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Where the both countries are stands OR Are the both countries are on the same page , for
the afghan peace process ?
Before the two months, after representatives of the United States , Pakistan and Afghanistan met
in Kabul on Feb25. They discussed ways to further peace negotiations with the Taliban during
the first-ever meeting to solve the issue.
Taliban leaders announced on Jan3, 2012, they had come to an initial agreement to set up an
overseas political office, possibly in Qatar. This was their first public gesture in the name of talks
with the US The group demanded the release of prisoners held at the US-run detention facility
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In July 2015 the process faltered after a first round of Pakistan-hosted direct talks between the
Afghan government and Taliban due to a leak of information that Taliban movement founder
Mullah Omar had died two years ago.
Pakistan believes a politically negotiated settlement remains the most viable option for bringing
lasting peace to Afghanistan.
The military approach has been tried for 15 years and could not achieve the objective,
peace and stability in Afghanistan is essential not only for the people of the country but also for
the entire region.
Sartaj Aziz said Pakistans desire for lasting peace in Afghanistan.
Pakistans government and military have conveyed serious concern to the US over the
violation of the countrys sovereignty and its likely detrimental impact on bilateral relations.
The Afghan peace process, which is being facilitated by various regional states, has once again
hit a roadblock with the Afghan Taliban refusing to hold direct peace talks with the Afghan
government. A statement issued by the Afghan Taliban recently stressed several long-standing
preconditions for dialogue, including the departure of all foreign troops from Afghanistan. We
want to repeat our stance once again that until the occupation of foreign troops ends, until
Taliban names are removed from international blacklists, and until our detainees are released,
talks will yield no results,
Mullah Akhtar Mansour was killed in a US drone strike on May 21, hours after the top militant
commander entered into Pakistan after crossing the Iranian border via Taftan. There could be a
variety of conspiracy theories attached to the killing of the Afghan Taliban chief on Pakistani
territory at a time when the Quadrilateral Coordination Group (QCG) was making all-out efforts
to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table.

The Americans seem to have a different understanding of this. In a statement issued by the White
House, US President Barack Obama termed Mansours death as an important milestone in
Americas longstanding efforts to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. The US has killed the
chances of any peace process in Afghanistan.
Pakistan believes that politically negotiated settlement remains the most viable option for
bringing lasting peace to Afghanistan.
The Taliban have even promised to launch more attacks because of the growing number of
foreign troops in the country. In the coming days and weeks, the security situation of Afghanistan
is likely to deteriorate further, which will only put more pressure on Pakistan.
Why the US is using the disposal policy towards Pakistan ?
PakistanUnited States relations refers to the bilateral relationship between Pakistan and the
United States. On 20 October 1947, two months and six days after Pakistan's independence, the
United States established relations with Pakistan, making it amongst the first nations to establish
relations with the new state. Pakistan allied itself with the U.S. during the Cold war era against
the USSR, and was an integral player in the CENTO and SEATO organizations.
Relations began to strain as both sides began to criticize one another's strategy in the War on
Terror. In 1990, President George H. W. Bush cut off military aid to Pakistan. Ostensibly, this
was in response to Pakistans pursuit of nuclear weapons, but its also true that, after the Soviets
were pushed out of Afghanistan, in the late eighties, the U.S. lost interest in Pakistan.
The main beneficiary of U.S. money, the Pakistani military, has never won a war.
"But, it is the same America, which has not stopped its policy of helping Pakistan financially or
providing them with arms and ammunition. On one hand, America helps India fight terrorism
and on the other, sells F-16 fighter jets to the terrorist nation. This policy of America is
Why the Strategic Partnership between the US and Pakistan is not for the long term ?
Pakistan always seeks to protect its national integrity against any potential threat. India is
currently a relatively minor player in Afghanistan and for the sake of stability in that country it
should remain so.
As a repeated victim of terrorist attacks from the extremist groups that have thrived in both
Afghanistan and Pakistan, India has a legitimate interest in preventing the return of another
Taliban-style regime in Afghanistan that could provide a secure base for these groups.
From a Pakistani perspective, the US has spent the last decade offering Pakistan many things
such as cash and military supplies.etc..
But American and Pakistani perspectives are actually more closely aligned today than at any
other time in the last decade. Since the end of the Cold War, Pakistan has become a nuclear
weapons state.

