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Knowledge and thoughts can

educate you to see things
in a new, clearer way.
Guy Montag
It takes a river
of knowledge to extinguish
one ignorant spark.
Meaningless noise is
better than the confusion
of books and knowledge.
Love is Destruction
Petra forbids all Resistance romance,
But I disobeyed and I fell in love.
Abel was new. I was under his trance,
But it was destroyed when push came to shove.

I never should have insisted he come,

I wanted to be with him forever.
Alina, you were so horribly dumb!
He's gone, and he won't be back. No, never!
Love is destruction, I now know this well.
My feelings brought Abel to his ending.
They killed him and my heart broke when it fell.
I endangered him just by befriending.
Commit myself forever to my task,
Hide my emotions behind my air mask.
Racism and Stereotypes
Racism and stereotypes are creeping back,
Line an unseen disease that spreads rapidly.
Stereotypes about race pass through families,
Eventually leading to prejudice.

Like an unseen disease that spreads rapidly,

Stereotypes and racism grow in schools,

Eventually leading to prejudice.

Stereotypes can infect students, making them feel inferior.
Stereotypes and racism grow in schools.
Some stereotypes say that certain students naturally struggle, so
Stereotypes can infect students making them feel inferior.
Racism is born as the sickness of stereotypes evolves.
Some stereotypes say that certain students naturally struggle, so
Infected students feel that they are doing poorly.
Racism is born as the sickness of stereotypes evolve.
Groups that feel prejudice only help to spread the disease.
Our disease spreads and grows as
Stereotypes about race pass through families.
Stereotypes can infect and thwart academic progress.
Racism and stereotypes are creeping back.
Wandering to the Walls (Concrete Poem, submitted in paper.)
Walls make me curious as to what they surround.
Walls should not keep our Regions bound.
Walls were erected to be walked around,
But walls are impassible without me being found.
My mind wanders strategically through
To find what lies behind, what is real, what is true.
Will things be dark, or sunny, or blue?
My mind goes to someplace, to anyplace new.
Eyes follow next, wondering, fearful.
If I should fail, many others will be tearful.
Success would make still more very cheerful,
But my plan seems nonsensical, an eyeful, an earful.
Soon come my feet, walking quick in the dark.
I wish they had wings, like a small, silent lark,
So flying so fast, they'd leave no telltale mark,
No sign of the journey on which they embark.
What lies behind? I never will know
If I do not take this risk and go.
My mind, my eyes, my feet never slow.
Others will help me to prove and to show.

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