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The Souls Guide

Beliefs are the souls guide

Guide for our mind our bodies our spirits through the winding ways of life
My belief is my guide
Specifically to survive the first twenty two years of our lives
Spent in rooms dedicated to the growth of our brains so we can reign the world
When we are of age
And this belief which I hold so dearly to my heart is this:
That the only way to succeed in education is to give great heed
In what is placed before a teacher
To never rest until your absolute best has been completed and turned over
So that when all of your work has been done and what goes down is the sun
The voice that guides your mind your jiminy cricket your conscience that resides inside
Can say without a single drop of hesitation that your work
Regardless of its descendance from arithmetic or the past
Is your absolute best work that even effort for ten ticks of time more would be a waste
Because this work you submit was completely free of haste
Instead full of passion, respect, integrity, determination and extraordinary
Full of your pride
So that when a mark arrives at your door with any trace of flaws
You can tell your mas and your pas that it was your best foot you placed forward
That there is nothing you could have done would have done to change it

Because it was your best effort

And that is the sole reason why I do what I do
Why I believe what I believe
Because even if there are a few flaws,
It keeps my bear paws on the right path of education

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