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Brittney Nhem

HUMA 1100
R Kolloch 1B
Humanities Reflection
I had heard about the course as well as what goes on from seniors from the year before. All I
had gathered from that information was that much of it was discussion of societal topics. It definitely
contains a much different environment, compared to any other typical high school class. This class
allows students the chance to talk about certain topics that you wouldnt necessarily be able to talk
about in other classes without it being deemed inappropriate. The environment throughout the entire
semester was incredibly open, where anyone and everyone can voice their opinion and their opinion
would be heard.
I found it to be extremely interesting hearing the thoughts of other students over topics not
normally talked about in school. We seem to be so used to the opinions of an adult who has had many
more years over us to determine where they stand on specific subjects. Theyve had all this time to
form an opinion. With high school students, we are barely becoming adults and have only recently had
our chance to decide what we choose to believe or what side we are on. There was definitely never a
time where I felt like my opinion was being looked down upon or judged because everyone seemed to
share an understanding and saw where each person was coming from.
This course taught me that whatever people do or say, there is always some sort of reasoning
behind it so you shouldnt be quick to judge. It is important to hear them out, as well as see it from their
point of view.

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