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Samuel Briones

Mr. King
English 1
November 7, 2016
Gun Control
In the year 2016 gun control is a very controversial topic where there are typically two sides and
only some individuals fall in between the two opinions. This particular problem and topic has become
more popular as time goes on because terrorism and homicide by firearm is becoming more and more
common. The two sides of this argument differ in almost every way, on one hand there is the side that
supports regulating guns and limiting rights while the other side wants to keep their guns and all the rights
that apparently come with it.
One side of the debate is the side that insists on keeping their guns and they pose a lot of good
points and reasons for why they should keep their guns. The first and probably biggest argument is that
you can't take away the second amendment which states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed(Winkler).
What the second amendment really states is that all American citizens have the right to have a gun. People
declare that it would be unconstitutional to take away something that is promised to them from the BIll of
The side that wants to keep their guns also uses another popular argument point. They believe that
the American people require firearms to defend themselves, but like most points This side has The other
side can directly shut them down.

Both sides have their strengths and weaknesses; while the side for the guns can take better
advantage of actual rights, the side against guns can bring up better valid statistics.

The side against guns and for limiting gun rights mainly wants to lower the possibilities of
homicides by firearm happening. They bring up statistics to show that the United States of America needs
to limit gun rights. For instance they commonly state facts about how he lack behind other countries and
how our background checks aren't as detailed. Between 1999 and 2013 there were 9,983 unintentional

Winkler, By Nelson Lund and Adam. "Amendment II Right to Bear Arms." National Constitution Center.
Cornell University, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

"Gun Control -" ProConorg Headlines., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2016

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