Pakistan has many internal weaknesses due to this fact,its ability is now becoming challenging
to operate as a normal state. The global jihadi network seems to operate from the Pakistani city
of Quetta, and increasing portions of Pakistani territory are coming under the control of militants.
Pakistan has been experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks in ever Pakistani history. So the
Americans, failing to meet their objectives and already into their longest war in Afghanistan.
Since 9/11, the United States has lavished Pakistan with nearly $8 billion in security assistance,
$11 billion in economic assistance, known as Coalition Support Funds (CSF). Since then,
Pakistan has availed of significant U.S. weapons systems and armaments.
And, of course, Osama Bin Laden was discovered a short distance from Pakistans famed
military academy at Kakul.
Referring to US tilt towards India in recent years, Rabbani stated that US has an agreement with
India on civil nuclear cooperation, but refuses to offer Pakistan a similar deal.
During the 1980s and 1990s, F-16s became the symbol of Pak-US friendship.
Despite continuing serious disagreements between Pakistan and the US, the two countries have
in fact seen a gradual convergence of views on many issues over the last decade.
Henry Kissingers quote was mentioned by Nasr, America has no permanent friends or enemies,
only interests. Since the civilian governments havent got the job done previously, relations
have seen good days during the four military rules experienced by Pakistanis.
Mutual Interests of Both US Pakistan :
There are two fundamental problems undergirding US-Pakistan troubles. First, instead of a broad
partnership that includes trade and cultural linkages, the two countries have a one-dimensional
transactional relationship centered along security concerns, i.e., the war against the Taliban and
al-Qaeda. US-Pakistan relations are further complicated because of clashing security interests.
Pakistan's military leaders have resisted American demands to end support for militant groups.
Enhance access of Pakistani textiles to the U.S. market on favored terms.
Focus the majority of U.S. economic aid on projects in basic education, health care, water
resource management, law enforcement, and justice programs, with the goal of developing state
capacity to effectively deliver these services to the population.
The U.S. and Pakistan share numerous common interests that constitute a firm basis for a longterm, mutually beneficial partnership.
US officials said about On regional security, were going to continue efforts to promote stability
and defeat those who extremism and violence. In this connection, the United States appreciates
Pakistans support for efforts to promote reconciliation with Afghanistan.

Cooperation along Pakistans borders is absolutely essential. We recognize the extraordinary and
real sacrifices that Pakistans military, especially in Operation Zarb-e-Azb and the ongoing
missions in North Waziristan.
US officials said that, We commend Pakistan for its whole-of-government approach to
implement the National Action Plan.
Pakistan have a shared interests to US about the continued economic growth and prosperity,
increased bilateral trade and investment, education and social development, respect for human
rights and rule of law, regional stability, and ongoing collaboration on measures to counter
violent extremism and combat terrorism.
The United States invests more funding in the Pakistan than in any other single country.
As mentioned below :
1. Education, Science and Technology Agreements.
2. Other People-to-People Exchanges.
3. University Partnerships.
4. English Language Programs.
5. Global Connectivity.
6. Economics and Finance.
7. Support in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
8. Agriculture.
9. Regional Connectivity.
10. Law Enforcement and Counterterrorism.
11. Improvised Explosive Devices ( I.E.Ds ).
12. Security Assistances.
13. Military Training and Exchanges.
How the US lost its Relations from the china , Russia and Pakistan ?
In the 1990s,Chinas power and influence grew. Many analysts in the United States and other
nations wrote about the China threat. They feared that the rise of China damage American
interests in Asia, and destabilize the American-led international system.
The partnership between China and the United States, where each nation regards each other as a
potential as well as a strategic partner.
As of 2014, the United States has the world's largest economy and China the second largest. The
International Monetary Fund estimates that China's economy has overtaken that of United States.
ChinaUnited States relations have generally been stable with some periods of open conflict,
most notably during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Currently, China and the United
States have mutual political, economic, and security interests, including, but not limited to, the
prevention of terrorism and the proliferation of nuclear weapons, although there are unresolved
concerns relating to the role of democracy in government in China and human rights in both
respective countries. China remains the largest foreign creditor of the United States,

