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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam January 09, 2017

How and why should we keep a check on our passionate nature? Bhagawan lovingly
guides us today with a barometer for introspection and progressive action.

The person with Rajo Guna (the passionate quality), is one who
is excessively happy when what is desired for is got. The ego
gets fully inflated thereupon. If their desires are not fulfilled, they
tend to develop hatred. Thus, for a person overwhelmed
with Rajasic qualities, whether their desires are fulfilled or not,
the effects are not good. Such persons are often consumed by
anger and bitterness. Rajasic qualities make a person hotblooded and hot tempered. When the Rajo Guna is strong, it
arouses anger and hatred in a person, excites their blood and
turns their eyes red. When Satwa Guna is filled in a person, they
become pure. It becomes a redeeming quality when they
perform meritorious actions with a pure heart, and do them as
an offering to the Divine. At birth you may be ignorant, but when
you leave this world, you must work hard to leave it as a realised
soul (Jnani).
- Divine Discourse, Jan 8, 1988.

Anger breeds danger. Baba

09 jnvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM, Awpxy BwvpUrx sBwau au`qy,ikvyN Aqy ikauN inXMqRx krnw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM Awqm inrIKn
Aqy qr`kI vwly krm bwry,swfw mwrg drSn krdy hn[
au`qr: rjogux vwlw mnu`K auh hY ijhVw AwpxI ie`Cw pUrI hox qy h`d qoN izAwdw KuS huMdw hY[ies qrHW hox nwl,aus dw
hMkwr. crm iSKw qy huMdw hY[jy ies gux vwly lokW dI ie`Cw pUrI nw hovy qW aunHW ivc nPrq Aw jWdI hY[ies leI,
rwjs gux vwly lokW dI ie`Cw pUrI hovy jW nw hovy, ies dy nqIjy hmySw mwVy huMdy hn[ies qrHW dy lok,gu`sy Aqy
kVHvwht ivc hI rihMdy hn[rwjs gux vwly mnu`K dw KUn KOldw hY Aqy aus nUM icVicVw bxwauNdw hY[jd rwjs gux

Awpxy iSKr qy huMdw hY qW mnu`K dw KUn KOldw hY Aqy A`KW lwl ho jWdIAW hn[ijs mnu`K ivc swqivk gux huMdw hY
auh piv`qr bx jWdw hY[ies qrHW dw cMgw gux aus vyly AwauNdw hY jd mnu`K Su`D ihrdy nwl,kilAwx kwrI krm krdw
hY Aqy auh krm,Bgvwn nUM Aripq krdw hY[jnm vyly qusIN BwvyN Anjwx hovo pr ies sMswr nUM C`fx qoN pihly
quhwnUM, sKq myhnq rwhIN,igAwnI bxxw cwhIdw hY[(08 jnvrI, 1988 dy idvX pRvcn)[
gu`sw,Kqrw pYdw krdw hY[(bwbw)[

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