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My name is Camcy Okafor.

My parents are from Nigeria but I was born in

Georgia. I am in the 12th grade. I have been attending Mceachern high school for
the past 3 years, this is my 4th year. I do not many friends. My unique qualities are I
can play basketball also I am tall. I know those talents are not that unique but that
is the only ones I can think of. I expect to get the same grades I did in Mr. Standings
class, in your class. In Mr. Standings class I got an 88 I expect the same from this
class. I feel like i am a pretty strong writer. One of my weakness is spelling, I cannot
spell to save my life. I feel like I am more of a writer than a reader. I just find it
more interesting to write than to read something. If i had to choose, my favorite
book is Percy Jackson and the lighting thief. I just like fictional books more than
realistic. I feel like fiction books allow you to be in a different universe, and lets you
live out your dreams. I really liked Mr. Standing last year he was a good teacher and
also had a good sense of humor. He made everything easy to understand and just
made his class fun. I used to look forward to his class everything. I enjoy playing
basketball, watching basketball pretty much my life revolves around basketball. I
think I am best at best an interpersonal and kinesthetic learner. I feel that I am a
kinesthetic learner because I love physical activities. I do learn best by moving stuff.
I feel that I am also an interpersonal learner, I feel that I have a lot of friends and
work best in a group. I think my weakness is a naturalistic learner. I don't like nature
and stuff like that. I took zoology and I hated it. You can do many things to make
this a wonderful year. Like give us group work. Also not have too many rules, its our
senior year lets just chill.

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