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Angeli Solis

September 15,2016

Where Im From
I am from jugo de melocoton
From stuffed animals and a Dora the explorer doll
I am from today we are eating as a family
and working together to maintain a clean home
I am from different species of pets
whose life did not last too long
I am from imaginary friends and creativity
From being called Susy and golosita
I am from no two people looking alike and a familys bond
So strong that I am from get togethers and family reunions
I am from God bless you
I am from grandmas love and grandpas hugs
From Chow Mein and Chuchitos
And from the loss of my grandmother and
the separation of my grandfather
To being crowned Reina del Carnaval
I am from those moments where
looking back brings the fondest of memories

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