The two countries remain in dispute over territorial issues in the South China Sea. U.S. Secretary
of State John Kerry stated that the United States did not seek to contain China, while Chinese
President stated that a confrontation between the two countries would be a disaster.
The US has never developed a long-term view towards China. Chinas economic development
and military modernization programs have witnessed dramatic progress since the early-1980s.
Since China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001, the massive growth of trade between
China and the United States has had a dramatic and negative effect on U.S. workers and the
domestic economy.
Most of the jobs lost or displaced by trade with China between 2001 and 2013.
Pakistan U.S relations after the withdrawal from Afghanistan :
Generally Pakistan and Afghanistan are considered inseparable states due to their historical,
religious, cultural,trade. However, the modern bilateral relationships face great turbulence
because of rising influence of India in Afghanistan. History reveals that situations in Afghanistan
have always affected Pakistan. The US withdrawal from Afghanistan brings many challenges to
The four main players of Afghan crisis namely United States of America, Afghan government
(dominated by Northern Alliance) Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan (TTA) and Pakistan. All want a
peaceful settlement but everyone is perpetuating their own interests.
Afghan Government does not want an abrupt US withdrawal because Afghan government, its
leaders and supporters, do not want to lose the investments in another war with Taliban. US is
still confused in weighing different opinions.
US says that the troops in Afghanistan shall be treated in accordance with Us law while afghan
president insists that they operate on Afghan soil so they ought to be trialed according to Afghan
law. So, Pakistan is still persuading wait and see policy.
Pakistan fears about the robust influence of India in Afghanistan after the evacuation of US. It is
to mention here that America wants India as counter power in Afghanistan.
After the Us withdrawal from Afhganistan the major challenge to Pakistan is from the militant
groups related to Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and centrifugal tendencies in Balochistan.
Pakistan claims that the Fazalullah and Fakir Muhammad are supported by Raw of India and
NDS of Afghanistan. These groups freely use Afghanistan against the interests of Pakistan.
Simultaneously Islamabad has to deal with Baloch separatists.Pakistan many times professed that
the Baloch separatists are supported by India using the Afghan soil, they are given training and
refuge in Afghanistan and India. After the US withdrawal India may not be able to assist Baloch
separatist in the way which she is doing now because India has to close its many constellates in
Nuclear tensions between Pakistan and India have changed considerably in the past two decades.
Shortly before U.S. forces arrived in the region in 2001, both countries drew international alarm

by conducting nuclear tests without warning. In May 1998, Indias Pokrahn and Pakistans
subsequent Chagi-I nuclear tests officially declared the countries as nuclear powers.
Stability in Afghanistan can be achieved after the US withdrawal only if the countries in the
region play their role positively in the war country. A stable Afghanistan is of paramount
importance to Pakistan because without it stability in FATA and KP is a distant cry. Pakistan
needs to overcome its internal challenges from militancy in FATA.
Indias interests in Afghanistan are definitely going to have security implications on
Pakistan. After the withdrawal, India will increase her role in Afghanistan.
Border management should be a priority this time, in order to avoid cross border movements and
activities. This should be thoroughly focused, both by Afghanistan and Pakistan, in order to curb
and fight militancy and terrorists. The United States plans to draw down its forces in
Afghanistan, but it will be unable to successfully do so without Pakistans help in negotiating a
settlement with the Afghan Taliban.
Finally US withdrawal from Afghanistan seems unrealistic but if it happens so then Pakistan can
convert challenges to opportunities with a better approach.
Why the NATO AND US has not said openly about the lost of a afghan War ?
The war in Afghanistan (or the American war in Afghanistan) is the period in which the
United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks (9/11).
According to a recent poll, over 90 percent of the population wants the Nato countries to begin
withdrawing their forces as soon as possible.
Winning in Afghanistan was never anything more than killing Osama bin Laden, Ayman alZawahiri, Mullah Omar, as many of their fighters.
Ten years of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have seen the US and NATO emerge much weakened
In Last few years ago, China became the worlds second largest economy, overtaking Japan,
while at the same time surpassing Germany as the biggest exporter. This year China overtook
the US as the number one manufacturing country; Chinese banks now rank among the largest in
the world by market capitalisation; China has overtaken the US to become the largest market for
Obama has been trying to reassure Americans and Afghans that Afghanistans future is bright.
But not everyone is reassured. In 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush demanded that the
Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and bin Laden had already been wanted by the United
Nations since 1999.
On 2 May 2011, United States Navy SEALs killed Osama bin Laden in Abbotabad, Pakistan. In
May 2012, NATO leaders endorsed an exit strategy for withdrawing their forces.

