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Procedure Checklists


Chapter 30

Helping the Person Walk







Quality of Life
Knocked before entering the persons room.
Addressed the person by name.
Introduced yourself by name and title.
Explained the procedure before starting and during the procedure.
Protected the persons rights during the procedure.
Handled the person gently during the procedure.



































































































1. Followed Delegation Guidelines: Ambulation.
Saw Promoting Safety and Comfort: Ambulation.
2. Practiced hand hygiene.
3. Collected the following:
 Robe and non-skid footwear
 Paper or sheet to protect bottom linens
 Gait (transfer) belt
4. Identified the person. Checked the ID (identification) bracelet
against the assignment sheet. Used 2 identifiers. Also called the
person by name.
5. Provided for privacy.

6. Lowered the bed to a safe and comfortable level for the person.
Locked (braked) the bed wheels. Lowered the bed rail
near you if up.
7. Fan-folded top linens to the foot of the bed.
8. Placed the paper or sheet under the persons feet. Put the shoes
on the person. Fastened the shoes.
9. Helped the person sit on the side of the bed.
10. Made sure the persons feet were flat on the floor.
11. Helped the person put on the robe.
12. Applied the gait belt at the waist over the clothing.
13. Positioned the walker (if used) in front of the person. Or had the
person hold the cane (if used) on his or her strong side.
14. Helped the person stand. Grasped the gait belt at each side.
15. Stood at the persons weak side while he or she gained balance.
Held the belt at the side and back.
16. Encouraged the person to stand erect with the head up and
back straight.
17. If using a walker or cane:
a. Walkerthe walker was 6 to 8 inches in front of the person.
b. Canethe cane was held on the strong side.
1) The cane tip was 6 to 10 inches to the side of the strong foot.
2) The cane tip was 6 to 10 inches in front of the strong foot.
18. Helped the person walk. Walked to the side and slightly behind
the person on the persons weak side. Provided support with the
gait belt. Encouraged the person to use the hand rail on his or her
strong side (unless using a walker or cane).
19. If using a walker or cane:
a. Walkerwith both hands, the person pushed the walker
6 to 8 inches in front of the feet.
b. Cane:
1) The cane was moved forward 6 to 10 inches.
2) The weak leg (opposite the cane) was moved forward even
with the cane.
3) The strong leg was moved forward and ahead of the cane
and the weak leg.
Date of Satisfactory Completion
Copyright 2017, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Instructors Initials



Chapter 30

Procedure Checklists


20. Encouraged the person to walk normally. The heel struck the
floor first. Discouraged shuffling, sliding, or walking on tip-toes.
21. Walked the required distance if the person tolerated the activity.
Did not rush the person.
22. Helped the person return to bed. Removed the gait belt.
23. Lowered the head of the bed. Helped the person to the center
of the bed.
24. Removed the shoes. Removed the paper or sheet over the
bottom sheet.









































Provided for comfort.

Placed the call light and other needed items within reach.
Raised or lowered bed rails. Followed the care plan.
Returned the robe and shoes to their proper place.
Unscreened the person.
Completed a safety check of the room.
Practiced hand hygiene.
Reported and recorded your observations.

Date of Satisfactory Completion

Instructors Initials
Copyright 2017, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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