St Louis MO 63011 ‘Silem, VA MYSTICON 3, August3-5. SS eon featuting Karl Edvard Wagner, Con- fact Mysticon 3, Box 1367, Silom, VA 24153, ‘Annapolis, MD. PHOENIXCON i UT The year is 2615. Interstellar space travel has been commonplace for centuries. But the human expansion of the galaxy has been confined by four barrier zones of alien design. A recent invention has made it possible to pass through the fourth barrier zone, known as the Quadra Zone. Come explore the unknown regions of space that lie “BEYOND THE QUADRA ZONE”. BEYOND THE QUADRA ZONE is a new play by mail game. Turns are run once a week and include your colony's growth and development (population growth, training options, manufacturing options, buying & selling lists, mining, inventions, revenue, etc movement, combat, a list of your specialized crewmen and their personal proficiency factors, object testing options, planet options, landing parties discovering: lost civilizations, dangerous aliens, lost alien devices, and others. You will also encounter new star systems, unknown objects floating in space, advanced civilizations that may aid or attack your fleet, and much more. We do not tack on any hidden costs for combat or alliances. The printout is in an easily understood, narrative style, For$2.00 we will send you your first instruction bookiet, a free tum set-up. and for an introductory time only the first 100 people to respond will receive 1 free turn. Each additional turn thereafter is $4.00 and includes all your ship and colony options. To receive your game material or for more information call (201) 337-3437 (Mon. - Sat) or send your name, address, and $2.00 to Quest Games, Inc., P.O. Box 390, Oakland, NJ 07436. 47 el ay ). It also includes your fleet's ‘Aug. 24-26, Not held in Phoenit, ths Mary= land con features Judson Scott and other fil and TV stars, Contat Phoenixcon, Box 599, Ammold, MD 21012, “Las Angeles, CA ~WORLDCON, August, 30-September’., The World Science Fiction Convention, Guest of Honor is Gordon & Djekson. Contact LA.Con Il, Box 8442, Van Nays, CA 91409, *Cloveland, OWL — EARTHCON 1, Sept 11-8. SF and saming con. Steve Jackson is Gaming Guest of Honor, Contact Eartncon TV, 1553 Second Street #1, Cuyahoga Fall on 44221. Schenectady, NY — TENTH ANNUAL COUNCIL OF § NATIONS, October 5-8. Gaming con. Contact LM. Lord, SWA 10th ‘Cour, 1639. Batter Parkway, Schenes tady, N¥ 12308, ‘Columbus, OH — COGACON °84, Oct, 20-21. Gaming con on de Ohio St campus Contact Paul T. Riegel, c/o Wer Game De- slens, 6119 East Main St #202, Columbus, oH 43213. 1 Games wil attend those cons marked a 7 One KSI POSTED Goniributing Diizoy WG. Avmintrow “PBM Update” for fun. A few ths ago some thines in he Star Ven- “tare section caught hts eve. Clues i a hat tte report pobhied to Bll laclson, an old ‘gaming crony. Armintvout (who reviewed SV in TSG 63] had dropped out of the jot tong before: but he was stilt ‘interested in what was going 0”, 50 he Tooked wo Jackson. As te rumned out, etaon na qe an aoorpihed play “€r, He bad fought a Starkilier and was ‘winning batiles at one-to-hree odds; best ofall, he was willing to shave some of his speci syetaes and open hs vast ioe of game knowledge. The Star Puff According to Jackson, some ships can be made attack-proof. A Battle Globe is large enough to put 20 jammers in its control section. Each Jammer gives you a five-percent chance of destroying an incoming fighter or missile So with 20 jammers, you have a 100% cchance of destroying all missiles or fight- ers, You can still put enough shields in the control section to keep it protected from beam weapons. You can make a ship completely invulnerable, which seems ridiculous, Ifa Batile Globe can be made inde stractible, then a Starkiller should be even more imposing. And the gamemas- ters keep five of these big nasties parrot ling Imperia as peace enforcers. You would have thousht they would haye made their ships invulnerable ~ but they didn’t. I had a ship in Imperia that I was going to move into system 64 and make an attack, Well, Schubel & Son sorewed up and the card reader didn't read my take-off card, so it canceled that move, But, I fired and attacked a ship anyway and accidentally blew it away. ‘They immediately flew a Starkiller in to get me, With one litte old destroyer, I tore that Starkiller apart! I held him off forever — it was a five-page battle roport! It turns out these. Starkillers aren't very well equipped. It finally got me, but Tidid alot of damage, Low-Mileage Destroyers Fuel consumption ts high for warp jumps inside a solar system, tsa funetion of the number of engines ‘you have, It's «reciprocal function of the The Jackson Doctrine: Tips for Playing Schubel & Son’s Star Venture by W. G. Armintrout square of the engines, So if you've got three engines, you use four-ninthsas much fuel asif you'd had two engines, To save fuel on short jumps, it pays 10 have extra engines on a starship. However, moving