In October 2014, British forces handed over the last bases in Helmand to the Afghan military,
officially ending their combat operations in the war.[50] On 28 December 2014, NATO formally
ended combat operations in Afghanistan and transferred full security responsibility to the Afghan
government, via a ceremony in Kabul.
The United States needs to negotiate with Taliban leader Mullah Omer. There was no legitimate
reason for the United States to attack Afghanistan, because the FBI had no solid evidence that
Osama bin Laden was involved in the attacks on New York and Washington. The United States
and its allies wont win the war in Afghanistan.
The only solution would be peace negotiations with Taliban leader Mullah Omar, not with
Afghan President. There is only one man who can give the guarantee that there will be no
terrorism exported from Afghanistan, so it is no need to talk to Afghanistan President; hes a
Why US want to stay in Afghanistan ?
A majority of Americans turned against the war against Afghanistan a few years go, Clearly, the
American people are truly fed up about the afghan war.The White House has been bargaining
with the Kabul government for years to keep military forces in Afghanistan for another 10 years.
In return the US would pay multi-billions for the training and upkeep of the Afghan army and
police and help finance the government at great expense until 2024.
US Interests In The South Asia :
South Asia is a huge land mass home to about one quarter of the world's population. It has
assumed much importance in international politics today.
South Asia is most dangerous place on the earth, said by President Clinton when he was going
to visit South Asia in 2000. This statement shows that how much America keen about the region.
Before World War II America was not very much involve in this region but after the war USs
primary objective was to develop relations with the states of South Asia who came in to being all
of a sudden after the end of World War II. By looking this, US started to develop ties with South
Asian states. The region has always been an area where great powers used to play games at large
levels.We can say that the South Asian states are players between world powers to, especially
between US and Russia and China.
In 1950s Pakistans number was second in receiving aid and then the rest of the states. Military
aid to Pakistan was in the shape of two agreements known as SEATO and SENTO in 1954 and
1955 respectively, although these agreements never came in to practice as for as it was the case
for Pakistan. Later on US do facilitate and assist Pakistan by giving weapons and ammunition
especially during the soviets invasion in Afghanistan. And with the incident of 9/11, US aid to
Pakistan in almost every sphere increased dramatically as Pakistan had become the major ally for
US in the region.
Another important state of the region is India which has become very vital for US now days.
While growing Indian economy and power is also in favor of US as she wants a state in the
region which can counter the Chinese influence from further growing in Afghanistan. Pakistan as
a front line state in so called war against terrorism. Main purpose of US foreign policy towards

South Asia is to achieve its global strategic and political goals. USs goal in the region are not
shaped or concerned with the states at large but they concerned with the usage of these states
against China and Russia. For this purpose US gave started to give economic aid to South Asian
states as it is the instrument of US foreign policy.
Primarily US policy should be based on these six principles in South Asia which were made
by the policy makers :

American national interests.

Recognize the present American heavy involvement.
Develop an integrated approach.
Pay special attention to the internal dynamics of the political and social systems.
Based on independent appraisal.
Avoid any pressure.

Pakistan as being the second largest state of the region has always remained an open country
for US throughout the history, because of its geographical location and especially being as an
adjacent state to Afghanistan. Several times Pakistan has been remained an important country for
US in the region. After getting independence Pakistan was looking for an international partner
which can assure Pakistans sovereignty and to prevent any aggression from India. This lead to
Pakistans shift towards US block. Both signed Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement in 1954,
followed by SEATO and CENTO.
There were also feelings in America that by giving military assistance to Pakistan, we can win
the trust of Pakistan. Some events which made Pakistan a close country to US because it was
Pakistan who paved the way to US to go to make diplomatic relations with China even during
Cold War in 1971. Pakistan set the foundations for both sides especially for US to negotiate their
disputes. In 1979, when Soviets invaded in Afghanistan, US became fearful of Soviet communist
So it asked for Pakistan to help in this regard and Pakistan did it. US provided weapons, money,
ammunition, technology and experts to Pakistan to counter Soviets. It was a long war which was
fought jointly by Pakistan and Afghan Mujhadins from 1979 to 1989. Attacks of 9/11 on US
made once again Pakistan as a close ally of US, as US was going to start war against
Afghanistan. Pakistan was the neighboring state, so it got real importance at the scene. US
demanded Air basis, intelligence sharing and logistic support from Pakistan which was fulfilled.
As a result US declared Pakistan as major non-NATO Ally, on June 2004, with the statement
that this status would further enhance relations in defense and cooperation between the two
Later in 1960s and 1970s the US was not very much in the affairs of South Asia. It adopted the
policy of neutrality during the Indo-Pak wars of 1965 and 1971 which hurt Pakistan more than of
India. These two decades were a matter for Pakistani leaders to think seriously about changing
US behavior towards Pakistan. This US attitude will not facilitate Pakistan in any future war so
Pakistan should not be dependent only on US. But during the Russian invasion in Afghanistan in
1979 was another turn in the Pak-US relations, as US was looking for the containment of
communism in the region, Pakistan became most important to US and became a front line state
in the Afghan Jihad against Soviets.

