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Column Writing

Everybody knows about the concept of bullying and have heard about it enough times to
know what it is. But only so many people have actually experienced or been a part of it. There's
lots of different reasons that people bully. Some victims dont even know why they are being
I was bullied multiple times (so far) in my life. I was bullied in second grade, fourth grade,
fifth grade, and sixth grade. I also wasnt a very popular person and still arent to this day.
Second grade was one of my worst years after fifth grade, which was my worst. In second
grade, I had a minimal amount of friends. And I was also bullied by a boy in second grade. In
fourth grade, I didn't have very many friends but i had enough to keep me happy. I was bullied
by a gang of boys in fourth grade. In fifth grade I had one friend that went through it all with me
that year, but I still had other friends that I still talk to today. I was bullied by a group of girls
known as the Cool Clique. They were super popular, especially the ring leader of that group. In
sixth grade I was bullied by a popular girl.
In second grade, there was a boy named Christopher, he would tease me and call me
names everyday at school. I told my mom and she said she will work on having me switch
classes. I would tell Christopher and he would always say things like Yes! or Thank goodness
youre leaving the class! I never ended up switching classes. Eventually, one day I had had
enough of him. So when he was teasing me at the end of the day, I bit him as hard as I could.
He eventually started bleeding soon after. As soon as it happened, I was landed in the
principal's office. I got ISS for 2 days and Christopher got no punishment for bullying me.
In fourth grade, I was bullied by a group of boys. It eventually got so bad that one day
when I was walking home with my friend, the group of boys were following us home and they
eventually got close enough to me to where they could grab my backpack. They pushed me and
shoved me to the ground and took my backpack. They threw it to the other side of the street
across the middle curb. I cried and ran off back to my friends house. One of the boy's sister saw
what they did and ran across the street to retrieve my backpack. She eventually caught up with
me and gave me my backpack back.
One day, in fourth grade, my ex-friend was messing with my little sister on the bus. So,
to try to scare her, I was throwing my fists in an attempt to threaten her that I will punch her.
And, without meaning to, I punched her and almost broke her nose on the bus. I was in a lot of
trouble that day. I was put in ISS for 2 days.
In fifth grade, I was bullied by a group of girls. They had their own bench at recess that
nobody could sit on except for them. The ring leader would use me and my best friend (at the

time) to turn us against to each other by either one of us teaming up with the group of girls.
When my friend and I werent against each other, we would try to team up and defend ourselves
from them. One day, after doing laps at recess, I went to the bench and lied down on it so my
friend and I could sit on it. The group of girls came and told me to move. I didn't move so they
sat on me. The bench had holes in it and I was laying on my stomach. One of them sat on my
knee and my kneecap was pressed into the small hole on the bench. When I told them to get
off, they wouldnt. So, I bit the closest hand to my face and they all eventually got off of me and I
left. When they would call me names, I would throw wood chips at them and they would tell on
me (of course). I would get in trouble every time. This year was so bad that when high school
started and I went to Flower Mound High School, I was so scared she would try to finish what
she started with me. But she didn't. We didn't even talk to each other or even have classes
Since then, I have been stronger and smarter than I've ever been because these
experiences have help me become the person who I am today.

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