between systems is not a function of engines; as a matter of fact, you can pretty much count on two units of fuel to move from system to sys tem no matter how many engines you have. Obviously, if you just go from sys- tem to system, you only want to have fone engine. Wh)? Fewer engines mean ‘more space in the ship’s engine section — that way you ean shield the heck out of your engine section and make it impervir ous to attack. But what can you do with a one- engine ship, particularly one that devours uel during in-syetem jumps? You use creative thought, Most people fly from Imperia (coordinates 7, 7, 7) ~ where alf layers? ships begin the game ~ to these other systems, and a lot of people leave their ships at 7, 7,7, — all the time! ‘That's where [ g0 to prey. [ place my destroyers at 7, 7, 7 s0 I never have to ‘move them in4ysiem, Then T have one destroyer with four engines that lands at a planet, picks up food and fuel, and shuttles them back to my attack destroy ers, You can transfer in space between sec- Hons of the same type, but not jrom one seetion 10 a different seetion — from cargo to support, for instance. You can hhave fuel on your ship and not be able to use it. This is @ sorewy rule and really busts the game. It makes a lot of money for Schubel & Son in extra tum cards, but I think in the Jong run it damages the game, People see how ridiculous itis. So 1 shuitie up food and fuel and then away the four destroyers would go — consum ing hardly any fuel, That way I could g0 four systems away, attack something, and come the four systems back without cor suming all my food and fuel, I didn’t have to worry about having a tanker and I had Jong range, very long range. Fly-Back ‘The simple rule of the game is: If you ever park your ship in any place but Imperia, put it in the Indomito Colossus system — you can never be attacked, You 48 can move in, land, blow up the troops, take off, fly back, and that’s the end of the turn’ Nobody can shoot at you! That's always true, It's another flaw in the game. It seems kind of ridiculous, but guereilla warfare is excellent in this game, The Decoy Jackson experimenis with different “arieks” in Star Venture. Some work. Some work so well he won't let me print them; others don’t Thad a ship that Tused as a decoy. Pd leave it out there and load it up with shiolds so that it was virtually impervi- ous. You would have had to hit it with a Fighter about five times to do anything. ‘Of course, it wasn't good for anything. TE couldn't fly. Ta jettisoned the engines and filled it with shields, It was just this big shield, left it there, hoping someone would try and board-and-capture it. Tt wasn’t avery successful tactic. Nobody ever tried anything against it, It went on for ‘months and that ship just sat there. kind of gave up on that Friendship Bilt Jackson first started in Star Ven- ture about the same time that I was drop- ing out and I passed on to Bill my con- tacts in The Third Empire a.k.a, Merchant Guita, Chris Renaud was one of the guys in that group, and he's a heck of a nice guy and gave me a lot of help. The rest of them were not helpful; they wouldn't return calls, they acted like they didn’t want to have anything to do with me.I ‘think they eventually got completely out of the game. Very few people communicate in this game, [ wrote message after message after message, sent them to various ships of interest in the game, and they never would send anything back I got a message every now and then from ship 15, the Napoleon, and there’s ship 25, the Chaos, and they were always saying things like "I found a black hole in system sucl-and-such” or “I found an ion tail” What the heck is an fon trail? ‘There are no ion trails! You heer all this stuff about black holes, All these rumors appeer in the newsletter about black holes, GABRIEL = my ally — has been searching ever since the Tumor speared that there wes a black hole. He says that the gamemaster's ‘going to come out with this new thing —a Black Hole Engine — that’s going to allow you fo go from one system way over to some other system without consumption ff fuel = and maybe making fuel in the process! One of the rumors said that Imperia’s production units were working ‘on a Black Hole Engine, so he keeps think ing something ike that's going to happen. ‘But I have my doubts, because I think ‘most of Schubel’s resources are going into new games and they're kind of fading off ‘on Star Venture ‘One of my biggest complaints about Star Venture is it coms tervibly weak in player communications, Its taken me too Jong to get close to anyone in the game. GABRIEL is the first one. [tsa lot better when you've got somebody in the game you're communicating with, The Joy of Experimenting GABRIEL is the most creative player Vve met in the game. He's doing very ‘well. As a matter of fact, he got @ message From the gamemaster that said he was the first person ever to turn in a 99