At the moment condition for US in Pakistan is not good because of the growing terrorism in
Pakistan; public opinion is rapidly turning against US. This is a real threat to Washington as well
as to the government of Pakistan.
In order to be there and to normalize public, US organized Strategic Dialogue with Pakistan,
whose first round held in Washington on 24-25 March 2010 and second would be held in
Islamabad in July. During these dialogues Pakistan and US made several agreements on trade,
communication, technology, weapons, education, human development, energy, defense,
terrorism, security (Anees ur Rehman, 2010). Agriculture and many other fields. Some consider
these dialogues as the most important talks between the both sides ever in history. But even these
dialogues, US leadership is still saying that Pakistan is not very much serious in taking actions
against militants which are having there safe heaven in northern areas of Pakistan and on PakAfghan border. US have put pressure on Pakistan to take actions against these militants and
asked for do more. Although sometimes, President Obama has praised the action of Pakistan
armed forces in FATA and Swat.
Nuclear weapons in the hands of newly developing states were a great threat to US and
international peace, so being the superpower US took initiative towards Pakistan and India on
two concerns. First that there would be no deployment of nuclear weapons and second was that
US got assurance from both sides that they would not go into serious and sensitive nuclear war.
South Asia is a region that stands on the brink of becoming a major economic and military
Salala check post attack incident :
On 26 November 2011, US-led NATO forces opened fire on two Pakistani border check-posts
stationed near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. The attacks caused the deaths of up to twentyfour Pakistani soldiers.
US Afghan Claims :
According to Afghan and US officials, the incident started after US-Afghan coalition forces,
which were conducting an operation against the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan's eastern Kunar
Province, There was firing coming from the position against Afghan army soldiers who
requested support"
Parliamentary review :
Following the Salala incident, the Government finally decided to take
Parliament into confidence and its decision whether or not to reopen the NATO supply line. A
Parliamentary Commission has already demanded an end to American drone attacks and an
apology for the air strikes that killed Pakistani troops.
Closure of NATO supply lines :
Pakistan immediately closed all NATO supplies to Afghanistan in the after the
attack, NATO trucks had been using the supply routes, in Khyber Agency
(through the Khyber Pass at Torkham) and Balochistan (near Chaman), to

supply US and international forces fighting in Afghanistan. US policy makers

tried to find alternative routes through Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and
Tajikistan (termed as the "Northern Distribution Network") but these are
longer and less effective than routes through Pakistan. Huge costs are
associated with the Central Asian supply lines, and NATO's supply line
through Russia is already under a looming danger of closure due to friction
over missile defence plans. Being a landlocked country, Afghanistan is highly
dependent on Pakistan for its imports. According to figures released by The
Pentagon in January 2012, the United States was paying six times more to
send supplies to troops in Afghanistan via alternative supply routes following
the closure of Pakistani routes. The figures placed the new US costs at $104
million per month, roughly $87 million costlier per month than when the
cargo was transported via Pakistan.[58] The high costs were associated with
the routes being lengthier.
Supply lines reopening :
Pakistan decided to reopen the supply lines after US Secretary of State
apologised on 3 July 2012 for the Salala incident via a telephone call to
Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar."Foreign Minister Khar and I
acknowledged the mistakes that resulted in the loss of Pakistani military
lives," Clinton said in a statement. "We are sorry for the losses suffered by
the Pakistani military. We are committed to working closely with Pakistan and
Afghanistan to prevent this from ever happening again."US Secretary of
Defence Leon Panetta said in a separate statement that the US "remains
committed to improving our partnership with Pakistan and to working closely
together as our two nations confront common security challenges in the
Shamsi airfield vacated :
On 26 November, the same day the incident occurred, Pakistan ordered the US to shut down and
vacate the Shamsi Airfield in the southwestern Balochistan province within a deadline of 15
days. US forces and the Central Intelligence Agency had reportedly leased this airbase in 2001
for joint surveillance and launching drone attacks against militants in Afghanistan and
northwestern Pakistan.[94][95] The Shamsi airbase was the only military base in Pakistan being
used by the United States, and orders of its evacuation by US personnel symbolised an increasing
rift and deterioration in relations between Pakistan and the United States.
In early December, the US military personnel occupying the base, along with all military
equipment, were shifted to the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan via US military aircraft.[96] On 10
December, Pakistani troops from the Frontier Corps took full control of the airfield as scheduled,
and by 11 December all remaining American staff were evacuated.[97][98][99] Upon establishing

