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Fariya Wahab

F.M.N.S Magazine
Dear F.M.N.S Editors,
I am truly bothered at the way the Montagues are treated by the Capulets. For
instance, during the night of the Capulet ball, A couple of Montagues arrived and
one by the name of Romeo was treated like some worthless piece of trash by a
Capulet named Tybalt. I believe that every human should be treated equally no
matter what name they have and what family they are from.
This is a very serious situation because the gentleman by the name of Romeo was
supposedly there looking for love and what better place than a party where a
person can mingle and find the one their heart desires. The Capulets do not have
the right to change fate and kick them out. Luckily, Capulet didnt throw them out
but if Tybalt was in charge, he would have defiantly discriminated against them
and kick them out without even a second look which would be a terrible action.
It was also said that a man with the same mask as Romeo was seen kissing the
Capulets daughter. This is the act of teenagers finding who to truly be with and by
the looks of it, Romeo may have already fallen in love with Juliet. Juliet still isnt
engaged to be married and Romeo may be the one for her if the Capulets stopped
fighting with the Montagues.
Another thing is that it looked as if many other people attending the ball also
wanted the Montagues out which is a sign of prejudiced coming from them. Its
not just Tybalt, I know for a fact that the other Capulets have spoken negatively
about the Montagues because of that nonsense feud they have between each
other. This is why Romeo and his men should be treated with the respect they
deserve and it is clear that those individuals were pitted against the Capulets
society of people which is unfair.
Therefore, the party crashers are human beings too and the way they were
talked to that night at the ball by Tybalt is a clear sign of prejudiced. The feud
that has been nonsense from the beginning between those two families should be
stopped and the grudged held between both of the opposing families should be let
go. Holding grudges against people is not good for anyone.
Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen

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