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1._ Completa con el pronombre objeto adecuado. Tradcelas.
1. Is she writting to Leonardo di Caprio?. Yes, she is in love with ______!
2. Please, tell Mrs. Smith to come in. Sorry, I dont Know _______.
3. I cant find my glasses!. You are wearing ________!
4. Do you like bananas?. I love _______!
5. Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?. He obviously likes
_______ !
6. What is the title of that song?. Im afraid I cant remember ________.

2._ Completa con el pronombre adecuado segn la traduccin.

1. I am showing _______ my house. Yo te enseo mi casa.
2. She has brought ________ a present. Ella me ha traido un regalo.
3. We are lending _______ our car. Nosotros te dejamos nuestro coche.
4. She has bought _______ for _____. Ella me lo ha comprado.
5. Take ______ off. Quitatelo (el abrigo)
6. You have sold _______ this picture. T me has vendido este cuadro.
7. He has given _______ this book. l nos ha regalado este libro.
8. We have brought ______ to ________. Nosotros te lo hemos trado.
9. You didnt say _______ to _______. T no me lo dijiste.
10. Buy _______ the newspaper. Cmprame el peridico.

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