control of the airfield, the United States flag was removed from the base and replaced with the
flag of Pakistan.
Pakistan's refusal to attend Bonn Conference :
In the wake of the NATO attacks, the Pakistani government refused to attend the Bonn
conference scheduled on 5 December 2011. The event in Bonn, Germany is an important
international conference on Afghanistan.International pressure over Pakistan amounted as it
refused to attend the Bonn conference. Secretary Hillary Clinton contacted the Pakistani Prime
Minister but her plea was rejected because Pakistani public opinion prohibited attendance. The
conference was generally regarded as a disappointment, partially because of Pakistan's absence.
India-U.S. ties have been transformed in recent years, best exemplified with the newly declared
global strategic partnership between the two countries,the United States Pakistan policy remains
a problematic issue.
IndiaUnited States relations (or Indo-American relations) refers to the international relations
that exist between the Republic of India and the United States of America. Narendra Modi, the
Chief Minister of Gujarat between 2001 and 2014, became the Prime Minister of India on 26
May 2014, Sectarian violence during the 2002 Gujarat riots damaged relations between the US
Government. Prior to Narendra Modi becoming the Prime Minister of India, the US Government
had made it known that Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat would not be permitted to travel to the
US. Modi remains the only person ever to be banned to travel to the United States of America
under the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA). The Obama administration maintained
the 2005 decision taken by the George W. Bush administration to deny Narendra Modi entry into
the United States of America.
At present, India and the US share an extensive and expanding cultural, strategic, military, and
economic relationship. Key recent developments include the rapid growth of India's economy,
closer ties between the Indian and American industries especially in the Information and
communications technology (ICT), engineering and medical sectors.
Modi's visit to America, 2014 :
US Secretary of State John Kerry visited New Delhi on 1 August to prepare the grounds for
Modi's first ever US visit as Prime Minister. Modi said that "India and the United States are
bound together, by history and culture" but acknowledged that there have been "ups and downs"
in relations. While there, Modi also met several American business leaders and invited them to
join his ambitious Make in India program in a bid to make India a manufacturing hub.

Barack Obama's visit to India, 2015 :

President Barack Obama became the first US president to be the chief guest of the 66th Republic
Day celebrations of India held on 26 January 2015. India and the US held their first ever bilateral
dialogue on the UN and multilateral issues in the spirit of the "Delhi Declaration of Friendship"
that strengthens and expands the two countries' relationship.
The five principal pillars of U.S.-India Relations :
On July 31, 2014 Secretary Kerry co-chaired the fifth U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue with the
Indian Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj in New Delhi.

Strategic Cooperation

Energy and Climate Change

Education and Development

Trade and Economic Cooperation

Science and Technology, Health and Innovation

Strategic Partnership :
The U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue, launched in 2009, was expanded in 2015 to become the U.S.India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue. It provides opportunities to strengthen collaboration in
areas including energy, climate change, trade, education, and counterterrorism. The inaugural
meeting was held in September 2015.
The nuclear deal between India and USA was signed back in 2008 which is considered to be a
breakthrough in our pursuit for nuclear energy for future needs and a watershed moment in our
relations with USA. U.S. President George Bush and India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
exchange handshakes in New Delhi on March 2, 2006. The 123 Agreement signed between the
United States of America and the Republic of India is known as the U.S.India Civil Nuclear
Agreement or Indo-US nuclear deal.
What are the terms of the deal?
The details of the deal include the following :

1. India agrees to allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Association
(IAEA), the United Nations' nuclear watchdog group, access to its civilian nuclear
2. U.S. companies will be allowed to build nuclear reactors in India and provide nuclear fuel
for its civilian energy program.
What kind of technology would India receive in return ?
India would be eligible to buy U.S. dual-use nuclear technology, including materials and
equipment that could be used to enrich uranium or reprocess plutonium, potentially creating the
material for nuclear bombs. It would also receive imported fuel for its nuclear reactors.
Recognizes that India has a good record on proliferation :
Although it is not a signatory to the NPT, India has maintained strict controls on its nuclear
technology and has not shared it with any other country.
Rewards India's decision to adopt similar nuclear export standards as those imposed by the
(N.S.G) :
India has thus far chosen to abide by the strict export controls on nuclear technology set by the
NSG, a group of forty-five nuclear-supplier states that voluntarily coordinates controls of nuclear
exports to non-nuclear-weapon states. Experts say if India chose to lift these voluntary
restrictions, it could easily sell its technology to far less trustworthy countries around the world.
What Impacts / Implications On Pakistan Looking Forward After The Both
India US Ties
If Pakistan could be motivated to agree to such limitations in exchange for becoming eligible for
peaceful nuclear cooperation and membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group, it is difficult to
argue that such an arrangement would not significantly augment international security.
Pakistan will object: it is being required to limit its military capabilities while India is not. If this
threat is compounded because of the Indo-US strategic partnership and becomes difficult to
manage, Pakistan could be compelled to exercise all available options including a possible
strategic alliance with other big powers such as Russia and China. In spite of being a non-NATO
member, Pakistan has been critical of the U.S-India nuclear cooperation agreement. The nuclear
deal will further enhance Indian capability to have preemptive attack against Pakistan.
Chinas Role For NSG :

