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1. Nurse Monet is caring for a female client who has suicidal tendency.

accompanying the client to the restroom, Nurse Monet should
A. Give her privacy
B. Allow her to urinate
C. Open the window and allow her to get some fresh air
D. Observe her
1. D. The Nurse has a responsibility to observe continuously the acutely suicidal client. The
Nurse should watch for clues, such as communicating suicidal thoughts, and messages;
hoarding medications and talking about death.
2. When teaching parents about childhood depression Nurse Trina should say?
A. It may appear acting out behavior
B. Does not respond to conventional treatment
C. Is short in duration & resolves easily
D. Looks almost identical to adult depression
2. A. Children have difficulty verbally expressing their feelings, acting out behavior, such as
temper tantrums, may indicate underlying depression.
3. Nurse Monette is aware that extremely depressed clients seem to do best in
settings where they have:
A. Multiple stimuli
B. Routine Activities
C. Minimal decision making
D. Varied Activities
3. B. Depression usually is both emotional & physical. A simple daily routine is the best,
least stressful and least anxiety producing.

4. To further assess a clients suicidal potential. Nurse Katrina should be especially

alert to the client expression of:
A. Frustration & fear of death
B. Anger & resentment
C. Anxiety & loneliness
D. Helplessness & hopelessness
4. D. The expression of these feeling may indicate that this client is unable to continue the
struggle of life.
5. Nurse Tina is caring for a client with depression who has not responded to
antidepressant medication. The nurse anticipates that what treatment procedure may
be prescribed?
A. Neuroleptic medication
B. Short term seclusion
C. Psychosurgery
D. Electroconvulsive therapy
5. D. Electroconvulsive therapy is an effective treatment for depression that has not
responded to medication.
6. A client was hospitalized with major depression with suicidal ideation for 1 week.
He is taking venlafaxine (Effexor), 75 mg three times a day, and is planning to return
to work. The nurse asks the client if he is experiencing thoughts of self-harm. The
client responds, I hardly think about it anymore and wouldnt do anything to hurt
myself. The nurse judges:
a. The client to be decompensating and in need of being readmitted to the hospital.
b. The client to need an adjustment or increase in his dose of antidepressant.
c. The depression to be improving and the suicidal ideation to be lessening.
d. The presence of suicidal ideation to warrant a telephone call to the clients physician

6. c. The depression to be improving and the suicidal ideation to be lessening. :

too obvious, no need to rationalize.
7. The client with depression has been hospitalized for 3 days on the psychiatric unit.
This is the second hospitalization during the past year. The physician orders a
different drug, tranylcypromine sulfate (Parnate), when the client does not respond
positively to a tricyclic antidepressant. Which of the following reactions should the
client be cautioned about if her diet includes foods containing tryaminetyramine?
a. Heart block.
b. Grand mal seizure.
c. Respiratory arrest.
d. Hypertensive crisis.
7.d. Hypertensive crisis.
8. Which of the following statements should be included when teaching clients about
monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) antidepressants?
a. Dont take aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
b. Have blood levels screened weekly for leucopenia
c. Avoid strenuous activity because of the cardiac effects of the drug
d. Dont take prescribed or over the counter medications without consulting the physician
8. D. MAOI antidepressants when combined with a number of drugs can cause lifethreatening hypertensive crisis. Its imperative that a client checks with his physician and
pharmacist before taking any other medications.
9. Jose who is receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant should avoid
tyramine, a compound found in which of the following foods?
a. Figs and cream cheese
b. Fruits and yellow vegetables

c. Aged cheese and Chianti wine

d. Green leafy vegetables
9. C. Aged cheese and Chianti wine contain high concentrations of tyramine.
10. Erlinda, age 85, with major depression undergoes a sixth electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT) treatment. When assessing the client immediately after ECT, the nurse
expects to find:
a. Permanent short-term memory loss and hypertension
b. Permanent long-term memory loss and hypomania
c. Transitory short-term memory loss and permanent long-term memory loss
d. Transitory short and long term memory loss and confusion
10. D. ECT commonly causes transitory short and long term memory loss and confusion,
especially in geriatric clients. It rarely results in permanent short and
long term memory loss.

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