One of the negative implications of Indo-US nuclear deal for India is that both China and
Pakistan made a strategic shift in their relations and Pakistan was obliviously gainer. the Pakistan
Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) announced plans for 13 new nuclear power plants in the
next 25 years, for which the Pakistanis have admitted they were largely depending on China for
Pakistan also demanded US to have such a type of deal with it. But United States did not respond
actively. This reveals that But the U.S-India nuclear deal, many think, is a dangerous policy that
could ignite an arms race in South Asia.
How Pakistan Can Counter Itself from The Both Countrys Deal :
PakistanRussia relations or Russo-Pakistani relations refers to the bilateral, historical,
cultural, and international relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Russian
Federation. The Soviet Union and Pakistan first established the diplomatic and bilateral relations
on 1 May 1948. Due to rapidly shifting global geopolitical interests by the end of the Cold War
and the ongoing U.S.-led War on Terror, Pakistani public opinion towards Russia has fluctuated
in recent years.
After the Soviet Union troop withdrawal the combatant troops from Afghanistan, relations began
to normalize with Pakistan. Russian-Pakistan relations were warmed rapidly. In 1989, Soviet
ambassador to Pakistan offered Pakistan to install a commercial nuclear power plant in the
country, however after U.S. intervention, the plans were sent into cold storage.In 1994-95,
Benazir Bhutto attempted to warm relations with Russia but suffered a major setback. In 1996,
Russia willingly agreed to launch Pakistan's second satellite. Russia vowed its support for
Pakistan in its struggle against the Taliban militants. In 1990, Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan sent a
fare well message to Moscow in an attempt to set up the economic coordination between the two
countries.In 1991, Benazir Bhutto headed a high-level economic delegation to Central Asia and
Russia after the collapse of Soviet Union.
After decades of frosty ties, Russia has finally begun to reach out to Pakistan. Economic,
political and even defense ties are growing between the two countries. Russia appears to be
taking steps to deepen its relationship with Pakistan. The commander-in-chief of the Russian
Army, recently announced that Russian ground forces would hold their first-ever military drills
with Pakistan during 2016. these latest moves were only designed to strengthen military-tomilitary relations between Russia and Pakistan and put things in order for establishing stronger
ties in the future. That is why it was no surprise to see a defense deal for Russia to send Mi-35
Hind E helicopters to Pakistan.
Relations between Pakistan and Russia have improved in recent years as the two countries.


Pakistan recognized the People's Republic of China on 04 January 1950. Diplomatic relations
were established on 21 May 1951.when Pakistan was among the first countries to end official
diplomatic relations with thePeoles Republic of China recognize the PRC. Since then, both
countries have placed considerable importance on the maintenance of an extremely close and
supportive relationship. and the two countries have regularly exchanged high-level visits
resulting in a variety of agreements.The PRC has provided economic, military and technical
assistance to Pakistan and each considers the other a close strategic ally. China supported
Pakistan's opposition to the Soviet Union's intervention in Afghanistan. China supports
Pakistan's stance on Kashmir while Pakistan supports China on the issues of Xinjiang, Tibet, and
Taiwan. Military cooperation has deepened with joint projects producing armaments ranging
from fighter jets to guided missile frigates.
hinese cooperation with Pakistan has reached economic high points, with substantial Chinese
investment in Pakistani infrastructural expansion including the Pakistani deep-water port at
Gwadar. Both countries have an ongoing free trade agreement. Pakistan has served as China's
main bridge between Muslim countries. Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the
communication gap between China and the West. The relations between Pakistan and China have
been described by Pakistan's ambassador to China as higher than the mountains, deeper than the
oceans, stronger than steel, dearer than eyesight, sweeter than honey, and so on. Pakistan is
China's biggest arms buyer, counting for nearly 47% of Chinese arms exports.
Pakistan has a long and strong relationship with China. The long-standing ties between the two
countries have been mutually beneficial. A close identity of views and mutual interests remain
the centre-point of bilateral ties. Since the 1962 Sino-Indian War, Pakistan has supported China
on most issues of importance to the latter, especially those related to the question of China's
sovereignty like Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Tibet and other sensitive issues such as human rights.
China also has a consistent record of supporting Pakistan in regional issues. Pakistan's military
depends heavily on Chinese armaments, and joint projects of both economic and militaristic
importance are ongoing. China has supplied equipment to support Pakistan's nuclear program.

Military Relations :
There are strong military ties between People's Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan.This alliance between two neighboring Asian nations is significant geo-politically. The
strong military ties primarily aim to counter regional Indian and American influence, and was
also to repel Soviet influence in the area. In recent years this relationship has strengthened
through ongoing military projects and agreements between Pakistan and China. Since 1962,
China has been a steady source of military equipment to the Pakistani Army, helping establish
ammunition factories, providing technological assistance and modernizing existing facilities.
China and Pakistan are involved in several projects to enhance military and weaponry systems.
China is the largest investor in Pakistan's Gwadar Deep Sea Port, which is strategically located at
the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. China has offered Pakistan military aid in order to fight

against terrorism in Pakistan. In the past, China has played a major role in the development of
Pakistan's nuclear infrastructure.
In the field of defence, China has extended invaluable cooperation that extends to all three
services. It has assisted Pakistan in setting up Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, Heavy Industries
Taxila, several production lines in the Pakistan Ordnance Factories, and maritime projects for the
navy and missile factories. The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex at Kamra, Heavy Forge and
Foundry, Heavy Mechanical Complex, Heavy Re-build Factory at Taxila and Pakistan Steel Mill
at Karachi are more such examples. The production of JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft at
Aeronautical Complex Kamra stands out as a monumental cooperation between the two
Economic Relations :
Economic trade between Pakistan and China is increasing rapidly, and a free trade agreement has
recently been signed. China has been helping to develop Pakistan's infrastructure through the
building of power plants, roads and communication nodes. Current trade between both countries
is at $9 billion, making China the largest trade partner of Pakistan.
Nuclear Cooperation :
China has been a strong vocal and avid supporter of Pakistans nuclear power generation for
peaceful purposes. CHASNUPP-I is the commercial nuclear power plant in Punjab set up with
Chinese assistance by its CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation) under International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. Construction of CHASNUPP-II started in December

Cultural Relations :
Both states have given importance to cultural relations to increase people-to-people cooperation
through exchange of cultural troupes. China appreciates Pakistans effort to expand Chinese
language and Confucius Institutes in Pakistan.

ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor : CPEC

Pak-China Economic Corridor is under construction. It will connect Pakistan with China and the
Central Asian countries with highway connecting Kashgar to Gwadar. Gwadar port in southern
Pakistan will serve as the trade center for China, as most of its trade especially that of oil will be
done through the port, which is operated by the China Overseas Company. Currently, sixty

percent of Chinas oil must be transported by ship from the Persian Gulf to the only in China, a
distance of more than 16,000 kilometres. The journey takes two to three months.By Using
Gwadar port instead would reduce the distance and possibly the cost.
Pakistan and China formalized plans for the CPEC in April 2015, when they signed fifty-one
agreements and memoranda of understanding on Chinese investments, totaling $46 billion over
the next ten to fifteen years. Pakistans ruling civilian and military leaders also appreciate the
economic, political, and security opportunities that the CPEC offers. Chinas investments in
energy infrastructure are especially welcome.
Challenges :
The primary obstacle to the CPECs full implementation is security.
To address Chinese concerns and ensure the safety of these projects, Pakistan announced in early
2016 the creation of a dedicated CPEC force of ten thousand security personnel, but even a force
of that size will be stressed by the task at hand.
Implications :
If successful, the CPEC could provide important benefits to Pakistans economy.
Economic growth is vital to political stability, and therefore the project should be considered a
welcome development.
Comparison to Chabahar Port : CPEC
In May 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his counterpart, Iranian President
Hassan Rouhani, signed a series of twelve agreements in Tehran, in which India offered to
refurbish one of Chabahar's, and reconstruct another Port of Chabahar,in order to allow Indian
goods to be exported to Iran, with the possibility of onward connections to Afghanistan and
Central Asia. A section of the Indian media described it as "a counter to the China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor, although the total monetary value of projects has been noted to be
significantly less than that of CPEC.
As per the AfghanistanPakistan Transit Trade Agreement, Afghan goods can be transited across
Pakistan for export to India as well, though Indian goods cannot be exported to Afghanistan via
Pakistan. Upon completion of Chabahar, Indian exporters will benefit from the potential ability
to export goods to Afghanistan.
Security Concerns over the CPEC Chinas :
The route of the Economic Corridor passes though Gilgit Baltistan, one of the regions that has
been contested in the Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan, and border guards have
occasionally exchanged fire. Chinese intelligence agencies reportedly also shared information

with Pakistani authorities regarding efforts by the Indian intelligence agency, to subvert the
project. Pakistan has responded that it will vigorously guard itself and its allies from Indianbacked militants.

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